The Cause of God and Truth ... |
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Page 334
... ftand in need of the grace of the Spirit , and also are not able to cait out devils without the power of the Spirit . " And a little after , " So likewife David fews , οτι εκ αν άλλως μετεσχωμεν τα πνευμα TQ i nysadnμer , that we could ...
... ftand in need of the grace of the Spirit , and also are not able to cait out devils without the power of the Spirit . " And a little after , " So likewife David fews , οτι εκ αν άλλως μετεσχωμεν τα πνευμα TQ i nysadnμer , that we could ...
Page 365
... ftand in need of the help of the Holy Spirit ; " efpecially the ninth chapter , and the doctrines contained in it . Yea , he fignifies , that all the doctrines of the Gospel are unfearchable by a man's own diligence and industry , for ...
... ftand in need of the help of the Holy Spirit ; " efpecially the ninth chapter , and the doctrines contained in it . Yea , he fignifies , that all the doctrines of the Gospel are unfearchable by a man's own diligence and industry , for ...
Page 366
... be able to fay , he hath set my feet upon a rock . " Yea , 1 Comment . in Hieremiam . Tom . 5. p . 152. D. A Comment . in Eccl . Tom . 7. p . 177. C. he छ he affirms , that the best of men ftand 366 The Caufe of God and Truth .
... be able to fay , he hath set my feet upon a rock . " Yea , 1 Comment . in Hieremiam . Tom . 5. p . 152. D. A Comment . in Eccl . Tom . 7. p . 177. C. he छ he affirms , that the best of men ftand 366 The Caufe of God and Truth .
Page 367
John Gill. छ he affirms , that the best of men ftand in need of the grace of God ; thus , explaining the names of ... ftands in need of the grace of God " And elsewhere he fays , that " though a man be righteous yet whilft he is in ...
John Gill. छ he affirms , that the best of men ftand in need of the grace of God ; thus , explaining the names of ... ftands in need of the grace of God " And elsewhere he fays , that " though a man be righteous yet whilft he is in ...
Page 382
... ftand firmly in faith and knowledge . " Both which , namely , faith and knowledge , he often represents as abiding and durable : Of * Clement . Paedagog . 1. 1. c . 5. p . 95 , 91 . Ib . Stromat . 1. 6. p . 655 . a Ib . 1. 7. P. 749 ...
... ftand firmly in faith and knowledge . " Both which , namely , faith and knowledge , he often represents as abiding and durable : Of * Clement . Paedagog . 1. 1. c . 5. p . 95 , 91 . Ib . Stromat . 1. 6. p . 655 . a Ib . 1. 7. P. 749 ...
Common terms and phrases
Adam afcribes afferts againſt alfo alſo Apolog Apoſtle Arian Arnobius becauſe Befides believe bleffed blood called cauſe chofen Chrift Chrift died Chriftian church cited Contr Cyprian death defire Difcourfe divine divine grace doctrine elect elſewhere epiftle eternal expreffes faid faints faith falvation fame fanctified Father faved feems felf felves fenfe ferves fhall fhews fhould fince firft firſt fome foul fpeaking fpiritual ftand ftrength fuch fufferings glory grace hath Hieron Hift himſelf Holy Spirit Homil Irenaeus Jefus Lactantius Lord mankind Matt Monfieur Daille muſt nature neceffity NUMB obferves Orat paffage Pelag Pelagian Pelagius perfeverance perfons Pfal place he fays predeftination purpoſe reafon redeemed redemption repentance reprefents ſays ſhall ſpeaks teftimonies Tertullian Thef thefe themſelves ther theſe theſe things thofe thoſe words thou tion underſtand underſtood unto uſe Voffius wherefore Whitby writer δε εις εν και το