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Cyclopedic Review


Current History


Helpful Magazine for Busy People


and Non-Sectarian

Portraits and Biographies

Never to be Thrown Aside

"A Historical Observatory"

"Current History" Stands Alone



is a quarterly magazine, now in the third year of its publication. It is the only magazine in its special field and is indispensable to every one who wishes to keep fully informed concerning important events in all parts of the world.

which records in permanent form the history of our own time and the progress which is being made in every line of human interest.

presenting facts clearly and impartially and leaving readers to form their own opinions. All matter is carefully classified, a full table of contents is given in each number and an elaborate index at the end of each year. The bound volumes make an ideal annual.

of eminent people appear in each issue and form a val-
uable and intersesting feature, which gives the magazine
a permanent interest and entitles it to rank as an illus-
trated journal of contemporary biography.

like other journals, interesting, instructive, and useful as
it is to-day, its value increases with age. An unbroken
file is invaluable to refresh the memory concerning any
important event within the period which it covers.
from which a bird's-eye view of all public matters may
be obtained by those who have overlooked them, or
have not had time to read them in the daily papers.
as the only magazine which attempts to cover the histor-
ical field systematically, and to which the reader can
turn with the certainty that no topic of importance has
been omitted or slighted. To the great majority of peo-
ple it is the only means by which they can keep promptly
informed as to the geographical and political changes in
foreign lands and the results of exploration and dis-


in all parts of the United States and Canada to bring this magazine to the attention of teachers, clergymen, lawyers, doctors and the general reader. Liberal commissions. Write at once for terms, and territory in which to canvass.

Annual Subscription, $1.50; Single Copies, 40 cents. A Sample Copy will be sent for 20 Cents on mention of this Magazine. Descriptive Circulars free. Two hundred and twenty-four pages in each number.

GARRETSON, COX & CO., Publishers, Buffalo, N. Y.

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