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singularities, which the more curious collectors of Old English Poetry and Literature may desire

to know.

The first edition has these lines in the Title Page, which do not appear in the subsequent


A hundreth good pointes of good husbandry,
Maintaineth good household with huswifry,
Housekeping and husbandry, if it be good,
Must love one another as cousines in blood;
The wife too must husband as well as the man,
Or farewel thy husbandry, do what thou can.

The original letter from the author, "To the right honourable, and my speciall good Lord and Maister, the Lord Paget," differs so exceedingly in the subsequent editions, that the curious reader will not be displeased at seeing it as it was first printed.

The truth doth teache that tyme must serve
However man doth blase his mynde,

Of thynges most lyke to thryve or sterve,
Much apt to judge is often blynde,
And therefore tyme it doth behoofe
Shall make of trouth a perfect proofe.

Take you, my Lord and Mayster than
Unlesse mischaunce mischaunseth me,
Such homely gift of your own man,
Synce more in Court I may not be;
And let your praise wonne heretofore,
Remayne abrode for evermore.


My serving you thus understande,
And God his helpe, and yours withall,

Dyd cause good lucke to take myne hande,
Erecting one most like to fall.

My serving you, I know it was,

Enforced this to come to passe.


But I was at Cambridge tought,
Of Court ten yeres I made a say;
No musike then was left unsought,
A care I had to serve that way;
My joy gan slake, then made I chaunge
Expulsed myrth for musike straunge.

My musike synce hath been the plough,
Entangled with some care among;
The gayn not great, the payn enough,
Hath made me syng another song.
And if I may my song avowe,
No man I crave to judge but you,

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Time trieth the truth in every thing,
Herewith let men content their mind;
Of workes which best may profit bring,
Most rash to judge, most often blind;



As therefore troth in time shall crave,
So let this booke just favor have.

L. 3. Ed. 1.
Ed. 2.

L. 1. Ed. 1.
Ed. 2.

L. 4. Ed. 1.

Ed. 2.

L. 5. Ed. 1.

Ed. 2.


Such homely gift of your own marr.
Such homelie gift of me your man.


So synce I was at Cambridge tought.
Since being once at Cambridge taught.
A care I had to serve that way.
Such care I had to serve that way.
My joy gan slake them made I chaunge.
When joy gan slake then made I chaunge.
Expulsed myrth, &c.

I. 6. Ed. 1.

Ed. 2.

Expelled myrth, &c.


L. 5, 6. Ed. 1. And if I may my song avowe,


No man I crave to judge but
Ed. 2. Which song if well I may avow,

I crave it judged be by you.

It will hardly be necessary to point out to the reader that the first eighteen lines are an Acrostic, and form the words THOMAS TUSSER MADE ME



Seaven Bookes of the Shades of Homere, Prince of Poets.

Translated according to the Greeke, in Judgement of his best Commentaries, by George Chapman, Gent. &c.

London. Printed by John Windet, and are to be solde at the Sign of the Crosse Keyes, neare Paules Wharffe. 1592.

MY only motive for making mention of this book, so well known to the collectors and readers of old English Poetry, is to observe that the Museum Copy belonged to Ben Jonson, and has his autograph, "Sum Ben Jonsonii" in the Title Page.


OF the Dramatic performances of this writer, I have before given an account in a former volume. He was also the author of the Poetical Tract hereafter described, as well as of a Collection

[blocks in formation]

of Tales or Jests. Both the last are of extra

ordinary rarity. I know of no other copy of the first, but that which belongs to the Musuem. For the means of describing the second, which I shall do hereafter, I am indebted to Mr. George Nicol, who is always prompt and zealous to forward any undertaking which has the benefit of literature, or the gratification of the curious, in view.

The subject of the tract next described, is so popular in itself, and so patriotic in its tendency, that I have, without scruple, subjoined the whole of the introductory part.

On the back of the Title Page are the arms of

There is also this motto: "Semper eadem." Beneath are these lines:

Gallia victa dedit flores, invicta leones,
Anglia jus belli in flore leone suum.
O sic, O semper ferat Elizabetha triumphos,
Inclyta Gallorum flore Leone suo.


A farewell,

Entituled to the famous and fortunate
Generals of our English Forces; Sir Joh
Norris, and Syr Frauncis Drake, Knights,
And all theyr brave and resolute followers.

Is annexed

A Tale of Troy

Ad Lectorem.

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