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fire, but one suitable for its purpose. How often are fires allowed to blaze and waste away when there is nothing to cook, and then suffered to go nearly out, when wood is used to make it draw up. A steady uniform fire may, by attention, be kept up with less fuel than one constantly stirred and going out. Always make the best use of the fire when it is burning; your labour will be lightened by timely forethought. When a family sits round the cottage fire in the evening, why not think about to-morrow's dinner? The same fire will warm you and prepare your food; and this applies especially to soups, broths, and stews. These, in the family of a working man, cannot be overestimated. No fire can burn without a supply of air; if your cinders and coals are closely packed, the fire will neither light easily nor burn freely. The heat of the fire causes a current of air, which mostly passes through the lower part of the fire, and it is for this reason that a fire should always be stirred from the bottom. Remember always (even when you are cooking) to keep your fire-place, and everything about it, clean and tidy; and, while the fire is burning up and the kettle boiling, you can do many little things about the kitchen. Never be idle, and be not ignorant of anything in a great or small matter. If you want a clear fire for the gridiron, place a few cinders at the top and sprinkle the fire with a little salt."

There is in the above a wholesome and useful lesson against waste in one of those things which are most frequently wasted-namely, cinders, or half-burnt fuel. They are useful, nay, necessary, in lighting a fire and in keeping it burning, and they are essential for one of the most delicious and appetising of all modes of cookerybroiling by the aid of the gridiron. In the performance of this culinary operation cinders or home-made coke cannot well be dispensed with, and yet they are wasted and, by the ignorant maiden who wastes them, the mistress who insists on their retention and use is often sneered at as being mean and stingy. Let not this, however, influence any mistress to slacken her efforts to prevent


The teaching, if conveyed by kind words, a little actual showing, and some instruction on the philosophy of the matter, and why and wherefore the thing which she orders should be done, will soon awaken an interest in the ill-trained mind of the maid.

Another fruitful source of waste in most houses is the shameful manner in which crusts of bread, scraps of meat, and vegetables that have been left uneaten, are thrown away. Servants downstairs, for example, will not eat up the surplus bread and butter that may at times be sent down from the nursery; and I have heard of a case in which a cook threw a whole plateful of bread-andbutter on the fire, that the children had not touched, rather than eat it. Wilful waste cannot but produce woeful want; and so, sooner or later, it must in this case, which occurred but very recently. Children should be obliged to finish any piece of bread or bread-and-butter

that they have bitten; but if this has been done, the bitten part can be neatly pared away, and the remainder as well as the broken pixes of bread-which are too frequently removed from the dinner-table-can always be saved and made into a bread-pudding. The writer of this has more than once found half-rounds of bread thrown into an iron bucket, kept beneath the sink for the reception of refuse, and thus immediately lost as food.

There are thousands starving in our streets-literally wasting away and perishing in the midst of plenty-and many of these would rather endure and sink beneath the pangs of hunger than beg. I believe that true charity-I am using this word in its secondary sense, and not in its best and primary meaning as taught us by St. Paul-I believe that true charity, in the sense of giving, consists rather in teaching people how to help themselves than in helping them by gifts of money, which tends rather to keep a poor man a pauper than draw him out of his poverty. If the broken meat thrown aside in the wealthy and well-to-do families of the metropolis and great cities of England were placed daily in some suitable repository, and taken away by a duly organized staff of boys similar in constitution to the shoeblack brigades of London, to cheap dining-houses established in densely-populated districts, the materials for cheap and wholesome meals would be furnished for the mere cost of collecting, for which and for the cost of cooking, fuel, rent, utensils, etc., and wages, the money paid in purchase of the meals would assuredly suffice. What has been done in Paris can be done in London, and it seems that the experiment is well worth trying. The well-fed, well-paid servants in the houses of the wealthy might attempt to resent the loss of what they doubtless look on as their perquisites at present, but this would soon vanish under the steady persistence of their mistresses. It is surprising to see the immense quantities of surplus meat and vegetables sent away from the colleges in Cambridge, where the cook and sometimes the scullion too, has the privilege of disposing of all that is left of the meat and vegetables placed on the tables at the ordinary dinner in hall at four o'clock, the former, in some at least, being provided at the rate of two pounds of uncooked meat per head. Extravagance like this doubtless prevails in many a London dwelling, though not to such an extent, and in many cases the broken victuals are either sold to swell the wages of the cook, to hangers on, who, on the principle of "light come, light go," may waste the greater part, or given to tramps and beggars, who do rid themselves of the unwelcome burden by throwing it over the first hedge they come to, or possibly over Hyde Park palings.

Should the experiment I have suggested be tried, I think it cannot meet with failure; at all events, it will be a laudable attempt to follow and fulfil our Lord's commands in that gathering up of fragments which religion, economy, and common sense alike demand.


RULES AND REGULATIONS. All letters requiring answers in the following month's issue must be forwarded to SYLVIA, CARE of EDITOR, before the fifth of each month.

2. All letters asking questions should be written on one side only of the paper, and a space should be left for each answer.

3. In writing for advice as to the making up and altering of dresses, it is advisable to mention height, complexion, and colour of hair, in order that the best combinations of colour may be given.

4. Photographs sent for this purpose cannot be returned, unless accompanied by a stamped directed envelope.

No charge is made for replies to any question in the Work-room: it is open to all comers, and all are welcome.


ANNIE E. would feel obliged to Sylvia if she would kindly give her a little assistance. want to make up a dress for evening wear, but do not wish to go to a great expense with it. I have a plain dress with coat sleeves, same as pattern enclosed; it has six widths in skirt, two of which are plain; all the others are gored, and slightly trained. The body of dress being very much damaged, I should be glad if you would kindly suggest some plan to make use of skirt without it. I have a black gauze shawl, striped with white, which measures nearly one yard and a half square; also a black'one with satin stripes,same size as one with white stripes. Would either of these be of any use for trimming dress, as Annie E. is now wearing slight mourning, and thinks the dress must be trimmed with something black? Could Sylvia kindly suggest some way to alter it into a pretty dress for indoor wear? [You will find no difficulty in altering your dress nicely thus: Shorten your dress and reduce its width to measure four and a half to five yards round. From your black satin striped shawl cut polonaise, fronts quite long, and jacket back with deep basques. Edge the basques with bias silk, and put the same bias round the polonaise fronts, which form a long tablier. Make new sleeves with the silk saved from the skirt, and finish with fluted flounce of the gauze shawl. Take the remainder of the shawl and cut it into four-inch bias. Hem this, and add to the skirt as far as it will go, making one plain, in slightly gathered flounces, all round, and putting the rest at the back. If your material will allow it, you can head each flounce with silk; but I do not think you will have enough for this. Of the white striped gauze shawl you can make a nice polonaise, to wear over a low black silk dress, which you can manage out of the remainder, as it takes so little, and drape with white flowers or black velvet. You can wear this over the black skirt above described. To trim the white striped edge with white bugle braid (which you can make yourself), and finish with silk fringe or white lace.]

AIQUILLE writes, Will Sylvia kindly oblige by telling her what kind of brush and comb bags are used by gentlemen, and what kind by ladies; if they are always braided, and of what shape? [Brush and comb bags are the same both for ladies and gentlemen. They are made in pique and braided in colour, or of applique

muslin on net, and lined with pink or blue. The shapes vary.]

EVERGREEN Would feel greatly obliged if Sylvia could help her in the following matters. Will she recommend her what to buy for a baby's cloak? It must be of a colour suitable for summer or winter, boy or girl. What does Sylvia think of a dark blue merino or cashmere, and what will be the best trimming for it? Evergreen does not care for braiding, and though she makes all her own and children's things, she is afraid she would not be able to undertake the quilting now so fashionable. [A pretty drab or dovecolour would look best, with quilted silk of the same shade. This you could get done by any machinist cheaply.] Also at what age do children leave off pelisses? [Two years for little boys; girls wear them until they are three or four.] Also, what will be a nice material to make summer pelisses for children under two years? It must be washing stuff as E. lives in what is called the black country. [White piqué is the best material, as it always washes well.] She has only to add that she does not care for much elaborate ornament, provided the materials are good; and hopes Sylvia will be kind enough to answer her questions in an early number, for which she will be very grateful.

LILY would feel much obliged to Sylvia if she would tell her how to make a black cashmere dress, so as to look nice and stylish. She has nine and a half yards. Lily has just gone into mourning for her mother-in-law. Height about five feet. Will Sylvia at the same time tell her what she can trim a black silk velvet mantle with? It is quilted and lined with silk. Lily has been a subscriber for several years, and likes the magazine very much. Will esteem it quite a favour if Sylvia will answer the above questions in the December number. [You do not say if your cashmere is double width or not. Nine and a halı yards single width will only make a plain skirt and polonaise. Trim with folds of crape, relieved by cut jet beads. Replace the silk on your mantle with crape, and add beads to match the toilette.]

LENA would be extremely grateful if Sylvia would help her a little. Lena has ten yards of grey silk rep, and would like it made up into a walking dress; but having so little, and not being able to match it, is puzzled how to do it. What would Sylvia suggest to trim it with, and how? [Ten yards of grey silk rep is not enough material for a walking dress, you must therefore add rep of a darker shade to make up with. Make the corsage of light grey rep, with rounded points in front, and short full postilion basques behind. The tablier of dark rep, very long in front, and curved away to fasten under the postilion basques. Sleeves of dark rep, with light rep parements. Tablier edged with silk fringe of the lighter shade, and corded with light rep. Skirt with one deep flounce, almost plain, at the back alternate flounces of light and dark rep, or the dark flounce continued with a dark rep heading. You will require about three and a half yards of dark rep in addition; but you must cut your material carefully.] Lena has also fourteen yards of dark-blue satin cloth. Will Sylvia kindly tell her how to make it up into a walking-dress? Lena is twenty, tall, and dark-complexioned. [Satin-cloth dress, plain skirt, Duchess polonaise.

Trim with velvet on all the outlines, and edge the velvet with large cut jet beads, about three to the inch.] Also, Lena has a handsome black cloth jacket, open at the throat. Would Sylvia please to tell her what would be nice to wear round the neck? A collarette of any description would be too thick. [Leather collars are very fashionable; fur ties are also worn. Silk ties or foulard neckties, if these are too warm for you.] Will bonnets with strings be worn this winter? [Strings are worn by married ladies now, and in Paris strings are put on the newest models, but they are not likely to be general all at once.]

Loo would be much obliged if Sylvia would kindly reply to the following questions. How can I make up seventeen yards of plaid pattern enclosed, for two girls, age thirteen and fourteen? I intended it for two boys, age six and seven, for Highland costume, but I have never made one, and felt a little afraid to venture, and also fear that the shoes and things I may require to complete the dress would be very expensive. With Sylvia's kind help every month, I make nearly everything for myself and six children, four of which are boys. [You are right not to attempt a Highland costume yourself; the work, if not well finished, is not presentable, and the details are endless. Make your girls' dresses both plain in front to the hips, then kilt-pleating all the way round. Polonaise with short basques at the back, and long front rounded off under the basques. Coat sleeves, with kilt-pleated cuffs. Trim with a crossway bias on all the polonaise outlines, and black fringe on the polonaise fronts, at the edge, and black buttons. If the girls want jet buttons, buy some beads and let them bead them for themselves. They can also prepare all your bias for you after you have cut it out.] I have eight and a half yards of grey cloth to pattern. How can I make it up for myself? It must have a darker shade for trimming. I am tall and dark and always a colour, and not stout. [Your grey material would make a pretty and useful polonaise. You could wear it over black, brown, or a darker grey skirt. You will have plenty to trim it with of the material. Bias bands of two widths would look well, if corded with black.] I have also five and a half yards of homespun. Could I make it up with any other colour like the costume 675 in last month's magazine? I have a kilted skirt of brown silk, quite new, of a darker shade, that I could wear in change with a brown skirt. [Make your homespun up into a tunic polonaise, and wear over the brown kilted skirt. With five and a half yards you can make jacket-backed polo. naise with long fronts. Plainly stitch the outlines with seven or nine rows of machine stitching.] I have a blue silk dress with train skirt-four and a half in width and one and a half in length, and large sash, and high and low bodice. I always feel that I want a darker shade on it to feel quite in the dress. It is not soiled. Would kind Sylvia help me in my difficulties, and tell me if my letter is correct, as it is the first time I have written, though I have taken the magazine for the last twelve years, and value it more each year. [I do not quite understand the inquiry, but if you require to tone down the brightness of the silk, a black net cuirasse and tablier will do this, or a velvet sleeveless jacket, or trimming the skirt with darker blue.


OUR EXCHANGE.-Ladies wishing to effect exchanges through our columns can do so GRATIS, on the following condition :-1. That they give an address, which may be printed. 2. It is not possible for us to undertake to forward letters and enter addresses; but ladies who wish to exchange, and who object to their addresses being published, can advertise an exchange, without address given, on payment of one shilling for thirty-six words, when their names will be entered, and letters forwarded, without further expense.

BESSIE LAWER inquires, if a gentleman were playing the accompaniment of a lady's song, would it be proper for the lady to turn over the music? [The gentleman should, if possible, turn over the music.] What is the correct thing to say when anyone begs your pardon? It is granted, certainly.] Does the Editor consider this writing too much like a school-girl's for one who has left school for some time? [Your writing is very fair, and will improve by practice; we would not advise you to alter the style.]

ALICE would be much obliged if the Editor would tell her of some book explaining simply the various stitches in knitting and crochet. [Madame Goubaud's "Knitting and Netting," price rs., can be had of the publishers of this Magazine.] Also, if the Editor would kindiy explain how to take off the patterns of the large diagrams. [Lay a sheet of fine tissue paper over, and mark the pattern out with pencil.] Alice likes the YOUNG ENGLISHWOMAN very much, and looks forward to it with great pleasure every month. Alice also wants so much to know what kind of cloak is most serviceable for parties and the theatre; it must not be expensive.

CONSTANCE'S compliments to the Editor of the YOUNG ENGLISHWOMAN, and desires to thank him for his kind and very satisfactory answers given in the September magazine to her former-and first-questions. She writes to him now on account of advertisements she saw in the "Daily Telegraph" of Tuesday Nov. 24, about his "Christmas Annual." There are two advertisement, and a "Notice to the Public," of seven lines: rather a confused nofice, I think. At any rate I cannot understand whether there is only one "Annual," or two. Will you kindly explain it in the next number, if possible, and much oblige one of your interested readers. [There is only one "Beeton's Christmas Annual," which is entitled "The Fijiad; or, English Nights Entertainments," and is published by Messrs. Ward, Lock, and Tyler.]

C. H. will feel obliged to the Editor if he will, in the next number, tell her how the gauffering on muslin dresses that are bought ready made is done, to keep it out stiff. [A thread ruzs through the back part of the flutes will keep the gauffers in place.]

IMO would like to exchange the following songs and pieces for a good black fan, or open to offers. Imo is an old subscriber, and admires the YOUNG ENGLISHWOMAN immensely. Songs: Once Again, I Love the Merry Sunshine, Gentle Troubadour (ballad), Oh ! how delightful, Oh, tell me, lovely Bird, I pray, Slumber (by Sims Reeves), Oh, a-day, Alack the day. The following are all pianoforte solos: Pluie d'Etoiles Talexy), La Gazelle (Wollenhaupt), When the Rosy Morn (G. West), Home, Sweet Home (Thalberg), Grande Valse (Tito Mattei), Les Huguenots (Rummel), Chilpéric (Koutski), Echoes from Erin (Trekell), Quadroon Dance (Veley), Silver May Bells (Trekell), Robinson

Crusoe (Betjemann). The above are in excellent order, several are quite new.-Address, Imo, Post Office, Lee Green, Lee, Kent.

B. D. writes, I want to ask your advice about a matter which will, perhaps, be out of place in the YOUNG ENGLISHWOMAN; but which troubles me so much that I must write to you. I am a young girl, and like most young girls, I am afraid I am rather vain; or, at least, I take some interest in my personal appearance. Well, my chief beauty lies in having nice dark eyebrows and long eyelashes; and, alas! these very eyebrows and lashes are dropping off by degrees. I do not rub them hard when washing, but yet in drying my face, several hairs, roots and all, adhere to the towel. I cannot account for this, than that every morning when I awake I find my eyebrows standing on an end, as if rubbed up the wrong way; and yet I take as much care as I can not to rub them against the pillow. Can you tell me what to do? Perhaps there is some other cause, but I do not think there can be, for I am young (17), very healthy.

etc. Then on the eyelashes (at the roots) a sort of white scurf collects, which causes the lashes to fall out. Could you suggest a remedy? If my eyebrows go, I shall be terribly ugly, I'm afraid; so please try and help me. Then there is one more question. Do you think eyelashes and eyebrows, if once pulled out, grow again? I was wondering if, perhaps, it was only in the autumn, at the fall of the leaf, that they fell, in the same way as the hair of the head does; but can scarcely think so. [Bathe the eyebrows and lashes night and morning with tepid water, and apply glycerine and lime-water in the interval.] Is tincture of myrrh in any way injurious to the teeth? [No.]

ROSE will forward on receipt of a stamped envelope and a shillingsworth of stamps, a certain cure for chilblains. She has tried it herself and found it effectual.-Address, Miss Rose, Post Restante, Dingwall, N.B.

ANNIE would be much obliged if any correspondent could tell her the composer and name of two songs. One begins something like this

[blocks in formation]


'Oh, Dennis, dear, come back to me,
I count the hours away from thee;
Return, and never part again

From thy own faithful Kate O'Shane."

JENNIE asks-The beau ideal embroidery, what is the price of it, and what is the smallest quantity you can have? [About 3d. per yard; one dozen yards.] What is the most fashionable colour this winter? Blue.] Can light or dark blue be worn with navy blue? [Yes.]

A. W. N. has two Spanish combs, one quite new, for which she gave 35. 9d., and is willing to exchange them for anything of equal value. -Address, A. W. N., Post Office, Huntingdon.

MRS. MEADEN, 25, Grosvenor Place, Bath, has many numbers of the YOUNG ENGLISHWOMAN to dispose of, very cheap; 1867 to 1870; also parts of 1871 to 1873, and 1874 to June.

A. writes-If it would not be troubling you too much, would you kindly tell me how I

could dye white kid gloves and boots some dark colour, as brown, green, or bronze, having had six weddings in our family, we have several pairs quite useless in their present state, as we are quiet people, balls and parties not being in our line? [Any glove-cleaner will dye your boots and gloves black, or any colour, wished.]

M. S. has the following music to dispose of: Pianoforte duet, Zampa (Diabelli), 1s. Solos-Those Evening Bells (Jules de Sivrai), IS.; Fantasie sur le Prophete (Favarger), IS.; Martha (Sydney Smith), 1s. ; Sound the Loud Timbrel (Osborne), 6d. ; Consolation (Dussek), 6d.; Il Trovatore (Kruger), 6d. ; Malbrook (F. Praeger), 9d.; Bacchanale (Kuhe), Is.; The Derby Day (Basquit), Is. ; Damask Rose Valse (C. Richardson), 9d. Songs-So the Story goes (Molloy), IS.; By the Blue Danube (F. W. Green), 9d.; We'd better Bide a Wee (Claribel), 6d.; The Blind Girl to her Harp (Glover), 6d.; Clouds and Sunshine (Glover), 6d. ; Cora (A. Lee), 6d. Truth in Absence (Harper), Is. ; Was there any Harm in that? (F. W. Davies), 6d. Also Nos. 11 and 21 of Boosey's Household Music. M. S. wants Children's Voices, Maggie's Welcome, Walter's Wooing, and Silver Chimes (all by Claribel), The Bridge (Miss M. Lindsay), and The Wishing Cap (N. T. Wrighton). She would exchange any of the above pieces of music or songs for either of those she requires.-Address M. S., Challock, Ashford, Kent.

E. D. S.-Seeing how easily your correspondents get all they want through you, could you or they kindly give me the whole poem of which the following verses are a part? I have seen extracts, and some years ago picked up a bit of paper, on which are the verses I forward :

"Ah, Richard,' said the gentleman,
You gladly yield the rose
Because I chose to take it; this
A lesson may disclose.

[blocks in formation]

ALMA would be much obliged if the Editor of the YOUNG ENGLISHWOMAN would answer the following questions through the medium of that valuable journal: When Alma is walking with a friend, suppose that friend meets an acquaintance who is unknown to Alma, and stops to speak, should Alma stand also, or should she walk on? Or should Alma have a bowing acquaintance with her companion's friend, what should she do in that case, particularly if both companion and acquaintance are gentlemen ? [In neither case should you leave your friend, who will introduce you, and you will merely bow.]

PERDITA Would feel greatly obliged if you could tell her some simple and becoming way of doing up her hair. She is five feet three inches in height, has red hair, not very long or very thick, oval face, fair skin, bluish-grey eyes, slim figure, [Do your hair in the fashionable Catogan.] Could anyone tell her also if the duet, Love, the Spirit of Beauty, occurs in Fleur de Lys; if so, is it published separately, and by whom?


MARGARET Writes-You answer questions so kindly, that, having been a subscriber many years, I take the liberty of writing to you. Could you give a braiding pattern for cravat and bow? Also, where can I buy the small cooking affair called a 'conjuror," and what price would it be? Do any of your readers possess a good recipe for potted head, and would they give it to me? The Scotch are famous for it. [See Mrs. Beeton's "Household Management." price 7s. 6d.] And lastly, has anyone a sewing-machine in good repair to sell or exchange, and what would be required, price or exchange? [See notice at commencement of Our Drawing-room.] I cannot conclude without warmly thanking you for the valuable information you so constantly give us in the YOUNG ENGLISWOMAN. The hints on dress, etc., are really valuable to ladies living, as I do, in the country.

FANNY THE FAWN asks-Can any one tell me a good way of getting up linen cuffs to make them keep stiff as when they are bought? [Starch them in raw starch, and iron very damp.] I want to know a cure for chilblains. I have been recommended to wear wash-leather socks. Can any correspondent tell me if they are a good remedy, and how they are made? What is the price of cases for binding the YOUNG ENGLISHWOMAN, and when are they ready? [Cases for BEETON'S YOUNG ENGLISHWOMAN can be had of the Publishers, price Is. 6d. each.] I have been delighted with Marjorie's Quest," and hope the next story may be as nice.

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AIGUILLE asks-Who was Barbara Freitchie, mentioned in Marjorie's Quest"? [Can only refer you to the author.] What is meant by the term, Poet Laureate? [This title is given to our first living poet.]

E. T. B. makes corded lace for the fashionable bag-tidies, 5s. ; pretty collarettes, Is. 8d. ; butterflies, 8d.; well-worked tattings, handknitted wool mittens, any colour, 1s. a pair; clear MS. songs, from 6d. each. Douglas, Prise des Alpes, Good Bye, etc. many more. or patterns for stamps.-E. T. B., Post Office, Teignmouth, Devon.


MISS A. MICKLETHWAITE, Hardiflats, Wakefield, offers for exchange one pair of very strong balmoral boots, size 3, price 30s., made by Kerr and Son, of Glasgow (bill can be shown). They are a misfit, and have had from two to three weeks' wear. Wanted, trained longcloth petticoat, or well-worked embroidery edging. Others offers invited. No postcards. Silence a negative.

A. would be so much obliged if the Editor, or any of his correspondents, could kindly tell her how to sugar the American popcorn. She has a popper, and can pop the corn, but cannot succeed in sugaring it.

MARY MURRAY writes-Can any of your lady friends inform me where I can procure a piece of sandal wood, either as an ornament for wearing, or the drawing-room? But I would prefer a simple plain little piece, to put into a desk with paper, or a glove-box, merely for the sake of the odour. What would be considered a fair equivalent or price? Either might be sent by post. I would like an answer very soon. We have taken your magazine since its commencement, I think, and like it exceedingly. We weary for it very much, its simple, pleasant tales, so unlike the excitable writing one generally meets with. We are often benefited by the shapes and ideas for dressmaking, and the fancy work is often very beautiful. Could anyone give me the words of the Beating of My own Heart, also, when convenient? Many thanks for much pleasure and help received.

S. K. is much pleased with the Ladies' Garden Guide in the YOUNG ENGLISHWOMAN. Would the Editor kindly inform her if the

writer of these monthly chapters has published any books, or tell her of a good and simple book on flower gardening. Beeton's Shilling Gardening Book.] S. K. has written to the address given by Heather Bell for fern roots. Letter returned from Dead Letter Office, Edinburgh, "No such place as Eddeston in the delivery."

M. F. LILEY, 17, Lawrence Street, Chelsea, has for exchange or sale the magazine complete, with diagram sheets and cut-out patterns; also, the new edition of Colenso's Arithmetic, and White 75. 6d. Latin English Dictionary. Open to offers.

HELEN GRAHAM.-We cannot well advise you as to the best mode of altering your conservatory. We recommend you to consult an experienced carpenter or builder.

EVERGREEN writes-I should feel greatly obliged if you would insert and answer, as far as you can, the following questions, in an early number: Can you tell me the meaning of the letters, "Op.," which I so often see in connection with sonatas, and other musical compositions? Will you, or any of your subscribers, recommend me a trustworthy and practical book on the diseases of children, with simple remedies? It mus not be too expensive. [Beeton's "Management of Cdren in Health and Sickness," price Is., Ward, Lock. and Tyler.] Also, I should be glad of informatio. respecting a good washing-machine, that will mangle and wring too, and the price? ["The Home Washer," or Bradford's Vowel washingmachine, can be recommended. They vary in

price from four to twelve guineas.] Also, may I suggest that a few patterns of Irish crochet in the magazine would be found acceptable by many subscribers beside myself, such as sprays and edgings? I have only begun to take the magazine this year, but I am greatly pleased with its high-class tone.

JENNIE has taken in this magazine through the past year, and likes it very much. She has noticed that many offer music for exchange. She would be very glad to exchange some, as she has a great quantity of all kinds, and would send a list to any one who wished to exchange theirs. She very much wants My Queen, song, by Blumenthal, and Once Again.

SHAMROCK wishes to dispose of the following pieces, all in good condition, but not new: Les Huguenots, fantasia (Thalberg); Souvenir du Danube (E. Ketterer); Zampa, arranged (E. Ketterer); Adelaide (F. Liszt); Wellenspiel (F. Spindler); Pluie de Corail (Du Grau); Ophelia, mazurka (Ch. W. Smith); Allegro Capriccio (H. F. Kufferath); Romance sans Parole, No. 4 (Ch. Andreoli); Happy Moments (S. A. Pearce); Evening Dew, duet (G. A. Osborne); Nine original pieces by Ascher (No. 9, Boosey's Musical Cabinet). She would exchange these for Sullivan and Molloy's twelve songs, being No. 158 of Boosey's Musical Cabinet; either Mendelssohn's Lieder ohne Worte, Books 3 and 4 (Boosey's Musical Cabinet); or Beethoven's Sonata Pastorale, etc. (Boosey's Musical Cabinet, No. 49); or she would give six of her pieces for either of these three books.- Address, Shamrock, Belle Vue Lodge, St. John's, Hurstpierpoint, Sussex.

E. R. makes very pretty useful babies' bibs in thick ribbed and raised crochet, for is. Ed. each. Address, E. R., Box 44, Post Office, Coventry. No post-cards. E. R. also begs to inform an Inquirer that the Little Pilgrim can be obtained for rd. from any bookseller. too long to give in the Drawing-room.

It is

LOUISE MAY asks-Should plum pudding be tied close, or should it be allowed room to swell? [Tied close.] How should lettuce, radishes, and cress be eaten? with the hand? [Yes.] What should be eaten with a salad? [The salad is handed round mixed; it can be

eaten with cold meat, or with bread only.] And is it suitable for dinner and supper? [Both.] Black or white pepper, which should be put in the cruet stand? [Both.] When a gentleman friend calls on a bride, should she offer him cake and wine? [This custom has nearly gone out.]

MISS O. L., The Canonry, St. Asaph, North Wales, makes babies' boots, socks, crochet and knitted jaquets, as well as crochet antimacassars, and every kind of fancy work.

A. B. C. has an elegant opera jacket, scarlet wool, beautifully embroidered with silk, and trimmed with swansdown and white silk cord, etc.; cost two guineas; never worn on account of mourning; would take 25s. in cash, or exchange to 30s. Also, an 18 carat gold ring, set with two rubies and a diamond, worth four guineas, would take pounds.-Address, care of Mrs. Davies 30, Temple Street, Birmingham.

PUZZLED says-Could you, or any reader of the YOUNG ENGLISHWOMAN, give me any plain directions how to knit stockings? I have bought the "Stocking Knitter's Manual," but find it too difficult for a beginner, as it does not tell you how many needles to use, or how to join a round, so I am quite at a loss how to begin. If you would kindly give me any as sistance, I shall be extremely obliged to you. [For knitting stitches, see Madame Goubaud's Instructions, price 6d.]

IDA G. shes to dispose of a stamp album, containing hundred foreign stamps, maps, and particulars ranging them, value 7s. 6d. I. G. would t to receive orders

for floral crosses, prices ... IS. 6d. tc Some pretty ones for Christmas. Addre Editor.

M. A. writes-I wish to inquire through your columns, if any of your readers can give me the words of a short piece of poetry, about four verses, the last line of each verse ending with

"There is a heart for everyone, if everyone could find it.'

I rather imagine the words are by Charles Swain. I should be particularly obliged to any one who would send them.

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MRS. M. asks-What is the price per vol. of the Clarendon Press Series, and where are they to be bought? Also, is Chaucer and Spenser written in old English or modern? The former is so difficult to read. Another thing I wish to know is the proper title of the Manual mentioned in "Girls" for October, and which is said to have conquered the French nouns. Where can it be got, and the price! [The prices vary. Chaucer is 2s. 6d. ; Faërie Queene, 25.; Hooker, 2s. 6d.; Merchant of Venice, Is; Richard the Second, Is. 6d. ; Macbeth, 1s. 6d.; Hamlet, 25.; Bacon, 4s. 6d.; Milton, 6s. 6d. ; Dryden, 3s. 6d. Chaucer is written in old English, with notes and glossary. The name of the French Manual is How to Speak French," price 5s. Longmans and Co.] LETITIA writes-From your kind answers to all your subscribers, I feel sure you will not think me troublesome if I ask you to help me in a little difficulty. When one gives a dinner party, which is the proper time to hand the champagne? With the entrées] And if the dinner is at four, and the company spend the evening, should supper be served? How should Balzac be pronounced? [Barlzak.] Will the boots with high heels be worn this winter? [Yes] How soon should a visit be paid to a bride after her return from the honeymoon ? [A month from marriage-day.] Is it fashionable to wear white or light kid gloves for balls and parties? [Yes.]

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