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9. A continuance in prison soon robbed them of the little they had left, and famine began to make its horrid appearance. yet still was neither found to murmur; they both looked upon their little boy, who, insensible of their or his own distress, was playing about the room, with inexpressible, yet silent anguish, when a messenger came to inform them, that Ariana was dead, and that her will, in favor of a very distant relation, who was now in another country, might easily be procured and burned, in which case all her large fortune would revert to him, as being the next heir at law.

10. A proposal of so base a nature filled our unhappy couple with horror; they ordered the messenger immediately out of the room, and falling upon each other's neck, indulged an agony of sorrow, for now even all hopes of relief were banished. The messenger who made the proposal, however, was only a spy sent by Ariana to sound the dispositions of a man she loved at once and persecuted.

11. This lady, though warped by wrong passions, was naturally kind, judicious, and friendly. She found that all her attempts to shake the constancy or the integrity of Sabinus, were ineffectual; she had, therefore, begun to reflect, and to wonder how she could so long and so unprovoked injure such uncommon fortitude and affection.

12. She had, from the next room, herself heard the reception given to the messenger, and could not avoid feeling all the force of superior virtue; she, therefore, re-assumed her former goodness of heart; she came into the room with tears in her eyes, and acknowledged the severity of her former treatment. She bestowed the first, care in providing them all the necessary supplies, and acknowledged them as the most deserving heirs of her fortune.

13. From this moment, Sabinus enjoyed an uninterrupted happiness with Olinda, and both were happy in the friendship and assistance of Ariana; who, dying soon after, left them in possession of a large estate, and, in her last moments, confessed that virtue was the only path to true glory,

and that, however innocence may for a time be depressed, a steady perseverance will, m time, lead it to a certain victory.


1. HOL-I-DAY, (that is, holy day,) is, literally, a holy day, or day set apart to sacred uses; hence it came to indicate a day of exemption from ordinary labors or occupation, and thence, also, a day of joy and festivity or amusement It is often written holyday.

2. SIR FRANCIS BACON, Baron of Verulam, was born at London in 1561, and died in 1626. He is celebrated as a great reformer of philosophy, or, rather, of the modes of conducting philosophical inquiries.

3. O-LYM'-PI-AN VICTORS, that is, victors in the Olympic games, which were celebrated every fifth year at Olympia, a sacred spot on the banks of the Alpheus, near Elis in ancient Greece.



1. Since there is a season when the youthful must cease to be young, and the beautiful to excite admiration; to learn how to grow old gracefully is, perhaps, one of the rarest and most valuable arts which can be taught to woman. And, it must be confessed, it is a most severe trial for those women to be called to lay down beauty, who have nothing else to take up. It is for this sober season of life that education should lay up its rich resources. However disregarded they may hitherto have been, they will be wanted now.

2. When admirers fall away, and flatterers become mute, the mind will be compelled to retire into itself; and, if it find no entertainment at home, it will be driven back again upon the world with increased force. Yet, forgetting this, do we not seem to educate our daughters exclusively for the transient period of youth, when it is to maturer life we ought to advért? Do we not educate them for a crowd, forgetting that they are to live at home? for the world, and not for themselves? for show, and not for use? for tíme, and not for etérnity ?

3. Not a few of the evils of the present day arise from a new and perverted application of terms; among these, perhaps, there is not one more abused, misunderstood, or misapplied, than the term accomplishments. This word, in its original meaning, signifies completeness, perfection. But I may safely appeal to the observation of mankind, whether they do not meet with swarms of youthful females, issuing from our boarding-schools, as well as emerging from the more private scenes of domestic education, who are introduced into the world under the broad and universal title of accomplished young ladies, of all of whom it can not very truly and correctly be pronounced, that they illustrate the definition by a completeness which leaves nothing to be added, and a perfection which leaves nothing to be desired.

4. It would be well, if we would reflect, that we have to educate not only rational, but accountable beings; and, remembering this, should we not be solicitous to let our daughters learn of the well-taught, and associate with the wellbred? In training them, should we not carefully cultivate intellect, implant religion, and cherish modésty? Then, whatever is engaging in manners, would be the natural result of whatever is just in sentiment and correct in principle; softness would grow out of humility, and external delicacy would spring from purity of heart. Then the decorums, the proprieties, the elegancies, and even the graces, as far as they are simple, pure, and honest, would follow as an almost inevitable consequence; for to follow in the train of the Christian virtues, and not to take the lead of them, is the proper place which religion assigns to the graces.

5. Whether we have made the best use of the errors of our predecessors, and of our own numberless advantages, and whether the prevailing system be really consistent with sound policy, true taste, or Christian principle, it may be worth cur while to inquire.

6. Would not a stranger be led to imagine, by a view of the reigning mode of female education, that human life consisted of one universal holiday, and that the grand contest between the several competitors was, who should be most eminently qualified to excel and carry off the prize, in the various shows and games which were intended to be exhib ited in it'? and to the exhibitors themselves, would he not be ready to apply Sir Francis Bacon's observation on the Olympian victors, that they were so excellent in these unnecessary things, that their perfection must needs have been acquired by the neglect of whatever was necessary ?

7. It will be prudent to reflect, that in all polished countries an entire devotedness to the fine arts has been one grand source of the corruption of the women; and so justly were these pernicious consequences appreciated by the Greeks, among whom these arts were carried to the highest possible perfection, that they seldom allowed them to be cultivated to a very exquisite degree by women of great purity of character. And, while corruption, brought on by an excessive cultivation of the arts, has contributed its full share to the decline of states, it has always furnished an infallible symptom of their impending fall.

8. The satires of the most penetrating and judicious of the Roman poets, corroborating the testimonies of the most accurate of their historians, abound with invectives against the general depravity of manners introduced by the corrupt habits of female education, so that the modesty of the Roman matron, and the chaste demeanor of her virgin daughters, which, amidst the stern virtues of the state, were as immacu late and pure as the honor of the Roman citizen, fell a sacri fice to the luxurious dissipation brought in by their Asiatio conquest; after which, the females were soon taught a com plete change of character.

9. They were instructed to accommodate their talents of pleasing to the more vitiated tastes of the other sex; and began to study every grace and every art which might captivate the exhausted hearts, and excite the wearied and capricious inclinations, of the men; till, by a rapid and, at length, complete enervation, the Roman character lost its signature, and through a quick succession of slavery, effeminacy, and vice, sunk into that degeneracy of which some of the modern Italian states now serve to furnish a too just specimen.

QUESTION.-1. What is the Rule for the use of the inflection, as marked in the 2d, 4th, and 6th paragraphs? See page 26.




1. "I love to live," said a prattling boy,

As he gayly played with his new-bought toy,
And a merry laugh went echoing forth,
From a bosom filled with joyous mirth.

2. "I love to live," said a stripling bold,-
"I will seek for fame, I will toil for gold;"
And he formed in his pleasure many a plan,
To be carried out when he grew a man.

3. "I love to live," said a lover true,

"O, gentle maid, I would live for you;
I have labored hard in search of fame,-
I have found it but an empty name."

"I love to live," said a happy sire,
As his children neared the wintry fire;
For his heart was cheered to see their joy,
And he almost wished himself a boy.

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