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so as to be called Death, by reason of his throwing so many into Hades, or the future state, by immature deaths. Where we have a very remarkable account of the state of the Roman empire after the decease of the brave Antoninus Philosophus, under the barbarities of Commodus, the shortlived reigns of Pertinax and Didius Julianus, but especially under the bloody Septimus Severus, in his wars against Persennius Nigerius, Albinus, and others, and under his son Caracalla; and afterwards under Macrinus, Heliogabulus, (the reign of the excellent Alexander Severus being but a short breathing to the empire and the Christians) Maximinus, and his son Pupienus, Balbinus and Gordianus, and Philippus and his sonwith whose death, I think, this seal runs out in the year 250. And with the death of these Phillippi, who favored Christianity, the four evangelical living creatures (which our translation renders Beasts, most unaccountably) cease to speak openly.

Gothicus; seeing, after that little interval, their brethren were also to suffer still further under Rome Pagan --viz. under Aurelian, and afterwards (when the short reigns of Tacitus, Probus, Carus, and Carinus should be over) under the cruel persecution raised against them by Dioclesian and Maximianus, elder and younger, together with Severus and Maximinus. So that this seal ends with the conclusion of this last persecution, begun by Dioclesian, and so expires A.D. 306.

The sixth seal (chap. vi. 12-17) gives us an account of God's gracious answer, at length, to the prayer of the slain witnesses, in the destruction of Rome Pagan, after their cup was made full by the last cruel persecution; and this is described as if heaven and earth were come to an end. For so the prophets use to represent the ruin of kingdoms and monarchies, as we see among other places (Jer. iv. 24, Isa. xiii. 10, and xxiv. 21-23, Joel ii. 10.) So that this seal contains the great and terrible wars of Constantine the Great against all those last tyrants, from the

gan emperor Licinius, A.D. 324.

The seventh seal, therefore, represents the short breathing of the church (chap. viii. 1) and peace of the Christians under Constantine, from the year 313, when he first published an edict in their favor; and particularly from the death of Licinius, a.d. 324 to his own decease in the year 337, immediately upon which the scene alters: and then begins

The fifth seal, therefore, discovers the state of the Christian church to be exceedingly languishing and melan-year 306 to the death of the last Pacholy, as if the saints were all slain, praying and crying for vengeance against their persecutors, while they are represented as lying under the altar (chap. vi. 9, 10, 11.) So that this period begins with Decius, the first universal persecutor of Christians (for all the former persecutions under Nero, Domitian, Trajan, and the Antonines, were but provincial ones, and that of Maximinus against the ministers only) who began his reign and persecution together in the year 250, and was seconded in it by Valerian (for the short reigns of Trebonianus, Gallus, and Emilianus, hardly deserve to be taken notice of in this case.) Now the souls of the martyrs are desired to rest patiently until the confused reign of Galienus should run out, and the thirty tyrants that rose in his time should be cut off, together with the short-lived Claudius'

The second septenary of trumpets, which gives us an account of the state of the church, in relation to the gradual growth and increase of her antichristian enemies, though in a way also of judgment upon them—which I represent to you in the following series and order:

The first trumpet (chap. vii. 7) began a little after Constantine's death, in the wars between his eldest and youngest son, or at the death of

the first in battle, and of the last by the usurpation of Magnentius, which was a kind of mixed storm of hail, fire, and blood. The continuance of it was in the persecutions against the orthodox by Constantius and Valens, with the intervention of that against all Christians by Julian, the apostate. And the conclusion of it seems to be the usurpation of Maximus, upon the death of Gratianus, and afterwards the death of Valentinian the Second, and finally the wars and death of Theodosius; so that it began with the year 339, and ended A.D. 395.

The second trumpet (chapter viii. 8, 9) represents a great kingdom, under the emblem of a mountain (see Jer. li. 25), burning with fire (i. e. in a cruel and fierce manner), and thrown into the midst of the body politic, or empire of Rome, represented by the sea (see chap. xviii. 15), by which the third part of it became blood; by which we are, unquestionably, to understand the irruption of the barbarous nations of the Vandals and Goths into the Roman dominions. This began about the death of Theodosius, and made a formidable progress (A.D. 405) in the days of Arcadius and Honorius, by Radagisus, and afterwards Alarieus, who took Rome (A.D. 410); and it was continued during the inroads of Athaulphus the Goth (who pillaged the great city, A.D. 414), and of Gensericus the Vandal, and of Attila the Hun into Italy, and other Roman provinces, which they and others. about that time wasted miserably, to the year 355, and afterwards to the year 476.

The third trumpet (chap. viii. 10,11) doth plainly represent the destruction of the Western empire, by a star falling from the heaven of its glory, as a burning lamp. For after it had struggled with its fatal destiny, under the obscure Cæsars, Avitus Majoranus, Severus, &c. it did at length expire with Augustulus (A.D. 475 or 476.) This star was called Worm

wood, because of the bitter trials this brought upon the empire. For the Ostro-Goths planted themselves in Italy, and reigned as arbitrarily as the emperors had ever done. So that this period began with the kingdom of the Ostro-Goths, A.D. 476, and ended with it, A.d. 553.

The fourth trumpet (chap. viii. 12) brings yet further desolations on Rome, by darkening its splendour and glory, represented by the eclipsing of the sun, for a third part of it, and the moon and stars also in a like manner; by which we are to understand, no doubt, the decay of the imperial power and authority in the West by the Lombards, and the Exarchat afterwards. So that this trumpet lasted from the year 568 to the year 758, when Pepin made the Pope, in a manner, king of Rome (who, in requital of his kindness, gave his son, Charlemange, the empty title of Emperor of Rome, making thus the succeeding western empire an image of the ancient one, Rev. xiii. 14, 15), by which both the power of the Lombards, of the Exarchat, and the Emperors did, as it were, terminate in him; and as the Exarchat ended A.D. 752, so the Lombards were totally expelled Italy a little after-viz. 773.

(To be continued.)



THE greatest changes in nature and society are frequently not only the results of causes remote in themselves, but of instruments, agencies, and events, exceedingly feeble and small compared with the magnitude, importance, and grandeur of the results. The dreams of Joseph, and the exposure of Moses in an ark of

bulrushes, were, in themselves, matters of trivial importance. Yet, constituted as the world is, the destinies of all mankind are more or less directly or indirectly connected with these events. Time, in its mighty career, and eternity, in its grand and awful developments, may yet show that, in the mysterious schemes of Divine Providence and moral government, the whole human race may, in the epocha of time, be much affected by these very trifling and apparently contingent events.

of the world. And so in a single great truth, placed in a proper attitude before the mind, may sometimes be found the cause of momentous changes, not only in a single individual, but in great masses of mankind; indeed, in nations and generations of men.

The question has been often propounded to me-How came you by your present views of the Christian religion? Are they original, or derived? If original, by what process of reason? If derived, from what authority or source? These are questions of but little consequence to any individual. The capital question is, are they well founded?

Had Joseph not been sold a slave into Egypt, the Israelites had never sojourned there; the arts and learning of the Egyptians, together with their idolatry, would not have given character and destiny to the Jewish people. The Exodus and all its miracles had never occurred; human history would never have been what it now is, or what it will hereafter be. If Carthage had conquered Rome, and not Rome Carthage, who could now declare what might have been, or what might yet be, the condition of the world? If the elector of Saxony had not patronised Luther, or if a sale of indulgencies had not roused into action the mighty ener-pretation of what is written in Hegies of his soul, what of Protestantism would there have been in its present forms?

Newton's observation of a falling apple, Franklin's reflections upon a thunder cloud, the Marquis of Worcester's speculations on steam, the conjectures of Columbus on a new continent, &c. &c. have changed the condition of mankind, and given new sciences and new arts to the world.

The beginnings of all things are both small and weak. Yes, the oak is in the acorn, the giant in the embryo, and the destinies of the world in the fortunes of an individual. The character of a nation sometimes takes its color from that of an individual. Hence the ambition of a Cæsar, or a Napoleon, gives laws to nations, dissolves and reorganizes the kingdoms

There are no new discoveries in Christianity. It is as old as the sacred writings of the apostles and evangelists of Jesus Christ. Our whole religion, objectively and doctrinally considered, is found in a book. Nothing discovered by any man that has lived since John wrote the Apocalypse is of any virtue in religion; nay, indeed, is no part or parcel of Christianity. All that can now be pretended or aimed at, by any sane mind, is the proper inter

brew and Greek, and translated into all the modern languages in the civilized world. Whatever in Christianity is new is not true. Whatever is true is contained in the commonly received and acknowledged booksour Old and New Testaments, or covenants. Philology, and not philosophy; history, and not fable; reason, and not imagination; common sense, and not genius, are essential to the perception, and candor and honesty to the reception, of the gospel of Christ and its spiritual privileges and honors.

But how were you led to interpret the scriptures differently, and to teach and practise differently from what you once thought, believed, and prac tised? Well, as these may be useful to others, I will answer the question

by the narration of a few incidents, anecdotes, some of which, never before published, may be of use to others, and lead them to a new mode of thinking and acting, as well as of enjoying the Christian religion.

I will go no further back than my arrival in the United States in 1809, and note a few matters very trivial in appearance, but important in their bearing and results.

The first proof sheet that I ever read was a form of MY FATHER'S DECLARATION AND ADDRESS, in press in Washington, Pennsylvania, on my arrival there in October, 1809. There were in it the following sentences :

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Nothing ought to be received into the faith or worship of the Church, or be made a term of communion amongst Christians, that is not as old as the New Testament. Nor ought any thing to be admitted as of Divine obligation, in the Church constitution and management, but what is expressly enjoined by the authority of our Lord Jesus Christ and his Apostles upon the New Testament Church, either in express terms or by approved precedent.'

These last words, 66 express terms" and "approved precedent" made a deep impression on my mind, then well furnished with the popular doctrines of the Presbyterian church in all its branches. While there was some ambiguity about this "approved precedent," there was none about "express terms." Still a preccdent, I alleged, might be in " express terms," and a good precedent might not be clearly approved or expressly stated by apostles or evangelists with approbation.

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express precept for, or precept of, infant baptism?” "Not one, sir," responded the Doctor. I was startled, and mortified that I could not produce one. He withdrew. Turning round to Mr. Andrew Munroe, the principal bookseller of Jefferson College, Cannonsburgh, Pa. who heard the conversation : "Send me, sir, if you please, forthwith, all the treatises you have in favour of infant baptism." He did so. Disclaiming the Baptists as an ignorant and uneducated population," as my notions were, I never inquired for any of their books or writings. I knew John Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress, and had often read it; but I knew not at that time that he was a Baptist.


All the members of the "Washington Christian Association," whose "Declaration and Address" my father had then written, were not only all Pedo-baptists, but the most leading and influential persons in it were hostile to the Baptist views and practice. So to work I went to maintain my positions in favor of infant baptism. one year on the subject. I was better pleased with Presbyterianism than with any thing else, and desired, if possible, to maintain it. But despite of my prejudices, partialities and prospects, the conviction deepened and strengthened that it was all a grand Papal imposition. I threw away the Pedobaptist volumes with indignation at their assumptions and fallacious reasonings, and fled, with some faint hope of finding something more convincing, to my Greek New Testament. But still worse. I found no resting place there; and entering into conversation with my father on the subject, he admitted there was neither express terms nor express precedent. But, strange to tell, he took the ground that once in the church, and a participant of the Lord's supper, we could not "unchurch or paganize ourselves ;" put off Christ and then make a new profession, and commence again as

I read much during

would a heathen man and a pub- on a former occasion, heard him


preach, but not on that subject, I asked him into what formula of faith he immersed? His answer was, that "the Baptist church required candidates to appear before it, and on a narration of their experience, approved by the church, a time and place were appointed for the baptism."

To this I immediately demurred, saying, that I knew no scriptural

Having the highest esteem for his learning, and the deepest conviction of his picty and devotion to the truth, his authority over me then was paramount and almost irresistible. We went into discussion. He simply conceded, that we ought not to teach nor practice infant baptism without Divine authority; but, on the contrary, preach and administer the apostolic baptism. Still, however, we ought not to un-authority for bringing a candidate christianize ourselves and put on Christ, having not only professed and preached the Christian faith, but also participated in its solemn rites. We discussed this question, and all that family of questions, at sundry interviews, for many months. At length I told him that, with great reluctance, I must dissent from all his reasonings upon that subject and be baptized. Inow how fully and conscientiouly believed that I never had been baptized, and, consequently, I was then, in point of fact, an unbaptized person; and hence could not consistently preach a baptism to others, of which I had never been a subject myself.

for baptism before the church to be examined, judged, and approved by it, as prerequisite to his baptism. To which he simply responded, “It was the Baptist custom." But was it, said I, the apostolic custom ? He did not contend that it was, admitting freely that such was not the case from the beginning. "But," added he, “if I were to depart from our usual custom, they might hold me to account before the Association." "Sir," I replied, "there is but one confession of faith that I can make, and into that alone can I consent to be baptized." "What is that?" said he. "Into the belief that Jesus is the Christ, the confession into which the first converts were immersed. I have set out to follow the apostles of Christ and their master, and I will be baptized only into the primitive Christian faith."

His response was, "I have, then, no more to add; you must please yourself." On leaving me in the morning, he asked me when, where, and by whom I intended to be immersed? As to the place, I preferred to be baptized near home, among After a short silence, he replied, those who were accustomed to attend saying, "I believe you are right, and my preaching; as to the time, just as I will risk the consequences; I will soon as I could procure an accept-get, if possible, one of our Redstone able Baptist minister. The nearest, and, indeed, the only one known to me, was Elder Matthias Luse, living some thirty miles from my residence. I promieed to let my father know the time and place as soon as I obtained the consent of Elder Luse. Immediately I went in quest of an administrator, of one who practised what he preached. I spent the next evening with Elder Luse. During the evening I announced my errand. He heard me with pleasure. Having,

preachers to accompany me. Where do you desire to be baptized?” “In Buffalo creek, on which I live, and on which I am accustomed to preach. My Presbyterian wife," I added, "and, perhaps, some others, will accompany me."

On the day appointed, Elder Henry Spears, from the Monongahela, and Matthias Luse, according to promise, met us at the place appointed. It was on the 12th of June, 1812, a beautiful day; a large and attentive

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