12. EVANS, P.; METRE, W. B. & SINGH, B. Additional fossil localities in the upper 13. FOXWORTHY, F. W.. Dipterocarpaceae of Malay Peninsula, 14. GAMBLE, J. S. 16. GUPTA, K. М. Malayan For. Rec. No. 10. 1932. Critical Remarks on Dipterocarpoxylon 31. RENDLE, B. J. & CLARKE, H. S. 32. REYES, L. J. 33. RODE, K. P. 34. SCHUSTER, J. 35. SEN. J. 36. SEWARD, A. C.. 37. SOLEREDER, H. 38. VREDENBURG, E. of Dryoxylon mohgaænse sp. nov. from Ueber Nicolien und Nicolien ahnliche Fossil Wood of the Dipterocarpoxylon Plant Life through the Ages. 1931. EXPLANATION OF PLATES. [All photomicrographs are from untouched negatives.] PLATE 15. Dipterocarpoxylon garoense, sp. nov., G. S. I. Type No. 16502. FIG. 1. Transverse section showing distribution of vessel, rays and vertical gum ducts. Note the arrangement of gum ducts at the right hand corner (Gd). x 10. FIG. 2. Transverse section showing distribution of small (Sv) and large vessels in comparison with that of gum ducts (Gd.) ×40. FIG. 3. Transverse section showing parenchyma and tracheids round the vessels. Note also the distribution of metatracheal parenchyma cells. ×75. FIG. 4. Transverse section showing a pair of gum ducts surrounded by rows of parenchyma cells. ×35. FIG. 5. Tangential section showing distribution, width and height of rays. Note also the size and shape of the cells forming different types of rays. FIG. 6. Tangential section showing tyloses in the vessels. ×110. PLATE 16. Dipterocarpoxylon garoense, sp. nov., G. S. I. Type No. 16502. FIG. 1. A vessel element showing inter-vessel pits. ×90. > 50. FIG. 2. Radial section showing inter-vessel pits (Ivp) and fungal hyphæ (H.) × 440. FIG. 3. Radial section showing vessel-ray pits (Vrp). Note their distribution and size. × 440. Dryoxylon sp., G. S. I. No. K40/485. FIG. 4. Transverse section showing general structure of the wood. × 10. Note the shape FIG. 6. Transverse section showing distribution and arrangement of wood fibres. ×35. ON SOME FOSSIL FISH-SCALES FROM THE INTER-TRAPPEAN BEDS AT DEOTHAN And Kheri, CENTRAL PROVINCES, BY SUNDER LAL HORA, D.Sc., F.R.S.E., F.N.I., Assistant Superintendent, Zoological Survey of India, Calcutta. (With Plates 17 and 18.)* GEOLOGICAL AGE OF THE INTER-TRAPPEAN BEDS AND SOME OBSERVA TIONS ON THE ECOLOGICAL CONDITIONS OF THAT PERIOD LIST OF REFERENCES EXPLANATION OF PLATES PAGE. 267 269 269 271 274 277 278 281 282 284 292 294 INTRODUCTION. The fossil fish-scales described below were collected by Mr. H. Crookshank, Superintending Geologist, Geological Survey of India, from the Inter-trappean beds about mile to the east of Deothan (22°19′: 77° 35') and about 1 mile to the east of Kheri (22° 22′: 77° 29') in the Central Provinces. In his memoir on the 'Geology of the Northern Slopes of the Satpuras between the Morand and the Sher Rivers' (1936, p. 288), he made a reference to my tentative conclusions regarding the identity of some of the fish scales, but later he collected much more varied material. A brief reference was also made to these scales by Crookshank, Sahni, and the writer at the General Discussion on the 'Age of the Deccan Trap' held at the 24th meeting of the Indian Science Congress at Hyderabad in 1937. In the following account the various types of scales are described and their probable relationships elucidated. Oppor tunity has also been taken to describe some other infra- and inter * Published with the permission of the Director, Zoological Survey of India. |