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order. The Author explains each word in fuch a manner, that the Reader may perceive, at first fight, what is its original meaning, and in what fignification it is employed by the abovementioned interpreters and writers. He points out its different fignifications, the Hebrew and Chaldaic terms, that bear the fame fenfe, and the ufe that the writers of the New Teftament have made of it. All this is accompanied with philological and critical remarks, drawn from profane authors, concordanges, gloffaries, and the beft critics and commentators, ancient and modern, which are adapted to illuftrate each word, and to ascertain its various fignifications, according to the occafions and fubjects on which it is employed.

We fhall infert here a fingle article of this volume (which carries the work to the letter E inclufive), that the Reader may judge of the manner in which the learned Author has executed his extenfive plan.

'Apern, virtus, decus, gloria, honor, laus, decus, gloria, Hab. ii. 2. ἐκάλυψεν ἐρανὲς ἡ άρετη αυτό, operuit caios gloria ejus, i. e. gloriofa potentia ejus, fapientia et bonitas e colo undequaque ita apparent, ac fi illud opertum quafi divinis illis perfectionibus effet. Quod hic pern vocatur, Pf. xix. 1. dicitur δόξα. Apud Hefychium αρετή exponitur θεία δύναμις, divina potentia. Quæ tamen explicatio, fi ad prophetæ 1. c. ibi refpicitur, uti videtur, rem non fatis exhaufit. Zach. vi. 13. καὶ αὐτὸς λήψεται άρετην, et ille affumet gloriam. Idem hic pern notat, quod Pf. viii. 5, et Heb. ii. 7. doa xai Tiμen, gloria et honor. Sic et apud poëtas Græcos aperń gloriam, honorem denotat; Homerus I. v. v. 242.

Ζευς δ' ἀρετὴν ἄνδρεσσιν ὀφέλλει τε μινύθει τε Jupiter autem viris honorem et auget et minuit. Hefiodus "Epy v. 311.

πλυτω δ' ἀρετὴ και κῦδος ὀπηδεῖ

divitias autem honos et gloria comitatur. Confer quæ ex Plutarcho de Audiend. Poet. p. 24, notat Lamb, Bos Obferv. Critic, p. 112, nn laudes. Ef. xlii. 8. T δόξαν με ἑτέρω ὁ δώσω ἐδε τας αρετάς με τοῖς γλυπίοις. Gloriam meam alteri non dabo, neque virtutes meas fculptilibus. El. xlii. 12. δώσασι τῷ Θεῶ δόξαν, τὰς ἀρετας αυτά ἐν τοῖς νήσοις απαγγεί Aso, dabunt Deo gloriam, virtutes ejus in infulis annunciabunt. Εf. xliii. 21. τὸ γενος με τὸ εκλεκτόν, λαὸν μs, όν περιεποιησαμην, Tas άpetas μ8 dinyɛiolxı, genus meum electum, populum meum, quem acquifivi, ut virtutes meas enarret. Quorfum refpexit Petrus, i Ep. ii. 9. ὑμεῖς δε γένος ἐκλεκτὸν—εις περιποιησιν, ὅπως τας αρετάς ἐξαγγείλητε, &c. vos autem efis genus ele&tum,acquifitum, ut virtutes annuncietis ejus, qui ex tenebris, &c. Ef. Ixiii. 7. τον ἔλεον κυρία ἐμνήσθην, τὰς ἀρετάς κυριε ἐν πᾶσιν, οἷς ἡμῖν avTanodido, mifericordia domini recordar et virtutum Domini in


bmnibus, quæ nobis retribuit. Sicuti autem LXX. ver-
tentes per aperas, virtutes, procul dubio intelligunt laudabiles per-
fectiones et proprietates Dei, ita nullus dubito, quin Petrus etiam,
c. eo fenfu vocem acceperit. Imo nullus dubito, quin idem
Apoftolus in verbis 2 Epift. i. 3. TỸ naλésavтes ĥμãs dia do Ens
καὶ ἀρετῆς, per δόξαν καὶ ἀρετῶν, gloriofas et laudibiles perfec
tiones Dei, amorem, mifericordiam, gratiam, veritatem intellex-
erit, et præpofitione dia caufam impulfivam, ut Paulus in verbis
Gal. i. 15, καλέσας δια της χάριτος αυτό, indigitaverit. Efh.
xiv. 10. ανοίξαι στομα ἐθνῶν εἰς αρετάς ματαίων, ut aperiant os
gentium in laudes vanorum. Sap. viii. 7. οι πόνοι ταυτης εισιν
ἀρεταί, labores ejus funt virtutes. Hefychius : Αρετη η των καλών
νομιζόμενων ἐμπειρία. Αρετή, eorum, qua bona habentur exerci
tiam. Lex. Cyrilli MS. Brem. 'Apeτn, πpāķis dyatin. 'Apern,

altio bona.

We doubt not but this fpecimen will give fuch of our Readers, as are competent judges of a work of this kind, a favourable opinion of this excellent Lexicon. Those who have a tafte for Grecian literature, and facred erudition, will applaud the zeal of the learned Profeffor Barkey of the Hague (who appears, by the preface prefixed to this work, to have contributed much to its publication) and the labours of M. Mutzenbecher, paftor of the Lutheran church in the fame place, in whofe poffeffion the manufcript was, and who has taken great and fuccessful pains to render the edition correct. The preface is the work of this learned ecclefiaftic, and does honour to his erudition and critical fagacity. The bookfeller has alfo performed his part in a manner that deferves encouragement. The type is diftinct, and the paper of the best kind.

We had fcarcely finished this extract when we received the fecond volume of this valuable work, which contains 466 pages, and concludes with the word 'Ovia.

II. Memoria fopra il Sel fedativo Naturale della Toscana, &c. i. e. A Memoir concerning the native fedative Salt of Tuscany, and the Borax which is compofed by the Means of that Salt, as difcovered by Mr. HUBERT FRANCOIS HOEFFER, of Cologn, Director of the Elaboratories of the Druggifts to the Grand Duke of Tufcany, Member of the Academy of Sciences at Sienna, and of the Botanical Society at Florence. 8vo. Florence. 1778. We mention this publication rather late; but we could not omit it, now, on that account, as it contains a difcovery in chemistry. Mr. HOEFFER, having procured fome bottles of the mineral water of the marsh of Monterotondo, which is called Cerchiaco, and is fituated in the Lower Sienna, he made with it feveral experiments, the refult of which was, the discovery of a genuine native fedative falt. By adding to this fome marine alkali, he produced a real borax; that is, he obtained from the


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mixture of these two fubftances a faline matter, foluble in water, fufceptible of a cryftallization somewhat like that of alum, and which, by being expofed to a red heat, is transformed into a kind of faline glafs. The importance and utility of this discovery are palpable. M.

III. Umfindliche Nachricht von der Hamburgifchen Handlungs Academie: i. e. A circumftantial Account of the Commercial Academy at Hamburgh. By J. G. Bufch, Profeffor of Mathematics, and Infpector of this Eftablifhment. 12mo. Hamburgh. 1778. We are the rather inclined to announce this small publication, as it may be of use to thofe parents who wish that their fons, before they enter on actual business in counting-houses, fhould acquire the previous knowledge which may afterward prove ufeful and ornamental to them.

We are aware that the best school for business, is business itfelf; but still, in every branch, there are certain elements which must be gained by ftudy, independent of practice. Such, in the cafe of merchants, are languages, a certain degree of historical and geographical knowledge, and a general acquaintance with the theory of commerce. If to this be added, the ufeful application of the years of inactivity to which many young men are exposed before they can come into actual employment, we think we may recommend this establishment as likely to afford confiderable advantage. We muft add, that the interior conftitution of it appears to be judiciously framed.

We refer those who wish to be farther informed concerning this inftitution, to the Circumftantial Account' above mentioned, or to Mr. Ebeling, the director of the Academy. Planta.



For MARCH, 1780.


Art. 10. A Defence of the Act of Parliament lately paffed for the Relief of Roman Catholics: Containing a true State of the Laws now in Force against Popery: In Answer to a Pamphlet, intitled, an Appeal from the Proteftant Affociation to the People of Great Britain, &c." In a Letter to a Friend. By a Proteftant. 8vo. 6d. Johnson. 1780.


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N our Review for January, we delivered our opinion respecting the merits of the pamphlet, to which this letter hath given a more particular reply. We are happy to find our fentiments confirmed by a writer of fuch abilities and candour, as the Author of this letter evidently appears to poffefs. He conducts his argument with fpirit and propriety: while the confiftent Proteftant, and the friend of humanity, appear in every page. We fincerely with that its circulation may be as extenfive as that of the "Appeal." It is, we think, a fovereign antidote to the malignant poifon which the


minifters of Pfeudo-Protestantism have been fo affiduous to scatter abroad, to infect the mind with the most contagious part of that very religion which the Affociation profeffes to oppofe and controul.

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The principal and avowed object of our ingenious letter-writer is, to fhew that the idea of toleration, as exhibited by the Author of "the Appeal," is fo exceedingly defective, as by no means to deferve the name ;-that his objections to the Act for Relief of Roman Catholics, are principally founded on an entire mifapprehenfion of its nature; and therefore-that he and his affociates, in their endeavours to raise a ferment in the nation, and to excite mutual animofities amongst the inhabitants of these kingdoms, fo far from deferving to be confidered as guardians of the constitution, are in fact, whether they know it or not, abettors of perfecution, and enemies of civil and religious freedom.'-This is the object of the prefent liberal and fenfible pamphlet; and we think the Author hath fully accomplished his generous defign.

As a fpecimen of his manner of difcuffing fo important an argument as that in which religious liberty is concerned, and as a justification of the applause we have honestly bestowed on the design and execution of the tract before us, we fhall present our Readers with a paffage or two, extracted from the conclufion.

But it is not merely on account of the confequences to be apprehended from their repeal, that this Author wishes to have all the laws against Popery ftand in full force: he defires it likewife by way of retaliation for the cruelties of the Papifts. The ftatures against Popery, notwithstanding their feverity, he tells us, are mild when compared with the bloody edits now in full force against Proteftants in Popish countries. Whilft Papifts in England are claiming toleration, Proteftants in France are expofed to perfecution by the repeal of the edict of Nantz: and in other Popish countries, Proteftants are by law condemned to death. Aftonishing contrast (adds he) that needs only to be confidered, to evince the impropriety of the late repeal. Now the plain English of this is-that we muft perfecute Roman Catholics, because the Roman Catholics have perfecuted us! Is this the language of a follower of the meek and lowly Jefus?—of HIM, who faid, "Whatfoever ye would that men should do unto you, do ye even fo to them ?"-Of HIM, who taught us to love our enemies, and to do good to those who hate us?—I challenge him to produce any thing in Popery more oppofite and hoftile to the fpirit of that New Teftament which he profeffes to venerate.'

As a private man, however, I believe Popery to be a corrupt religion; and therefore to be oppofed. But How is this to be done? Not by force; but by reafoning: not by penalties, but by perfuafion. If truth is to be maintained by the fword, Why was not Christianity fo propagated at firft? Why did not the Divine Author, inftead of the fword of the Spirit, arm his followers with fwords of teel? He who could command legions of Angels to his affiftance, might furely have established his clergy in spite of all oppofition, throughout the habitable globe. What other reafon can be affigned for his not doing this, but that which he himself has given, and which ought long ago to have put to filence every advocate for church-authority-MY KINGDOM IS NOT OF THIS WORLD.'



Art. 11. Four Letters from the Country Gentleman, on the Subject of the Petitions. 8vo. 6 d. Almon. 1780.

Reprinted from Almon's news-paper, the London Courant; in which we have obferved fome well-written political effays. The Author, who figns himself a Country Gentleman, is a ftrenuous and able advocate for the county petitions.

Art. 12. A Letter to Lord North. With Free Thoughts on Penfions and Places. 4to. 6 d. Gainsborough printed, and fold by Bladon in Paternofter Row, London.

The production of a well meaning, but dim-fighted politician, who may be referred to Mr. Burke's printed fpeech (where he con fiders the partial fcheme of taxing placemen and penfioners) for better information.

Art. 13. Obfervations on an Address to the Freeholders of Middlefex, affembled at Free Mafon's Tavern; delivered to the Chairman, and read to that Affembly, December 20, 1779. With a clear Expofition of the Defign and Plan, therein propofed, of a Republican Congrefs, for new modelling the Constitution. 8vo. 6 d. Bowen.

A political fneer, intended to ridicule and explode a very serious performance. See our account of the Addrefs, in our Catalogue for January, p. 81.

Art. 14. Effay on Modern Martyrs: With a Letter to General Burgoyne. 8vo. 1 s. 6d. T. Payne, &c. 1780.

It has been left, fays the Author, to the ingenuity of modern times, ever bufy in refearches, and fertile in improvement, to difcover a new system of martyrdom; a fyftem into which neither wheels, nor flames, nor axes, are permitted to enter; but in which triumph refults from punishment, and advantage fprings from calamity; by which the infignificant may rife to importance, and the indigent to affluence, by the efficacy of mock misfortunes, and the emolument of lucrative heroifm.'

The Author divides modern martyrdom into three fpecies, all of them political, viz.

1. Those who claim merit from the avowal of deliberate malignity; whofe public virtue is diftinguifhed only by an oppofition to public juftice, and whofe policy confifts in taking advantage of that difpofition in fome minds, that confiders all government as an op. preffion, that feels all fubordination as a mifery.'-Under this head, the Reader will eafily perceive that the Writer means to include fuch martyrs as Mr. Wilkes; against whom, however, the charge of malignity will not be readily admitted, by thofe who are perfonally acquainted with this jovial, witty, pleafant hero of the populace.

The fecond fpecies of martyrdom-confifts in the noble and difinterested act of relinquishing fome prefent advantage, in the fuppofed certain profpect of more exalted power, or more ample profit. Such a fyftem is, indeed, from its nature, confined to the higher order of fufferers, and fuch as may be emphatically ftiled the political, as thofe before defcribed, may be rather termed the penal martyrs. To facrifice the poffeffion of a lucrative employment, wears at the first glance fo ftrong an appearance of fincerity, that we almolt overlook the folly of unsteadiness, and forget the treachery of



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