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Geology of the Ramgarh Hills, Rajmahal. Quart. Journ. Geol. Min. Met. Soc. Ind., IX, 83-113.

A note on 'steatite' at Sarkana, Bijawar, Central India. (Abstract). Proc. Twenty-fourth Ind. Sci. Congr. (Roy. As. Soc. Bengal), 241.

Extent of the Ranikot Sea. Nature, CXXXIX, 414-415.

The Eocene Beds of the Punjab Salt Range. Pal. Ind., N. S., XXIV, Mem. 1, 1-79.

Pollen from Interglacial Beds in the Pang-Gong Valley, and its Climatic Interpretation. Amer. Journ. Sci., 5th Ser., XXXIII, 44-56.

The geology of Vengurla Peta, Bombay Presidency. (Abstract). Proc. Twentyfourth Indian Science Congress, (Roy. As. Soc. Bengal), 231.

La Spedizione Geografica Italiana al Karakoram. (1929). Pp. 568 and Plates. (S. A. Arti Grafiche Bertarelli MilanoRoma), 1936.

On the So-called Coulsonite. Science and Culture, III, 247.

The Indian Glass Industry. Current Science, VI, 127-130, 181-187.

A Permo-Carboniferous Fauna from South-West Persia (Iran). Pal. Ind., N. S., XXII, Mem. 6, 1-59. (1936.)

The Utilisation of Nepheline Syenite Rock as a Partial Substitute for Soda Ash in the Glass Industry of India. Bull. Ind. Industrial Research, No. 7, Pp. 19,


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Radioactivity of the Deccan Traps. Part I, Basalts, Amer. Journ. Sci., XXXIV, 24-29.

(a) The Deccan trap of Janjira State, Bombay Presidency. (Abstract). Proc. Twenty-fourth Ind. Sci. Congr. (Roy. As. Soc. Bengal), 236-237.

(b) The occurrence of calcite near Sankaridrug, Salem district. (Abstract). Proc. Twenty-fourth Ind. Sci. Congr. (Roy. As. Soc. Bengal), 241.

The Preparation of Alumina and Sulphur
Dioxide from Bauxite-Gypsum Mixtures.
Bull. Ind. Industrial Research, No. 6,
Pp. 7.
(a) An Attempt at the Correlation of the
Ancient Schistose Formations of Penin-
sular India, by L. L. Fermor. Mem. Geol.
Surv. Ind. LXX, Pt. 1 (Review), Econ.
Geol., XXXII, 110-113.

(b) An Attempt at the Correlation of the Ancient Schistose Formations of Peninsular India, by L. L. Fermor. Mem. Geol. Surv. Ind., LXX, Pt. 2, No. 1 (Review). Econ. Geol. XXXII, 395-401 ; Geol. Mag., LXXIV, 232-236.

(c) A Microscopical Study of the Bawdwin Ores, Burma. Rec. Geol. Surv. Ind., 72, 333-359.

(d) The Mineral Deposits of Eastern Singhbhum and Surrounding Areas. Mem. Geol. Surv. Ind., LXIX, Pt. 1, 1-279. (e) Polished and Thin Section Technique in the Laboratory of the Geological Survey of India. Rec. Geol. Surv. Ind., 72, 207-226.

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Discussion on Messrs. Evan's and Reid's Paper on "Drilling Mud: its Manufacture and Testing." Trans. Min. Geol. Met. Inst. Ind., XXXIII, 170-189. (a) The Archæan complex of Hazaribagh, Bihar. (Abstract). Proc. Twenty-fourth Ind. Sci. Congr. (Roy. As. Soc. Bengal),

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(a) An important Application of the use of Mud. (a summary of the paper on "Drilling Mud: its Manufacture and Testing" by P. Evans and A. Reid, Trans. Min. Geol. Inst. Ind., XXXII). Tisco. Review, V, 406-407, 418.

(b) The occurrence of Cambrian beds in the Khasor Range, North-West Frontier Province. (Abstract). Proc. Twentyfourth Ind. Sci. Congr. (Roy. As. Soc. Bengal), 232-233.

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The 12th Annual Report for the Session 1935-36. Quart. Journ. Geol. Min. Met. Soc. Ind., VIII, 111-126.

The Occurrence of isolated Calicular Plates of Dinocrinus in the Permocarboniferous of Australia and India and its Stratigraphical Significance. Med. Geol. Inst. Universiteit Van Amsterdam, No. 63, 1-8. Report of the Geological Institute, Presidency College, Calcutta, 1936-37. BhuVidya, I, 32.

The trend of differentiation of the acid magma in southern Bastar State, Central Provinces. (Abstract). Proc. Twentyfourth Ind. Sci. Congr. (Roy. As. Soc. Bengal), 235.

(a) Gravity. Surv. Ind. Geodetic Report, 1936, 44-53.

(b) Subsoil Water Levels. Surv. Ind. Geodetic Report, 1936, 89-92.

Fossil Plants from the Po Series of Spiti (N. W. Himalayas). Rec. Geol. Surv. Ind., 72, 195-206.

Report of the Indian Coal Grading Board, 1936. Pp. 127. (Govt. of India Press, Calcutta), 1937.

Gravity, Geoid and Plumb-Line Deflections in Mountainous Areas. Proc. Ind. Acad. Sci., V, A, 257-268.

Discussion on Dr. Forrester's Paper, "A Study of the Barakar Coals of the Jharia Coalfield," Trans. Min. Geol. Inst. Ind., XXX, 173-233. Trans. Min. Geol. Inst. Ind., XXXI, 195-216.

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