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ation, together with every thing that regards moral order CHA P. and regulations.-The fecond clafs fhould have the care of the cultivation of the foil of the colony, or the raising of productions, it's management, and the difpofal thereof.

176. If fix directors were established for each class, the business being more systematically divided, would be more eafily managed. Each director should be placed at the head of his particular department, and become answerable to the whole court of directors, as the whole court of directors should be responsible to the subscribers and the colonists at every general meeting.

177. By this mode of arranging the business, it will become necessary to have a general meeting, of the whole court, only once a quarter. Each class might meet once a month, and every director, as the head of his particular department, might manage the business in such a manner as may best fuit his convenience.

178. It seems to be the indispensable duty of every director, not to reject any petitions, or propofitions, that may be presented to him, but to lay the same before the meeting of his class, with his own opinion thereon: and all such petitions or propofitions, presented before that class to which they belong, should be included in a report to the next quarterly meeting of a general court of directors, who are to decide upon the fame, and which court should direct that all fuch papers fhould be properly digefted and entered in the general reports, which every year should be laid before the subscribers.

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Promotive with refpect to morals.

Executive with respect

to order.


which regards the cultivation, civilization and order of the people, and their preservation in the colony and it's dependencies. This Clafs may be divided into the two following divifions, and each of these into three departments.


1. For promoting regular marriages in the colony, as the
foundation of all focial order and true religion.
This head depart. includes three kinds of duties.

1. The adjustment of differences between married partners.
2. The promoting and encouraging the marriage of young men.
3. The promoting and encouraging the marriage of young women.




2. For promoting education and inftruction, which is the
fecond object of importance, and without which
no civilization can take place. This department
includes alfo three duties, viz.

1. The preparatory or family educat. of children under 10 years.
2. The education of boys, feparately, above ten years of age.
3. The education of girls, feparately, above ten years of age.

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See $


ES jeq•

3. For promoting ufeful occupations or employments in the colony. This is of effential confequence, next to the two before mentioned, in order that the colony may flourish. The objects for this depart. are,

1. Children.

2. Men.

3. Women.



See § 151.


1. The executive department of the laws, viz.

[blocks in formation]

2. The executive department for the performance of the healing art, as comprehending

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The Medical.

2. The Surgical.

3. The Pharmaceutical.

[blocks in formation]

3. The executive department for the performance of external worship, particularly in the three effential ordi

[blocks in formation]

Promotive with respect to practical



which regards the cultivation of the foil and the preserva-
tion of the colony. This Clafs, like that on the oppofite
fide, may be divided into the two following divifions, and
each of these into three departments.


1. For promoting the production of raw materials in the co-
lony from the three natural kingdoms, viz.

1. Animal,

2. Vegetable,

3. Mineral.

[blocks in formation]

2. For promoting the internal trade and manufactures of the
colony, or the formation and the employment of
the before mentioned raw productions for, the
immediate use of the colony, reducible to

1. Food,

2. Cloathing,

3. Building.

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3. For promoting the commerce of the whole colony, viz.

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Their interior or colonial trade,

2. The trade of exportation,

3. The trade of importation.

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1. The executive department for the defence of the colony

when attacked

[blocks in formation]

2. Public works

3. Public defence


See § 170.

3. The executive department for all those political affairs,
whereby the colony must maintain its connection

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180. That the fubfcribers do agree to fell, or in the most advantageous manner, to difpofe of, all the land which they have purchased, or may purchase in Africa, upon such conditions, and to fuch perfons, as the court of directors fhall approve of, as moral, good and useful colonists, and who fhall chufe to go out to fettle, and to cultivate their purchafed land within a certain limited time*.


* This is nothing more than what took place in the islands of Grenada, Dominica, St. Vincent and Tobago ceded to Great Britain, in 1763. In thofe iflands 174,000 acres of land were fold by commiffioners, authorized by the government, for £620,000 sterling, or £3: 11: 3 per acre, being thirty times the price which the lands at Bulama have coft the fubfcribers: yet the purchafers in the ceded islands were bound, under a heavy penalty, to clear and cultivate, at least one acre in twenty, every year, till one half of the land they held was brought into cultiva tion. (See the evidence of Mr. Campbell and Mr. Greig in Minutes of Evidence before the House of Commons in 1790, p. 166 and 221.)-Cultivation proceeded flowly in Antigua, till the colonial legislature of that island laid a tax of five fhillings per acre, on all manurable lands that should not forthwith be opened and cultivated. The effect was that every man exerted himself to the utmost, or fold fuch land as he could not cultivate; and thus, in a short time, all the manurable lands in the island were bearing canes, cotton or other produce. (See Long's Hiftory of Jamaica, Vol. I. p. 409.)—In short, bad roads, fcarcity of provisions, the obftruction of population, and the detriment of health, and inability or difficulty of defence, are the certain confequences of fuffering purchased lands to lie uncultivated in a colony, especially an infant colony. For an account of the evils Jamaica has laboured under, from this caufe, fee Long, vol. I. p. 283, 405 et feq. 598.-See alfo Douglas's Hiftory of New England, Poftlethwayt's Com. Dictionary, Art. "Colonies" and "Paraguay."-Reafons for establishing the colony of Georgia, p. 15, 29, and Smith's Wealth of Nations, Vol. II. p. 370.

I know not whether I ought to mention that the island of Barbadoes, Antigua and fome others, though they have been rendered incomparably healthier by being cleared, yet, having few or no trees to attract the clouds, have not such plentiful and regular rains as formerly, and fuffer much inconvenience from the want of timber. Certain portions of the ceded islands have, therefore, been referved in wood. Whether this conduct will be imitated or not in Africa, is not for me to determine. If it



181. That the first subscribers may have it in their tion, however, to go themselves to the colony, and to settle as colonists, and then to be subject to the fame conditions and terms as the other fettlers; namely, to oblige themselves to cultivate their purchased land within a certain limited time, at the expiration of which the land remaining uncultivated, whether belonging to fettlers, or to fubscribers who are not settlers, shall be forfeited and difpofed of by the court of directors*.


182. That a colonist, his heirs, or executors may have equal rights, in every refpect, with a £60 subscriber, as soon as he has brought into a cultivated state, within any space of time, not exceeding three years, thirty-fix acres of land; and that of a £60 subscriber, who shall go out to the colony, and like the colonists, cultivate his land, shall enjoy the benefit of a double subscription, or that of two subscribers rights, in proportion to every thirty fix acres of ground cultivated by him.


183. That in confequence of the third propofition, there ought to be a court of directors in the colony, fimilar to

were, I would not hesitate, to pronounce that the woods fhould be facrificed to health; especially as all kinds of provisions and the fmaller produce still thrive very well in the drier islands.-But they are not so proper for fugar-canes.

* To refide in one part of the world, and to cultivate land in another, will never promote a colonial interest, as such cultivation must evidently be by agents or managers, who will not have an interest in the prosperity of the colony, like settled colonists, or those who fuperintend their own business on the spot; and the former cafe, it is more than probable, would, fooner or later, end in tyranny and slave-flogging, to the total diffolution of all colonial order and focial virtue.



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