Melibœus-Hipponax. The Biglow papers, ed. with an intr. &c. by Homer Wilbur

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Page 43 - GUVENER B. is a sensible man; He stays to his home an' looks arter his folks; He draws his furrer ez straight ez he can, An' into nobody's tater-patch pokes; — But John P. Robinson he Sez he wunt vote fer Guvener B. My! aint it terrible? Wut shall we du? We can't never choose him, o...
Page x - An' yit she gin her cheer a jerk Ez though she wished him furder, An' on her apples kep' to work, Parin
Page 45 - In virtue of our clay, this little ball of earth exacts a certain loyalty of us, while, in our capacity as spirits, we are admitted citizens of an invisible and holier fatherland. There is a patriotism of the soul whose claim absolves us from our other and terrene fealty. Our true country is that ideal realm which we represent to ourselves under the names of religion, duty, and the like.
Page 163 - May-day seldom looks Up in the country ez it doos in books ; They 're no more like than hornets'- nests an" hives, Or printed sarmons be to holy lives. I, with my trouses perched on cow-hide boots, Tuggin' my foundered feet out by the roots, Hev seen ye come to fling on April's hearse Your muslin nosegays from the milliner's, Puzzlin...
Page 44 - Parson Wilbur sez he never heerd in his life Thet th' Apostles rigged out in their swaller-tail coats, An" marched round in front of a drum an' a fife, To git some on "em office, an' some on 'em votes; But John P.
Page 31 - So's to lug new slave-states in To abuse ye, an' to scorn ye, An' to plunder ye like sin. Aint it cute to see a Yankee Take sech everlastin...
Page 127 - Whose youth from thee by gripin' need was wrung, Brown foundlin' o' the woods, whose baby-bed Was prowled roun' by the Injun's cracklin' tread, An' who grew'st strong thru shifts an...
Page 43 - He's ben true to one party — an' thet is himself; So John P. Robinson he Sez he shall vote fer Gineral C. Gineral C. he goes in fer the war; He don't...
Page 66 - Uncle Sam I reverence, Partic'larly his pockets. I du believe in any plan O' levyin' the taxes, Ez long ez, like a lumberman, I git jest wut I axes ; I go free-trade thru thick an' thin, Because it kind o' rouses The folks to vote, — an' keeps us in Our quiet custom-houses.
Page 128 - By fits an' starts, in Yankee hearts, Though 't may surprise JB More 'n it would you an' me." Ef l turned mad dogs loose, John, On your front-parlor stairs, Would it jest meet your views, John, To wait an' sue their heirs ? Ole Uncle S.

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