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Chinese Lyrics by Judith Gautier, translated by James Whitall (copyright, 1918, by B. W. Huebsch).

The authors are deeply grateful to the following publishers, authors, magazines, and individual holders of copyright, who graciously gave them the use of the poems and prose selections listed below.

D. Appleton & Company, for the selection from Ariel by André Maurois, the selection from Primitive Hearths in the Pyrenees by Ruth Otis Sawtell and Ida Treat, and the poems of Babette Deutsch and A. G. Prys-Jones.

Bobbs-Merrill Company, for the selection from The Private Life of Helen of Troy by John Erskine.

Cornell Alumni News, Teachers College Budget, and the Journal of Education, for selections from the pamphlet, "What the Colleges Are Doing," published by Ginn & Company.

John Day Company, for a paragraph from Shadows Waiting by Eleanor Carroll Chilton.

John Drinkwater, for his poem "Birthright" from Poems, 19081919, published by Houghton Mifflin Company.

The Forum, for a selection from "The School of Wisdom" by Count Hermann Keyserling.

Jun Fugita, for four of his tankas.

Harcourt, Brace & Company, for two selections from The Common Reader by Virginia Woolf.

Houghton Mifflin Company, for short passages and poems of Longfellow, Whittier and Emerson, and a paragraph from "The American Mind and American Idealism" by Bliss Perry.

Cary F. Jacob, for his poems "The Riveter" and "Autumn Days." Daniel Jones, for selections from Le Maître Phonétique.

Little, Brown & Company, for an extract from Appendix II, "American Speech," in A Glance toward Shakespeare by John Jay Chapman, a selection from Jalna by Mazo de la Roche, and two passages from the essay Voices by Lucy Scarborough Conant.

The Living Age, for the selection from "Djaddesdé" by Melek Hanum, reprinted from Pester Lloyd.

Macmillan Company, for short selections from Browning, Tennyson, Matthew Arnold, Christina Rossetti, Thomas Hardy, Vachel Lindsay, and The Voice and Spiritual Education by Hiram Corson.

Marshall Jones Company and the author, for an extract from The Liberal College by Alexander Meiklejohn.

A. A. Milne, for "The Arrival of Blackman's Warbler," reprinted from Punch.

Edna St. Vincent Millay, for the poems "Tavern" from Renascence

and "The Spring and the Fall" from The Harp Weaver and other Poems published by Harper & Brothers.

John Murray, for the poem "Spring Goeth All in White" and a stanza from "London Snow" by Robert Bridges.

William Allan Neilson, for an extract from one of his reports.

W. W. Norton & Company and the author, for a selection from Influencing Human Behavior by H. A. Overstreet.

Rose Mills Powers and her publishers, the Angel Alley Press, for two poems from Psyche's Lamp.

Charles Scribner's Sons, for the poem "Heredity," by Theta Kenyon, published in Scribner's, and the selections from Stevenson and Art Epochs and their Leaders by Oscar Hagen.

A. D. Sheffield, for several pages from "A Coöperative Technique for Conflict."

May Sinclair, for a selection from The Dark Night, published by the Macmillan Company.

W. R. Sorley, for the poem, "The Song of the Ungirt Runners," by Charles Hamilton Sorley.

Frederick A. Stokes Company, for the poems "A Wave of the Sea" and "White Waves on Water," from Poems by Joseph Mary Plunkett.

Teachers College Record and the author, for selections from an article entitled "Health Exercises for Everyday Use" by Dr. Jesse F. Williams. Elinor Wylie, for the poem "Velvet Shoes" from Nets to Catch the Wind, published by Alfred A. Knopf, Inc.

Yale Alumni Quarterly and Mrs. Woodrow Wilson, for four pages from President Wilson's speech, “The Training of the Intellect."

E. A.

J. D.

V. A. S.

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