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Fourthly, David fleeing from Sauls fury commeth to Abimelech at Nod, I Sam. 21. 1. Who reieves and armes him, for which himself and fourfcore and four perfons that wear a Linnen Ephod were flain by Doeg the Edomite. Chap. 22 verf. 18. And what one that ever waited at the Alter,during the time of the Royal Fathers troubles, and his Son our Soveragine his exile, durfst attest his just rights, and unjuft fufferings; but was either Murthered, Sequeftred, Banished, Imprisoned, or difgraced. bat

Fifthly, David was neer furprifal at Keilah the 1 Sam. 23. Our gratious Soveragine, though those Loyal Citizens were more faithful to him then the Keilits would have been to David very miraculously, efcaped after the defeat at Worcester.

Sixthly, David indeavoring to preserve his life that Saul fo eagarly fought for, betakes himself to a Wood in the Wilderness, of Ziph. 1 Sam. 23.15. Our Soveragine conceales himself in one neer Woolverhampton.

Seventhly, David makes a Cave in En-gedi his Castle. I Sam. 24. 3. His Sacred Majelty ufes a hollow Oak inftead of a Pallace.

Eighthly, David notwithstanding his and his Souldiers civilities to Nabals Servants is by himfelf unkindly denied a small courtefie, and (with a Shall I take my bread, my water, and my flesh that

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I have killed for my fhearers, and give it unto men whom I know not whence they be, I Sam.25.11.) Cleanly difcarded, perhaps the Churl feared Sanls difpleafure; Our Soveragin was by a Politick Cardinal Articled out of France, meerly to gain a peace with an ufurping Rebel.

Ninthly, David in his diftrefs is releived by Abigail. 1 Sam. 25. 16. Our Gratious Soveragine had the happiness to have the Conduct of a Loyal prudent Valiant and fortunate Heroina to continue him fafe a while here and at length to get him away beyond the Seas, and his Enemies (not malice but power.

Tenthly, David 1 Sam, 28.2. Escapes to Achish King of Gath, and there though among a people of a different Religion, yet forfakes not the God of his fathers: Our Soveragin hath expreffed that conftancy to the proteftant Religion, in the profeffion and practice of it, that to ufe his Majefties own words, Neither the unkindness of thofe of the fame faith towards him, nor the civilities and obligations from those of a contrary profession could in the leaft degree ftartle his Majestie,or make him swarve from it.

Eleventhly,Saul, when Gods time of giving deliverance unto his King, and fhewing mercy unto his Anointed, to David, &c. was come, in defpair executes Gods vengeance upon himself, and becomes his own murderer. The late Ufnrper when Gods due time was come for our Soveraign to cbtain his jutt Rights and Interests, returns (tis


to be feared, for according to King James his opinion, Rebels and Traytors, if profpering, feldom or never repent) as Judas did, to his own place.


Twelfthly, Abner difcontented against Ishbofheth deferts him, and goes to David, 2 Sam. 3.8,12. Though no doubt his distaste of the Civil War which he knew would be bitterness in the latter end, ch.2.26. was the main motive that carried on the defign. His renowned Excellency abhorring the wickedness of those that took up Religion to palliate their Rebellion, and withal laying the fad condition of King and People seriously to heart, by Gods providence and affistance found out and profpered in fuch ways as have reftored his Majety to his People, the People to hopes of their priftine happiness.

Thirteenthly, David, 2 Sam.3.15. by executing Baanah and Rechab for murthering their Master Ifbbofbeth, and in hopes of preferment for their villany, prefenting the King with his head, made it appear, that it was not his enemies ruine, but his own Right that he aimed at: Thus our gracious Soveraign, by his late Letters and Decla-ration bath evidenced that it is not his enemies. ruine but reformation,` not confusion but converfion, not lives but hearts, that he defires.

Fourteenthly, David aged thirty years is by all Ifrael made King in Hebron. This present day

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is the Thirtieth year fince the birth of his facred Majefty; the people, as then for David, now u nanimously appearing and joyfully receiving our gracious Soveraign into his Royal City.

Fifteenthly, David aged feventy years dieth, and leaveth Solomon to fucceed: And may the days of his Majefty be lengthned, and his hands ftrenthned against his Adverfaries; May he be beloved, honored, reverenced and obeyed by his Subjects, dreaded by his enemies, and having glorioufly ferved in his generation, may he be gathered to his Fathers in peace,may he leave a Race of Solomons, Afa's, Hezekias, Jofias, (their follies and misfortunes excepted.) Let not any weapon formed against him or his profper: Let his enemies perish like Jabin and Sifera, and those that rife up against him become as Corah, Dathan and Abiram; But upon his head, and the heads of his pofterity, let these Crowns flourish, till the son of David, the Son of Righteousness returns to judgement, and let all Loyal Subjects Say Amen.

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