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It is not material at this Time and Place, to examine very nicely and fcrupulously into these things, but this one may affirm upon a very flight Speculation, that of all forts of Governments, a Democracy or CommonCouncil is certainly the worst, and it is still fo much worse or better in it self, as it is divided into more or fewer Hands; for though Solomon tells us very wifely, and like himself, That in the Multitude of Councellors there is Safety yet this is never true but only in Solomon's Cafe, where there is a King and a wife Man at the Helm, who having heard the Opinions of all Parties, and having a perfect Light into the Affair then lying in confideration before him,is afterwards at liberty, without Appeal, to accept of any, or to reject all these Advices, as he fhall judge most expedient for the common Good; but otherwife, the contrary of this is rather true, that in the Multitude of Councellors there is Confusion, and by how much the more numerous this Multitude is, fo much the greater will the Confufion be, because it is still fo much the nearer approach to Anarchy it felf; where Men being ty'd by no Band of Obligation,and being divided in Humor or Opinion, every Man's private Judg

Judgment is his private Law, his Square and Measure, and his Rule of Action, and every Man is a Governour and a Government diftinctly by himself; the Confequence of which muft needs be very dismal, and the Effects as bloody as Cruelty, Sufpition, Hatred, Avarice, Ambition, and every evil Appetite, and inordinate Defire, as together in a fad and tragical Confederacy can make them.

And if Democracy, or the Rule of many be the worst of Governments, because of the nearness of its Approach to Anarchy, or no Government at all; then is Ariftocracy, or the Government of a few, and those of the better and the nobler Sort, not in it self a defirable fort of Government, but only comparatively better than the other; for in this Case, there being no Sovereign and Supream Will that fhall determine Differences, and put an end to Difagreements in Opinion or Design, it will be impoffible fome time or other, and there is apparent Danger of it every Moment, but that Offences muft come, Divifions, Fewds and Animofities must arise; and these being back'd by the Interest or Dependencies of the Refpe&ive Parties, will infallibly produce that which we call a Civil or Inteftine War.


We may take the Measure of these things from this Confideration, that as the World divided and canton'd into feveral Nations,is go vern'd for the most part by several Supream Heads, fo all these feveral Princes, if we fhould prefume to be fo hardy to ask them feverally the Question, would pretend a Concern, though more immediate, for their own Subjects; yet more or less for the Happiness of Mankind, and for the universal Peace and Quiet of the World; but still they have different Sentiments and Interfering Ambitions, by which it comes to pass, that they have so often mutually recourfe to the Sword, when all other Expedients of Accommodation fail.

Now though every Nation or Empire be governed feparately by a refpective Head, yet if all these Soveraigns could agree together for the Good of the Whole, as well as in particular of their own refpective Dominions, we might fay of the World in general, that its Government was Ariftocratical, and the Jars that happen betwixt independent Princes, purfued into their true Original and Fountain, that is to fay, the interfering Paffions and Designs of Men, may serve experimentally to reprefent to us the manifeft Inconveniences to which that


that Government is naturally obnoxious, in which there is not one Sovereign and Supream Pilot to manage and put an Iffue to Debates from whofe Determination there fhall be no Appeal, and without whofe Confent, either Express or Implicit, there fhall be no political Administration.

The Refult of all which, is, that a Monarchy is the best and most perfect Form of Government, and that the Errors and Failures of a Monarch, though he fhould be guilty in any particular Inftance of Male-Adminiftrati on, either through Ignorance, Inadvertency or Design, yet are much more wholfome and tolerable in a State, than the Miferies that arife from the Feuds and Dilagreements of Equals and Competitors in the Management of Affairs, where the Ambition of a private Intereft, or the Difgrace and Destruction of a Rival, or the Stiffness and Opiniatrity of a Man that difdains to be thought in a Mistake, and will have every thing go his own way, is much more regarded than the Welfare of the Public; and as God ordained Man to be the nobleft Inhabitant of this lower World, the Prince of the Universe, and the Image of himfelf, fo for the fame Reafon, it must needs be moft pleafing and acceptable to him, when




the Conduct of Societies is an Image of his Providence in the Goverment of the World, in which himself is only the Supream, and all other Subfiftences, whether in Heaven or Earth, have an abfolute and unchangeable Depen dance upon him.

Again, as Monarchy is the beft of Governments, fo is an Hereditary Monarchy the best of Monarchies, and that for two Reafons.

First, because an Elective one upon every Vacancy, is so subject to engage Factions, and to embroil different Parties, and dilagreeing Interefts in strong and dangerous Competitions against each other; and though the Election may poffibly be managed without the Decision of a Battle to determine it, yet it leaves a Ferment in a State which does not easily evaporate and purge it felf; but upon every occafion it will be fhewing the Malignity and Virulence of its Nature, it will render the Councels of a Nation fo entangled and perplex'd, and the Execution of thofe Councils fo uncertain, by the latent Treachery of difaffected Parties, and by the mutual Animofities that are every where mingled, and that divide Cities, Towns and Families, and dafh even Confanguinities, Affinities and Friendships, with a barbarous

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