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nity he is like unto God, who is Lord over all, whofe Image he beareth, and by whom he holdeth that Power which he hath over Men.

Now this being fo` clear and undoubted, that Kings and Princes reprefent the Perfon of God, and bear his Image, since they are Earthly, Visible, Corporeal Gods; (for so you find it, Exodus 22. 28. a place parallel to the words of my Text, Thou shalt not Revile the Gods, nor Curfe the Ruler of thy People.) Since they are the Vicegerents of the Almighty Soveraign, Authorised and Commiffionated by him, his Deputies and Lieutenants here in the world, we may easily hence conclude, that his Providence cannot but be more particularly concerned for those, whom he calleth to fuch an High Office, whom he placeth in fuch Dignity and Eminence. He cannot but have a more fpecial regard unto, and a more than ordinary Care over them, because of their peculiar relation to him as his Representatives.

As it is here amongst us in Humane Governments, the Supream Soveraign is highly concerned to uphold and fupport all his inferiour Magiftrates in their feveral Places and Offices, to protect them in the difcharge of their Duty, to keep up their Honour and Reputation, and to provide that all due respect be paid to them: Herefents



all injuries and affronts offered to them, as done to himself, He looks upon all those, who fet and oppose themselves against them, as Enemies to his Imperial Crown and Dignity, and that himself is struck and aimed at by any Violence done to his Officers or Minifters. So it is in the Cafe we now difcourfe of. Supream Governours have the fame relation to God, as fubordinate Magiftrates have to their Soveraign Princes; they are employed and intrufted hy him, and accordingly he expects fubjection to them as to himfelf, that we should honour and ferve them according to that High Divine Character they bear. He therefore always in a more remarkable manner ftands by them, and watches over them, as the chiefeft of his Servants, and nearest to himfelf. He takes what is done against them, as done against himself. Whofcever refifteth the Power, refifteth the Ordinance of God, faith St. Paul. To. oppofe and shake off their Government, to Plot and Confpire against their Life, is to Rebel against God; and when we will not fuffer our Lawful Soveraign, whom the Divine Majefty hath appointed, to Rule over us, wel do by just confequence and fair interpretation endeavour what we can to dethrone God himfelf, and prove Traytors not only against our Natural Lord and King,


but against the Heavenly Monarch himself, by whofe Commiffion he Reigns.

II. Another reafon to perfwade us of the truth of this, that God's Providence is more peculiarly engaged for the fafety and protection of Soveraign Kings and Princes, may be taken from this Confideration; viz. how much the Publick doth depend upon, and is concerned in their welfare and profperity. Thus the People, 2 Sam. 18. 3. told King David, when they would not fuffer him to expofe his own Perfon to hazard in the Battel against Abfalom, Thou art, say they, worth ten thousand of us. Hence was he called the light of Ifrael. Thou shalt go no more out with us to Battel, faid Abishai, 2 Sam. 21. 17. that thou quench not the light of Ifrael. Nay, that wicked King Zedekiah, of whom it is exprefly faid, 2 Kings 24. 19. that he did that which was evil in the fight of the Lord, yet is ftiled by the Prophet Jeremy, Lam. 4. 20. the Breath of our Noftrils. The Fates of whole Kingdoms depend upon them. All that live under their Government are interested in them, and partake with them, and a Villanous Attempt fucceeding against our Soveraign, may ftab an whole Nation to the Heart, and fill all places with Blood and Confufion.

Now God Almighty extendeth his Providence

to the meanest and minuteft things. He cloatheth the grafs of the Field, he provideth for the Raven his food, a Sparrow doth not fall to the ground without his knowledge, by him are all the hairs of our Head numbered; and can we think that this fame Providence is not more particularly employ'd in matters of fuch vast moment, which are of fuch Univerfal Confequence, as the Life and Safety of Kings and Princes?

Ged exercifeth a more fpecial Providence over their Sacred Perfons, on whom under himself the whole Community doth depend. For the fake of the People, whofe Happiness is fo clofely wrapt up in the profperity of their Prince, doth God Almighty guard him from fecret Treachery, defend him from open Affaults, and by various means deliver him from imminent Dangers. Efpecially good and gracious Kings, who are Fathers of their Country, and Nurfing Fathers of the Church, who maintain the true Religion, encourage Vertue, protect Right and Innocence, and resemble the Divine Majefty, not only in Power and Authority, but also in his Attributes of Justice, Mercy and Goodness, they are more tenderly regarded by God. He hideth them under the shadow of his Wings, he keepeth them as the apple of his Eye, he giveth his Angels ftricter Charge over


them, that no evil may approach them. Such Princes being publick Bleffings to the Kingdoms or Nations over which they prefide; in their fafety must confift the greateft part of the Common Welfare. And thus if we confider either Governours themselves, or the People commited to them, we shall see sufficient reason to believe, that Soveraign Kings and Princes are the peculiar Care and Charge of Divine Providence.

Nor have we reafon only to believe this, but the experience of all Ages doth most abundantly confirm it. For furely there is not any one thing, wherein God's Providence hath more remarkably appeared, and interpofed it felf at all times, than in Discovering the fecret Plots, and Defeating the traiterous Designs of wicked Men against the Government they lived under, which hath been often done by fuch ways and means, as have most evidently demonftrated the Finger of God in it, and must be ascribed to him, who only doth wonderful things.

Nor have we perhaps (befides what Divine Revelation affords us) a greater Argument to prove this World to be Governed, and all things in directed by the vigilant Eye and powerful Hand of Almighty God, than the fudden and feasonable Discovery of fuch Damnable Enterprises, con


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