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nesse; when they crie out upon us, yea crie indeed for I have seene the speake it with teeres, that lust and hatred were never so hote, love and charitie were never so colde, that there was never lesse devotion, never more division, that all impietie hath all impuritie, finally that the places that were wont to be samples of all yertue and honor, are now become the sinks of all sin and shame. These phrases (I say) being written and recorded sounded and resounded in so manie bookes and sermons, in Cambridge, in Oxford, in the Court, in the Countrey, at Paules Cross in Paules Church Yard: may I not as a sorie writer among the rest, in a merie matter and a harmelesse maner professing purposely of vaults and pricies sinks und draughts to write, prove according to my poore strength to draw the readers by some pretie draught to sinke into a deepe and necessarie consideration how to amend some of their privie faults.”

This work is frequently alluded to by contemporary writers; as in Shakspeare's Love's Labour Lost, A. 5. S. 2. and the several writers quoted by Mr. Steevens in his note on that passage. It is remarkable, that for writing the first two of these pamphlets Sir John Harrington fell into disgrace with Queen Elizabeth. Mr. Robert Markham writing to him two years after, in 1598, says, "Since your departure from "hence you have been spoke of and withe no

• ill

"ill will, both by the nobles and the Queene. "herself. Your booke is almost forgiven, and "I may say, forgotten, but not for its lacke of

wit, or satyr. Those whome you feared moste $6 are now bosoming themselves in the Queen's 66 grace; and tho' her Highnesse signified dis"pleasure in outwarde sorte, yet she did like. "the marrow of your booke. Your great enemye "Sir James did once mention the Star Chamber; "but your good esteem in better mindes outdid "his endeavours and all is silente again. The "Queene is minded to take you to her favour; "but she swearth that she believes you will make "epigrams, and write MISACMOs again on her, "and all the courte. She hath been heard to 66 say, That merry poet her godson must not

come to Greenwich 'till he hath grown sober, "and leaveth the ladies sportes and frolicks, "She did conceive much disquiet, on being tolde

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you had aimed a shafte at Leicester. I wishe 66 you knew the author of that ill-deed, I would "not be in his best jerkin for a thousand markes." NUGE ANTIQUE, vol. 11. p. 442. See Dodsley's Collection of old Plays, vol. 1x, p. 133.

The second Tract in this curious Volume by the same author, is this:


Wherin by a tripertite method is plainly, openly, and demonstratiuely, declared, explaned, and eliquidated, by pen, plot, and precept, how vsauerie places may be made sweet, noysome places made wholesome, filthie places made cleanly. Published for the common benefite of builders, housekeepers, and house owners. By T. C. Traueller, Aprentice in Poetrie, Practiser in Musicke, Professor of Painting; the mother, daughter, and handmayd of all Muses, artes and sciences.

Inuide quid mordes? pictoribus atq: Poctis
Quidlibet audendi semper fuit æqua potestas.

AT LONDON. Imprinted by Richard Field, dwelling in the Blackfriers."

The author thus whimsically introduces the presumed opinions of various readers on his former publication.

"Some layd to my charge, I was an idle fellow and shewed by my writings I had little to do. Alas, said I, it is too true, and therefore if you know any man that hath an office to spare, you may doe well to preferre me to it; for it were a bad office that I would not chaunge for this I haue taken upon me; and If I had another, I would be content this were deuided among you.

2. Some said I was such a foole to thinke se riously the deuise worthie to be published and


put in practise; as a cōmon benifite, trust me that is true to.

3. Some supposed, that because my writings now lay dead and had not bene thought of this good while, I thought (as Alcibiades cut his dogs Tayle, to make the people talke of his curtall) so I wold send my Muse abroad, masking naked in a net that I might say,

Nunc iterum colito viua per ora cirum.

Of my honor this is not true.

Will you deny it on your oth? No by our Lady, not for a thousand pounds.

4. Some said plainly, because my last work was an other mans inuention, and that some fine phrase-making fellowes, had founde a distinction betweene a versifier and a Poet, I wrote this to shew I could be both when I listed, though I meane to be neither, as Thales Milesius, by making himselfe ritch in one yeare shewde his contempt of ritches. The deuill of the lye that is.

5. Some surmised against me, that because the time is so toying, that wholesome meates cannot, be digested without wanton sauce, and that even at wise mēs tables, fooles have most of the talkc, therefore I came in with a bable to haue my tale heard, I must needs confesse it.

6. Some said that in emulation of outlādish

witts, and to be one of the first English that had given the venter to make the title of his worke


the worst part of it; I was perswaded to write of such an argument, I will neuer denie that while I live.

7. Some affirmed that I had taken this laughing libertie to grace som that haue fauord me, and grate against some that had galled me! guiltie my Lord.

Alasse poore Gentleman (say the standers by) he will be condemned certainly for this that he hath confest already, if he be not saved by his booke: let us heare what he will answere to the rest of the inditement.

8. You did meane some disgrace in the letter afore the booke and in many passages of the Booke itselfe, to Ladies and Gentlewemen. Who I? God damne me if I loue the not, I feare more to be damned for loving them too well.

9. You did thinke to scoffe at some Gētlemen that haue serued in some honorable seruices

though with no great good successe. As I am a Gentlema not guilty: neither do I meane any, but such as will needs be called M. Captains hauing neither carried out with them, nor brought home with them, worth, wealth, or wit.

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10. You did seeke to discredit the honest meaning and laudable endevours of some zealous and honest men that seeke for reformatiō and labor faithfully and fruitfully in the word. To this in all & euerie not guiltie, prouided they rayle not against bishops nor against the Comuniō book.


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