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from her first foundation principles, became very corrupt.

In short, the church of Rome was composed partly of world-loving Christians, and partly of half-converted pagans who brought into the church many of their old pagan rites. It was Constantine who, in A. D. 321, issued the first law ever known commanding men to rest from labor on the day on which the old pagans worshiped the sun Sunday. About this time, sprinkling for baptism began to come into the church, as also did the burning of candles, the worship of images, etc.

The "man of sin" quickly developed, and as foretold by the prophets, continued in power for 1260 years. The books published to-day by the Catholic Church state that the law of God was changed by them. The Sabbath, they tell us, they changed from Saturday to Sunday. Many, many years before, the prophet Daniel foretold that this corrupt church, which was to persecute God's people, would think to change God's law. (Daniel 7: 25.) The history of this church, the history of the Dark Ages, the world knows. If you are looking for the right church, you must eliminate this one; for not only does she not obey the laws of God, but she even declares, as Paul said she would, that she is above God and can change His holy law. Surely here is "the

mystery of iniquity."

From time to time, men arose who were able to see something of how far the church had fallen. According to the light they had, they worked for reform. Many of them died as martyrs. It was not until about four hundred years ago that the reformation made much headway. Little by little, as the hearts and minds. of men long in darkness could comprehend it, God revealed light from His Word. Under Luther, He led the church back to her former belief in justification by faith. Other men followed with light on baptism, the Lord's Supper, holiness, the coming of the Lord, spir

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itual gifts; and now we have come to the last step in reformation Sabbath reform.

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The church has been slowly coming out of Babylon; but she must come entirely out. Christ's return is at hand, and He will have a pure church ready to welcome Him. God's last testing truth is a Sabbath test. Shall we obey God and keep His commandments? or shall we bow to the man-made institution of a fallen church? You want to find the right church? The Bible states three evidences whereby you may know it when you see it.

In Revelation 12: 17, John tells us that the "remnant" will (1) suffer the wrath of the dragon, that old serpent called the devil and Satan (see verse 9); (2) keep all the commandments of God; (3) have the testimony of Jesus, which, Revelation 19: 10 says, is the spirit of prophecy.

What is included in this word "remnant"? Three things, as follows: 1. It implies that this church is the last church. 2. It implies that it is small. When you buy a remnant of cloth, you do not get a big piece. The true church has always been small. 3. It implies that this last church must be the same as the original true church. A remnant is in every way just like the whole original piece.

To sum up all I have written: You may be sure you have found the right church when you find a body of Christians who practice all the principles of the apostolic church; who keep all the commandments of God, because of which the devil makes war upon them; and who have the voice of God, the spirit of prophecy, in their midst.

the Sabbath"

T is not my purpose in this article to enter into a discussion of which day is the Sabbath. There has never been but one Sabbath, and there never will be but one. God forever settled this question when He made man and gave him a day of rest. God never blessed and set apart for a holy use any day but the seventh. "The seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord thy God," says the fourth command of Jehovah. Any other day which man may observe as a Sabbath is only a manmade substitute.

When a man begins to think seriously about being right with God, the law of God, like a great mirror, reveals his sins. Sin, that which stands between the sinner and his God, is, according to John, "the transgression of the law." I John 3:4. But the mirror can stains of sin. Only the blood of But after the gospel has washed mirror again witnesses to a fact

not wash away the Jesus can do that. the sinner clean, the that he is clean.

Now it is just as much sin to break the fourth commandment as it is to break the second or the sixth. Repentance, the first step in returning to God, is sorrow of heart, which leads a man to put out of his life all that is not in harmony with God's will as expressed in His great moral law. Many a man, when he sees this truth clearly, and realizes that he must keep the seventh-day Sabbath or else be living in open sin, begins to doubt, and says, "I will starve if I keep the Sabbath."

Why this question, this doubt? Because at present, in many countries and states, the civil law requires men to cease from work on Sunday, the first day of the week. This condition of affairs is but the fulfillment

of prophecy, and these Sunday laws will become more general and more strict as time draws to a close. So the Sabbath keeper faces this situation: Civil law requires him to refrain from work on Sunday; the law of God requires him to refrain from work on Saturday. This means two days out of each week. Not only so, but it is becoming more and more difficult to obtain work of any nature unless one will work six days a week. Therefore it is not hard to understand why such a question should come into the mind of a man who sees his duty plainly, and why he might think it difficult to obtain a living for his family if he obeys God.

The fact is, this is a live question with many people, as I know from experience. But did God forget Israel in the wilderness? Did He forget Elijah? Did He forget the hungry multitude that followed the Saviour? Your reason is only an excuse, and, like all other excuses for disobedience, will prove your everlasting ruin unless you cast it away.

I gave a series of Bible lectures several years ago in one of our state capitals in the homeland. Among others who stepped out to obey God were a young barber and his wife. He had his shop in one of the large hotels. Now, as a rule, Saturday is the barber's big day. When this young man had fully made up his mind to obey God, some of his friends asked him about his business. "Oh, I will sell out," he said, "and I will do something else." "But suppose you can not sell, what then?" I like his answer: "If I can't sell if God does not send me a buyer - I'll give it away; for wife and I are going to obey God. We henceforth are going to live for eternity."

God always answers a faith like that. In a few days, he sold out his business; and with the money, after giving God His tenth, he bought a small farm on the outskirts of the city. There will always be a way provided to do right when we make up our minds to obey. David

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