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The New Standard Book of Ornament.

MESSRS. J. SABIN & SONS have great pleasure in announcing to the Trade, and to the Art-producing public generally, the appearance in a complete form of a fine work of great practical value, particularly adapted to the requirements of the American Student and Art Workman.




An Historical and Practical Collection, published under the direction of M. A. RACINET, with explanatory text, &c.

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Messrs. J. S. & S. have made special arrangements in regard to the supply of this book for the American Market, and they are enabled to offer it on the lowest and best terms. Knowing that the work must have a large and

constant sale, it is priced at a moderate profit.

This work is most confidently recommended to the trade. The advertisers feel sure that those of their friends who have any facility for the disposal of fine art works, will require frequent duplicates. It is a new work, and they are now offering the first copies which have appeared in this country as a completed book issued with the English Text; they therefore suggest to the trade that it will be found advantageous to order at once to secure purchasers before the book shall become generally supplied. As a work of prime necessity to the inteligent art workman, it must command an extensive sale in this country. Every possessor of the Grammar of Ornament will be anxious to place beside it this latest production of French skill and taste.

The execution of this work exhibits the marvellous perfection which the art of Chromolithography has attained under the skilful superintendence of French editors.

It is needless to make any observations upon the importance or the universality of the Ornamental, -it is practically all but inseparable from the useful. A work therefore exhibiting, arranging, explaining, and reproducing with the minutest care the choicest examples of all ages and periods, selected with reference to their adaptability to the wants of the practical, must form an invaluable acquisition to the American Student or Art producer.




All will readily find in this work selections of eminent value, upon which they may implicitly rely as correct examples of the most beautiful productions of all periods of all countries,


Considerations as to the production of a work of high practical value to the designer and workman of the present day have had the greatest weight. To each plate is joined a page of text descriptive of the Ornament, its epoca, denomination of style, &c.

The whole work is preceded by a valuable history of the rise and progress of Ornament, sketching its various changes, its relation to the progress of civilization, and other matters of collateral information, illustrated and explained by numerous woodcuts.

From its historical and practical value it is a work which no public library should be without, and it is equally desirable to the Fine Art Collector from its additional qualification of beauty and delicacy of execution.

The Subscribers will be glad to receive orders from t e Trade and others at once. J. SABIN & SONS, 84, NASSAU STREET, NEW YORK.

Vol. V.

A Monthly Literary Register and Repository of Notes

and Queries.



Mr. George Cruikshank writes, with reference to an illustration in the Christmas number of London Society, announced as by "George Cruikshank," that it is not his work, but that of a son of Mr. Percy Cruikshank, his nephew. It is curious to find the veteran caricaturist, who was in the infancy of his fame when George III was King, should find himself competing for his own name with his grandnephew.

Dr. John G. Shea has in the press (to be published by subscription only) "A History of the Early French and Spanish Missions within the Limits of the United States." Twenty years since Dr. Shea published a work of this character, and now proposes to issue an enlarged and improved edition, embracing the extensive material afforded by the printed, and especially the manuscript matter, that has become accessible during that period. The work will form two volumes octavo, to match Charlevoix's New 'France. The edition will be limited to 100 copies, and will be supplied to subscribers at $7.50 a set. Subscribers' names will be received by J. Sabin & Sons.

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Piety and business are very pleasantly blended in the following copy of a circular, which it is said has recently been issued by a commercial firm in Bombay: "Gentlemen, we have the pleasure to inform you our respected father departed this life on the inst. His business will be continued by his beloved sons, whose names are stated below. The opium market is quiet, and Malwa 1,500rs. per chest. 0, grave! where is thy sting? O, death! where is thy victory?' We are yours truly."

A recent number of Henry Ward Beecher's paper makes the assertion that the Rev. John Weiss, who is presently to lecture on Shakespeare in this city, was prevented delivering his Shakespearian discourse in Association Hall on account of the "unsoundness of his theology. We hope that this rumor is not true; for the Young Men's Christian Association is too valuable and decent a body to incur deserved ridicule without deep pain being given to thousands of very excellent citizens. But if Mr. Weiss is not to

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be allowed to lecture on Shakespeare because he happens not to have precisely the same religious belief as that of the officers of the society in question, perhaps it would be as well for these gentlemen to attain consistency by subjecting to a rigorous catechism every lecturer whom they permit to speak in their hall. It would be interesting to learn, for instance, what Mrs. Scott-Siddons thinks is the chief end of man, and what are Mr. Yates' views on original sin and justification by faith. Mr. Bellew ought to be required to print his confession of faith on the billboards, and Bret Harte and John Hay should be compelled to explain by what means the Sacraments become effectual means of salvation. Let us have

no loose way of doing this business. If Mr. Pickwick's heartless warming pans and tomato sauce were merely an ingenious symbolism for expressing erotic frenzy, who knows but that Mr. Weiss' lectures on Shakespeare are a dark pretence concealing the theism of a Theodore Parker or the optimism of a Frothingham? If "soundness" of religious doctrine is to be the condition of a lecturer's being permitted to appear upon the stage of Association Hall, let the officers of that association prepare a theological test formula at once. This will simplify matters,

and, while freeing us from the pernicious liberalism of a wicked Weiss, not subject us to the pious vagaries of a Harriet Beecher Stowe or the picturesque paganism of the author of "Little Breeches."Herald.

D. M. Dewey, Rochester, has published "Later Lays and Lyrics," by W. H. C. Hosmer, author of "Legends of the Senecas."

The Boston Gazette says that Mr. Edwin Forrest, a short time before his death, offered Mr. James Parton $5,000 to write his biography.

The Lancet understands that Mr. Tom Taylor has left the Government service, the office he held having been superseded by the new Local Government Board. He entered the public service in 1850 as assistantsecretary to the then Public Health Act Board, at £750 per annum, and, in 1858, was appointed secreretary under the Local Government Act at a salary of £1,000 a year. He now retires at the age of fiftyfive, with a pension of £650 a year.

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