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Thursday. At Dynner.

Two of the masters commens have meat to the value of iiid.

At Supper.

The Manner of Punishment of Of

ences and making of Orders.

There is among them no certaine punishment for offences; but such offences and misdemeanors as are

Two of the masters commens have committed, are punished by the judg meat to the value of iid. ob.

Fryday. At Dinner.

Two of the masters commons have meat to the value of iiid. ob.

Saturday. At Dinner.

Two of the masters commens have meat to the value of iiii d. ob.

At Supper.

Every one of the masters commens and clerks commens have four eggs.

ment of the elders or benchers, who punish the offender, either by payment of money, or by putting him he shall take no meate nor drynke forth of commens; which is, that among the fellowship, untill the elders list to revoke their judgment.

Item, at certain tymes in the yeare, the benchers and utter-baristers do resort together, and there do consult and advise themselves, concerning the causes of their house, and make decrees and orders concerning such things as they think meet to be reformed in the house;

The Stypend of the Officers by the and that they call a parliament.


The stewards wages by the yeare, iiii marks.

The chief butlers wages by the yeare, xxxiiis. iiiid.

The second butlers wages by the yeare, vis. viii d.

The third butlers wages by the yeare, vis. viii d.

The chief cokes wages by the yeare, xls.

The manciple, or students servant, his wages by the xxvis. yeare, viii d. The under cookes wages by the yeare, xxs.

The laundress of the clothes of the house, her wages yearly, vis.viiid.

Also at Christmasse the three butlers have in reward of every gentleman of the house, xiid. and some give them in reward more.

Also at Easter the cookes manciple have in reward of every gentleman xiid, or thereabouts.

The Manner of Divine Services in the Church, and their charges thereanto.

Item, that they have every day three masses said, one after the other; and the first masse doth begin in the mornyng at seaven of the clock, or thereabouts. The festivall days they have mattens and masse solemnly sung; and during the matyns singing, they have three masses said.

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Their chardges towards the salary or mete and drynke of the priests is none; for they are found by my lord of St. John's, and they that are of the fellowship of the house, are charged with nothing to the priests, saving that they have eighteen offering days in the yeare, so that the chardge of each of them is xviiid.

Their Order for Payment of Debts due to the House.

Item, if any of the fellowship be

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They now have no library, so that they cannot attaine to the knowledge of divers learnings, but to their great chardges, by the buying of such bookes as they lust to study. They had a simple library, in which were not many bookes besides the Jaw, and that library, by meanes that it stood allways open, and that

the learners had not each of them a key unto it, it was atte the last

robbed of all the bookes in it. Their usage in time of Pestilence. If it happened that the plague of

The Fashion of their House in the pestilence be any thing nigh their


In the night time they have not their gates shut, so that every man may go in and out through the house all seasons of the night, which

is occasion that their chambers are often times robbed, and many other misdemeanors used.

house, then every man goeth home into his country, which is a great loss of learning; for if they had some house nigh London to resort

to, they might as well exercise their learning as in the temple un. till the plague were ceased.



Of the Muscles, with their Tendons, being the Instruments by which Animal Motion is performed.From Paley's Natural Theology.

It will be our business to point out instances in which, and properties with respect to which, the disposition of these muscles is as strictly mechanical, as that of the wires and strings of a puppet.

1. We may observe, what I believe is universal, an exact relation between the joint, and the muscles which move it. Whatever motion the joint, by its mechanical construction, is capable of performing, that motion, the annexed muscles, by their position, are capable of producing. For example; if there be, as at the knee and elbow, a hinge joint capable of motion only in the same plane, the leaders, as they are called, i. e. the muscular tendons, are placed in directions parallel to the bone, so as by the contraction or relaxation of the muscles to which they belong, to produce that motion and no other. If these joints were capable of a freer motion, there are no muscles to produce it. Whereas, at the shoulders and hip, where the ball and socket-joint allows, by its construction, of a rotary or sweeping motion, tendons are placed in such a position, and pull in such a direc.

tion, as to produce the motion of which the joint admits. For instance, the sartorius, or taylor's muscle, rising from the spine, running diagonally across the thigh, and taking hold of the main bone of the leg a little below the knee, enables us, by its contraction, to throw one leg and thigh over the other; giving effect, at the same time, to the ball and socket-joint at the hip, and the hinge joint at the knee. There is, as we have seen, a specific mechanism in the bones for the rotatory motions of the head and hands; there is also, in the oblique direc tion of the muscles belonging to them, a specific provision for the putting of this mechanism of the bones into action. And mark the consent of uses. The oblique muscles would have been inefficient without the articulation: the articulation would have been lost, without the oblique muscles. It may be proper, however, to observe with respect to the head, although I think it does not vary the case, that its oblique motions and inclinations are often motions in a diagonal, produced by the joint action of muscles lying in straight directions. But whether the pull be single or combined, the articulation is always such, as to be capable of obeying the action of the muscles. The ob

lique muscles attached to the head are likewise so disposed, as to be capable of steadying the globe, as well as of moving it. The head of a new born infant is often obliged to be filletted up. Afterwards the head drops, and rolls in every direction. So that it is by the equilibre of the muscles, by the aid of a considerable and equipollent muscular force in constant exertion, that the head maintains its erect posture. The muscles here supply what would otherwise be great defect in the articulation; for the joint in the neck, although admirably adapted to the motion of the head, is insufficient for its support. It is not only by the means of a most curious structure of the bones that a man turns his head, but by virtue of an adjusted muscular power, that he even holds it up.

As another example of what we are illustrating, viz. conformity of use between the bones and the muscles, it has been observed of the different vertebræ, that their processes are exactly proportioned to the quantity of motion which the other bones allow of, and which the respective muscles are capable of producing.

2. A muscle acts only by contraction. Its force is exerted in no other way. When the exertion ceases, it relaxes itself; that is, it returns by relaxation to its former state, but without energy. This is the nature of the muscular fibre; and being so, it is evident that the reciprocal energetic motion of the limbs, by which we mean motion with force in opposite directions, can only be produced by the instrumentality of opposite or antagonist muscles; of flexors and extensors answering to each other. For in

stance, the biceps and brachiœus internus muscles placed in the front part of the upper arm, by their contraction bend the elbow; and with such degree of force, as the case requires, or the strength admits of. The relaxation of the muscles after the effort, would merely let the fore-arm drop down. For the back stroke, therefore, and that the arm may not only bend at the elbow, but also extend and straight itself with force, other muscles, the longus and brevis brachiœus externus, and the anconcæus placed on the hinder part of the arm, by their contractile twitch, fetch back the fore-arm into a straight line with the cubit, with no less force than that with which it was bent out of it. The same thing obtains in all the limbs, and in every moveable part of the body. A finger is not bent and straightened without the contraction of two muscles taking place. It is evident, therefore, that the animal functions require that particular disposition of the muscles which we describe by the name of antagonist muscles; and_they are accordingly so disposed. Every muscle is provided with an adversary. They act like two sawyers in a pit, by an opposite pull; and nothing surely can more strongly indicate design and attention to an end than their being thus stationed; than this collocation. The nature of the muscular fibre being what it is, the purposes of the animal could be answered by no other. And not only the capacity for motion, but the aspect and symmetry of the body, is preserved by the muscles being marshalled according to this order, e. g. the month is held in the middle of the face, and its angles kept in a state of exact correspondency,


by two muscles drawing against, and balancing each other. In a hemiplegia, when the muscle on one side is weakened, the muscle on the other side draws the mouth awry.

3. Another property of the muscles, which could only be the result of care, is their being almost universally so disposed as not to obstruct or interfere with one another's action. I know but one instance in which this impediment is perceived: we cannot casily swallow whilst we gape. This, I understand, is owing to the muscles employed in the act of deglutition, being so implicated with the muscles of the lower jaw, that, whilst these last are contracted, the former cannot act with freedom. The obstruction is, in this instance, attended with little inconveniency; but it shews what the effect is where it does exist, and what loss of faculty there would be, if it were more frequent. Now when we reflect upon the number of muscles, not fewer than four hundred and forty-six in the human body, known and named,* how contiguous they lie to each other, in layers, as it were, over one another, crossing one another, sometimes embedded in one another, sometimes perforating one another, an arrange. ment, which leaves, to each its liberty and its full play, must necessarily require meditation and coun


4. The following is oftentimes the case with the muscles. Their action is wanted where their situation would be inconvenient. In which case the body of the muscle is placed in some commodious position at a distance, and made to communicate with the point of ac


tion, by slender strings or wires. If the muscles, which move the fingers, had been placed in the palm or back of the hand, they would have swelled that part to an awkward and clumsy thickness. The beauty, the proportions of the part, would have been destroyed. They are therefore disposed in the arm, and even up to the elbow; and act by long tendons, strapped down at the wrist, and passing under the ligament to the fingers, and to the joints of the fingers, which they are seve rally to move. In like manner, the muscles which move the toes, and many of the joints of the foot, how gracefully are they disposed in the calf of the leg instead of forming an unwieldy tumefaction in the foot itself? The observation may be repeated of the muscle which draws the nictitating membrane over the eye. Its office is in the front of the eye, but its body is lodged in the back part of the globe, where it is safe, and where it incumbers nothing.

5. The great mechanical variety in the figure of the muscles may be thus stated. It appears to be a fixed law, that the contraction of a muscle shall be towards its centre. Therefore the subject for mechanism on each occasion is, so to modify the figure, and adjust the position of the muscle, as to produce the motion required, agreeable with this law. This can only be done by giving to different muscles a diversity of configuration, suited to their several offices, and to their situation with respect to the work which they have to perform. On which account we find them under a multiplicity of forms and attitudes; some

* Keill's Anat. p. 295, ed. 3d.

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