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to the steward, in writing under his hand, a true note of all provender spente, and of all pettie provisions belonging to the stable, as shooing, mending of saddles, and suche like; which bills the steward shall see satisfied, and make entrie of them into his booke of household, and in the title of stable charges.

The Clerke of the Kitchen, his Office.

Firste, that hee keepe a perfect booke of all manner of provisions, made or to be made for the use of their honnors' house, from tyme to tyme, as well suche as shal bee brought in of my lord's store and of presents, as also of other that shal bee brought and provided, ether in grosse or particular; and shall see to the keeping of the skoares and tallis of suche as shal bee received or delyvered out to or for the use of their honnors' house.


Item, that hee appointe the dyett for their honnors, and for all other in the house dailye, according to a proportion from tyme to tyme to bee consulted and agreed uppon, with his lordship's steward and controller; and that hee have due consider. ation herein, according to the season of the yecre, and as may beste bee provyded in that country or place wheare their honnors shall abide.

Item, that hee bee careful in the yssuing and expence of such provision and accates as shalbe brought in, and to keepe his booke perfect for the same, wheareby maie appeare the cause of the expending of the ordinarie charge;, which booke being caste upp, hee shall exhibite once weckelie to the steward or comptroller, to be examined and subscrib. ed by one of them.

Item, that hee suffer no ordinarie

breakfasts to be allowed by the cookes, but upon occasion to strangers, for the better enterteynement of them and their servants, or els upon his owne discreation, or by his leave.

Item, that hee have a vigillant eye to the cooke, to see to the well and orderlie dressyng and usinge of suche victualls, spice, and fruite, as shalbe committed to their charge, and for the well husbandringe of the same, as apperteyneth.

Item, that he bende his speciall care to see that the yeomen of the larrder, or suche as shall have the charge thereof, doo keepe the same, and the provisions committed to him, cleanlie and sweete; whearcin yf he faile in his dutie, then to enforme the steward of his defaulte.

Item, that hee doo everie weeke call to the pantler, butler, baker, and brewer, to yeelde their reckonings; what grane hath been receav ed, and what bread, flower, beare, or ale, hath been delivered oute againe and expended; and that hee incerte the same into his owne booke, to be exhibited to the steward or comptroller at the ende of every weeke as aforesaide.

Item, that he suffer no servant of the house, nor any other persons, to come into the kitchin, or to have any recourse into the same (except it be uppon speciall cause), but to keepe the same close and privat, to the ende he himselfe and the cookes may performe their service, and doe their duties, with quietnes, and not be disturbed in the same.

Item, that the clarke do take speciall regard to the expence of wood and cole in the kytchen, not suffering any more to be spent but as much as necessarilie may serve the turne, without waste. 3K2


Item, that he doe dilligently take heed to the skullerye-man, that hee doe skower and keepe his pewter vessels verie clean and unbruised; and that daylie after dynner and súpper he doe cause the said skullerye-man to make searche for suche peeces of pewter as shalbe lacking, and to bring them into the skullerie againe for his discharge.

Item, that he shall call to the butler, pantler, cellerer, and other officers, for a true account of suche things as are expended in their offices, ether daylye or weekelie, as he shall think fitt.

Item, that he shall deliver to the cookes or others, no spices or su ger, but according to the allowance of the head officers; and thereof to the said officers to give account weekelie.

For all other things here omitted, concerning the office of the clarke of the kytchen, the same are referred to his discreation; the execution wheareof their honnors will allowe, and doo hereby give him full aucthoritie in that behalfe.

The Cooke's Office.

First, that the checfe cooke, for the tyme being, shall have speciall regard for the dressing of their honour's dyet; and that he joine with the clarke of the kitchen, for their honnors' better service, as well for preserving all things within the larrder as otherwise.

.. Item, that he use all kinde of husbandrie in the yssuing out of the meate, as may be for my lord's honnor and profitt; and be carefull for his part that nothing be ymbeselled or wasted by any of the kitch. en, or other of my lord's followers

or servants.

Item, that he suffer no breakfasts to be given ordinarilie within or

withoute his charge, but by the appointment of the clarke of the kytchin, or of some one of my lord's cheefe officers.

Item, that he have great regard to see the under cooke to doo his dutie, and that the boyes of the kytchin be kept in due obedience, as well from raunging abroade, as for other abuses within the house; and that he take order, as muche as in him lyeth, that they may come to prayers in the house, and speciallie upon the sabbath-day, to the publick exersise of God's worship.

Item, that he keepe his kytchin close from the repaire of chairefolkes and other persons having no necessarie business there; and especiallie have good regard for harboring within his office any stranger, other than his appointed nomber.

The Usher of the Hall's Office.

Firste, that hee bee in the hall, and see that the almoner (or some other appointed) have sweeped and ordered the hall, by six of the clock in the morning, in sommer, and in winter by eight of the clock.

Item, that hee give dilligent attendaunce theare, for the enterteyninge of suche straungers and servingmen as shall come in, and curteouslye offer to them drynke at the barr.

Item, that hee suffer no servaunt of householde to tarry in the hall in the tyme of divine service; but that he will him to goe in the chappell or place of prayer; and yf he refuse to goc, to acquaint some one of the head officers therewith.

Item, that as soone as their honnors' bourde in the great or withdrawing chamber is covered, he be ready for dynner and supper, to see the boardes in the hall covered, and a bason and ewer for the steward's


table every sabbath-day, or when straungers be in the house.

Item, that hee suffer no man to play at cards, tables, or other game, during the tyme of prayer, or on the sabbath-day, nor after the bourdes be covered; and that he suffer no dyce-play at all in the hall.

Item, that after the bourdes be covered, he do, in decent order, bareheaded, walke up and downe by the hall, to see all things orderly observed and that he depart not thence till all dinners or suppers be done.

Item, that uppon the appearing of the server, and his going to the dresser, hee, standing towards the upper end of the hall, doo with a loude voice say, "Gentlemen and yeomen, waite on the server;" and at the coming of their honnors' meate, he be readie at the screene to receave the server, and they say with a loude voice, "By your leave;" and cause all men in the hall to come to the other side of the hall, and be bare-headed whilst their honnors' meate passeth through.

Item, that when their honnors' meate is served up to the chamber, and the gentlewomens, that he call with a loude voice, saying, "Gentlemens servants, to the dresser ;" and come himselfe to the steward's messe; and that, when there are straungers, he call the groomes of the stable to waite in the hall; and yf any refuse, to give knowledge to some of the head officers.

Item, that he suffer no stranger to sitt downe with those that waite, but by the appointment of some one of the head officers; and that all those that attende in any office take their diett at the waiters' table, excepting the cooks, and those under them.

Item, that hee suffer none to sitt at the steward's table, but suche as shalbe appointed to be called there


Item, that he cause all men to keepe silence in the hall, especiallie at dynner and supper tyme.

Item, that he cause every man in the hall to be bare-headed, when their honnors' second course or fruit doth passe through.

Item, that hee suffer no waiter to sitt downe before all the meate be brought out of the chamber, nor before the gentleman usher be come downe, and be readie to sitt himselfe.

Item, that he suffer no dogge to be fedd in the hall, in the tyme of dynner and supper, but cause the porter to have them oute of the gates before the dynner bee begonne.

Item, that he give notice, by the groome of the hall, to the porter, of the going of the server to the dresser, that thereupon he may shut up the gates.

Item, that he suffer no man to drawe or shewe any sworde or dagger in the hall.

Item, that he suffer no supper in the hall upon fasting-nights, but for the gentleman usher and suche waiters as he shall appoint to be with him, at their honnors' rever. sion.

Item, that he shall every night after supper, give intelligence to the clerke of the kytchin what bread and beare was spent that day in the hall, and what nomber of straungers dyned and supped there.

Item, that yf any loude talke shalbe made in the hall at any of the tables, and the same be not forborne upon the usher's commaundment to speak softlie; then shall the usher, with a loude voyce, call 3K 3


the almoner to take away, which he the hall, when the usher shall call shall doe presently. for him.

The Almoner's Office. Item, that he purloyne no meate from the almes, but that he put the same in the place appointed for the poore, which place or vessels he shall alwaies keepe sweet and cleane; and that he give the said almes, with the consent and help of the usher of the hall and porter, to suche as are aged, poore, and in want, and not to stout rogues and idle persons.

Item, that he shall every morning, by seven of the clock in sommer, and by eight in wynter, sweepe the hall and places neare adjoyning, and make cleane the bourdes, benches, and fourmes thereof.

Item, that hee shall keepe a booke or skoare of all the wood and coll that is brought into the wood-yard; and shall see the same delivered forth to the fewiller, kytchin boyes, or others, according to the directions which he shall receave from the head officers.

Item, that hee keepe his booke perfect of all such breade as hee shall receave from the baker, both of manchette aud chette, of both sorts, and the true nomber of the casts, and everye of them.

Item, that hee doe in tyme give warning to the baker for want of breade, to the end that hee may bake in tyme, thereby to have breade somewhat stale before it be eaten.

Item, that he chipp his breade orderlic, without wast; and that hee serve all tables in the hall with such breade as shalbe stale.

Item, that hee bring his booke at everie weeke's end, and cast upp, to the clerke of the kitchin, that it maie appeare what bread and what lightes have been receaved and spent everie daie the weeke before.

Item, that hee be carefull for the well usinge of suche plate, and other things apperteyning to his office, and of the naprie .committed to his charge, that it be foulded up, and Yoman of the Pantrye, Cellerer, occupied than apperteyneth. not caste aboute, nether otherwise

and Ewyre.

First, that hee be readie in his office at eight of the clocke in the morning, to serve for breakfaste, and before nine to cover for dynner, and beefore six at night to cover for supper, and at eight at night for lyverye.

Item, that hee suffer no breakfasts in his office; but serve everie man at the barre, and suffer no man to come in, unlesse it bee by the appointement of some one of the cheefe officers.

Item, that hee bee ready, with his port pane on his arme, to serve

Item, that he keepe an inventarye, indented betweene him and the clerke of the kitchin, of all such plate, naprie, and other things committed to his charge; and that hee doe once a month give an accompt thereof to the clerke of the kit. chin accordinge to the same inventarye.

The Yoman of the Buttryc.

First, that hee bee readie in his office by eight of the clocke in the morning to serve for breakfasts, and at eleven for dynner, and three in the afternoone for beaver, and


at six for supper, and at cight at create manner, to carry away any

night for lyverye.

Item, that hee suffer no extraordinarie drinking in his office; but that hee doe serve all men at the barr, and suffer no man to come in, unless he be brought in by some one of the chiefe officers.

Item, that hee suffer no breakfasts in his office, except hee bee appointed by some one of the cheife officers.

Item, that he preserve so the beare and ale appointed for their honnors' owne table, as yt be not made common, but so used as hee have vessels and bottles one under another, and those stale to serve the


Item, that hec bee readye to serve the hall, at breakfasts, dynner, and supper, when the usher shall call.

Item, that he bring in writing at everie weeke's end, to the clerke of the kitchin, what beare hath been spent that weeke.

Item, that hee keepe a perfect note, from tyme to tyme, what beare he receaveth from the brewer; and that at everye coming in thereof he give notice to the clerke of the kytchin.

The Clerk's Office.

First, that he bee attendaunte at the gate, as well for repaire of strangers, as repulse of such disorderlye persons as would come yn.

Item, that upon notice had of the goeing of the server to the dresser, he doe straighte shutte the gates, and suffer no man to come in untill dynner be donne.

Item, that he have a vigillant eye that no silver or other vessel be carried oute of the gates.

breade or meate out of the gate.

Item, that hee sitt not at the gate without his staff.

Item, that hee suffer no doggs, so neere as hee can, to lye in the courte, nor to come within the gate.

Item, that hee do saffelie keep all such persones as shalbe committed unto him, either by his lordship or his cheif officers.

Item, that hee suffer no vagabonds, rogues, or diseased persones, to linger aboute the gates.

Item, that hee shall shutte the gates at neine of the clocke in the wynter, and tenn in the sommer; and after those howers, that hee open not them againe before five of the clocke in the morning in sommer, and six in winter, withoute urgent cause.

Item, that hee shalbee carefull that such persones as are forbidden by any of the head officers to come within the gates, bee not suffered at any time hereafter to come in untill the said head officers have signified unto him theire consent thereunto.

Item, that yf at any tyme hee shall suspecte any person to carry or convey oute of the gates any plate, pewter, lynnen, victuall, or any other thing whatsoever, under his cloake, coate, or otherwise, hee shall staie the said partie, and require of him from whence he receiv ed it, and whither he is to carrie the same; and therewith to acquaint some of the head officers.

Item, that none be suffered to carrie either wood or coll out of the gates, saving such as have al. lowance, of whom he shall have speciall warning.

Item, that hee doe see the great Item, that hee suffer none in se- courte within the gates to be kept

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