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check-rowle of the names of all the servants in ordinarye and reteyners, with addition of their places of service; and as the same shall be increased or altered, so to keep the check-roll accordinglie.

Item, that he have a speciall regard not to exceed the nomber of servants in ordinarie hereafter sett downe; and yf any be tendred to his lordship to any place that shalbe void, to make dilligent enquirye of his sufficiencye, judgement, and honestie; and thereof to enforme his lordship before he be accepted or refused; in the choise of which servante, care is to be had, that none of the ordinarye retinue bee maryed, specially of those that are in any place or office.

And forasmuche as the daunger may grow great by taking of reteyners; to be provident therefore that none have his lordships lyverye, other than such as shalbe appointed to some place of office under his lordship, as bailiff, wood-warde, keeper, or other like ; in the choise of which advise would be taken, and conference had, with the forreigne officers that deal for his lordship's revenue, because such as are fitt are best knowen unto them.

Item, that he have a perfect inventarye of all the ordinarye stuf, furniture, and plate, that shalbe in the charge of any perticuler person within the house; and that he cause several inventories indented to be made between him and everie inferior officer in the house, of the things committed to their severall charges, for which they are to be answerable, upon the accompte that is to be taken of them every half yeare.

Item, that he have likewise a check-roll or inventary from the

gentleman of the horse, of all the horses and geldings in the stable or elsewhere, and of the furniture to them; and as the same shall decay and be worne out, and others provided in their roomes, so to alter the inventarye accordinglie; which inventary shall be indented betweene them.

Item, that he have care to examine everie perticuler office (weecklie or monthlie) within the house, as well concerning the orderly keeping of all things within their said office, as also to see that there be perfect skores and bookes keept for every severall officer; and thereupon to see reformation of whatsoever shalbe amisse within the same.

Item, that he wicklie examine the householde-booke, to see the recepts and expenses of all manner of provisions, as well of store as of consumptions, and whatsoever shall concerne the said booke; after which examination and casting up, to signe the same himselfe ; and yff he shall finde the charg to exceede the proportion sett downe, to enforme their honnors with the reason thereof, to the ende order may be taken to redresse the same.

Item, that he advise with the clarke of the kitchen of all manner of provisions to be made for the house, either in grosse or in perticuler, respecting the season of the yeere, and how the same may bee made with the least charge and trouble.

Item, that he doe carefully, every quarter at the leaste, examine all skores, recepts, and expences, and thereuppon to see how the remeayues doe answer thereunto; and yf any defect be in the officers, to see reformation.

,Item, he shall cause all the orders


and statutes which my lord hath ap. pointed for the better government of his house, to be reade openly before all the householde once every quarter, that they, knowing them may yeelde the more ready obedi


Item, that every Friday at night he shall call unto him the house holde chaplin, gentleman usher, gentleman of the horse, and clarke of the kitchin, or some of them, for assistance, and consulte with them concerning all disorders and misdemeners of the servants in the house, admonishinge and reprehending the offenders according to the qualitie of their offences committed, and in case he does not thereupon reform himselfe, then their honnors to be made acquainted, and the party or parties to be removed.

All these orders before sett downe, their honnors doe not onely approve, but also promise to be ready with their owne aucthorities, to maynteyne and countenance

their stewarde and above-mentioned officers from tyme to tyme, in the due execution of them.

All other orders by the said ste ward to be directed and put in execution, (which are here omitted) are referred to his discreation, as belonging to his office; whereof their honnors will also allow, and do hereby give him full aucthoritie in that behalfe.

The Gentleman Usher's Office.

First, that he have a check-roll of all my lords servants in ordinarie, viz. of gentlemen, yeomen, and groomes, with addition of their places of servyce; and the like of all my lords reteyners; and that as the said servants shall chang, either

in person or place of service, so to renewe the check-roll accordinglie.

Item, that he give directions to them that shall supplye the place of groome of the chamber, what they ought to doe in the due execution of the said office; and that he cause them to make cleane the dyning and withdrawing chambers; and that the tables, formes, stooles, and all things be sett up, and layde in very good order, every morning by seaven of the clock in somer, and eight in the winter; and the said groome be alwaies there attendant, to make fyres, and to doe suche other service as the said gentleman-usher shall command him; and besides to see the chappell ordered, for their honnors and others, as apperteyneth.

Item, that he take order that, as well gentlemen as yeomen waiters, doe give their daylie attendance upon their honnors persons; and that he appoint one gentleman aud one yeoman at the leaste, to waite on his lordship when he walketh abrode.

Item, that he have a speciall care that the gentleman and yeomen waiters give their dayly attendance in the great chamber, for furnishing of the same, when any strangers shall come to the house.

Item, that, himselfe (in good example to others) be at the chappell in prayer and preaching tyme; and that not only he himselfe have a vigilant eye to mark who is absent, but also doe appoint the usher of the hall, or some other, diligently to observe the same, and to informe him of them, that he may reprehende them for their negligence in that behalfe; whearein yf any (notwithstanding) will continue, and yeelde no good reason of his absence, that he command the usher


of the hall not to suffer him to dyne or sup there, the next meale, after such offence committed.

Item, when any stranger shalbe at my lords house, that he goe to the kitchen betweene ten and eleaven of the clock in the morning, and betweene five and six in the evening, to see the forwardnes of dynner or supper, and thereupon to sende warning to the pantry, buttery, and cellar, to make ready for their honnors.

Item, that he would every night send word the clarke of the kit. chin what bread, wine, and suger, hath been spent at my lords table that day.

Item, that himselfe doe attende before the salt for my lords board, when it shall be brought up, when strangers shall be there.

Item, that he suffer not the server to go to the dresser, without two gentlemen and two yeomen at least to wait on him.

Item, that he suffer no swearing, singing, noyse, or disorder, to be used at the dresser, at the serving forth of their honnors mcate; but that every man, in silent manner, do abide there to receave the same, as the server shall appoint and doe go up withall accordingly.

Item, that he appoint some of the gentlemen and yeomen waiters, with himselfe, after he and they have dyned and supped, to come up to the great chamber, there to give their attendance, (speciallie when strangers bee there) as apperteyneth.

Item, that he suffer no gentleman or yeoman waiter to stand with bis hat on his head, or to sitt or walke in the great chamber, after the bourdes be covered.

Item, that upon the repaire of

any strangers to the house, he give notice to the clarke of the kitchen of them and their company; and that himselfe be ready to give their enterteynment, and to see them brought to their lodgeings; and to keepe them company as to their severall callings shall appertaine, taking orders that their lyveries be served into their chambers accordinglie.

Item, that he doe everie morning by himselfe, or some one of the gentlemen by his appointment, repare to the chamber of such honorable or worshipfull personages, as shall lodge in the house, to know what they want, and whether they please to have their breakfast.

Item, that he doe specially charge the groome of the chamber, and the rest of the waiters, not to suffer any dishe of meate to be had or conveyed out of the chamber by any man whatsoever, except by the gentleman-usher's appointment; nether any meate be taken secretly out of any dishe by any person whatsoever; but that all be stayed till the server have voyded their honnors' table; and that, in the carrying downe, none be ymbeselled, taken, or broken.

Item, that he cause the usher of the chamber every night to give intelligence to the clarke of the kitchin of the names of suche persons as doe dyne or supp that day at their honnors' table.

Item, that upon Frydayes and fastinge-dayes, at night, he appoint, beside himselfe, fowre or six, as he thinketh best, to waite on their honnors' bourd; and that none other, but those fowre or six, with the pantler, butler, or cellerer, be admitted to their honnors' reversion

on those nights; and yf any presume (without his leave) to sitt downe with them, that he cause the usher of the hall to remove them = thence.

Item, that he suffer no yeoman to play at cards, tables, or chests, in the great chamber; and that such gentlemen - waiters as shall play in the afternoone, do it at the syde bourd, and not at their hon. nour's bourde, nor after the bourdes * bee covered; nether at all upon the sabboth or Lord's-day.

Item, that he suffer no drawing or shewing of swords or daggers in the chamber, or in the withdrawingroom; nor any wrestling or striving, nor any noyse or disorder there to be used.

Item, that every gentleman whatsoever, other than the steward and comptroller, doe give their attend ance for serving, or any other duty 5 to be performed at their honnors' table, as they shalbe required and directed by the gentleman-usher; and that suche of them as by turnes and his appointment, shall sitt at the stewarde's table, doo ymmediately after dynner and supper repaire up to the greate chamber, to give their due attendance whilst the waiters eate their meate; which yf he neglect to doo, then he to sende for them.

Item, that he be carefull in their honnors' service, at home and abroade, both for himselfe and others their honnors' servants, to call upon them, that in waiting abrode upon their honnors, they keepe together in decent and comely order, gentlemen before, and yeomen after, as in his discretion shalbe thought most fitt for the shewe of their honnors, and the credit of his officers and servants; avoiding all lyngring or VOL. XLVI.

staying behind their honnors, as though they were of divers companies.

Item, that he have a care to see the pages and footemen well govern. ed, and do from tyme to tyme give them instruction for service; and by no meanes to suffer them to use dicyng, gaming, or frequenting of alehouses.

Item, that he discreetlie dispose and appoint to everie their servants their lodgeing in the house or elsewheare, with such conveniencie as may best suit their qualitie and place of service; and see that the same be not altered, but by his privitie and consent.

Item, for all other orders by him to be directed and put in execution (which are here omitted), the same are referred to his discreation as belonging to his office; whereof his lordship will allow, and do hereby give him full aucthoritie therin. The Gentleman of the Horse, his Office.

First, that he have a check-roule of all my lord's servants in ordinarie, viz. of gentlemen, yeomen, and groomes, with addition of their place of service; and the like of all my lord's reteyners; and that as they shall alter in person or place, to renewe the check-roule accordinglie.

Item, that he have the like roule of all my lord's horsses and geldings, with the difference of those that beare the name of house and winter geldings, and of sommer nagges; and as the same horsses, geldings, or naggs, shall decaie and be made away, and others renewed in their places, or for further store, so to alter his roule from tyme to tyme accordinglie; and to give to the steward a copie thereof. 3 K


Item, that he make difference of horses, geldings, or naggs, for gen tlemen, yeomen, and groomes, with preferment to the better sorte, according to the men's places, and the best shewe for my lord's service; and that he suffer no man to ride upon horse, geldinge, or naggs, but by his appointment, except their honnors speciallie do give commaundemente in that beehalf,

Item, that he take order with the coachmen and groomes of the stable, for the safe-keeping and well-ordering of the coaches, saddles, bridles, clothes, and all other furniture belonging to that office, as may bee for the best preserving of them, and their honnor's profitt; and that hee see them carefullie to keep the same, according to his appointment; wherein yf they be negligent, or faile in the performance of their duties, then to see them punished.

Item, that hee take order with them for husbandlie usage of the haye, and to apportionate the provender to be allowed to everye man's charge, according to the nomber of horses that are in house; the same provender to be bestowed on the horses, without ymbeselling or diminishing any parte thereof; and that they receave in no man's horse, nor deliver forthe any provender or haye, but by the appointment of the gentleman of the horse, or of some other cheef officer in his absence; and that hee cause all the hay to be spent in the stable to bee made in bottles, foreseeing also that the racks wante no staves, therebye to avoide waste and spoile.

Item, that hee admitte no man to have anie horsse or gelding kept in my lord's stable, pastures, or parks, but suche as are allowed by

their honnors' commaundment and appointment; and that such as have horses so allowed, doo ride them in my lord's and their owne private busines, and not his lord's, except it be upon special occasion, which is left to the consideration and discretion of the gentleman of the horsse.

Item, that hee suffer none to take any my lord's geldings out of the pasture without his lycense; neither suffer any of the groomes to lend out anye saddle, bridle, or other furniture, without his privytie or leave.

Item, to avoide over-many bills and reckonings, and to reduce all householde expence into one ac compte of the steward's, his lordship's pleasure ys, that theirc bee no new furniture, of what kinde so.. ever, bought or taken upon creditte from the sadler's, or anye other place, before the steward have seene the decaye and unserviceablenes of the ould.

Item, to avoide excessive charge, his lordship doth expresslie commaund, that there bee henceforth no fees, ether of horse, or any furniture to them, taken or required by the said gentleman of the horse, other than suche as, after viewe taken of the unserviceablenes of them, by the steward, his lordship shalbe pleased to give by his speciall warrant or commaund.

Item, his lordship's pleasure ys, that the gentleman of the said horse, twice in everie yeere at the least, or oftener, as occazion maye requier, shall deliver to the stewarde a note of all the horses and furniture decayed, and of every thing bought or sould concerning the stable, or for the furniture of horses.

Item, hee shall weekelie exhibitte

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