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agents of corruption, the missionaries of revolt against all established governments, are the enemies of all states, and of all governments. The law of nations does not exist for them. I have fulfilled my duty, citizen first consul, in exposing to your view, the facts, which prove, that Drake and Spencer Smith exercise upon the continent the same mission with which Wickham was charged during the last war. Your supreme wisdom will do the rest.*

Account of the Arrest of the Duke D'Enghuien, from the French Official Paper, the Moniteur.Strasburgh, March 16, 1804.

On the evening of the 14th instant, general de Caulincourt, aidde-camp of the first consul, lately arrived here, caused the gate leading into Germany to be opened, and passed through it with general Levat, of the fifth military division, towards the right bank of the Rhine. A little before this a body of infantry, and a strong division of the regiment of cavalry lying in garrison at this city, besides a division of the national guard, had been stationed on the banks of the Rhine. They crossed this river in the night, and directed their march through Kehl to Offenbourg, which was immediately perceived by our troops. Their commandant ordered to be pointed out to him the habitations of the emigrants who resided there, whom they wished to seize. They were immediately put under arrest, Some of this description were arrested also at Kehl. This expedition

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was conducted in the greatest order, and executed with the greatest propriety. It is reported that general de Caulincourt and Levat have themselves returned to Offenbourg. During the whole of the morning of yesterday the passage of the Rhine was shut. Nobody was permitted to cross the river, even with passports. About mid-day the column of Offenbourg again entered our city by the citadel, atter having committed to the commandant their prisoners, the number of whom amounted to about fifteen. They are provisionally detained. Among them are the baron de Reich, and the abbé d'Eymar. On the same night another column of our troops, composed of infantry, of cavalry, of artillery and gend'armes, crossed also the Rhine at Rhenau, about six leagues distance from this upon the road to Brisack. We are assured, that their object was to reconnoitre the city of Ettenheim, and to arrest such conspirators as might be found there. Besides, by the consent of the court of Baden, a counsellor of Baden arrived here the day before yesterday; and during the two last days, several couriers had been dispatched to Carlsrhue, and had returned. Kehl is already evacuated by our troops, and the communication has been again established since yesterday. Yesterday morning were arrested here about ten persons, who are said to be implicated in the conspiracy. Among them are the ci-devant count of Toulouse Lautree, madame de Klengling, sister-in-law of the general of that name, the curé of Ernbheim, and others, mostly emigrants who had returned. There

* Here follows, in the original, the proofs referred to, but which, from their great length, we cannot insert.

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was also arrested here about midday, general Desnoyes, who had presided three years ago in the council of war, which acquitted the accomplices of Pichegru. Madame Lajolais, the brother of the ex-general Lajolais, Demongés and his wife, have been conducted to Paris under the escort of the gendarmerie. The most conspicuous person arrested on this occasion is the duke d'Enghuien, son of the duke of Bourbon, and grandson of the prince of Condé.

Official Report of the Trial of the
Duke d'Enghien, at Vincennes,
Paris, March 24, 1805.

Special military commission constituted in the first military division, in virtue of a decree of the government, dated the 29th Ventôse (20th of March) in the year twelve of the republic, one and indivisible..

Judgment. In the name of the French republic, this 30th Ventôse (March 21) in the 12th year of the republic. The military and special commission formed in the first military division, in virtue of a decree of the government, dated the 29th Ventôse (March 20), composed, agreeably to the law of the 19th Fructidor, (Sept. 6), in the year five, of seven members, consisting of citizens Hulen, gen. of brigade, Guiton, col. com., Bazancourt, col. com., Ravier, col. com., Barrois, col. com., Rabbe, col. com., d'Autancourt, capt. Major, Molin, capt. -The whole of these were named by Murat, the general in chief, governor of Paris, and commander of the first military division. The said president, members reporting, capt. and register, neither being relations nor persons connected within the degrees of affinity prohibited by the

law, met according to appointment. By the orders of the general in chief, governor of Paris, the commission was opened at the castle of Vincennes, in the house of the commander of the place, for the purpose of proceeding in the trial of Louis Antoine Henry de Bourbon, duke d'Enghuien, born at Chantilly the 2d day of August, 1772; of light hair and eye-brows, black eyes, small mouth, aqueline nose, and of a handsome figure. The accusations against him included six charges; which six charges were as follows:-He was accused, First: of having carried arms against the French republic. Second: of having offered his services to the English government, the enemy of the French people. Third: of receiv ing and having, with accredited agents of that government, procured means of obtaining intelligence in France, and conspiring against the internal and external security of the state. Fourth: that he was at the head of a body of French and other emigrants, paid by England, formed on the frontiers of France, in the districts of Fribourg and Baden. Fifth of having attempted to foment intrigues at Strasburgh, with a view of producing a rising in the adjacent departments, for the purpose of operating a diversion favourable to England. Sixth: that he was one of those concerned in the conspiracy planned by the English for the assassination of the first consul, and intending, in case of the success of that plot, to return to France. The commission being opened, the president ordered the officer appointed to conduct the accusation, to read all the papers which went either to the crimina tion or the acquittal of the prisoner. After the reading of these papers


the republic, and of conspiracy against the external and internal security of the republic.-This sentence is pronounced in conformity to the second article, title four, of the military code of offences and punishments passed on the 11th of January, in the year 5, and the second section of the first title of the ordinary penal code, established on the 6th of October, 1791, described in the following terms:-Art. II, (11th Jan. year 5). Every individual, whatever be his state, quality, or profession, convicted of acting as a spy for the enemy, shall be sentenced to the punishment of death. Art. I. Every one engaged in a plot or conspiracy against the republic, shall, on conviction, be punished with death.-Art. II. (6th October, 1791). Every one connected with a plot or conspiracy tending to disturb the tranquillity of the state, by civil war, by arming one class of citizens against the other, or against the exercise of legitimate authority, shall be punished with death.-Orders were given to the officer who conducted the accusation, to read the above sentence to the prisoner, in presence of the guard drawn up under arms. It was at the same time ordered, that a copy of the sen tence should, as soon as was consis tent with the forms of law, be transmitted, signed by the president and the accuser, to the minister at war, to the grand judge, minister of justice, and the general in chief, governor of Paris. Signed and sealed the same day, month, and year, aforesaid,

was finished, the accused was introduced by the guard, free and unfettered, before the commission. He was interrogated as to his name, surname, age, place of birth, and abode. In his answer, he stated, that his name was Louis Antoine Henry de Bourbon, duke d'Enghuien, aged 32 years; that he was born at Chantilly, near Paris, and that he had left France in the year 1789. After the president had finished his interrogatories respecting all the points contained in the accusation, and after the accused had urged all that he could alledge in his defence, the members were next asked if they had any observations to offer on the subject? They all replied in the negative, and the accused was ordered to be taken out of court, and conducted back to the prison. The officer conducting the prosecution, and the register, as well as the auditors, were then ordered to withdraw by the president. The court deliberated for some time, with closed doors, on the respective charges as already stated. The question was put by the president on each of the charges separately. Each of the members in succession delivered his opinion. The president was the last in delivering his judgment. The result was, that the court unanimously found the prisoner guilty of all the six charges. The next question put was to the punishment to be inflicted. The question was here again put in the same way as before, and the following was the sentence of condemnation:-The special military commission condemns unanimously to death Louis Antoine Henry de Bourbon, duke d'Enghuien, on the ground of his being guilty of acting as a spy, of correspondence with the enemies of

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Copy of the Requisition transmitted law of nations. It is general Cau

by the French Minister for Foreign Affairs to Baron Edelsheim, Minister of the Elector of Baden, for the Purpose of arresting the Duke D'Enghuien.-Signed, C. M. Talleyrand, and dated at Paris, March 10, 1804.


I had formerly sent you a note, the purport of which was to request the arrest of the French emigrants which met at Offenbourg, as the first consul, from the successive arrests of the banditti which the English government has sent to France, and from the result of the trials which have been here instituted, has obtained a complete knowledge of the extensive part which the English agents at Offenbourg have had in those horrible plots which have been devised against his own person and against the safety of France. He has at the same time learned that the duke d'Enghuien and general Dumouriez were at Ettenheim. As it is impossible that they should be in that city without the permission of his electoral highness, the first consul, therefore, could not see, without the deepest concern, that a prince whom he had distinguished by every mark of friendship, should give an asylum to the most determined enemies of France, and permit them so tranquilly to project such unprecedented conspiracies. From these extraordinary occurrences the first consul has found it necessary to order two small detachments of troops to repair to Offenbourg and Ettenheim, to seize there the authors of a crime, the nature of which was such as to place those who are proved to have had a share in it out of the protection of the

lincourt who is charged with the execution of those orders of the first consul. and who there is no doubt will employ every care and attention in fulfilling the same, which his electoral highness can wish. He will have the honour to deliver your excellency the letter I have been directed to write you. Accept, sir, the assurance of my high consideration.

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The first consul has ordered me to address to your excellency, a copy of the report presented to him by the grand judge on the incidental conspiracy planned in France, by Mr. Drake, minister of his Britannic majesty at the court of Munich, and which, as to its object and date, was connected with the infamous plot that is now before the tribunals. The printed copy of the letters and authentic papers of Mr. Drake, is annexed to the report. The origi nals will be immediately sent, by order of the first consul, to his serene highness the elector of Bavaria.-Such a prostitution of the most honourable trust which could be confided in man, was unexampled in the history of civilized nations. It will astonish and afflict Europe as an unheard of crime, and which, until the present moment, the most perverse government had not dared to attempt. The first consul is too well acquainted with the sentiments and good qualities which distinguish the mem


bers of the diplomatic body, accredited by him, not to be convinced that they will behold, with profound sorrow, the profanation of the sacred character of ambassador, o basely metamorphosed into an agency of plots, stratagems, and corruption.

Answer of the Imperial Minister. Citizen Minister,

} return many thanks to your excellency for the communication which you have been pleased to make me of the report of the grand judge, of which you have sent me a copy, and which I shall immediately transmit to Vienna, for the information of my court. The opinion manifested by the first consul of the sentiments and good qualities of the diplomatic body, which has the honour of being accredited to him, proves the justice he does to all the members of whom it consists; and unquestionably, he is not deceived in thinking that there is not one among us who does not decidedly condemn every thing which a, diplomatic agent and his government undertake contrary to the laws of nations, and the rules of right and good faith generally adopted among civilised nations. (Signed) Count Cobenzel. Paris, March 25, 1804.

satisfaction, that his agents to the French government participate in the justice which the first consul does to the diplomatic body accredited to him, and that their care to observe, on all occasions, the most rigorous principles of the rights of nations, are honourably appreciated by the chief of the government. (Signed) Pierre d'Oubril. Paris, March 25, 1804.

Answer of the Prussian Minister. Citizen Minister,

I took the earliest opportunity of transmitting to my court the letter your excellency did me the ho nour of writing to me on the 4th instant, and the copy of the report of the grand judge on the incidental conspiracy fortunately discovered by the vigilance of the police.You know, citizen minister, the lively interest with which the king, my master, is inspired for the preservation of the life of the first consul, and for the maintenance of order and tranquillity in the state of which he is the worthy head. You may therefore anticipate the effect which this communication will have on the mind of his Prussian majesty, whoever may have been the authors and agents of this conspiracy; and your excellency will easily foresee all the satisfaction which his majesty will feel at the en

Answer of the Russian Chargé d'Af- tire cessation of so many subjects

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of alarm for the friends of France. For in discharging the commission entrusted to me, I have considered it my duty to assure his majesty of the perfect union existing between the august chief of the republic and all the servants of the state, between the whole nation, and its representatives or defenders.-It is by such a conduct that I shall endea

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