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a foreign court, has kept up correspondence with persons resident in France, with a view to obtain information upon the designs of the French government, or for any other legitimate object, he has done nothing more than what ministers under similar circumstances have always been considered as having a right to do with respect to the countries with which their sovereign was at war; and he has done much less than that which it could be proved the ministers and commercial agents of France have done towards the disaffected in different parts of his majesty's territories: thus, in car rying on such a correspondence, he would not in any manner have violated his public duty. A minister in a foreign country is obliged, by the nature of his office, and the duties of his situation, to abstain from all communication with the disaffected of the country where he is accredited, as well as from every other act injurious to the interests of that country; but he is not subject to the same restraints with respect to countries with which his sovereign is at war. His actions to them may be praiseworthy or blameable, according to the nature of the actions themselves; but they do not constitute any violation of his public character, except in as far as they militate against the country, or the security of the country, where he is accredited.

But of all the governments which pretend to be civilized governments, that of France is the one which has the least right to appeal to the law of nations. With what confidence can it appeal to that law? a go. vernment which, from the commencement of hostilities, has never ceased to violate it! It promised

protection to the British subjects resident in France, and who might be desirous of remaining there after the recal of his majesty's ambassador. It revoked that promise without any previous notice; it condemned those same persons to be prisoners of war; and it detains them still in that quality, in contempt of its own engagements, and of the usages universally observed by all civilized nations. It has applied that new and barbarous law, even to individuals who had the authority and protec tion of the French ambassadors and ministers at foreign courts, to travel through France on their return to their own country. It commanded the seizure of an English packetboat in one of the ports of Holland, though its ambassador in that country had previously engaged to let the packet-boats of the respective countrics pass in perfect safety until notice should be given to the contrary. It has detained and condemned in one of the ports of France, a vessel which had been sent thither as a matter of indulgence, in order to carry to France the French governor of one of the different islands which had been conquered by his majesty's arms. Its conduct relative to the garrison of St. Lucia has not been less extraordinary : the principal fort of that island had been taken by assault; yet the garrison had been allowed all the privileges of prisoners of war, and had been permitted to return to France, with an understanding, that an equal number of English prisoners should be released. Yet, notwithstanding that indulgence on the part of the British commander, to which, by the nature of the case, the French garrison could not have the slightest pretension, not a single pri


soner has been restored to this country.

Such have been the proceedings of the French government towards the power with which it is at war. What has its conduct been to those powers with which it remained at peace? Is there a treaty which it has not broken? Is there an adjoining territority whose independence it has not violated? It is for the powers on the continent to determine how long they will tolerate these unexampled outrages. Yet is it too much to say, that, if they do suffer, without controul or resistance, the continuance of such a course of proceedings on the part of any government whatever, they will soon see an end to that salutary system of public right, in virtue of which the societies of Europe have maintained and enforced for ages the sacred obligations of humanity and justice?



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the first moment of alarm, might otherwise arise, and of the utmost. importance with a view to the operations of his majesty's army, to the protection of individuals, and to the internal peace and tranquillity of the country. I request that your lordship would inform me, with as little delay as possible, of the names of the magistrates to whom you would propose to entrust the different divisions of the county of and that you would communicate to them the heads of the proposed arrangements, and concert with them as to the most effectual means of carrying them into complete execution. It is essential, that the magistrates who are thus employed, should, if possible, be persons not holding commissions as volunteer officers, nor liable on any other account to be removed from the county in which they reside. His majesty has the fullest reliance that, in the event of the enemy succeeding in making good a landing on the coast of this kingdom, the loyalty and public spirit of all classes of his subjects will induce them to submit to every sacrifice, and to concur in every exertion which the safety of the cour try may render necessary; and that they will be impressed with the conviction that the peace and good order of those districts which shall not be attacked by the enemy, will contribute most effectually to assist the exertions of his forces in those parts of the country which may become the theatre of the war, and of enabling him thereby to bring the contest in which we may be engaged to a speedy and glorious termination. I have only to add, that directions will be given to the general, or other officer commanding the district in which the county of

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The magistrates of each division of the county remaining at home, to sit daily at a place to be appointed in each division for that purpose. To procure the trust-worthy housekeepers and others to enrol themselves to serve as special constables under their orders, where the same has not been already done pursuant to the secretary of state's circular letter of the 8th of November last. To be attended at the place appointed for each division by an officer of the volunteer force, if any should remain in that division, and by the chief or superintendant of the special constables enrolled for that division. Such volunteer officer and chief of the special consta bles to receive and execute the orders of the magistrates, in prevent ing and quelling disturbances, in taking up and conveying offenders to prison, in supplying escorts for all military purposes required by the general or other officer left in.command of the district, and in furnishing a guard for the county gaol or other prisons, if required. If, contrary to expectation, any impediments should occur in the regular supply of the different markets, every assistance to be afforded to

the persons who are accustomed or who offer to supply them, and escorts to be granted in cases where it may be necessary for the secure passage and conveyance of cattle and provisions. The constables within each division, assisted by patroles of volunteers, if requisite, to see that all public houses within the same are orderly and regularly conducted, and, if thought necessary by the magistrates, to be shut up at such hours as they may direct; and to bring all unknown persons, who cannot give a satisfactory account of themselves, before the magistrates. A certain portion of the constables and volunteers, in rotation, to go such different rounds in the night, as shall from time to time be prescribed by the magistrates of the division, to whom they are to make their report each morning. The magistrates of each division to report daily to the lieutenant of the county, or deputy lieutenants within the division appointed to receive the same. The lieutenant, or deputy lieutenants so appointed, to re-. port all matters of importance immediately to the secretary of state for the home department, and to the general or officer who shall be left in command of the district, or to the officer who shall be appointed by him within the county to receive the same, to whom they are to apply in case of wanting further military aid.

Speech delivered by Governor Nugent to the Legislature of the Island of Jamaica, in December 1803.

Gentlemen of the council,-Mr. speaker and gentlemen of the assembly, I am happy to have it in my

* Referred to in the preceding article.


power to grant you a recess at this -season of the year, when your presence is so essentially necessary upon your respective properties. Mr. speaker and gentlemen of the assembly, I am much concerned that you have not given me an opportunity of thanking you for the supplies required at this eventful period in aid of the mother-country, for your own defence; but I trust that, upon more mature consideration, you will feel the propriety of supporting government in the most effectual manner at your next meeting, and thereby restore to yourselves its fullest confidence in your loyalty and patriotism.--Gentlemen of the council, Mr. speaker and gentlemen of the assembly,-I have to recommend to you, in the most particular manner, on your return to your several parishes, the pursuit of such provident measures as may best promote the security and tranquillity of the island.I do therefore now, in his majesty's name, prorogue this general assembly to the 24th January next; and it is hereby prorogued accordingly.

Treaty of Peace between the Honourable the East India Company and its Allies on the one Part, and Ragogee Bhonsla on the other; settled by Major-Gen. Wellesley on the Purt of the Company and its Allies, and by Jeswumb Rao Ramchunder on the Part of Senah Saheb Subah Ragogee Bhounsla, who have each full Authority from their respective Powers: dated in the Cump at Deogaun, December 17th, 1803.

I. That there shall be perpetual peace and friendship between the

East India company and Senah Saheb Subah Ragogee Bhounsla, rajah of Berar.

II. Senah Saheb Subah Ragogee Bhounsla cedes to the company in perpetual sovereignty, the province of Cuttack, including the port and district of Balasore.III. He likewise cedes to the company and their allies, in perpetual sovereignty, all the territories of which he has collected the revenues jointly with the soubah of the Dekan, and those of which he may have possession, which are to the westward of the river Wurda.IV. It is agreed that the frontier of Sanah Saheb Subah Ragogee Bhounsla towards the territories of his highness the soubah of the Dekan, shall be formed to the west by the river Wurda, from its issue from the Injardy hills to its junction with the river Godavery.-V. The hills on which the forts of Nernallah and Gawalghur stand, are to remain in possession of Ragogee Bhounsla; and all places to the southward of those hills, and to the west of the westward of the river Wurda, to be given up to the British government.-VI. Districts amounting to four lacks of rupees per annum, contiguous to, and to the southward of the above-mentioned forts, are to be given up to the rajah, and to be given up at the same time as the forts.-VII. Senah Saheb Subah Ragogee Bhounsla, on the part of himself, his heirs and successors, entirely renounces all claims of every description on the territories of the British government ceded as above, and upon all the territories of the soubah of the Dekan.--VIII. The East India company engages to mediate and arbitrate any disputes that now exist, or may hereafter exist, between the company's allies, Seum



der Jah Bahauder and Rao Pundit Purdham Bahader, and the rajah of Berar.-IX. Senah Saheb Subah Ragogee Bhounsia engages never to take or retain in his service any Frenchmen, or the subjects of any other European or American power that may be at war with the British government, or any British subjects either European or native, without the consent of the company.-X. The East India company engage on their part, that they will not assist or countenance any discontented relations, rajahs, zemindars, other subjects of the Senah Saheb Subah Ragogee Bhounsla, who may fly from, or rebel against his authority.-XI. In order to secure and improve the relations of peace and friendship hereby established, the respective governments agree, that accredited ministers from each shall reside at the court of the other. -XII. And whereas certain treaties have been made by the British government with feudatories of Senah Saheb Subah Ragogee Bhounsla, it is hereby agreed, that the said treaties shall be confirmed. Lists of these treaties to be delivered over when the treaty is ratified by the governor general in council.-XIII. The Senah Saheb Subah Ragogee Bhounsla hereby renounces for himself, his heirs and successors, all adherence to the confederacy formed by him and Dowlut Row Scindia, and other Mahratta chiefs, to attack the company and their allies, and engages not to assist those chiefs, if the war between them and the honourable company should still continue.-XIV. This treaty of peace and amity to be ratified by Senah Saheb Subah, within - eight days from the present time, and the ratification is to be deliver


ed to major-gen. Wellesley, at which time the orders for the cession of the ceded territories are to be delivered over, and the troops are to withdraw.-XV. Major-gen. Wellesley engages that the treaty shall be ratified on the part of the hon. company, by his excellency the most noble the governor-gen. in council, and that the said ratification shall be delivered two months from this date.

Treaty of Peace and Amity between the Maharajah Ali Jah Dowlut Rao Scindia, on one Part, and the hon, the East India Company, on the other Part. Dated Dec. 30th, 1803.

I. That there shall be perpetual peace and friendship between the honourable the East India company and their allies, on the one part, and Maharajah Ali Jah Dowlut Rao Scindia on the other part.——II. That Maharajah cedes to the hon. East India company and their allies, in perpetual sovereignty, all his forts, territories, and rights, in the Dooab, and country situated between the Jumma and the Ganges, and all the forts, territories, rights, and interests in the countries which are to the northward of the rajahs' of Jeypoor and Joodepoor, and of the rajah of Gohud, such countries formerly in the possession of Maharajah, situated between Jeypoor and Joodepoor, and to the south of the former, are to belong to the Maharajah.-III. The Maharajah likewise cedes to the hon. East India company and their allies, in perpetual sovereignty, the fort of Broach and the territory depending thereon, and the fort of Ahmednugger and territory depending thereon,

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