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and found the enemy's troops in considerable force, encamped on the other side, under the command of Shumshere Bahadur, who though in fact an officer of the peishwa, had, from the weakness of the court of Poonah, succeeded in making himself nearly independent in Bundelcund: After some petty successes, col. Powell crossed the Cane on the 12th, and having succeeded in forcing the enemy to a general engagement, entirely defeated them after a short though sharp contest. In consequence of this event the whole province was freed from the armies of Shumshere Bahadur, and the numerous inhabitants of that valuable district became the warm friends and supporters of the British cause. On the 2nd of October general Lake reached the city of Mathura (or Muttra), where he joined col. Vandeleur, who had occupied it with his detachment.* To the latter, some few days before, M. Dodernaigue and two other French officers (who had been detached by Scindiah at the head of some regular battalions, to reinforce M. Perron in July), surrendered themselves prisoners. At Mathura also colonel Vandeleur had possessed himself of one of M. Perron's principal founderies for casting cannon.

In two days, the whole army reached Agra, which was immediately summoned to surrender, but no answer was returned, owing, as it afterwards appeared, to the distrust which the garrison had conceived of their European officers, whom they had put into close confinement. On a nearer view of the defences of the place, it was found

that seven battalions of the enemy's regular infantry, with some ordnance, were encamped on the outside of the fort, and occupied the town and the principal mosque of Agra, as well as some ravines which led through broken ground, from the British camp to the ditch, on the south side of the fort, and to the Delhi gateway. These ravines general Lake determined to seize, and to dislodge the enemy from the town, before he proceeded further against the fortress. Accordingly, after a long and severe contest on the morning of the 10th of October, both these objects were attained, although with considerable loss in men and officers. The enemy were entirely defeated, having six hundred men killed, and losing twentysix guns with several tumbrils of ammunition. The remainder of their battalions, to the number of 2,500, agreed to surrender to gene. ral Lake; and marched into the British camp, prisoners of war on the following morning. After some insidious attempts of the garrison in the fort to protract the period of negociation, and its treacherously firing upon the British force, while it was actually depending,general Lake determined upon taking the place by storm accordingly the breaching batteries were opened on the morning of the 17th, and considerable impression being made on the walls in the course of the day, the fort capitulated in the evening. At noon on the day following the garrison, consisting of 5000 men, marched out, and the place was immediately occupied by the British troops.An immense quantity of ammuni

Composed of the 8th and 29th regiments of dragoons, the 1st and 4th of native cavalry, three battalions and five companies of native infantry.

tion and stores, and many guns were found in the fortress, together with tumbrils containing treasure, to the value of twenty-four lacks of rupees. By this important conquest, that of Delhi, and of Mathura, one of the great proposed objects of general Lake's operations was completely obtained, namely, of securing the navigation of the river Jumna, by a line of posts along its banks, and the co-operation and alliance of the independent chieftains in that quarter.

The attention of the commander in chief was now directed towards the pursuit of a force of the enemy, composed of 15 of M. Perron's regular battalions, (those which formed the detachment under M. Dodernaigue) and of two which had escaped from the battle of Delhi, with a numerous and well-appointed train of artillery. This powerful body, during the siege of Agra, occupied a position about 30 miles in the rear of the British army, and it was now supposed that its object was to attempt the recovery of the important post of Delhi. To frustrate this design, and to destroy so formidable a force, general Lake moved from Agra on the 27th of October, and on the 29th, took up his ground on the north-west of Futtypore Sikree. On the 30th, the army made a march of twenty miles, leaving their guns and baggage behind, properly protected, in order to gain upon the enemy. On the next day, another march of 20 miles was made, and the Commander in chief encamped nearly on the ground which the enemy had quitted in the morning. Animated to the greatest exertion by

this intelligence, the pursuit became now much more eager, and general Lake determined to push on the whole of the cavalry, in the hope of delaying the enemy by a light engagement, until the British infantry should come up; and also to take advantage of any confusion which might arise in the attack upon the enemy's guns and baggage. With these views, the commander in chief, with the cavalry, proceeded in the pursuit at 12 o'clock the same night, and having marched a distance of 25 miles in little more than six hours, came up with the enemy about seven o'clock the following morning, whose force amounted to about nine thousand regular infantry, seventy-two guns, and from four to five thousand horse. Previously to this extraordinary march, the infantry were ordered to follow at three o'clock in the morning.

When the British troops reached the enemy, the latter appeared to be retreating in such confusion, that general Lake was induced to try the effect of an attack with cavalry alone. The enemy, however, whose operations were concealed by the clouds of dust, raised by the movement of so large a body of horse, succeeded in preventing for a period its rapid advance, by cutting through a large reservoir of water, and thus rendering the road nearly impassable. In consequence of which delay, they were enabled to take up a most advantageous position, having their right in front of the village of Laswaree, and thrown back upon a rivulet, whose banks were steep and difficult of access; their left upon the village of Mohaulpore, and their

About 280,0001. the well-earned reward of the activity and courage of the army



whole front concealed by high grass, and protected by a powerful line of artillery. Unaware of this change in the enemy's disposition, General Lake, therefore, proceeded in his original intention, and directed the advanced guard, and the 1st brigade of cavalry, to move upon the point where the enemy had been observed in motion, but which proved to be the left of their new position. The remainder of the cavalry was ordered to attack in succession, as soon as they could form after passing the rivulet.

In consequence of this order, colonel Vandeleur, and major Griffiths, at the head of their corps, made a charge with the utmost gallantry and effect. The enemy's line was forced, and the cavalry penetrated into the village, and captured several guns; the successive attacks of the other brigades of cavalry, were conducted with the same spirit and equal success. But, the fire from the enemy's remaining artillery was so galling, that it was found prudent to withdraw the cavalry out of its reach; which was effected with perfect order and steadiness, some of the enemy's ordnance still remaining in its possession. The death of colonel Vandeleur, upon this occasion, was very justly deplored, as that of a most brave, accomplished, and meritorious officer.

About noon on this ever-memorable day, the British infantry arrived (after a dreadfully fatigning march of twenty-five miles) on the banks of the rivulet. As rest and efreshment was absolutely necessary, during the time that they halted for this purpose, the enemy sent a message to the commander-inchief, offering to surrender their

guns on certain conditions. Anx, ious to prevent the effusion of blood, general Lake directed a reply to be written, in which he acquiesced to the proposition, but limited them to one hour to execute its terms. In the mean while the following disposition of the whole force was made for a general attack, should the enemy allow the prescribed time to elapse.

The British infantry was formed into two columns on the left; the first, composed of the right wing, under major-general Ware, was destined to assault the village of Mohaulpore, and to turn the enemy's right flank, which, since the morning had been thrown back, leaving a considerable space between it and the rivulet. The second, under ma jor-general St. John, was ordered to support the first column. The third brigade of cavalry, under colonel Macan, was directed to support the infantry; lieutenant-colonel Vaudeleur, with the second, was detached to the right of the British army, to watch the enemy's left, to avail himself of any confusion in their line, and to attack them should they retreat. The first brigade of cavalry, under lieutenantcolonel Gordon, composed the reserve, and was formed between the second and third brigades. As many of the field-pieces as could be brought up, and the galloper guns, formed four different batteries to support the attack. It must here be observed, that since the morning the enemy had formed their infantry into two lines, with their right thrown back, the first line to the eastward, and covering Mohaulpoor, and the second to the westward of that village.

At the expiration of the time

which general Lake had allowed the enemy, no reply having been received, the British infantry advanced to the attack, moving along the bank of the rivulet, through high grass and broken ground, which afforded some cover. As soon as it became exposed to the enemy's guns, the four British batteries commenced their fire, and continued to advance, notwithstanding the vast superiority of the enemy's artillery. The cannonade on both sides was extremely severe, and maintained with the greatest vigour and spirit. The artillery of the enemy was extremely well served, and they threw grape from large mortars, as well as from guns of a very heavy calibre.

When the 76th regiment, which headed the attack, had arrived within one hundred and fifty paces of the enemy, it was so much exposed, and men fell so fast, that the commander-in-chief judged it preferable to proceed to the attack with that regiment, and as many of the native infantry as had closed to the front, rather than wait till the remainder of the column, which had been much impeded in its advance, should be able to form. As soon as this small body of brave men arrived within reach of the enemy's cannister-shot, a most tremendous fire opened upon them. The loss sustained was severe, and, under such a cannonade, it was impossible to make a regular advance. The enemy's cavalry now attempted to charge, but was repulsed by the fire of this gallant body of British infantry; it rallied, however, at a short distance, and assumed so menacing an aspect, that the commander-in-chief ordered it to be charged in its turn, by the British horse,

which was executed with the ut most gallantry and success, by the 29th regiment of dragoons, under the command of captain Wade, major Griffith being at that instant unfortunately killed by a cannon shot. The remainder of the infantry arrived in time to join in the attack of the enemy's reserve, which was formed in the rear of their first line.

About this time general Ware fell dead, by a cannon-shot; which event, from the courage and skill which always distinguished that gallant officer, may well be regarded as a public loss. The command of his column devolved upon colonel Macdonald, who, though wounded, executed its important duties, at this trying moment, in the most exemplary manner,

The enemy opposed a vigorous resistance to the last, and did not abandon their position, until they had lost all their guns. Even then their left wing endeavoured to retreat in good order, but they were broken in upon by lieutenant-colo❤ nel Vandeleur's division of cavalry, which cut several of them to pieces, and drove the rest in prisoners, with the whole of the enemy's baggage.

The loss sustained by the British troops, in the achievement of this complete victory, was severe, amounting to nearly two hundred killed, (in which number were included several valuable officers) and nearly seven hundred wounded. Of the enemy, two thousand were made prisoners, and by far the greater number of the remainder were destroyed upon the field of battle!

There remained in the possession of the British troops, after the bat tle, the whole of the enemy's baggage and camp equipage; all their cle Q4


phants, camels, and bullocks; 72 pieces of cannon, serviceable, and in excellent order; and a vast quantity of ammunition. Three tum brils laden with treasure, were likewise the fruits of the victory, and 5,000 stand of arms, which had been thrown down by the enemy, were found in the field of battle.

Thus terminated, at four o'clock in the evening of the 1st of November, 1803, the battle of Laswaree, in which British valour and steadi. ness were so eminently conspicuous, and which completely subverted Scindiah's hostile power, and formidable resources in Hindostan, and those of the French force in that quarter. Great part of the army had been under arms for 16 hours, and had marched, in the course of two days and nights, a distance of more than 65 miles! This great victory must, however, principally be attributed to the admirable skill, judgment, heroic valour, and activity of general Lake, who thus, at once consummated his triumphs, and terminated his campaign. Dnring the heat of the action, he was exposed to one of the most severe trials, to which providence has ever put human fortitude. On his horse falling under him, pierced by several shot; his son, (a most promising young officer, who constantly attended his father's person,) dismounted, and offered his horse to the general, who at first refused, but on his repeated solicitations, mounted, and major Lake mounted a horse from one of the troops of cavalry: in a moment, a shot struck the son, and wounded him severely. At this instant, the commander in chief, found it necessary to head the infantry in the advance, and to leave major Lake

wounded on the field! A more affect. ing scene, can hardly be presented to the imagination. Our readers will rejoice, that, at the close of the battle, the most agonizing suspense was terminated, by the general finding his son still alive, and his wound not likely to prove dangerous.

The operations of the British arms, thus gloriously concluded, on the north-western frontier of Oude, we shall now revert to the campaign in the Deccan, where we left general Wellesley eagerly fol. lowing up his splendid victory, at Assye. It will be remembered, that colonel Stevenson had been detached in the begining of October, towards Boorhanpoor, and Asseer Ghur, for the purpose of reducing those places. The former was taken possession of without resistance, on the 16th, and the following day, be proceeded to Asseer Ghur, whence the enemy's infantry precipitately retired on his approach, and which place, after some ineffectual attempts on the part of the garrison to gain time by the usual artifices of Indian negociation, consented to surrender on terms indeed highly advantageous to the besieged, but not less so to the victors, if it be considered, that this fortress was deemed by the enemy impregnable, and that its fall was of the utmost importance to a speedy termination of the contest.

Whilst colonel Stevenson was thus successfully employed, the unceasing activity of general Wellesley was productive of fresh triumphs to the British arms, and of apprehension and dismay to the enemy. On the 25th of October, the division of the British army, commanded by him, re-ascended the Adjuntee Ghaut, and marched to the


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