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of the conduct which Pitt has since observed. It gives me great pleasure to see, that while my difference with Addington becomes every day more marked, all the motives which made Pitt and me differ in opinion and conduct, daily decrease. We have not, however, yet been able to assimilate completely our plans of political condut. Our situation, indeed, in one essential point of view, is entirely different.-Though he did not recommend Addington to his present employment (and, in. deed, who is there that knows him would have done it?), he neverthe less gave him a certain portion of influence, more active than my opinion would have permitted me to grant, in the formation of the new administration. He advised their measures a long time after I had ceased to have any intercourse with them, and he approved of them in different points, which appeared to me the most criminal, and which were indeed so, as proved by the event. He is consequently more hampered in his conduct than I am, and he does not at present enjoy the inestimable advantage which I possess, of never having concealed nor compromised my opinion, in regard to matters of so much political importance; but, I believe that his ideas on their political conduct are not much different from mine, if they differ at all, and to all this must be added a resentment justly merited from the personal conduct of Mr. Addington towards him. He does not endeavour to conceal his sentiments. If he has written to you (which he certainly must have done, had he not contracted the bad habit of never writing to any one) he must have expressed to you, I am persuaded, all these sentiments with


ont reserve; and it is under this persuasion that I enlarge so much to you on his opinions. The measure, indeed, which he has lately adopted (I allude to his motion of adjourn ment, on the vote of censure, ill judged in itself, as I think it was, and unfortunate in its result, since it lessened his public influence), has, at least, the merit of expressing, in an unequivocal manner, his disapprobation of the conduct of government. I will not hazard a conjecture in regard to the new events which may take place before your arrival, and the only advice I wish to give you is, what I have more than once suggested, not to engage for any thing until you return, but to retain the liberty of acting, according to such motives as you shall judge proper to direct your conduct when you are on the spot, and according as the different relations between persons at the head of affairs in the different subdivisions of parties, shall have enabled you to judge what suits you best. In regard to the idea thrown out, in the extract you have sent me from your letter to Mr. Addington, you ought, in my opinion, to consider it only as a possible, though remote event. As for eternal enmity, I detest the idea; and, if I have an eternal enmity, it is against the partisans of a principle so detestable. But much is due to public opinion, as well as to the personal situation and character of individuals, which ought to be respected long after they have ceased to have resentment, or to take pleasure in giving proofs of it; and nothing appears to me less probable than to see Pitt and me, at any near period (perhaps I may say, at any period of our lives), reconciled, and disposed to re-establish with Ad


dington our former relations. The
papers, if you have them, will in-
form you, that all our conversation
at present turns on invasion, and
that we at length begin to take mea-
sures for enabling us to face our
enemies, if they should be able to
effect a landing, which, though very
improbable, is not, certainly, in any
manner impossible. To speak of
conquering, or subduing ten or
twelve millions of men, if prepared
for the contest, and directed by a
government desirous and capable of
animating their efforts, would be
completely ridiculous. But expe-
rience has shewn, that the number
of inhabitants alone, and even ad-
vantage of local situation, are no-
thing, if the direction of the defence
remains in the hands of men distin-
guished only by their imbecility and
weakness. In Holland even, and
still more in Germany, Italy, and
Swisserland, the countries were given
up by the weakness, not of the peo-
ple, but of their governments; and
in like manner, if in this island, or
in Ireland, we should experience any
considerable check, we shall owe it
not to the timidity or ignorance of
the nation, but solely to those of
government. You must be already
enabled to judge to what a degree
these qualities exist in the present
government, if (as I suppose) you
have, before you receive this letter,
read the correspondence of lord
Hawkesbury with Otto and lord
Whitworth, and compared the dates
of the different counter-orders in re-
gard to the Cape, during the course
of our communications with France.
It would be superfluous to add to
the length of this letter, by expati-
ating on the pleasure which I ex-
perienced, on finding in your letter
those expressions of friendship which
belong to our old and uninterrupted

intimacy. I never did more for you than you would have done for me, on a like occasion; and if the intrigue planned against you is totally without effect, and your measures have been approved before they were arraigned, I cannot flatter myself with having contributed to this result by my efforts;-but you may, in my opinion, consider the affair as terminated. It does not appear that a single word of it was mentioned in parliament before Christmas, and I really believe that you have nothing to fear. You can now have uothing further to apprehead on the subject, except perhaps the trouble and unpleasantness of a controversy of this description.

"I remain, &c. &c. &c. (Signed)

"Grenville." Of the view of political affairs, presented in this letter, the result may perhaps shortly be stated to be, that, while the sentiments both of the "old" and of the "new" opposition (as those parties were termed, of which Mr. Fox and lord Grenville were the chiefs) were avowedly unfavourable to the measures of the existing government, the predilection originally manifested in their favour, by the late minister (Mr. Pitt) had gradually subsided, first into coldness and indifference, then into an expressed disapprobation of some parts of their conduct; and, that at the period of which we are now speaking, he was supposed to entertain sentiments not much less hostile to administration, than those of the parties by whom their measures were directly opposed.

No material change appears to have occurred in this respect in the course of the autumn of the last year; and, at the opening of the following session of parliament, the 14


four parties into which the public men of the day were chiefly divided, namely, the supporters of government, the friends of Mr. Pitt, the "old" and the "new" opposition, were found nearly in the same relation to each other, as we have here stated. A common sentiment, howevor, of the inadequacy of the administration, to whom, in the most critical and alarming circumstances, the safety of the British empire was now confided; confessedly to the exclusion of so many persons of all descriptions, distinguished both by experience and talent, appeared to have led to more intercourse than had hitherto taken place between the "o" and "new" opposition: and it was generally understood, that, without any compromise of their opinions, on points respecting which they had formerly differed, these parties were now disposed to unite their efforts, for the accom. plishing an object, on the necessity of which they both perfectly agreed, that of the substitution of as vigorous and efficient a government as the talents of the country could supply, in order to meet a danger, against which no exertions could be considered as too powerful.

The course of the discussions which took place in the earlier part of the session, will be found particularly stated under the head of our parliamentary proceedings. From most of these, Mr. Pitt was either absent, or took in them only such a part, as did not convey any distinct pledge of his sentiments respecting the great question on which the public opinion was now so much agitated--that of the sufficiency of the government to meet the urgency of so diflicult a crisis. At length, however, early in the spring of the

present year, Mr. Pitt came forward, with a more decisive avowal of his sentiments on this important subject; and not only declared his total disapprobation of the particular measures for the national defence, proposed by ministers, (and then under the consideration of parliament) but also arraigned, in terms of the bitterest sarcasm, and severest invective, their general conduct of the public interests, both at home and abroad; expressing, at the same time, his absolute conviction, grounded on experience, that the safety of the country required the formation of a more efficient government. This opinion, which had so long been urged by the other parties in opposition, was already very generally prevalent in the public; and the declaration now made, of the accession of Mr. Pitt and his friends to the same sentiment, was at once decisive, upon the existence of Mr. Addington's administration. It became now manifest, that, with the exception of the immediate adherents of that administration, all other parties were agreed, both as to the necessity of a change, and as to the means by which that change might most speedily be effectednamely, those of a strong opposi tion in parliament, avowedly directed to produce, by constitutional means, that great national object.

The strength of the government, on the one hand, and, on the other, that of the three parties thus united for the purpose of compelling a change of administration, were found, by repeated divisions in both houses of parliament, to be nearly balanced: but the weight of public opinion, in favour of the latter, left no doubt which scale must ultimately preponderate.

It is to the praise of Mr. Adding ton, that to this state of things, with such an opposition ranged against him, as could leave no question of the real sentiments of parliament or the public, he yielded without hesitation; and instead of attempting by a fruitless resistance, to prolong a struggle, which, in a moment of so much difficulty the public interests could but ill endure, he gave to his sovereign, that, which, in such a case, was the only sound and constitutional advice-namely, that a new ministry should, without delay, be formed, possessing more of the confidence both of parliament and of the public; and declarations, amounting in substance to this effect, although couched in terms of some ambiguity and reserve, were made both in the house of lords and house of commons.

When the resignation of Mr. Addington was thus announced, there universally prevailed throughout the country a greater degree of unanimity, as well of wish as of opinion, as to the steps to be next taken, than has, perhaps, ever been witnessed in any other case of a similar description. The increasing dan gers of the country had produced a general call for the union and cooperation of all those, whose services could in any manner be useful to the interests of the public. This sentiment had been echoed by every party, and by every description of people. The government had recommended, that all political differences should be swallowed up in an universal exertion for the common defence, to be made under their united auspices. The three parties which had at length joined in opposition, had successively shewn, both by their language and their practice,

that they also wished to bury in oblivion the memory of past differences, and to unite in exertions for the common security; although they deemed it essential to the success of these exertions, that the direction of them should be entrusted to such hands as might, in the general opinion of mankind, be reasonably deemed adequate to such a task.The country at large rejoiced to see those great political leaders, by whose divisions the public mind had so long been distracted, now united in the same course of conduct, and acting in parliament with that commanding effect, which was naturally to be expected from such a concur


Whatever private predilections were rumoured to prevail in ANY QUARTER, no doubt was entertained, but that the general wish would be gratified by the formation of a government, such as this new state of things seemed to render practicable, and as all men felt to be desirable: a government, embracing all that could be found in the country most eminent in talent and consideration.

Such was the course, by which, in former periods of public danger, (formidable at the period, though little to be compared in magnitude with that by which the country was now menaced,) the public spirit had been raised from dejection and despondency to the highest animation and most vigorous exertion: and a train of disgraces and defeats had been followed by a long series of triumph and victory. The hope of a similar result, in the present instance, was strengthened by the public declarations of the most considerable persons of every political party, and by the uniform language

ciple on which it is established ;and that all idea of public responsibility would be overthrown, as well as the dignity of the royal station essentially compromised, if a minister were allowed to justify any part of his conduct, either in forming or `conducting a government, not by his own opinion and sense of right, but by a submission to predilections and prejudices, which he may alledge to have found in "the closet," and to have in vain attempted to combat.

of their friends and adherents.What the circumstances were which prevented its accomplishment, we are unwilling too minutely to enquire. It appeared, from repeated assertions made, in Mr. Pitt's vindication, both by himself and his friends, that no man was more stre. nuous than himself in declaring in EVERY QUARTER, that the for.mation of such a government, comprehending, without any exclusion whatever, all those who could best contribute to its efficiency and weight, was imperiously required by the present necessities of the country. But those who give him the fullest credit for entertaining and urging this opinion, remarked, that by the constitution of this country, a minister is answerable, not for his private sentiments or secret counsels, so much as for his public conduct;-that it is in the acts of government, that the advice given by ministers to their sovereigns is to be looked for ;-that a public man, who accepts any part in an administration, much more who undertakes to form and direct it, pledges himself to his country for By those who wished to justify his own conviction of the expedi-this step, it was universally said, ency and the rectitude of the prin- that it was not to be attributed to

Under these circumstances the public experienced the severest disappointment, when they found, that of the three parties to whose union in their service it had looked with so confident a hope, one only, that immediately attached to Mr. Pitt,composed the new administration; which was thought to be little strengthened by the addition of two or three individuals belonging to the govern. ment which he had overthrown, and in which they had held such stations as had particularly exposed them to the bitterness of his sarcasm and reproachful scorn.*


* Mr. Pitt was gazetted First Lord of the Treasury, and Chancellor of the Exchequer, on the 12th day of May, in the room of Mr. Addington. For the dates of the other arrangements which took place, vide the "Promotions" of this vol.

Of Mr. Addington's administration, the following Cabinet Ministers, viz.
The Duke of Portland, President of the Council.

Lord Eldon, Lord Chancellor.

Earl of Westmorland, Lord Privy Seal.

Earl of Chatham, Master-General of the Ordnance. And
Lord Castlereagh, President of the Board of Control.

Retained their several situations in the government formed by Mr. Pitt:

Lord Hawkesbury, Secretry of State for Foreign Affairs, under the late minister, also adhered to the present, but his office was changed to the home department, oice Mr. Yorke.


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