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English Private Law. See pp. 51, 52

English Law of Contract, by Sir W. R. ANSON. Sixteenth edition, by M. L.

GWYER. 1920. 15s.

Cases illustrating General Principles of the Law of Contract, by J. C. MILES and J. L. BRIERLY. 24s. With the preceding, 36s.

Genius of the Common Law, by Sir F. POLLOCK. 1912. 8s. 6d.

Outline of Law of Property, by Sir T. RALEIGH. 1890. 7s. 6d.

On Possession in the Common Law, by Sir F. POLLOCK and Sir R. S.

WRIGHT. 1888. 8s. 6d.

Private Jurisdiction, by W. O. AULT. 18s. 6d.

Modern Land Law, by E. JENKS. 1899. 15s.

Law of Copyright (1911), by G. S. ROBERTSON. 1912. With Supplement to December 31, 1915, 15s. Supplement separately, 5s.

Law of Associations, by H. A. SMITH. 1914. 6s.

Cases illustrating Principles of Law of Torts, by F. R. Y. RADCLIFFE

and J. C. MILES. 1904. 18s.

Vicarious Liability, by T. BATY. 1916. 10s. 6d.

Management of Private Affairs, by JOSEPH KING, EDWIN CANNAN,

F. T. R. BIGHAM, M. L. GWYER, J. S. C. BRIDGE, A. M. LATTER. 1908. 5s.

Law of Housing, by Sir KINGSLEY WOOD, with a Preface by the Right Hon.


For Medical Jurisprudence see p. 432

Legal History. See pp. 52, 57, 59–61, 88

Bracton, De Legibus et Consuetudinibus Angliae. Edited by G. E. WOODBINE.

Vol. I, 1915. 37s. 6d. Vol. II, 1922. 37s. 6d.

Lectures on Legal History and Miscellaneous Legal Essays, by JAMES BARR

AMES. 1913. With a Memoir. 17s.

Essays in Legal History, edited by Sir PAUL VINOGRADOFF. 1913. 21s. Oxford Studies in Social and Legal History, edited by Sir PAUL VINO

GRADOFF. 12s. 6d. each volume.

Villainage in England, by PAUL VINOGRADOFF. 1892. 18s.

Burgage Tenure, by M. de W. HEMMEON. 1914. 10s. 6d.

Frankpledge System, by W. A. MORRIS. 1910. 8s. 6d.

Four Thirteenth Century Law Tracts, by G. E. WOODBINE. 1910. 7s. 6d. Welsh Mediaeval Law: the Laws of Howell the Good, edited by A. W. WADE

EVANS. 1909. 8s. 6d.

Year-books 12 Rich. II, 1388, edited by G. F. DEISER. 1914. 25s.
Fortescue's Governance of England, by C. PLUMMER. 1885. 18s.
Rise and Fall of the High Commission, 1535-1641, by R. G. USHER.

1913. 15s.

Select Statutes, 1558-1625, by G. W. PROTHERO. Fourth edition. 1913. 10s. 6d.


Rome. See pp. 364 a

Imperatoris Iustiniani Institutionum Libri Quattuor, edited and translated by J. B. MOYLE. 2 vols., fifth edition. I, 1912, 18s.; II, 1913, 7s. 6d. Institutes of Justinian edited as a recension of the Institutes of Gaius, by T. E. HOLLAND. Second edition. 1882. 5s.

Select Titles from the Digest, by T. E. HOLLAND and C. L. SHADWELL. 1881. 14s. Also sold in parts.

Gai Institutionum Iuris Civilis Commentarii Quattuor, with a translation and Commentary by E. POSTE. Fourth edition, 1904. 21s.

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Sohm's Institutes', translated by J. C. LEDLIE. Third edition, 1907. 16s. Problems of Roman Criminal Law, by J. L. STRACHAN-DAVIDSON. 1912.

2 vols. 18s.

Turkey. See p. 93

Corps de Droit Ottoman, par G. YOUNG. 1905. 7 vols. £7 7s.; p. c. £5 5s. Vols. I-III not sold separately; IV-VII, cloth, 63s., p. c. 52s. 6d.


The Sources of Law in the Swiss Civil Code. By IVY WILLIAMS. 1923. 8vo (9 × 6), pp. 200. 7s. 6d. net. Oxford University Press.

Germany. See p. 91

Principles of German Civil Law, by E. J. SCHUSTER. 1907. 18s.

Law in Daily Life, by R. VON JHERING, translated by H. GOUDY. 1904. 4s. Slavonic Countries. See p. 92

Lectures on Slavonic Law, by G. SIGEL. 1902. 5s.

France. See p. 89

Centenary of French Civil Code, by Sir COURTENAY ILBERT. 1904. Is. The East. See pp. 79 c

Anglo-Indian Codes, by WHITLEY STOKES. 2 vols. I, 1887, 30s.; II, 1888, 35s.; or 60s. the 2 vols. with supplements. First supplement, 1889, 2s. 6d. ; second supplement, 1891, 4s. 6d. ; together 6s. 6d.

United States. - See pp. 97, 99, 100

Framing of the Constitution, by MAX FARRAND. 1913. 10s. 6d.
Liberty under Law, by W. H. TAFT. 1922. 5s.

Recent Changes in American Constitutional Theory, by J. W. BUR

GESS. 1923. 8s.

The Army and the Law, by G. GLENN. 1918. 7s. 6d.

Declaration of Independence, 1776. Articles of Confederation, 1781. Constitution of the United States, 1789. Edited by J. B. SCOTT. 1917. 4s. 6d.

History of Legislative Methods before 1825, by R. V. HARLOW. 1917. 11s. 6d. Outline Sketch of English Constitutional History (the Foundation of

American Liberties), by G. B. ADAMS. 1918. 7s. 6d.

Reform of Legal Procedure, by M. STOREY. 1912. 6s. 6d.

- Judicial Tenure in the United States, by W. S. CARPENTER. 1918. 6s. 6d. Two Centuries' Growth of American Law, 1701-1901, by Members of the Law Faculty. 1901. 17s. (Yale University Press.)

Law and Its Administration, by H. F. STONE. 1916. 8s. 6d.

Municipal Home Rule, by H. L. McBAIN. 1916. 21s.

Foreign Corporations in American Constitutional Law, by G. K. HENDERSON.

1918. 7s.

Law as a Vocation, by F. J. ALLEN. 1919. 4s. 6d.

Doctrine of Judicial Review, by E. S. CORWIN. 1914. 7s.

See pp. 6, 51, 111-12

For publications of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, see pp. 113-113 e Early Writers

Gentilis Alberici de Iure Belli Libri Tres edidit T. E. HOLLAND. 1877. 21s. Hispanicae Advocationis Libri Duo, by ALBERICO GENTILI. 1921.

Edited by F. F. ABBOTT. 2 vols. 25s.

Freedom of the Seas, by HUGO GROTIUS, translated by R. VAN D. MAGOFHugo Grotius, by H. VREELAND. 1917. 10s.

FIN. 1917. 10s.

Juris et Judicii Fecialis, sive, Juris inter Gentes, by R. ZOUCHE, edited by

T. E. HOLLAND. 1911. 2 vols. 20s.

De Jure Naturae et Gentium Dissertationes, by S. RACHEL, edited by

L. VON BAR. 1916. 2 vols. 20s.

International Law, by W. E. HALL. 7th ed., by A. P. HIGGINS. 1917. 28s. British Year Book of International Law. First four years of publication :

1920-21, 15s.; 1921-22, 16s; 1922-23, 16s.; 1928-24, 16s.

American Journal of International Law. Quarterly, 6s. 6d.

Foreign Powers and Jurisdiction of British Crown, by W. E. HALL. 1894. 12s. 6d. Studies in International Law, by Sir T. E. HOLLAND. 1898. 10s. 6d. Laws of War on Land, by Sir T. E. HOLLAND. 1908. 6s.

Proposed Changes in Naval Prize Law, by Sir T. E. HOLLAND. 1911. Is. A Valedictory Retrospect (1874-1910), by Sir T. E. HOLLAND. 1910. Is. The Law of Nations, by Sir T. TWISS. Part I. 1894. 14s.

Pacific Blockade, by A. E. HOGAN. 1908. 6s.

International Law, some Problems of the War, by Sir ERLE RICHARDS. 1915. ls. 9d.
Sovereignty over the Air, by Sir ERLE RICHARDS. 1912. ls. 9d.
The Panama Controversy, by Sir ERLE RICHARDS. 1913. 2s. 6d.
Law of War and Contract, by H. CAMPBELL. 1918. 15s.
Law of Contraband of War, by H. REASON PYKE. 1915. 12s. 6d.

The Case of Requisition, by LESLIE SCOTT and ALFRED HILDESLEY.
With an Introduction by the Right Hon. Sir JOHN SIMON. 1920. 16s.

The League of Nations and the New International Law, by J. E. HARLEY.

With an Introduction by T. MARBURG. 1921. 14s.

Equality of States in International Law, by E. D. DICKINSON. 1920. 21s.
Neutralization, by C. F. WICKER. 1911. 4s.

United States and Neutralization, by C. F. WICKER. 1911. 1s.
Rights of Neutrals, by the Right Hon. Sir EDWARD FRY. 1906. Is.
Rhodian Sea-Law. Edited from MSS. by W. ASHBURNER. 1909. 18s.

The Monroe Doctrine, by HIRAM BINGHAM. 1913. 5s. 6d.

The Monroe Doctrine, by R. B. MERRIMAN. 1916. 4d.

The Relations of the Advanced and Backward Races of Mankind, by JAMES BRYCE. Second edition. 1903. 2s.

Class Cases on International Law; by G. G. WILSON. 1921. 2s.

World Organization and the modern state, by D. J. HILL. 1911. 8s. 6d.


International Law and Arbitration, by Sir ERLE RICHARDS. 1911. 1s. 3d. International Arbitration amongst the Greeks, by M.N.TOD. 1913. 8s.6d. International Arbitration and Procedure, by ROBT. C. MORRIS. With a foreword by President TAFT. 1912. 6s. 6d.

Essay on a Congress of Nations, by WILLIAM LADD, 1840. Reprinted with an introduction by J. B. SCOTT.

1916. 8s. 6d.

For books on the League of Nations, see p. 9

Three Peace Conferences of the Nineteenth Century, by C.D.HAZEN, W. R. THAYER, and R. H. LORD; Claimants to Constantinople, by A. C. COOLIDGE. 1917. 4s. 6d.

History of the Peace Conference of Paris, edited by H. W. V. TEMPER

LEY. See p. 10.

The Hague Conferences

The Two Hague Conferences, by JOSEPH H. CHOATE. 1913. 6s.

Hague Conventions and Declarations of 1899 and 1907, edited by J. B. SCOTT.

Second edition. 1915. 10s. 6d.

Proceedings of the Hague Peace Conferences. Translation of the Official

Texts. 1920-21. Conference of 1899, 25s. ; Conference of 1907, 3 vols., 25s. each. Index Volume, 1921, 25s. (No charge will be made for the Index Volume when supplied with a complete set of The Proceedings.)

Reports to the Hague Conferences of 1899 and 1907. Edited by J. B.SCOTT.

1918. 15s.

North Atlantic Coast Fisheries Arbitration at the Hague. Argument on behalf of America, by ELIHU ROOT, edited by R. BACON and J. B. SCOTT. 1917. 12s. 6d. Diplomatic Documents relating to the Outbreak of the European War. Edited with an introduction by J. B. SCOTT. 1916. 2 vols. 25s.

United States Policy and Diplomacy

Treaties and Agreements with and concerning China, 1894-1919. Compiled and edited by J. V. A. MACMURRAY. 1921. 2 vols. 50s.

Hispanic-American Relations with the United States, by w. s.

ROBERTSON. 1923. 17s. 6d.

Controversy over Neutral Rights between the United States and France, 17971800. Edited by J. B. SCOTT. 1917. 15s.

Addresses on International Subjects, by ELIHU ROOT, collected and edited by R. BACON and J. B. SCOTT. 1916. 12s. 6d.

Venezuelan Boundary Dispute, by G. CLEVELAND. 1913. 6s.
American Supreme Court, by HERBERT A. SMITH. 1920. 9s. 6d.

V. The Conflict of Laws

Bartolus on the Conflict of Laws, translated by J. H. BEALE. 1914. 4s. 6d.
On the Conflict of Laws, by J. H. BEALE. Vol. I, Part I. 1916. 5s. net.
Conflict of Laws relating to Bills and Notes, by E. G. LORENZEN. 1919. 25s.
On Jurisprudence and the Conflict of Laws, by FREDERIC HARRISON. With
annotations by the late A. H. F. LEFROY. 1878-9, reprinted 1919.

10s. 6d.

Universities, Academies, and Schools
University of Oxford

Oxford University Roll of Service, edited by E. S. CRAIG and W. M.
GIBSON. Third and definitive edition. With an Introduction by Sir WALTER
RALEIGH. 1920. 8vo (83 × 53), pp. xvi + 684. Cloth gilt, 15s. net. At the Clarendon Press.

Statutes, Regulations, &c. : Current Issues

The Statutes and Regulations of the University are printed in their official form in Statuta Universitatis, Examination Statutes, and Responsions, see below.

The University Calendar is chiefly a list of the members of the University. Statuta Universitatis Oxoniensis. 8vo (9×6). 5s. net. At the Clarendon Press. Examination Statutes. 8vo (81⁄2 × 51⁄2). 3s. 6d. net.

At the Clarendon Press.

Facilities for Advanced Study and Research. 1s. net. At the Clarendon Press.
School of Medicine. Information concerning Medical Degrees and Diplomas, and
Post-Graduate Study. Cr. 8vo (7×5). 1s. net.

Responsions Regulations. 8vo (81 × 51). 6d. net.
Natural Science. Preliminary Examination Regulations.

At the Clarendon Press.

At the Clarendon Press. 8vo (81×51). 6d. net. At the Clarendon Press.

The Oxford Sheet Almanack. See p. 36 and pp. 137-9.
General Information concerning Admission, Residence, Entrance Scholarships, and
Examinations leading to the Degree of Bachelor of Arts, &c.
6d. net.

Oxford University Calendar. Crown 8vo (7‡×54).

Crown 8vo (71⁄2 × 54). At the Clarendon Press.

12s. 6d. net.

At the Clarendon Press.

The Historical Register of the University of Oxford. A Supplement to the Calendar, containing lists of Officials, Scholars, and Prizemen of the University from the earliest times, the Class Lists, and an Alphabetical Index to the whole, completed to the year 1900. 1900. Crown 8vo. Cloth, 10s. 6d. net. At the Clarendon Press.

First Supplement to the Historical Register of 1900, containing a complete record of University honours and distinctions for the years 1900-1920. Crown 8vo. pp. 335. 10s. 6d. net. At the Clarendon Press.

Register of Convocation. 8vo (8×51). 1s. net.

At the Clarendon Press.

Register of Parliamentary Electors for the University of Oxford.

8vo At the Clarendon Press.

(8×5). 1s. net. Abstract of Accounts of the Curators of the University Chest and of University Institutions, together with the Accounts of the Colleges. Royal folio (13 × 10). 3s. 6d. net. At the Clarendon Press.

also in rutland leather.

Oxford University Pocket Diary. Rexine, 2s. 6d. net; paste grain, 3s. 6d. n.; Oxford University Press, London. Resident Members of the University of Oxford, with their addresses. An Alphabetical List. Issued every Term Royal 8vo (94 × 61). 2s. 6d. net. Oxford University Press.

Calendar of the Association for Promoting the Education of Women in Oxford. Crown 8vo (72 × 54), pp. 102. 6d.

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