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(Continued from p. 276.)

Moral Laws.

Ir is a reflection, not a little mortifying to our pride, that all the maxims of human wisdom may be comprehended in a few pages, and those not free from errors. The world owes to Christianity the few good laws which it possesses. The sages of the Portico and the Academy, alternately published maxims so contradictory, that by the same writing we might infer, that the author did, and did not believe in the existence of a God. But with respect to the laws of God, as contained in the Ten Commandments, the first point which strikes us is their universality; they are the law of all nations, climates, and ages. Jehovah speaks to all mankind. In the next place, nothing can be more admirable than their simplicity and justice: with their internal energy too, is combined the majesty and the grace of forms. The Brachman slowly expresses the persons of the Deity: the name of Jehovah unites them in one-he was, he is, and he will be. Again: Israel's Sabbath is the Sabbath of God himself. The legislators of antiquity have marked their festivals; but what reference have they, like ours, to the God who created light, and marked out the course of the sun. The laws of God are as eternal as their Author: in vain do ages roll away, they are proof against the lapse of time, against persecution, and the corruption of nations. This religious legislation is an astonishing prodigy whilst powers and forms of government pass away, a few Christians, amid all the changes of life, continue to submit to the same laws, without thinking themselves released from their ties by revolutions or adversities. What religion did not lose its influence with its priests and its sacrifices? Did not Baal fall with Babylon, and Apollo with Delphi? Christianity alone has beheld the demolition of its edifices, without being injured by their fall. Every place is the temple of the living God: both the catacomb and the cavern ; but, above all, the heart of the righteous.

The Superiority of the Mosaic History. There are truths which no person calls in question, though it is impossible to furnish any direct proofs of them. The rebellion and fall of Satan, the creation of the world, and the primitive happiness of man, are of this class. The annals of the Chinese and Scandinavians, the Negroes of Africa and the priests of India, all narrate the crimes of the evil deity, the short felicity of man, and the long calamities which followed his fall. Amid the various ancient accounts of the creation, the fables of the poets, and the groundless vagaries of philosophers, it is only in Genesis that we find the original of the different national traditions. What can be more magnificent and more consonant with reason, than the Creator descending into the realms of ancient night, and producing light by a word? The sun at his command takes his station in the heavens, man is made after the image of God, and all the angelic hosts strike their golden harps to celebrate this great work of creative love.

The Fall of Man.

Who can forbear contemplating the great truth, "man dying by reason of eating the fruit of life!" How affecting! how sublime! man undone, by having learned too well to appreciate good and evil! God placed knowledge within his reach: he could not refuse it him, since he was created intelligent and free; but he cautioned him against knowing too much, lest

it should prove the death of him and his posterity. Pride borrows the voice of love to seduce him; and the prime mover of his fall was the serpent, the most subtle of all animals, that is, the one which most aptly represents Satan in his malice and artifice. Every thing is mysterious and astonishing in this incomprehensible reptile: his movements differ from all other animals; his colours, too, possess false splendour and deceitful variety; he moreover possesses the art of seducing innocence, his eyes fascinate the birds of the air: in hell he is represented arming the scourges of the furies, and eternity is typified by his spiral image. It is a singular fact, that the appellation was not given to our first parent by God, who merely called him Adam. It was not till after the fall, that Adam's posterity assumed the name of "enosh," or man (from a Hebrew word signifying "pain"), so perfectly adapted to their afflictions, and so strongly reminding them of their guilt and punishment.


In further illustration of the fall of man, and the doctrine of original sin, it has been observed, "that man is more inconceivable without this mystery, than this mystery is inconceivable to man.” (To be continued.)



"THERE is now living at Egshill-side, in the vale of Garrigill, near Alston, a venerable couple, of the names of John and Mary Martin, both in their hundred and second year, one being the senior of the other only by a few days. It is seventy-seven years since they were made one twain' in the holy bands of matrimony, in which time they have reared a large family of men and These patriarchs are both in the enjoyment of health, with their faculties unimpaired."-Newcastle Journal.


We trust this "venerable couple" are "fellow heirs of the grace of life," and their children also "joint heirs of Christ" with their exemplary parents.


From the "Patriot" Newspaper of July 31, whence we copied part of the above, we find other instances of longevity, which we transcribe for the edification of our readers.

On the 20th inst. in the ninety-second year of his age, Mr. Henry Brewerton, of East Keswick, near Harewood. He was a member of the Methodist Society for fifty-two years. The Rev. John Bankhead, in his ninety-seventh year, having been sixty-eight years minister of Ballycarry, the eldest Presbyterian congregation in Ireland.

On the 16th inst. Christopher Barker, shoemaker, of Bedale, at the advanced age of a hundred and two. He lived a most exemplary life for sobriety and industry, and was esteemed by all who knew him.

At Brachead, parish of Methven, Janet Leslie, in the hundred and fifth year of her age. She was born at Blelock, in the parish of Auchtergarven, and lived as a servant-maid in the immediate neighbourhood.

At Blaries, frontiers of Belgium, at the advanced age He of a hundred and five, M. Nicholas Collins. carried on the trade of a brewer up to his sixtieth year, when he became a farmer, in which occupation he continued until his death.

Disquietude and perplexity of heart are worms that will certainly breed in the rust of unexercised gifts. Owen.

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Books are the instruments of education. Every quality, therefore, which we require in an instrument in general, we should also require in books: such as that they be adapted to the purpose, and the best in every respect that can be procured.

It was said by Dr. Watts, even in respect to his own time, when there were fewer books by many thousands than there are now, "more than half the books in the world are not worth reading." It was also said by the great Lord Bacon, that "there were but few books which deserved to be read through." Surely, then, the choice of books, out of the multitudes which are declared upon these high authorities to be unprofitable, must form no unimportant portion of education.

The great object seems to be, to select the best books upon any branch of study in which we are engaged. In every department there are, of course, some books, which are really the best in every respect. These best books comprise all that is valuable in perhaps most or all the inferior books upon the same subject that have ever been written: since the way books on science are written is, that by repeated improvements of one book upon another, the ultimate book is brought to a state of comparative perfection.

I believe, too, that it will be allowed, that a very few books indeed upon any branch of science, well chosen and thoroughly mastered, would render a person competently acquainted with that particular department. The question however is, how we are to know what these books are? It is perhaps comparatively in vain to resort to catalogues, &c. which profess to give an account of authors and their productions. The various interests of mankind often conduce to exaggerated and inaccurate statements of their merits. The plan which seems to promise most satisfaction is, to apply to some one of acknowledged acquirements in the particular art or science in question, and to request of him to write out a list of the best books upon the subject, sufficiently complete for the purpose of affording a complete acquaintance with it.

If, for instance, I wished to study the Spanish language, I should apply with this inquiry to some celebrated teacher of that language. If I wished to study medicine, I should apply for the same purpose to some accredited and eminent professor of that science. Having obtained information as to the list of the best books, and the order in which they should be read, I should deem myself in possession of all the means I needed, so far at least as the choice of books was concerned. Utterly neglecting all others, I should apply myself to the study of those which were thus recommended to me, and should feel certain that I had adopted the best means for procuring information. The same observations will hold with regard to whatever object of study we may choose to pursue. Indeed, half the value at least of a tutor in any art or science, is the assistance we derive from him in reference to the books which are required, and to the order in which they should be read.

Persons generally adopt a different course. They read whatever books may fall in their way, without considering whether they are worth reading; or they deem the recommendation of other persons respecting a book a sufficient reason for perusing it, without considering the qualifications for judging of it, possessed by the persons in question. These, however, are persons be

longing to that numerous class, who pursue no object in their reading except amusement, or to kill the time, or to divert their recollections from other topics.

If, however, we really wish to become accomplished in any art or science, it is requisite that we select but few books, and make ourselves thoroughly acquainted with them. I have generally noticed, that the most eminent professors of any science have been able to quote at will nearly any part of their standard volumes. The ideas derived from such sources had a permanent dwelling in their minds; they could therefore habitually contemplate them, and perceive with unerring clearness their conformity to truth, and the relation of one to the other.

This is the true method of reading. It is desirable therefore that young persons generally, and indeed persons of any age who wish to make themselves acquainted with any branch of learning, that they should obtain a knowledge of the proper books, and then implicitly read them over, with such attention as almost to commit them to memory. After having been thus thoroughly accustomed to them for some months, they may expect to understand them, and the truths and arguments they thus imbibe will constitute the most solid and nutritious food to the understanding.

With regard to books generally, I presume that you will be most careful as to the true nature and character of those to which you give admission into your house. You will be quite as attentive to the books you admit, as to the articles of dress or food. You will especially be careful what books are subjected to the perusal of your offspring. You would no more think of allowing him to read books indiscriminately, than to eat any kind of viands without discrimination. Just as the quantity and quality of food need to be attended to, in order to secure health of body and activity of understanding; so the degree and the nature of the ideas submitted to the mind need to be regulated, in order to secure our progress in the acquisition of truth and wisdom.

I do not say this with reference so much to the moral as to the intellectual qualities of books. The latter are of equal importance with the former. A tedious, illwritten book, will tire and disgust the mind of your child, and will retard his improvement. A clear, wellwritten, complete, and concise treatise on any subject is of inestimable value.

In a word, you will make it a rule to have no inferior book upon any subject in your house; and in the selection of the best you will be guided by the advice of the ablest and most celebrated in the different branches of study. — I am, dear Madam, yours, &c.


BEAUTY OF PERUVIAN SCENERY. Feb. 1, we proceeded on a delightful summer's morning to visit an extensive grove of orange trees upon the sides of the beauteous mountains, that rise out of the fertile plains of Tucuman. The orange trees grow to a size unknown in Europe. In our ramble, we saw many full thirty feet high, and five or six feet in circumference, and laden at the same time with blossoms and fruit. Flocks of humming birds, attracted by the flowers, were to be seen displaying their exquisite plumage with infnite variety in the sun. We then wound our way through a charming wilderness, overrun with magnificent acacias: beautiful creepers in full flower, curious air-plants suspended from branches high above us, with many shrubs and flowers highly valued or unknown in other climes, here flourished disregarded in all the exuberance of nature. With truth it may be said of all this district,

Thy very weeds are beautiful! thy waste
More rich than other climes' fertility."



(Continued from p. 275.)

Ir being my desire to render instruction as entertaining as possible, I shall now add some few cases in illustration of this attribute of God.

1. The promise of a Saviour. When our first parents rashly presumed to violate the commands imposed on them by their Maker, they brought into a once spotless world all the horrible defilements which have since darkened the pages of history and the characters of men. The Almighty, however, graciously determined, that this disobedience should not be finally ruinous, and promised the coming of a Saviour, who should more than compensate the ruins of the fall. Faint indeed were the glimmerings, and imperfect the knowledge which the first ages of mankind had of the promised Redeemer. Just enough light was preserved to point the antediluvians to the place of refuge, and many, it is hoped, fled for succour to "the hope set before them." However, the greater number apostatized from the service of the Almighty, and they at length became a world of infidels. Years of blasphemy rolled on, and the daring impiety of reckless and inconsiderate creatures seemed to invite the Lord to whet his glittering sword, and come to vengeance. And accordingly we find that at length the Divine command was given, for the waters to arise and sweep from the earth every vestige of its iniquitous inhabitants. Now it might have been thought, that in this universal deluge the promised Saviour would have been forgotten; and that He, who had so long endured the mockery of his creatures, would at length swear in his wrath that they should never enter into his rest. But no! the promise was sure, that the seed of the woman should bruise the serpent's head; and that he, who then seemed to be lord of the ascendant, should ere long cringe beneath the irresistible power of the great Conqueror of sin and hell. The doings of mankind, even after this awful display of Divine indignation, were never such as to awaken in his heart any thing like tenderness or affection for his people. He, who ought to have been the object of each man's most ardent love, was never thought of; and every thing which creatures could do, to insult their Creator, united to induce him to leave mankind to themselves, to perish in their crimes. But nothing could alter a word gone forth from the lips of the Almighty; and in due time the Saviour came, and accomplished his nighty work and as each Sabbath bell calls together from all parts of our land crowds of humble worshippers, it does but serve to confirm the truth of the Almighty, and establish the promises which "he has spoken by the mouths of his holy prophets, who have been since the world began."

2. The promise that the earth should not again be destroyed by water. Inattention robs many of the profit they would otherwise derive from the Scripture. A remarkable passage in them refers to the Almighty's promise, which he made to Noah when he came out of the ark. Now it is not the virtue of this second generation which has saved it from annihilation; for we, like our fathers, have sinned, we have gone astray and dealt wickedly; and the only assurance we have that the fountains of the great deep will no more be called to pour forth their mighty supply of waters, and the windows of the heavens be opened, is because the Lord has sworn that it shall not be so. O how fertile a subject is this for thankfulness and meditation!

Who can

pursue his evening walk, when the setting sun just casts over the earth a kind of calm and solemn light, and look around him on the landscape which spreads so

richly on all sides, and hear the blithsome carol of the birds, without rejoicing in the gladness of nature, and feeling a thrill of delight in the conviction, that it will never be his lot to view this peaceful scene gradually disappearing beneath the torrent of waves, the flashings of lightning, and the pealing of thunder? Who can pass through a crowded city, and hear the hum of business, and see the intelligent faces and active movements of those who are playing their parts in the great drama of life, without lifting up a thankful tribute of praise to the Disposer of all, that he hath been pleased to assure us that these beings shall never struggle with the waves of a universal deluge, and perish amidst the shrieking and the groans of those who see the mighty waters rushing forwards to overwhelin them, but have no power of resistance or flight? O let us be glad, that the Lord who hath promised this is faithful!

3. To Abraham it was said, that his seed should be as the sand upon the sea-shore innumerable, and as the stars of heaven. Now it seemed but a small company that left the land of Haran, when the Lord commanded Abram to forsake his former connections, and trust to the protection of Jehovah. Who would have believed, as they saw the little company pass by, that one among them was the destined father of Israel, the great progenitor of a nation, which has alike been, in its glory and subjection, the wonder and astonishment of the world! Improbable, doubtless, the thing appeared, and yet it was so; for from that hour to the present moment the promise has been in course of fulfilment. The numbers had increased when Jacob came down with his sons into the land of Egypt, and seemed to be rapidly accomplishing when the leader of the Israelites marched out of Egypt at the head of six hundred thousand men and at the present day the Jews are said to be more numerous than ever. But it is not in their number only that this faithfulness is to be traced. What can equal their triumphs and conquests, and the many signal defeats which their enemies (though by far the superiors in number) were made to endure, the marvellous accounts of which enrich the sacred records! And who can look at them in the present day, and compare the predictions of Moses with their present degraded condition, and not be struck with amazement at the remarkably correct manner in which every threatening has been fulfilled? Oh! when we look on Jerusalem, contemplate her former splendour, think on the magnificent day which she once saw, and the mighty men whose bones lie mouldering in her plains, -- who shall blame us for weakness, if we imitate the Saviour, and drop a tear at the consideration of her fallen condition? The torrent of Almighty wrath was threatened: that threat was disregarded, and therefore all the lofty towers of the city are levelled with the dust; and like a country over which a mighty deluge has swept, Jerusalem may say to her unchangeable and faithful God, "All thy waves and thy storms have gone over me," and "Thou, O Lord, art righteous

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4. Christian experience will also confirm my feeble effort to proclaim the faithfulness of God. When the first dawnings of heavenly light beamed into our hearts, there was One there ready to assist it; and though the reed was bruised, he did not break it; and though the flax only just smoked, he did not quench it. has been with us all the days of our pilgrimage. We have found in him a constant and perpetual friend and protector: and though human friends may often have forsaken us, the eye of our Almighty Guard knows no drowsiness, and his love can never be extinguished. Why then should we doubt that he will complete his work? When our fellow-creatures confirm their testimony by an oath, we no longer dare disbelieve them : shall we then charge perjury on the Lord of Heaven,

seeing that he hath sworn by himself that he will bless us? Cast away therefore all sorrow and fear: God is not a man; and if even human testimony is honoured and respected, let us beware how we trifle with the testimony of God.

5. Éternal glory will be bestowed on every true believer. It will be but a little while before we, who are now travelling on the rough and rugged road to Zion's hill, shall have reached that city of habitation. Why then should we not contemplate the pleasures which we shall enjoy on our arrival there? It is not a shadowy or an unsubstantial bliss which the people of God are destined to enjoy; and every care and anxiety as to the exact nature of our future habitations, may well be laid aside when we remember that our Saviour himself is gone to prepare them. The world which we now inhabit is admirably adapted to the supply of all our wants; and this world was the work of the Saviour. Surely then past success may well argue, that the future world will be no less adapted to the wants and dispositions of its inhabitants. What the splendours of that world shall be, it is not in the power of human reason to contemplate. The notices which the Scriptures give us concerning it, are all marked with ideas of grandeur and elevation; and in many places we are told, that the joy will be unspeakable and full of glory. Far removed from the world in which we now reside are the foundations of the Eternal City. This earth will be consumed with a mighty conflagration, and the heavens shall depart with the deepening blasts of the archangel's trumpet; and then shall appear the new heaven, the New Jerusalem, the city of the living God; and thither shall assemble innumerable multitudes from every quarter of the globe, and each shall be clothed in a snow-white robe, and each shall be crowned with a glorious coronet, and the music of golden harps shall awaken heavenly songs, while the Redeemer shall graciously smile on his ransomed and beloved people. Verily, this is the reward of the righteous.

What then can be more encouraging to a trembling mortal than such a view of the Faithfulness of God? Though our sins may have been many, and our iniquities more than the hairs of our head, yet they cannot have passed the boundary line of unlimited love, nor have gone beyond the provision made for the repentant by the death of Christ. The Saviour looks even now with the tender smile of unwearied beneficence on every rebellious child of Adam, and longs and labours to clasp him in his arms, and pour on him the blessings of his grace And if he who cannot lie has said, "Return unto me, for I have redeemed thee," who is he that will be cruel enough to cast a doubt on a subject which God has left free from doubt? Hark! the silver trumpet sounds in sweet and simple melody; and louder yet its strains become, till the whole earth is filled with the sound. What means it? It is the herald of the Lord. He brings glad tidings to the sons of He addresses the long-enslaved captives of sin with the heart-cheering announcement "The year of jubilee is come, Return, ye ransom'd sinners, home."


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B. Z.

POWER OF PRAYER. Heaven is God's magazine, wherein he hath Stor'd up his vials, both of love and wrath. Prayer opens this great treasure: 'tis a key Whose wards are faith and hope and charity. Wouldst thou prevent a judgment due to sin? Turn but the key, and thou mayst lock it in. Or wouldst thou have a blessing fall upon thee? Open the door, and it will shower on thee.- Quarles.

Sunday School Lectures.


"" GIVE US THIS DAY OUR DAILY BREAD." Teacher. I told you last Sunday, that when we offered up this prayer, we asked of God not "to take his Holy Spirit from us,"-still to allow us to drink freely of the fountain of life. Now this is a subject which includes all that the Bible says concerning sin and salvation: it relates to the cause of Christ's dying on the tree, and of his being buried, and of his rising again the third day: it speaks of "sin," of the corruption of man's natural heart, because the office of the Holy Ghost is to cleanse us from sin by the blood of Jesus Christ.

What is the chief subject of the Bible?-Salvation from sin.

What caused Christ's death? - Sin.

What is the chief office of the Holy Spirit?—To sanctify us, or to wash away our sins in Jesus' blood, and prepare us for heaven.

Teacher. The wicked man has had much done for him already, and much also now remains to be done for him, and much for him to do. I would show you now,

1st. What has been done for all men, both sinners and believers.

2d. What has been done for believers only.

1st. What has been done for all inen: and there are three things which have been done for all men:

1st. All inen have been redeemed, bought back from Satan, and power has been given to all men to return again to God.

What has God, first, done for all men?-He has redeemed all men.

What is the meaning of redemption?-A buying back.

Teacher. Suppose a man was to sell himself into the hands of a very cruel king, who was to chain him down so that he might not run away, and was to fleg him every day, and to give him only bread and water to

live upon. Then suppose that another very powerful,

but kind and merciful king, was to see this poor prisoner, and was to pity him, and offer this cruel king 7007. if he would sell him the prisoner, that he might let him go free. And suppose that the price was agreed to by both kings, and the prisoner was allowed to go free. Now here is the cruel king from whom the prisoner is redeemed or bought back; there is the kind king who redeems the prisoner or buys him back; there is the prisoner who is redeemed, or bought back from the cruel king by the kind king; and there is the price with which the prisoner is redeemed or bought back. The cruel king, from whom the prisoner is redeemed, is Satan; the kind king, or the Redeemer, is Jesus Christ; the prisoner who is bought back, represents mankind; and the 7007. paid, denotes the death or blood of Christ. This is redemption. Now suppose the prisoner, when the kind king had redeemed him and procured him liberty, was to say to the king, "Though you have redeemed me, I will not go back to you, and serve you, but I will stop in the service of my present master, and will bear his ill treatment." You would, I dare say, think him a very foolish man, and out of his mind: but nevertheless, this is like the case of the wicked. Though Christ has redeemed them from Satan, who torments them now, and who will torment them hereafter in hell, they will not come to Christ, whose "yoke is easy, and whose burthen is light,” but prefer Satan's bondage. But suppose the prisoner was to choose to serve the kind king, and to leave the

cruel king; then you would think him a wise man for doing so. Now this represents the true believer, who determines to leave Satan, and to serve Christ: the end of the man who stays in Satan's bondage is eternal misery; the end of the man who turns to Christ's service and friendship, is eternal happiness: "Turn ye," then, "turn ye, why will ye die?'

Who is the Redeemer?-Jesus Christ.
Who are the redeemed?All mankind.
From whom are we redeemed? - Satan.

What is the price with which we are redeemed ?Christ's blood.

Teacher. To show you how plainly the Scripture declares that the price of redemption has been paid even for the wicked, I will just refer to two remarkable texts: "Destroy not him with thy meat, for whom Christ died." Rom. xiv, 15. "Who privily shall bring in damnable heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them, and bring upon themselves swift destruction." 2 Pet. ii, 1. No one will say that those who deny Christ, who bring in damnable heresies, and who are bringing on themselves swift destruction, can be saints; and saints only can be saved, and none else. Yet these men are spoken of as redeemed, who "bring on themselves swift destruction:" it is plainly in these two verses stated, that he may be destroyed for whom Christ died, and that even the wicked are redeemed.

At the present time I can go no further, but remember, my dear children, that each one of is you redeemed, and now, now you may go to Christ, escape from Satan, and enjoy everlasting salvation.

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IN answer to W.'s inquiry (in No. 61), who wishes to know if his sin is of that nature mentioned by the apostle, and if there is remission for the same, I beg leave to assure him, that the text has no reference whatever to him, or to any humble inquirer seeking the way of approach to God the Father by Jesus Christ; the class alluded to being the Jews, with others, no matter what their profession or creed may be, who are wilfully and habitually living in the practice of known sin, and rejecting the offers of salvation by Jesus Christ.

The apostle refers here to the Jews, who would not believe that Christ had come, that the great sacrifice once for all had been offered, but still waited for the Messiah's coming. He gives them to understand, that they, having received such evident proofs of Christ's mission, and before whose eyes he was sacrificed; also having been convinced by Christ himself; have now no cloak for their sin, but are sinning wilfully after having received the knowledge of the truth, by vainly expecting there yet remained a sacrifice to be offered, seeing Jesus Christ had already been sacrificed for us, the just for the unjust, that he might bring us to God; there being no other name under heaven whereby they could be saved, but that name which they already knew.

The apostle says, there remaineth no more [no other] sacrifice for sin; but he does not say there remaineth no inore remission or pardon for those who have sinned wilfully after having received the knowledge of the truth; but all, both Jews and Gentiles, may, by sincere

repentance and true faith, arise and go to their Father by Jesus Christ, and will in no wise be cast out, for "While th' lamp of life holds out to burn, The vilest sinner may return."

Trusting these few remarks may remove W.'s fears, I offer them for your insertion. If not plainer than that which has already appeared (See No. 63.) it is at least in other words, and therefore may perhaps be more easily understood. J. M.


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A POOR boy, who sold wood, passing down a street, was heard to say, 'More than ever for a penny!" A friend who heard him observed to me, "More than ever pray for me." Perhaps a few observations may be drawn from this hint, which may be beneficial to the Christian.

Have you a favourite child, for whom you have long and earnestly prayed, and apparently without success, let me entreat you more than ever to pray for him. Depend upon it, praying breath has never, nor ever will be spent in vain. Thy prayer, O anxious parent, will be answered, and in such a manner as will exreed thy highest expectations, and upbraid thy little faith.

Christian, are you walking in darkness? To you I would say, "More than ever pray." Now is the especial time to pray. "Whoso walketh in darkness, and hath no light, let him trust in the name of the Lord, and stay himself upon his God," runs the promise. Take therefore this assurance to the throne of grace, and pleading it in the name of Jesus, light shall break upon thy path, and joy shall beam upon thy disconsolate spirit.

Christian Minister, exclaiming with heartfelt sorrow, "I have laboured in vain, and spent my strength for nought," may I with great humility commend to you more than ever to pray. Oh, how often you have kindly urged your hearers to pray; do but try the efficacy of prayer in your own circumstances. Think you that God can forego his own promise? Has he not said, that "he who goeth forth, bearing precious seed, shall doubtless come again with joy, bringing his sheaves with him;" aud will he not bless your efforts, and ultimately crown your labours with success?

Sabbath School Teacher, who may be cast down by witnessing the untractable dispositions of your charge, let me urge you, more than ever to pray. You have prayed, you answer. Yes, I know you have; and your prayers have not, cannot in truth be unanswered. Pray still the blessing will come, though it may seem to our weak faith to tarry; and it will come, after all the apparent delays, to testify that your labours are not in vain in the Lord.

May every Christian derive a stimulus from these few hints, more than ever to pray.

C. G.



ROME rul'd the world; the Pope made Rome obey ;
By strength she gain'd, by treachery he, the sway.
How far was Luther more than either great,
Whose single pen controll'd their double weight!
Grant Grecian fable its Alcides; still,

His ponderous club was nought to Luther's quill.

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