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With Phyllyp fletcher of fernam;
Here is wyll wyly the myl peker,
And patrycke peuysshe heerbeter,
With lusty hary hange man.

Also mathewe tothe drawer of London,
And sybly sole mylke wyfe of Islyngton,
With davy drawelache of rokyngame;
Here is maryone marchauntes at all gate,

Her husbōde dwelleth at ye sygne of ye cokeldes pate,
Nexte house to Robyn renawaye;

Also hycke crokenec the rope maker,

And steuen mesyll mouthe muskyll taker,
With Iacke basket seler of alwelay.

Here is george of podynge lane, carpenter,

And patrycke peuysshe a conynge dyrte dauber,
Worshypfull wardayn of slouens In;

There is maryn peke small fremason,

And pers peuterer that knocketh a basyn,
With gogle eyed tomson shepster of lyn.
Here is glyed wolby of gylforde squyere,
Andrewe of habyngedon apell byer,
With alys esy a gay tale teller;
Also peter paten maker,

With gregory loue good of rayston mayer,
And hary halter seler at tyborn the ayer.
Here is kate with the croked fote,

That is colsys doughter the dronken koke,
A lusty pye baker;

Here is saunder sadeler of froge strete corner,
With Ielyan Ioly at sygne of the bokeler,
And mores moule taker;

Also annys angry with the croked buttocke,

That dwelled at ye sygne of ye dogges hede in ye pot, By her crafte a breche maker.

Cocke sayd, pardoner now ho and sease,

Thou makeste me wery, holde thy pease,

A thynge tell thou to me;

What profyte is to take thy pardon,

Shewe vs what mede is to come

To be in this fraternyte?

Syr this pardon is newe founde

By syde London brydge in a holy grounde,
Late called the stewes banke.

Ye knowe well all, that there was
Some relygyous women in that place

To whome men offred many a franke,

And bycause they were so kynde and lyberall,
A merueylous auenture there is be fall;
Yf ye lyst to here how.

There came suche a winde fro wynchester
That blewe these women ouer the ryuer,

In wherye, as I wyll you tell.

Some at saynt Kateryns stroke a grounde,
And many in holborne were founde;

Some at saynt Gyles, I trowe,

Also in aue maria aly, and at westmenster,

And some in shordyche drewe theder

With grete lamentacyon.

And by cause they haue lost that fayre place,
They wyll bylde at colman hedge in space
A nother noble mansyon,

Fayrer and euer the halfe strete was,

For euery house newe paued is with gras:
Shall be full of fayre floures,

The walles shallbe of hauthorne, I wote well,

And hanged wt whyte motly yt swete doth smell, Grene shall be the coloures.

And as for this olde place, these wenches holy
They wyll not haue it called the stewys for foly,
But maketh it a strabery banke;

And there is yet a chapell saue
Of whiche ye all the pardon haue,
The saynt is of symme trollanke.
I wyll reherse here in generall
The indulgences that ye haue shall,
Is these that foloweth, with more:
At the oure of deth whan ye haue nede,
Ye shall be assoyled of euery good dede,
That you haue done before;


ye shall be parte taker of as many good dedde As is done euery nyght a bedde;

And also ferthermore,

At euery tauerne in the yere,

A solempne dyryge is songe there,

With a grete drynkynge;

At all ale houses trewely,

Ye shall be prayed for hertely

With a Ioyefull wepynge.

And the pope darlaye hath graūted in his byll,


euery brother may do what he wyll,

Whyle that they be wakynge;

And the pardone gyueth you that hath the pose,
On your owne sleue to wype your nose,

Without rebuke takynge.

Also pope nycoll graunteth you all in this texte,

The coughe and the colyke, the gout and the flyxe, With the holsome tothe ache.

Also it is graunted by our bulles of lede,

That whan ony brother is dede

To the chyrche dogges shall cary hym;

A ryche pal to ly on ye corse late fro rome is come, Made of an olde payre of blewe medly popley hosone. For ye worshyppe of all ye bretherne

Theyr knylles shall be rōge in ye myddes of tese,

And theyr masse songe at shoters hill amonge the elmes,

With grete deuocyon in dede:

And many thynges elles shall be done,

The resydewe I wyll reherse soone,

For drynke fyrst must I nede.

Than Cocke cast a syde his hede,

And sawe the stretes all ouer sprede
That to his bote wolde come,

Of all craftes there were one or other,

I wyll shewe how

many or passe ferther

And reken them one by one.

The fyrst was golde smythes, and grote clyppers,

Multyplyers, and clothe thyckers,

Called fullers euerychone;

There is taylers, tauerners, and drapers,

Potycaryes, ale brewers, and bakers,

Mercers, filetchers, and sporyers.

Boke prynters, peynters, bowers,

Myllers, carters, and botyll makers;
Waxechaundelers, clothers, and grocers,
Wolle men, vynteners, and flesshemongers,
Salters, Iowelers, and habardashers,
Drouers, cokes, and pulters;

Yermongers, pybakers, and waferers,
Fruyters, chese mongers, and mynstrelles.
Talowe chaundelers, hostelers, and glouers;
Owchers, skynners, and cutlers;

Blade smythes, fosters, and sadelers;
Coryers, cordwayners, and cobelers;
Gyrdelers, forborers, and webbers;
Quylte makers, shermen, and armorers.
Borlers, tapstry workemakers, and dyers;
Brouderers, strayners, and carpyte makers;
Sponers, torners, and hatters;

Lyne webbers, setters, with lyne drapers.
Roke makers, coper smythes, and lorymers;
Brydel bytters, blacke smythes, and ferrars;
Bokell smythes, horse leches, and gold beters;
Fyners, plommers, and penters.

Bedmakers, fedbed makers, and wyre drawers; Founders, laten workers, and broche makers; Pauyers, bell makers, and brasyers;

Pynners, nedelers, and glasyers.

Bokeler makers, dyers, and lether sellers;

Whyte tanners, galyors, and shethers;

Masones, male makers, and merbelers;
Tylers, brycke leyers, harde hewers;

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