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4to. 1517

12985 Regnorum Sueciæ, Gothiæ, Magnique Ducatus Finlandiæ, etc. Descriptio, plates, neat, 3s. 12mo. Amst. 1656 12986 Regola da Levare et Nodrie i Figlivoli Christiani et Morigerati, 3s. 6d. 8vo. Venet. 1549 12987 Regula super Expeditione Gratià Expectativarum et Processionibus super eisdem decernen, 3s. 6d. 12988 Regula Sanctissimi Dni nostri Papé Leonis X., super dandis Gratis Expectativas et actuali Expeditione earundem, 3s. 6d. 12989 Regula Beatissimi Patris Aurelii Augustini Hipponensis Episcopi et Ecclesiæ Doctoris Eximii, 28.

4to. 1517

4to. Bononiæ. 1611 12990 Regula et Testamentum Seraphici P. N. S. Francisci, fine engraving by Galle, vellum, 4s. 6d. 8vo. Antverp. 1644 12991 Regulæ Ordinationes, et Constitutiones Cancellariæ Aposto

lica SS. D.N.D. Clementis Papæ XI., 2s. 8vo. Romæ. 1700 12992 Rei Rusticæ Scriptores, 5 vols., very fine and sound copy, in fine old binding, uniform and very neat, 15s.

8vo. Paris. R. Stephanus. 1543 12993 Reichel Abrégé de la Grammaire Allemande de M. Adelung,

2s. 6d.

12994 Reineccii Manuale Biblicum, Gr. et Lat., uncut, 2s.

8vo. Leipzig. 1789

sm. 8vo. Lips. 1734

sm. 8vo. Lips. 1755

12995 Reineccii Index Memorialis Vocum Heb. et Chald. Vet.

Test., uncut, 25.

12996 Reineccii Index Memorialis Voc. Heb. et Chald., uncut, 2s.

sm. 8vo. Lips. 1755 12997 Reinesii Syntagma Inscriptionum Antiquarum, fine copy, neat, 15s. folio. Lips. 1682 With the Autograph of the Earl of Morton. 12998 Relacion de la Jornada del Condestable de Castilla a la Pazes entre Espana y Inglaterra, 5s. folio. Valladolid. 1604 12999 Relacion del Viage hecho por las Goletas sutil y Mexicana

en el año de 1792, uncut, 10s. 6d. 4to. Madrid. 1802 13000 Relandus de Nummis Veterum Hebræorum, cuts, neat, 2s. 8vo. Traj. ad Rh. 1709 13001 Relandus de Spoliis Templi Hierosolymitani, Traj. ad Rh. 1716.- Relandus de Religione Mohammedica, ib. 1717.In 1 vol., both works with plates, neat, 3s. 6d.

13002 Relandi Analecta Rabbinica, portrait, neat, 3s.


8vo. Traj. ad Rh. 1723 13003 Relation of the Siege of Candia, fine copy, with the plate, neat in the original binding, 7s. 6d.

12mo. 1670

13004 Relation of the Barbarous Massacre of 100,000 Protestants at Paris, &c. in France, in the year 1572, 2s. 4to. 1678 13005 Relation of the Wicked Contrivance of Stephen Blackhead and R. Young, against the Lives of several Persons by Forging an Association under their hands, by the Bishop of Rochester, both parts, 4s. 4to. 1692

13006 Relation of the French Kings Expedition into the Spanish Netherlands in 1667 and 1668, very neat, 3s. 6d.

12mo. 1669 13007 Relatione della Festa fatta alla Riccia nella Translatione di quella Imagine della Vergine Santissima dalla Capella, 28. 4to. Rom. 1633 13008 Relatione della Conversione alla Santa Fede del Primogenito del Re di Tunisi Mamet Cebebi hoggi detto D. Filippodai, &c., 5s. 6d. 4to. Roma. 1646 13009 Relatione Verissima nella quale si contiene, comè venuto alla Santa Fede Usmano Figlio del Sultan Abraim Gran Signor de Turchi, Battezatosi in Malta nel presente Anno 1656, 5s. 6d. 4to. Roma. 1656 13010 Relatione delle Feste fatte in Piazza Navona dalla Ven. Archi confraternita della Santissima Resurretione nella Chiesa di S. Giacomo della Spagnuoli, 2s. 6d. 4to. 1675 13011 Relatione della Solenne Cerimonia et Apparato fatte nella Chiesa di S. Luigi in Occasione dell' Ordine dello Spirito Santo Conceduto dalla Maesta di Ludovico XIV., 2s. 6d. 4to. Roma. 1675 13012 Relationi della Gloriosa Morte di Nove Christiana Giaponesi, Martirizzati per la Fede Cattolicâ ne i Regni di Fingo, Sassuma, e Firando, scarce, 10s. 6d. 8vo. Milano. 1611 13013 Relations Historiques et Curieuses de Voyages en Allemagne, Angleterre, Hollande, &c., plates, vellum, 4s.

12mo. Rouen. 1676 13014 Relazione di un Miracolo Accaduto il Giorno del Corpus Domini, anno 1725, 2s. 4to. Roma. 1725 13015 Relazioni Originali della S. M. di PP. Benedetto XIII., conservate in un libro intitolato : Savoia Immunita, 3s.

Rom. 1731

13016 Relazione dello Sacopremento, e Ricognizione fatta in Ancona Dei Sacri Corpi di S. Ciriaco, Marcellino, e Liberio, fig., 3s.

13018 Relazione Istorica della Fondazion Claustrali delle Orsoline cioe di Roma, Beneventa, 2s. 6d.

4to. Rom. 1756 dei 4, Monasteri Calvi, Stroncone, e

4to. Rom. 1802

13019 Remarks on several Acts of Parliament relating to the Co

lonies, uncut, 2s. 6d.

8vo. 1742

13020 Remarks on some Eminent Fassages in the Life of the famed

Mr. Blood, 5s.

folio. 1680

13021 Remarks on Dr. Lowth's Letter to the Bishop of Gloucester, with the Bishop's Appendix, 2s.

8vo. 1766

13022 Remarks on the Review of the Controversy between Great Britain and her Colonies, 3s. 6d.

8vo. 1769

13023 Re Militari - Cornazano de, - an Italian Poem, vellum, scarce, 10s. 6d. 8vo. Vineggia. Sessa. 1526 13024 Remonstrances faicte par l'Ambassedeur de la Grand Bretagne au Roy et la Reyne sa Marc en Juin, 1615, 4s.

12mo. 1615

13025 Remy (A.) La Galatee et les Adventures du Prince Astiages, Histoire de nostre Temps, ou sous noms feints sont representez les Amours du Roy et de la Reyne d'Angleterre, fine copy, calf extra, 5s. 8vo. Paris. 1625

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13026 Renneville's History of the Bastille in Paris, neat, 4s.

Ritson's copy, with his autograph.

8vo. 1715

13027 Renodozio (Eusebio) Antiche Relazioni dell' Indie e della China, very neat, 7s. 6d. 4to. Bologna. 1749 13028 Renouard Catalogue de la Bibliothéque d'un Amateur 4 vols., large paper, boards, uncut, 17. 11s. 6d.


Svo. Paris. 1819 13029 Renoult Avantures de la Madona et de François d'Assise, many curious plates, fine copy, morocco elegant, gilt leaves, 10s. 6d. 8vo. Amst. 1745 13030 Repertory (Antiquarian) Vol. 5, Number 1, portraits and plates, 3s. 13031 Report from the Committee appointed to View the Cottonian Library, and the Publick Records of the Kingdom, 4s. 6d. folio. 1732 13032 Report of the Irish Committee on some Original Papers seized in the Lodgings of one M'Carthy a Titular Popish Bishop, with an Appendix containing the Papers, 1734.— Letter to the Rev. Dr. Codex, [Bishop Gibson], 1734.Reasons against Dr. Rundle's Promotion to the See of Gloucester considered, 1734.-Vindication of the Abp. of Cy for opposing the Promotion of Dr. Samuel Clark to a Bishoprick, 1735.-Life of Sir Robert Cochran, 1734.-Detection of the Falshood of the same, 1735.Clarke on the Usefulness of Translations of the Classics, 1734. And several other Tracts, in 1 vol., neat, 5s. 8vo. 13033 Report from the Committee on his Majesty's Health, uncut,

2s. 6d.

Svo. 1789

13034 Report of the Linnæan Society of New England, relative to a large Marine Animal seen near Massachussets, 2s.

8vo. 1817 13035 Repository, a Select Collection of Fugitive Pieces of Wit and Humour, in Prose and Verse, 4 vols., fine copy, very neat, 10s. 6d. 12mo. 1783 13036 Representacion que haze la Camara baxa del Parlamento à la Reyna [Anna] de la Gran Bretaña, 3s. 6d. 4to. [Madrid.] 13037 Rerum Nuper in Regno Scotia Gestarum Historia per Irinæum Philalethen Eleutherium, neat, 5s. 6d.

8vo. Dantisci. 1641 13038 Response des Habitans de la Ville de Rouen, à ce que Mons. le Duc de Bouilla Governeur de Normendie, leur

a dict et Remonstré du vouleir et commandement du Roy,
2s. 6d.
4to. 1562

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13039 Response d'un Gentil-homme Francais a l'advertissement des Catholiques Anglois, en laquelle il traitte la question, si pour Chasser l'heresie il faut tuer les Hereticques, et leur faire la guerre, ex tumulo ducis Guisii per M. Hospitalium, fine copy, rare, 11. 5s. 8vo. no place. 1587 With the Autograph of the Duke of Orleans, 1607. 13040 Responce faicte à la Declaration de Henry de Valois sur l'Innocence par luy pretendue de la Mort de MM. de Guyse, neat, 4s. 8vo. 1589 13041 Responsio ad Libellum quendam famosum Catholicæ Admonitionis Prætextu in vulgus sparsini, 5s. 6d.

4to. Lond. 1606

With MS. Notes by the Rev. T. Baker. This tract was written by
Robert Cecil, Earl of Salisbury.

13042 Responsum pro Veritate ad aliquot de Jure Quæstiones, de Matrimonio.-Istruzione sulla Confezione del Testamento de Leonardo Cecconi Vescovo di Montalto, Ascoli. 1758. Note sull' Apocrifa Bolla sotto il nome d'Innocenzo III. spacciata a pro dell' Abate e Monastero di S. Lorenzo d'Aversa. Per l'Osservanza delle Leggi Ecclesiastiche, Napoli. 1766. Ragioni de i Possidenti ed Agricoltori Pesaresi, Osimo. 1766.-Caroccius de Re Criminali, Romæ. 1765. De Arte Baroncelli Tractatus, Bonon. 1766. Montus de Legitimatione, Romæ. 1767.-And several other interesting Tracts, in 1 vol., vellum, from the Earl of Guilford's library, 10s. 6d. 13043 ŘESPUBLICE VARIE, IMPRESSE APUD ELZEVIROS, scilicet. Scotia et Hibernia. Helvetia. Venetia. Romana.Dania.Gallia.-Hollandia. - Moscovia.-Anglia.- Belgium.-Hanseatica, 4 vols. — India.-Jannotius de Rep. Veneta. Græcia, 2 vols.-Thracia.-Hebræa.-Africa.—


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Constantinop.-Vallesia.-Leodiensis.—Rhætica.-Suecia. Sabaudia.-Hungaria. Germania. Arabia. Persia.Status Regiminis Ferd. II.—China.-Italia.-Portugallia. — Hispania.- Romano.-Germania, 2 vols.-Polonia.-BoAtheniens.-Sleidamis de Quatuor Summis Imperiis. In all 42 vols., fine clean copies, very neat, but not quite uniform, from the Earl of Morton's library, 21. 2s. 12mo. apud Elzevirum. 1627-1655 13044 Respublicæ Angliæ, Scotiæ, et Hibernicæ, 2 vols. in 1, vellum, 12mo. Elzevir. 1627-41 13045 Retorica delle Pvttane Composta conforme li precetti di Cipriano, morocco, gilt leaves, 10s. 6d. 12mo. Cambrai. 1642 13046 Reusneri (Nicolai) Emblemata, partem Ethica et Physica, partim verò Historica et Hieroglyphica, many emblematical wood-cuts, very spirited, each page surrounded with a border, Francof. 1581-Nicolai Reusneri Principum Boiariorum et Palatinorum Sylvula, accessit Epithalamium in Nuptias Guilhelmi Boiariæ Ducis, item alia quædam Poematia


Lavinga. Rheticæ. 1568. Reusneri Carmen de Obitu Principum Christ. et Eberhardi, Ducum Wirtebergicorum et Zeccensium, cum Carminibus Virorum clarorum, ib.Reusneri in Mortem Maximiliani II. Rom. Imp. Carmina Funebria, ib. 1576.-Reusneri Carmen in Nuptias Illustriss. Principis Philippi Ludovici Comitis Palatini ad Rhenum, et Annæ Filiæ Ducis Juliacensis, ib. 1574.-Reusneri Epithalamium in Nuptias Principis Joannis Comitis Palatini ad Rhenum, &c. ib.-Reusneri Aulea Gratiarum Leo Palatinus, et Ursus Finnonicus, Gamelion, ib.-Reusneri Silva Epigrammatum Nuptialium, ib. 1582. Reusneri Susannæ Epithalamia, s. a.-Reusneri Elegia de Nuptiis Illustrium Heroum, Heroinarumque, Octavii Secundi Fuggeri et D. Mariæ Jacobæ, &c. Lavinga. s. a. Reusneri Carmina


Socialia in Nuptias Michaelis Weihemaieri, &c. ib.-Reusneri Carmina Funebria in Obitum Barbara Weihemaieræ, ib. Germania, authore Nic. Reusnero, s. a. - Pompæ Descriptio habitæ in Adventu Principum ac Dominorum, &c. Aug. Vind. - Frischlini Problema utrum Fortuna aliquam Causæ moventis Rationem habeat, Tubinga. 1575.— Reusneri Orationis duæ, una. veledictoria, propemtica altera, Lavinga. 1579.-Reusneri Oratio in funere Illust. Principis D. Othonis Henrici III., Com. Palat., ib. 1581.Programma in Funere optimi atque eruditissimi Juvenis Huderici Mozii, ib. 1582.-In 1 vol., remarkably fine clean copies, vellum, 31. 3s.


This extensive and probably complete and almost unique collection appears to have been formed by the author for his friend Joannes Storcelius, as appears by an inscription in the hand-writing of Reusner himself.

corum, 2s. 6d.

13047 Reusneri Januarius, sive Fastorum Sacrorum et Histori12mo. Argent. 1596 13048 Revenue and False Money of the Romans, Treatise of, neat, 2s. 6d. 8vo. 1741 13049 Review of the Quick-Silver Controversy, in a Letter to Dr. Dover, 2s.

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13050 Review of the Political State of Great Britain, 1787.— The People's Answer to do., 1787.-Decisions upon the Merits of the Treaty of Commerce with France, 1787.Horne Tooke's Letter on the reported Marriage of the Prince of Wales, 1787.-The National Debt productive of National Prosperity, Warrington. 1787.-Plan of Police, 1786.-Graham's Letter to Pitt on the Reform of the Royal Boroughs of Scotland, 1788.— And several other Tracts, in 1 thick vol., h. b., neat, 5s. 6d.



13051 Revolter, Tragi-Comedy, 1s. 13052 Revolution.-The Pillars of Parliament struck at by the Hands of a Cambridge Doctor, or a View of some Erroneous Positions destructive to the Laws, &c. of England, by Pettyt, 2s. 6d. 4to. 1681

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