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(A number in blackface type refers to a page on which appears a literary selection under the title, by
the author, or from the book preceding the number. Book titles are in italics; selection titles and index
topics in roman type; names of authors in capitals and small capitals; and first lines of nursery rhymes
within quotation marks. See Bibliography for authors and book titles not given in this Index.)

Abou Ben Adhem, 414

"A cat came fiddling out of a barn," 23

Accumulative story; See Stories

ADDISON, J., 294

"A diller, a dollar," 23

ADLER, F., 53, 263

Admetus and the Shepherd, 337
Adventures of Arthur, 598

ESOP, 266-268, 272, 273-278, 264
Against Idleness and Mischief, 407
Age of Fable, The, 339, 343, 338
AIKEN, J., 451

ALDEN, R. M., 223

Ali Baba, and the Forty Thieves, 579
Alice in Wonderland, 405

Allegory, 292, 294.
Allen-a-Dale, 628
Alnaschar, 279, 579

See also Fables

Ancient Legends of Ireland, 164

ANDERSEN, H. C., 179-203, 79, 134, 381, 390;
appreciation of, 172-173; work of, 179
Andersen's Best Fairy Tales, 179, 181

Androcles, 269

Androcles and the Lion, 270

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578, 579

Arab to His Favorite Steed, The, 420

Arthur and Accalon, 603

Arthur, King, 595-603, 577, 578, 594

ASBJÖRNSEN, P., 122-128; work of, 122
"As I was going to St. Ives," 23

"As I was going up Pippen Hill," 23
"As I went to Bonner," 23

Ass in the Lion's Skin, The, 281

"As Tommy Snooks and Bessie Brooks," 23
"A swarm of bees in May," 23
Autobiography; See Biography

Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin, The, 646
A Was an Apple-Pie, 34

"Baa, baa, black sheep," 23

Babes in the Wood, The, 39

Baby Bye, 373

BAILEY, C. S., 59

BAIN, R. N., 160

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Bible, The, 288, 289

(a). General; 2-4; Bible as
literature for children, 3; collections of lit-
erature for children, 2; dramatization, 3;
guides in teaching, 2-3; historical develop-
ment, 2; interpretations of childhood, 4;
social and psychological backgrounds, 4;
story-telling, 3. (b). Special; biography
and hero stories, 632; fables and symbolic
stories, 262; fairy stories, modern fantastic
tales, 170; fairy stories, traditional tales, 52;
Mother Goose and nursery rhymes, 18; myths,
302; nature literature, 510; poetry, 368;
realistic stories, 442; romance and legend,
576. (c). Special reading for teachers; biog-
raphy and hero stories, 634; modern fairy
stories, 173; myths, 305; nature literature,
512; nursery rhymes, 22; poetry, 370;
romance and legend, 578. (d). Graded lists
for children, 12-14, 679-686

BIDPAI; history of, 264

Big Bear, The, 500

Biography and hero stories, 635-676; discus-
sion of, 633-634; selection of, 633-634;
value of, 633

Bird Habits, 549


Birds of a feather flock together," 23
BLAKE, W., 400-401

"Bless you, bless you, burnie bee," 23
Blue Light, The, 134, 195

Boats Sail on the Rivers, 394

"Bobby Shafto's gone to sea," 24

Book of Golden Deeds, The, 671

Book of Legends, The, 620, 578
Book of Nursery Rhymes, 21
Book of the Dun Cow, 162

Books for children; See Bibliography
Boots and His Brothers, 125

"Bow, wow, wow," 24

Boyhood of Washington, The, 642

Boy's Life of Abraham Lincoln, The, 655

Boy's Song, A, 389


Bramble Is Made King, The, 288

BRANDES, G., 179, 180, 196, 203

Breathes There a Man, 424

Brier Rose, 142

BROOKS, E. S., 635

BROWN, T. E., 418


BROWNE, F., 210, 209

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BROWNING, R., 399, 398

Brown Thrush, The, 374
BRYANT, S. C., 70
BRYANT, W. C., 417, 416

Buddist Birth Stories, 282, 283, 281
BULFINCH, T., 339, 343
BURGESS, T. W. 515, 514

Burial of Poor Cock Robin, The, 44
Butterfly's Ball, The, 397
"Bye, baby bunting," 24

Camel and the Pig, The, 281
CANBY, H. S., 496
Can You, 398
CARROLL, L., 405
CARY, P., 377, 378

Casabianca, 400

Cat and the Mouse, The, 60

Celtic Fairy Tales, 162


Change About, 49

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Fables, 266-289; discussion of, 263-265; defined
264; presentation of, 264-265; selection of,
264, 284; use in school, 264; symbolistic and
allegorical stories, 290-300; Æsopic, 266 ff.;
Biblical, 288 ff.; Buddhistic, 281 ff.; Eng-
lish, 270, 286; French, 273, 278, 284, 285;
Indian, 281; Roman, 269; Russian, 287;
Sanskrit, 283; Spanish, 287

Fables of Esop, The, 266, 267, 269, 278
Fairy Book, The, 73, 80

Fairy Scene in a Wood, A, 423

Fairy stories: (a) Modern fantastic tales, 174-
260; discussion of, 171-173; some qualities
of, 172. (b) Traditional or folk tales, 56-
168; discussion of, 53-55, 56; how to use, 55:
vs. myths, 303; English, 56-92; French, 92-
122; Gaelic, 162-164; German, 131-150;
Indian, 150-156; Irish, 164-168; Japanese,
156-159; Norse, 122-131; Russian, 160–162
Falcon, The, 429

Famous Passages from Dr. Watts, 408

Fanciful Tales, 234

Farmer Went Trotting, A, 38

FIELD, E., 385-387

FIELD, W. T., 21

Field Mouse and the Town Mouse, The, 268

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GAY, J., 286

GAYLEY, C. M., 340
George Washington, 642
Gift of the Magi, The, 505
GILBERT, W. S., 430

Gods and Heroes, 330, 332

GOLDSMITH, O., 19, 445; work of, 445
Good-Natured Little Boy, The, 456
Good-Night and Good-Morning, 396
Good Play, A, 382

Good Samaritan, The, 289
Goody Two-Shoes, 445

Goose with the Golden Eggs, The, 272

Gosse, E., 381, 477

Grading; See Course of study

Granny's Wonderful Chair, 209

Grasshopper and the Ant, The, 285

"Great A, little a," 25

Green Fairy Book, 73

GRIMM, JACOB and WILHELM, 132-146, 89; work

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Household Tales; See Kinder und Hausmärchen

House that Jack Built, This is the, 48; origin
of, 47

How Arthur Became King, 595

How Bruin the Bear Sped with Reynard the
Fox, 586

How Columbus Got His Ships, 635

HOWITT, M., 390, 179

HOWITT, W., 391

How Sleep the Brave, 425

How the Fenris Wolf Was Chained, 351

How the Leaves Came Down, 377

"Hub a dub dub," 26

"Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall," 26
HUNT, L., 414

HUNT, M., 144, 146, 132, 138

HURWITZ, H., 177

Husband Who Was To Mind the House, The, 124

Icarus and Daedalus, 336

"If all the sea were one sea," 26

"If all the world was apple-pie," 26

"If I'd as much money," 26

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'If ifs and ands," 26

If wishes were horses," 26

'I had a little hobby horse," 26

'I had a little pony," 26

"I have a little sister," 27
I Like Little Pussy, 393
"I'll tell you a story," 27
Inchcape Rock, The, 421
Indian Fairy Tales, 154

Indian Folk Stories and Fables, 281, 280
INGELOW, J., 227

"In marble walls as white as milk," 27

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Lark and Her Young Ones, The, 275

Last Bull, 566

Lazy Jack, 70

Leak in the Dyke, The, 378

LEAR, E., 403-404

Legend; See Romance

Le Morte D'Arthur, 595-598, 594

Library; improvement of, 10
Lincoln's Early Days, 655
Lion and the Mouse, The, 266
Lion Tricked by a Rabbit, A, 283
Literature for children; general discussion of,
5-16; artistic worth of, 7, 9, 19, 444; course
of study in, 13-16, 633-634; cultural value
of, 9, 19, 264, 577, 633; democratic origin
of, 7, 20; didactic, 443; kinds, traditional vs.
modern, 7, 171-172; presentation of, 8, 9,
10, II, 14, 55, 173, 265, 369, 443, 511, 633;
purpose of, 9, 21, 443, 511; selection of, 9,
264, 305, 369, 370; vs. reading, 8-9. See also
Poetry, Stories, etc.

Little and Great, 399
Little Bo-Peep, 37
"Little boy blue," 27

"Little girl, little girl," 27

Little Golden Hood, True History of, 94
"Little Jack Horner," 28

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MILLER, J., 415

MILLER, O. T., 549, 548

MILNES, R. M., 396

Miraculous Pitcher, The, 319

Mirror of Matsuyama, The, 156

"Mistress Mary, quite contrary," 28


Molly and I, 35

Moon, The, 371

Mother Goose, 7, 10, 19-22, 93, 171, 370;

history of, 19-21. See also Poetry, traditional
Mother Goose Melody, 19, 20, 445

Mother Hubbard and Her Dog, 41
Moti Guj-Mutineer, 562
Moufflou, 535

Mountain and the Squirrel, The, 424

Mountebank and the Countryman, The, 277
Mr. 'Possum's Sick Spell, 516

Mr. Vinegar, The Story of, 71
MULOCK, MISS, 73, 80

"Multiplication is vexation," 28
Musical Ass, The, 287

My Bed Is a Boat, 383

My Garden, 418

My Shadow, 383

use in

Myths, 306-366; discussion of, 303-305; defi-
nition of, 303; objections_to, 304;
school, 305; value of, 304; Greek and Roman,

306-343; explanatory introduction to, 306;
Norse, 343-366; explanatory introduction to,
343, 348, 360

Narcissus, The, 330

Nathan Hale, The Ballad of, 425

Nature literature, 513-574; discussion of, 511-
512; place in the grades, 13, 512; some types
of, 511-512; what it is, 511
"Needles and pins, needles and pins," 29
NEWBERY, J., 19, 20, 445
NICOLAY, H., 655

Nightingale, The, 184
Noodle story; See Droll
Norse Stories, 348, 360
NORTON, C. E., 420

Nursery rhymes; See Poetry

Nursery Rhymes and Tales, 59-63, 56, 71
Nursery Rhymes of England, 20

Odyssey, The, 577

Old Deccan Days, 152, 150, 151
Old Greek Folk Stories, 335, 337
Old Ironsides, 425
"Old King Cole," 29

Old Man and His Sons, The, 275
Old Mother West Wind, 515
Old Pipes and the Dryad, 234
Old Woman and Her Pig, The, 56
'Once I saw a little bird," 29
"One for the money," 29

"One misty, moisty morning," 29
"1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 29
"One, two," 29

OUIDA, 534, 535

Over Hill, Over Dale, 423

Owl and the Pussy-Cat, The, 403

PAINE, A. B., 516
Pandora's Box, 309
Parables, 289; defined, 289
Paradise of Children, The, 309
Parent's Assistant, The, 459
Pass of Thermopylae, The, 671
"Pat-a-cake, pat-a-cake," 29
PEABODY, J. P., 336, 337, 335
"Pease-porridge hot," 29
Peddler's Caravan, The, 395

PERRAULT, C., 93, 97, 100, 102, 19; work of, 92

"Peter, Peter, pumpkin-eater," 30

"Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers,"

Peter Rabbit Books, 513

Phaethon, 340

Piper, The, 401

Pippa's Song, 399

Planting of the Apple-Tree, The, 417

Poacher and the Silver Fox, The, 551
Pobble Who Has No Toes, The, 404

POE, E. A., 415

Poetry: (a) modern, 371-437; discussion of,
369-370; reading of, 14, 370; selection of, 14,
369; teaching of, 9, 14, 369; (b) traditional,
or nursery rhymes, 23-50; discussion of, 19-
22; appeal to children, 7, 10, 19, 21, 34; his-
tory of, 19-22. See also Mother Goose,
Literature, and Course of study

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Reynard the Fox, 586, 591, 284, 577

Rhymes; See Poetry

RHYS-DAVIDS, 281, 282

"Ride a cock-horse," 30

"Ride, baby, ride," 30

RILEY, J. W., 388-389

ROBERTS, C. G. D., 566

Robin and the Merry Little Old Woman, 623

Robin Hood, 623, 628

Robin Hood: His Book, 623

"Rock-a-bye, baby," 30

"Rock-a-bye, baby, thy cradle is green," 30

Romance and Legend, 579-630; discussion of,

577-578; stories and versions recommended,

577-578; use in school, 577

ROSCOE, W., 397

Rose-Bud, 142

ROSSETTI, C. G., 268, 394

ROUSSEAU, J. J., 264, 284, 443

GENT, R. S., 97, 93

Rumpelstiltskin, 144

Runaway Brook, The, 372

RUSKIN, J., 45, 245, 54; work of, 245

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