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76 The Right Hon. the Earl Spencer, K. C.B.

lxxvii Mr Henry Frowde.


79 The Library of the Académie Française, Paris.

lxxx Prof. Dr Reinhold Pauli, for the Library of the University of Göttingen.

81 F. Max Müller, M.A. Professor of Comparative Philology, Oxford.

82 His Royal Highness Prince Louis Lucien Bonaparte.

lxxxiii The Library of Harvard University, Cambridge, N.E.

84 Mr William Nelson.


lxxxvi M. de Lisle, for the Bibliothèque National, Paris.

87 88

lxxxix Mr Alexander Macmillan.

90 91

xcii Chancellor J. V. L. Pruyn, for the New York State Library, Albany, N.Y.



Xcv The Library of Yale College, New Haven, Connecticut, N.E.

96 M. Alfred Chaix, Paris.


xcviii The Newberry Library, Chicago.


100 Mrs Henry Stevens, Vermont House, 13, Upper Avenue Road, N. W. London.

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An Act for prynters & bynders of bokes. 250 Hen.
VIII. c 15. A. D. 1533-4. Statutes of the
Realm, Vol. ii. p. 456.


Proviso in Stat.

I Ric. III c. 9, as to importation of Books.

HEREAS by the pvysyon of a statute made in the fyrst yere of the reigne of Kynge Richarde the thride it was pvyded in the same acte, that all strangers reparyng into this Realme myght lawfully bryng into the seid Realme pryntyt and wrytyn boke to sell at theire libtie and pleasure; by force of which pvysyon there hath cōmen into this Realme sithen the makyn of the same a marveylous nombre of pryntyd bokes and daily doth; And the cause of the makyng of the same pvysion semeth to be, for that there were but fewe bokes and fewe prynters within this Realme at that tyme which cold well excercise and occupie the seid science and crafte of pryntyng; Never the lesse sithen the makyng of the seid pvysion many of this Realme being the Kynges naturall subjectes have geven theyme soo dylygently to lerne and excercyse the seid craft of pryntyng that at this day there be within this Realme a greatt nombre cōnyng and expert in the seid science or craft of pryntyng as abyll to exercyse the seid craft in all poynte as any Stranger in any other Realme or Countre; And furthermore where there be a great nombre of the Kynges subjecte within this Realme which [leve] by the crafte and mystie of byndyng of boke and that there be a great multy

Increase of Printing in

England since that time, &c.

tude well expert in the same; yet all this not withstondyng there are dyvse psones that bryng frome [behonde] the See great plentie of pryntyd bokes not only in the latyn tonge but also in our maternall englishe tonge, sōme bounde in bourde sōme in lether and sōme in pchement and theym sell by retayle, wherby many of the Kynges Subjecte being bynders of bokes and having none other facultie wherwith to gett theire lyvyng be destitute of worke and lyke to be undon, except some reformacion here in be hade; Be it therefore enacted by the Kyng our Soveraigne Lorde the Lordes spirituall and temporall and the Comons in this present parliament assembled and by auctoritie of The said Prothe same, that the seid provyso made the furst yere of the viso repealed. seid Kyng Richard the thride frome the feast of the natyvytie of our Lorde [Good] next comyng shalbe voyde and of none effect.

None shall buy foreign bound Books to sell again; Penalty 6s. 8d. per Book.


And further be it enacted by the auctoritie aforeseid that noo person or persones recyant or inhabytaunt within this Realme, after the seid feast of Cristemas next cōmyng, shall bye to sell agayn any prynted bokes brought frome any partes out of the Kynges obeysaunce redy bounden in bourdes. lether or perchement, uppon payne to lose and forfett for every boke [bounde] out of the seid Kynges obeisaunce and brought into this Realme and bought by any person or persons within the same to sell agayne contrary to this Acte vjs. viijd.

Like penalty on buying such Books of Aliens by Retale.


And be it further enacted by the auctoritie aforeseid that no person or persones inhabytaunte or reciaunt within this Realme, after the seid feast of Cristemas, shall [by] within this Realme of any Stranger borne out of the Kynges obedyence other then of denyzens, any maner of pryntyd bokes brought frome any the parties [behonde] the See, except only by engrose and not by retayle uppon payne of forfayture of vjs. viijd. for every boke soo bought by retayle contrary to the forme and effecte of this estatute: The seid forfaytures to be alwayes levyed of the beyers of any suche bokes contary to this Acte, the one half of all the seid forfaytures to be to the use of our Soveraigne Lord the Kynge, and the other moytie to be to the partie that wyll sease or sue for the same in any of the Kynges Courtes, be it by byll playnt or informacion wherein the defendaunt shall not be admytted to wage hys lawe nor noo proteccion ne essoyne shalbe unto hym allowed.

Recovery of



Lord Chancel

lor, &c. may regulate the Price of Books

and binding.

Provided alway and be enacted by the auctoritie aforeseid, that yf any of the seid prynters or sellers of prynted bokes, inhabyted within. this Realme, at any tyme hereafter happen in suche wyse to enhaunce and encrease the prices of any suche prynted bokes in sale or byndyng at to high and unreasonable pryces, in such wyse as complaynt be made thereof unto the Kynges Highnes or unto the Lorde Chaunceler Lord Tresourer or any of the chefe Justices of the one benche or of the other, that then the seid Lord Chaunceler Lorde Tresourer and two chefe Justices or two of any of theym, shall have power and auctoritie to enquyre thereof as well by the othes of twelf honest and discrett psones as otherwyse by due examynacion by theire discreacions; And after the same enhaunsyng and encresyng of the seyd pryces of the seid bokes and byndyng shalbe soo founde by the seid xij men, or other wayes by examynation of the seid Lord Chaunceler Lord Treasourer and Justices or two of theym, that then the same Lorde Chaunceler Lorde Tresourer and Justices or two of theym at the least frome tyme to tyme shall have power and auctoritie to reforme and redresse suche enhaunsyng of the pryces of prynted bokes from tyme to tyme by theire discreacions and to lymytt pryces as well of the bokes as for the byndyng of theym; and over that the offender or offenders thereof being convicte by the examynacion of the same Lorde Chaunceler Lorde Tresourer and two Justices or two of theym or otherwyse, shall lose and forfett for every boke by theym solde whereof the pryce shalbe enhaunsed, for the boke or byndyng thereof iijs. iiijd. the one half therof shalbe to the Kynges Highness and the other half unto the parties greved that wyll complayne upon the same in maner and forme before rehersed.

Penalty on selling at higher

Prices; 3s. 4d. per Book.

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