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" No creature could be more grateful than my patient after his recovery ; a sentiment which he most significantly expressed by licking my hand, first the back of it, then the palm, then every finger separately, then between all the fingers... "
The Natural History of Domestic Animals: Containing an Account of Their ... - Page 139
1821 - 178 pages
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Poems, Volume 2

William Cowper - English poetry - 1800 - 438 pages
...during which time I nursed him, kept him apart from his fellows that they might not molest him, (for, like many other wild animals, they persecute one of...No creature could be more grateful than my patient after his recovery ; a sentiment which he most significantly expressed, by licking my hand, first the...
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Poems, Volume 2

William Cowper - 1800 - 364 pages
...their own fpecies that is fick), and by cpnftant care, and trying him with a variety of herbs, reftored him to perfect health. ' No creature could be more grateful than my patient after his recovery ; a fentiment which he moft fignificantly Re nprefled by licking my hand, fuft the...
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Poems, Volume 2

William Cowper - English poetry - 1802 - 350 pages
...from his fellows that they might aot molest him (for, like many other wild animals, they perlecute one of their own species that is sick) and by constant...No creature could be more grateful than my patient after his recovery : a sentiment which he most significantly expressed by licking my hand, first the...
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The Monthly Mirror: Reflecting Men and Manners: With Strictures ..., Volume 22

1806 - 448 pages
...during which time I nursed him, kept him apart from his fellows, that they might not molest him (for, like many other wild animals, they persecute one of...No creature could be more grateful than my patient after his recovery; a sentiment which he most significantly expressed by licking my hand, first the...
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The Poetical Works of William Cowper: Of the Inner Temple, Esq, Volume 2

William Cowper - English poetry - 1806 - 234 pages
...during which time I nursed him, kept him apart from his fellows, that they might not molest him (for, like many other wild animals, they persecute one of...No creature could be more grateful than my patient after his recovery ; a sentiment which he most significantly expressed by licking my hand, first the...
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Poems, Volume 2

William Cowper - 1806 - 300 pages
...during which time I nursed him, kept him apart from his fellows, that they might not molt'st him, (for, like many other wild animals, they persecute one of...that is sick), and by constant care, and trying him wuh a variety of herbs, restored him to perfect health. No creature coubl be more grateful than my...
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Poems, Volume 2

William Cowper - English poetry - 1808 - 338 pages
...ill three days, during which time t nursed him, kept him apart from his fellows, that they might not molest him (tor, like many other wild animals, they...persecute one of their own species that is sick), and hy constant care, and trying him with a variety of herhs, restored him to perfect health. No creature...
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Select Reviews, and Spirit of the Foreign Magazines, Volume 2

Enos Bronson - Literature, Modern - 1809 - 456 pages
...during which time I nursed him ; kept him apart from his fellows, that they might not molest him (for, like many other wild animals, they persecute one of...No creature could be more grateful than my patient after his recovery ; a sentiment which he most significantly expressed by licking my hand, first the...
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Select Reviews, Volumes 1-2

1809 - 914 pages
...during which time I nursed him ; kept him apart from his fellows, that they might nal molest him (for, like many other wild animals, they persecute one of their own species that is sick) and, by constan« care, and trying him with a «riety «a 173 berbs, restored him to perfect health. No creature...
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The Mirror of Taste, and Dramatic Censor, Volume 2

1810 - 492 pages
...during which time I nursed him; kept him apartfrom his fellows, that they might not molest him ; (for, like many other wild animals, they persecute one of...No creature could be more grateful than my patient after his recovery; a sentiment which he most significantly expressed by licking my hand, first the...
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