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" I had not long habituated him to this taste of liberty, before he began to be impatient for the return of the time when he might enjoy it. He would invite me to the garden by drumming upon my knee, and by a look of such expression, as it was not possible... "
The Natural History of Domestic Animals: Containing an Account of Their ... - Page 139
1821 - 178 pages
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The Scots Magazine, Volume 46

English literature - 1784 - 722 pages
...impoffible to mifinterpret. If this rhetoric did not immediately fucceed, he would take the fkirt of mj coat between his teeth, and pull at it with all his force. Thus Pufs might be faid to be perfectly tamed, the fhyntfso! his nature was done away, and, on the whole,...
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Poems, Volume 2

William Cowper - 1800 - 364 pages
...not poflible to mifinterpret. If this rhetoric did not immediately fucceed, he would take the ikirt of my coat between his teeth, and pull at it with all his force. Thus Pufs might be faid to be perfectly tamed, the fliynefs of his nature was done away, and, on the whole,...
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Poems, Volume 2

William Cowper - 1800 - 394 pages
...not poilible to mifinterpret. If this rhetoric did not immediately fucceed, he would take the fkirt of my coat between his teeth, and pull at it with all his force. Thus Pufs might be faid to be perfectly tamed, the mynefs of his nature was done away,, and, on the whole,...
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Poems, Volume 1

William Cowper - 1802 - 364 pages
...not poffible to mifinterpret. If this rhetoric did not immediately fucceed, he would take the fkirt of my coat between his teeth, and pull at it with all his force. Thus Pufs might be faid to be perfeftly tamed, the fhynefs of his nature was done away, and on the whole...
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Poems, Volume 2

William Cowper - 1805 - 376 pages
...not poflible to mifinterpret. If this rhetoric did not immediately fucceed, he would take the flcirt of my coat between his teeth, and pull at it with all hiť force. Thus Pufs might be faid to be perfectly tamed, the fliynefs of his nature was done away,...
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Poems, Volume 2

William Cowper - 1806 - 300 pages He would invite me to the garden by drummini; upon my knee, -and by a look of such expression as it was not possible to misinterpret. If this said to be perfectly tamed, the shyness of his natute was done away, and on the whole ;t was visible by many -Symptoms, which I have not room to enumerate,...
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The Monthly Mirror: Reflecting Men and Manners: With Strictures ..., Volume 22

1806 - 448 pages He would invite me to the garden by drumming upon my knee, and by a look of such expression as it was not possible to misinterpret. If this rhetoric...Thus Puss might be said to be perfectly tamed, the sbyiiess of his nature was done away, and, on the whole, it was visible by many symptoms, which I have...
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Select Reviews, and Spirit of the Foreign Magazines, Volume 2

Enos Bronson - Literature, Modern - 1809 - 456 pages knee, and by a look of such expression as it was not possible to misinterpret. If this rhetorick did not immediately succeed, he would take the skirt...Thus, Puss might be said to be perfectly tamed ; the sbyness of his nature was done away ; and, on the whole, it was visible by many symptoms, which I have...
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Poems, Volume 2

William Cowper - 1810 - 404 pages He would invite me to the garden by drumming upon my knee, and by a look of such expression as it was not possible to misinterpret. If this rhetoric did not immediately succeed, he would take theskirt of my coat between his teeth, and pull at it with all his force. Thus Puss might be said to...
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Select Reviews, Volume 2

1809 - 448 pages knee, and hy a look of such expression as it was not possihle to misinterpret. If this rhetorick did not immediately succeed, he would take the skirt of my coat hetween his teeth, and pull A it with all his force. Thus, Puss might tie said to he perfectly tamed...
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