5. It shall be the duty of the moderator, at all times, to preserve order, and to endeavour to con. duct all business before the judicatory to a speedy and proper result. 6. It shall be the duty of the clerk, as soon as possible after the commencement of the sessions of every judicatory, to form a complete roll of the members present, and put the same into the hands of the moderator. And it shall, also, be the duty of the clerk, whenever any additional members take their seats, to add their names, in their proper places, to the said roll. 7. It shall be the duty of the clerk, immediately to file all papers, in the order in which they have been read, with proper endorsements, and to keep them in perfect order. 8. It shall be the duty of the moderator, carefully to keep notes of the several articles of business, which may be assigned to particular days, and to call them up at the time appointed. 9. The moderator may speak to points of order, in preference to other members, rising from his seat for that purpose; and shall decide questions of order, subject to an appeal to the judicatory by any two members. 10. Business left unfinished at the last sitting, is ordinarily to be taken up first. 11. A motion made must be seconded, and afterward repeated by the moderator, or read aloud, before it is debated; and every motion shall be reduced to writing, if the moderator, or any member require it. 12. Any member, who shall have made a mo tion. shall have liberty to withdraw it with the consent of his second, before any debate has taken. place thereon; but not afterward, without the leave of the judicatory. 13. On questions of order, adjournment, postponement, commitment, or the previous question, no member shall speak more than once. On all other questions, each member may speak twice, but not oftener, without express leave of the judicatory. 14. When a question is under debate, no motion shall be received, unless to amend it, to commit it, to postpone it, for the previous question, or to adjourn. 15. An amendment may be moved on any motion, and shall be decided before the original motion. 16. If a motion under debate contains several parts, any two members may have it divided, and a question taken on each part. 17. The previous question shall be in this form-"shall the main question be now put?" And until it is decided, shall preclude all amendment, and further debate on the main question. 18. If the previous question be decided in the affirmative, the debate on the main question may proceed; if in the negative, the effect shall be to arrest the discussion, and to produce an indefinite postponement. 19. A question shall not be again called up, or reconsidered at the same sessions of the judicatory at which it has been decided, unless by the consent of two thirds of the members who were present at the decision; and, unless the motion to reconsider be made and seconded by persons who voted with the majority. 20. A subject which has been indefinitely postponed, either by the operation of the previous ques tion, or by a direct motion for indefinite postpone ment, shall not be again called up during the same sessions of the judicatory, unless by the consent of three fourths of the members who were present at the decision. 21. Every member, when speaking, shall address himself to the moderator, and shall treat his fellow members, and especially the moderator, with decorum and respect. 22. Without express permission, no member of a judicatory, while business is going on, shall engage in private conversation; nor shall members address one another, nor any person present, but through the moderator. 23. No speaker shall be interrupted, unless he be out of order, or for the purpose of correcting mistakes or misrepresentations. 24. It is indispensable that members of ecclesiastical judicatories maintain great gravity and dignity while judicially convened; that they attend closely, in their speeches, to the subject under consideration, and avoid prolix and desultory harangues and when they deviate from the subject, it is the privilege of any member, and the duty of the moderator, to call them to order. 25. No member, in the course of debate, shall be allowed to indulge in personal reflections. 26. If more than one member rise to speak at the same time, the member who is most distant from the moderator's chair shall speak first. 27. When more than three members of the ju dicatory shall be standing at the same time, the moderator shall require all to take their seats, the 28. If any member act, in any respect, in a dis- 29. If any member consider himself as ag- 30. Members ought not, without weighty rea- 31. It is the duty of the moderator to appoint 32. The person first named on any committee, 33. When various motions are made with re- 34. When the moderator has commenced taking and the moderator shall recommence taking the vote. 35. When a vote is taken by ballot in any judi- 36. The yeas and nays on any question shall 37. All judicatories have a right to sit in pri- 38. Besides the right to sit judicially in private, 39. Whenever a judicatory is about to sit in a 40. In all process before a judicatory, where |