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lines. Edgell was placed on Barlow's line, Dow and Ames on right and left of Petersburg road, Ricketts in rear of left of the corps and of the enemy's works, others in reserve. They assisted in the attack, and kept up a vigorous and effective fire until 9 p. m. At 12 m. Brown was ordered out to relieve Dow, who came in reserve.


June 17, the positions of the batteries were as follows: Gibbon's line, McKnight and Clark; Birney's line, Gilliss, one section of Edgell, Sleeper and Burton in rear; Barlow's line, Roder, Dwight, one section of Edgell in rear of Captain Ricketts; in park, Brown and Ames. An assault to be made by the Ninth Corps at 2 p. m. Dwight silenced a battery in his front as often as it opened. All other batteries opened as occa required. At 3 p. m. the mortars, one section placed on Barlow's extreme left, opened with great effect., Captain Jones was killed while watching the effect of his fire, and the command devolved on Lieutenant Moore until 5 p. m., when Captain Wood was assigned to the command and opened heavily, and an assault [was] made by the Ninth Corps at 10, during which two shells silenced a battery which was playing on the charging troops. At dark 600 men of the Fourth New York Artillery were ordered to report to General Birney for duty, under command of Major Williams-Companies A, B, G, H, and F.

June 18, at 1 a. m. came the order that an assault would be made at 4 a. m. by the Third Division and that General Birney was in command of the corps. At daylight the remainder of the Fourth New York Artillery were marched out and put in the works in rear of Birney's center. At 4 a. m. the batteries opened along the whole line and the divisions moved forward-the Third Battalion, Fourth New York Artillery, in Pierce's brigade. The works of the enemy were taken with little resistance until the crest was reached, where their force was developed. A charge forced them back still farther, and our men took up this line; in the other division they advance equally and all the artillery was rendered useless. A position was immediately selected at the turn of the Petersburg road, near the Hare house, and a party put to work to prepare it for a battery, but were driven away by heavy fire. The Fourth New York Artillery was advanced so as to form a third line. Captains Ricketts, Dows, and Ames were ordered up and halted on the road in rear of the line. Captain Ricketts was placed on a hill near house and opened fire on the city, getting no reply. After some time, at 12 m., another assault was ordered. Captain Dow was instructed to move into position as soon as the attack enabled him to do so. Captains Sleeper and Burton were placed in Barlow's rear line. As the assault was ordered these batteries were ordered to open. Ricketts and Dow did so. Dow lost 10 men by musketry fire. At 5 p. m. another attack without result. The mortars put in position (four) at the Hare house at the turn of the road. At dark Roder advanced on Barlow's rear line. Captain Dow was withdrawn and work commenced for Brown in his position and Ames in the garden on the left of the house, our infantry line put in the same place. along the crest. In the afternoon Clark moved forward to the second line, on the right of the Fourth New York Artillery, and Edgell in the evening on Ames' left.

June 19, position as follows: Gibbon's line-front, Clark, rear, McKnight; Mott's line-front, Brown, Ames, and Edgell, rear, Ricketts, Gilliss, Dow; Barlow's line-front, Roder, Sleeper, Fourth New York Artillery; on right of Gibbon's second line, Sleeper. Sleeper moved forward to the left of Edgell and in front. No further changes during the day.


June 20, two more mortars put in position, and one section of Ricketts' on Ames' left ordered to shell the town and bridges; did so from rifled batteries slowly. Ordered to open along the whole line; did so slowly and with great effect from the mortars. At 1 p. m. orders to withdraw, when relieved by the Sixth and Ninth Corps; afterward modified, the withdrawal to be after dark. Batteries, &c., ordered to assemble near headquarters. Did so during the night except McKnight's and Clark's, which went with Second Division.

Burton and Roder

June 21, marched at 8 a. m. to the left and rear. with Barlow, McKnight and Clark with Gibbon, Dwight and Gilliss with Mott. The other batteries, regiment, and trains moved in rear of the column. Command moved half a mile south of the junction with the plank road, then back to the plank road and took position. Gibbon on Warren's left, and the left of and perpendicular to the plank road; Clark in position by the road; Mott on Gilliss' left; Barlow on his left. No position for batteries except on Gibbon's line. Barlow closed in to the right, and the trains and artillery were moved back and up the plank road in the neighborhood of the Jones house. About dark an attack was made by cavalry in the rear of the left flank. The Fourth New York Artillery and Brown's battery were placed in position at the forks of the road to guard the rear. McKnight's battery was placed in position a quarter of a mile to the left of Clark's, on Gibbon's line.

June 22, the Fourth New York and [Brown's] battery returned to camp. At 12 m. details of the Fourth sent to strengthen Clark and McKnight and make gabions. At 3 p. m. notified of the breaking of Barlow's division. Roder's battery and the Fourth New York Artillery immediately sent to take position in the open field, where the first line was; arrived in time to form a rallying party for the First Division. News at this time received of the capture of McKnight's guns. Five batteries placed in position on the line of the plank road. Gilliss and Dwight moved up on part of Mott's new (retired) line. Clark retired one section when the troops broke, but retained the other in position, firing vigorously and receiving a very hot fire from four of the enemy's batteries; well protected by his works and loss small. Troops reformed at dusk. Burton's battery moved up to take position on the right of the road in line with Clark. Works commenced by Captain Burton at 9 p. m. Dow relieved Clark, and Ricketts moved up preparatory to going in on the right of Dow. A company of engineers (regular) built strong works for these two batteries.

June 23, the Second Corps did not change position. The Fourth New York Artillery reported to Gibbon and was put on the front line to the left of the plank road. The enemy opened on a brigade of the Fifth Corps that was filing in rear of our batteries, which opened and silenced them. Roder continued on Barlow's line, and Dwight [and] Gilliss with Mott. At dark Gibbon's division was relieved by the Fifth Corps on the front line, and formed a second. The Fourth New York Artillery reported back.

June 24, General Gibbon moved down to the Williams house to support the Fifth Corps, taking Ames and Sleeper, who were assigned to him. At dark Dow, Ricketts, and Burton were relieved by Fifth Corps batteries and parked in reserve near the Jones house.

June 25, for three days Gilliss and Dwight have hauled out at night, going into position at daylight; no firing.

June 26, the First and Second Battalions, Fourth New York Artillery ordered to report to First and Second Brigades, Third Division; bat teries, no change.

June 27, at night Captains Clark and Edgell reported to General Mott to relieve Lieutenants Gilliss and Roder, and Captain Brown to General Barlow to relieve Lieutenant Roder. The relieved batteries camped near the Jones house.

June 28, no change.

June 29, Third New Jersey Battery reported six light 12-pounders. Dow reported to General Gibbon to take position on the left.

June 30, four guns Third New Jersey Battery ordered to report to General Barlow. Dow relieved and returned to camp.


Colonel Fourth New York Artillery, Commanding Brigade.

No. 100.

Report of Maj. John G. Hazard, First Rhode Island Light Artillery, commanding Artillery Brigade, of operations July 1-30.

October 12, 1864.

MAJOR: I have the honor to submit the following report of the operations of this command from July 1 to July 30, 1864, including the operations at Deep Bottom, Va.:

On the 1st of July six batteries of the brigade were in position on the line held by the corps to the left of the Jerusalem plank road, and seven batteries were camped near the Jones house. At this date, Colonel Tidball having been assigned to duty elsewhere, I assumed command of the brigade as senior officer, and was regularly assigned by orders from headquarters of the corps on the 6th of July. The brigade remained in this position until July 11, the batteries in reserve occasionally relieving those in position.

On July 11 orders were received directing the withdrawal from the intrenched line held by the corps. The artillery was withdrawn during the night, and with the reserve batteries massed in a field near the Williams house and north of the Jerusalem plank road.

On the morning of the 12th the corps took position in the line near the Williams house, two batteries reporting to each division commander. The command remained quiet during the 12th.

On the morning of the 13th orders were received to move to the right. The Second Division moved to the Southall house, and occupied the line to the north of the plank road, the left resting on the Norfolk railroad. Dow's (Sixth Maine) battery went into position in the redan on the center of this line; Edgell's (First New Hampshire) battery in the redoubt on the Norfolk road. The remainder of the command went into camp on the north side of the Norfolk road and near the Deserted House.

On the 23d of July Woerner's (Third New Jersey) battery reported to Major-General Gibbon, and took position on the line of the Second Division, in a small redan near the Southall house.

On the 25th of July orders were received to be in readiness to move at short notice.

On the 26th the following assignments of batteries to divisions were made: To First Division, Sleeper's (Tenth Massachusetts) battery and Brown's (B, First Rhode Island); to Second Division, Ricketts' (F, First Pennsylvania) and Gilliss' (C and I, Fifth United States); to Third Division, Edgell's (First New Hampshire), Dow's (Sixth Maine), and


Woerner's (Third New Jersey). The command moved at dark, the reserve batteries marching in rear of the Second Division; crossed the Appomattox at Point of Rocks and arrived at Jones' Neck before daylight. The divisions, accompanied by their artillery, crossed the river immediately. Captain Edgell's (First New Hampshire) battery went into position in the oak grove near the bridge-head, Captain Woerner's (Third New Jersey) battery to the right of the grove, Captain Sleeper's (Tenth Massachusetts) battery and Captain Brown's (B, First Rhode Island) on the left of Captain Edgell's battery. At 6 a. m. the line advanced across the open plain on the enemy's position in the edge of the woods about 1,000 yards distant. The batteries in position opened a concentrated fire on the enemy's artillery, forcing their cannoneers to leave their guns for a time. At this time the line of works was carried by our skirmish line and a battery of four 20pounder Parrott guns was captured with two caissons. The enemy returned to and succeeded in getting off their light 12-pounder battery. Owing to the advance of our troops the heavy fire on it could not be continued. The 20-pounder battery was taken across the river to Jones' Neck and shipped to City Point. Our line now advanced, the left resting on Deep Creek, and the right extending along the ridge at the Potteries and the New Market road. Positions for batteries were selected on the right and left of the Potteries, and Captain Ricketts' (F, First Pennsylvania) placed on the left, Lieutenant Gilliss' (C and I, Fifth United States) on the right. Earth-works were thrown up for their protection. No other positions practicable for artillery could be found on the line. The positions of Captains Brown's, Sleeper's, and Edgell's batteries remained unchanged. Captains Dow's and Woerner's batteries were placed in position on the right of the oak grove and near the Chimneys, sweeping the open plain in front. About 3 p. m. Captain Ames' battery was ordered across the river and took position in the work at the bridge-head. At 4 p. m., as a precautionary measure against any attack on the rear, the five batteries near the bridge-head were disposed in such a manner as to fully cover all approaches. During this time the six reserve batteries remained on the south side of the river at Jones' Neck.

During the night of the 28th the Third Division recrossed the river and marched back to Petersburg. Roder's (K, Fourth United States), Burton's (Eleventh New York), and McKnight's (Twelfth New York) batteries were ordered to report to General Mott, commanding, and marched back with his division. During the night the line was drawn back into the open plain, and Dow's battery was moved forward to the line taken up on Strawberry Plains. The command remained in this position until dark of the 29th. At dusk the batteries withdrew to the bridgehead, those of the First and Second Divisions moving with them. The reserve moved in rear of the troops, recrossed the James and Appomattox Rivers, and about daylight parked with the other batteries, in rear of the Eighteenth Army Corps headquarters.

None of the batteries were in position during the engagement of July 30. At dark the command returned to their former camp, near the Deserted House.

No casualties occurred in the brigade during the period covered by this report.

No. 101.

Report of Capt. Edwin B. Dow, Sixth Maine Battery.

August 7, 1864.*


Crossed Chickahominy River at Long Bridge the afternoon of the 13th June], and marched to Wilcox's Landing on the James River. Remained in camp 14th. Crossed the James River 6 p. m. 15th, and marched some three miles toward Petersburg, and bivouacked for the night. Resumed march at daylight 16th, and arrived at the works in front of Petersburg at 5 p. m. Was immediately ordered to take position on the right of the road leading to the Hare house to cover the advance of Birney's division down the road. Opened fire at 6.30 p. m. and advanced in rear of the infantry, keeping up a spirited fire on the enemy's line and compelling a battery of the enemy's stationed at the Hare house to retire; expended 395 rounds of ammunition. Was relieved by Brown's battery (B, First Rhode Island) at 3 a. m. At daylight 18th moved to position to the left of the Hare house, and within 200 yards of the rebel line of works, supported by the Second Division. Opened a heavy fire on the enemy's line, dismounting two guns he had in position, and sweeping the intervening space with canister for the charge of Birney's division. At about 5 p. m. the charge was attempted, but failed, the charging column not getting fifty yards in front of my guns. I lost my first sergeant and 1 man killed and 8 wounded, and expended 420 rounds of ammunition. My first sergeant, James A. Pray, had been commissioned a second lieutenant, vice Second Lieut. Samuel Thurston, promoted to first lieutenant, but had not been able to get mustered on account of Lieutenant Thurston's absence in hospital, wounded. I wish to record the noble, self-sacrificing spirit displayed by Sergeant Pray, and to hope, if it be possible, that his muster may yet be made, so that he can appear on the records as a commissioned officer. At 9 p. m. we were relieved, and parked near the fortifications. Remained in park 19th and 20th. 21st, were ordered to the rear, and subsequently marched to the Williams house. At night returned and bivouacked near Jones' house, on the old Jerusalem road. Afternoon of the 22d threw up works south of the road, and at dark relieved Clark's battery (B, First New Jersey), on General Gibbon's line, covering the old Jerusalem road. In position 23d and 24th, with Occasional firing. At 9 p. m. 24th was relieved by Bigelow's (Ninth) Massachusetts) battery, Fifth Corps, and camped near General Hancock's headquarters. Lay in camp till the 29th, when we were ordered into position on the left of the Williams house, supported by the headquarters guards, Collis' Zouaves. Was relieved evening of the 30th by the Twenty-seventh New York Battery, Ferrero's division, and returned to old camp, where we remained until the night of July 4, when we relieved Lieutenant Gilliss' battery (C and I, Fifth U. S. Artillery) the line left of the old Jerusalem road, supported by Birney's division. Was relieved the night of the 6th by Lieutenant Gilliss, and returned to camp. Remained in camp until the night of the 11th, when we moved to the left and massed near the Williams house till morning of the 13th; then moved to field near the Southall house, where we remained in camp with General Gibbon's division until the morning of For portion of report (here omitted) covering operations from May 3 to June 12, 1863, seo Vol. XXXVI, Part I, p. 513.

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