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EE-December 15, 1925. A Kipling Collection formed by Messrs. E. P. Dutton & Co., New York. The Anderson Galleries. FF-December 15, 1925. Books, Maps and Prints; Godey's Lady's Books; New York City Items; Boswell's Johnson, Limited Temple Edition; Books on Copper, Silver, China, Prints and Furniture; Long Run of American Book-Prices Current; the West, Genealogy; Irish Books, Private Press Books, etc. The Walpole Galleries.

GG-December 18, 1925. An Important collection of Autograph Letters and Historical Documents belonging to the estate of Judge C. W. Hoitt of Scituate, Massachusetts and from the Collection of a well known gentleman of Lancaster, Pa. Stan. V. Henkels.

HH-January 8, 1926. Library of the late William Winter. Sixth
The Walpole Galleries.

II-January 11 and 12, 1926. Books and Autographs, selections from the private Libraries of the late Edmund Penfold and William Hall Penfold, including Fine Sporting Books, etc.; the late Dr. William W. Walker, also the late W. W. C. Wilson. Part Two: General Literature; Bret Harte Autograph Letters, Part Three. American Art Association. JJ-January 14 and 15, 1926. Rare First Editions of famous writers, XVIth-XXth Century, English and American. Inscribed Copies, Authors' Manuscripts, Grolier Club and Bibliophile Society Publications, Kelmscott, Nonesuch and other Presses, finely bound Sets, etc. Including the private Library of Sara and Alfred L. Bernheim and selections from the Library of Dr. Perceval M. Barker. American Art Association. KK-January 16, 1926. Americana.

C. F. Heartman.

LL-January 18, 1926. A selective group of certain Modern Authors and finely printed books of famous presses from the Library of R. E. Blackshaw of Chicago, Ill.

The Anderson Galleries.

MM-January 19 and 20, 1926. The Autograph Collection formed by the late Col. James H. Manning, Part One: American Autographs. The Anderson Galleries. NN-January 19, 1926. Rare, Old and Decorative Maps, including a fine series of American Interest from the Collection of Perry Walton of Boston, Mass. . American Art Association. 00-January 20 and 21, 1926. The Notable Henry Goldsmith Collection: Historical Maps and Views of New York City. American Art Association. Rare Americana, including the Collection of the late A. R. Turner, Jr. and selections from the Collection of the late Charles A. Munn. Books, Historical Autographs, and Manuscripts, Bradford Map. American Art Association.

PP-January 21 and 22, 1926.

QQ-January 22, 1926. Letters and Documents relating to the American Revolution, including a highly important group on our relations with France, the Collection of Mr. F. G. Sweet of Battle Creek, Michigan. American Art Association. RR-January 29, 1926. Library Sets of Esteemed Authors, Fifteenth Century Illuminated Manuscripts, Art Monographs and other Works on the Fine Arts, Collectors' Catalogues, etc. Montana Histories. Including selections from the Library of the late William A. Clark. American Art Association. SS-February 1, 2 and 3, 1926. The Autograph Collection formed by the late Col. James H. Manning, Part Two: Literary and Historical Autographs. The Anderson Galleries. TT-February 4 and 5, 1926. Fine Sets, desirable First Editions, rare Sporting and other Colored Plate Books; Curtis' "Indians," autographed by Roosevelt, Luther Reformation Tracts, and other early and desirable works. Including the fine private Library of the late Fletcher S. Hines of Indianapolis, Indiana and the balance of the Library of the late Edmund Penfold and William Hall Penfold. American Art Association. UU-February 5, 1926. Rare and Scarce Americana; Burns' Album, with autograph manuscript by him; first editions of Stevenson and Kipling; works on Australia; General History; and Miscellaneous Books. Stan. V. Henkels. VV-February 8 and 9, 1926. The private Library removed from 2 East 57th Street, New York City. The Anderson Galleries. WW-February 12, 1926. Literature relating to the Fine Arts, Library Sets of Esteemed Authors, Costume and other Colored Plate Books, including part of the Library of the late Mrs. J. Hood Wright of New York City.

American Art Association.

XX-February 15 and 16, 1926. English Literature from the Library of R. B. Adam of Buffalo, N. Y.

The Anderson Galleries.

YY-February 15, 1926. The Gutenberg Bible, the Melk Copy. The Anderson Galleries.

ZZ-February 17 and 18, 1926. First Editions of American and English Authors, Grolier Club and Fine Press Publications, Inscribed Copies, Autographs of Celebrities. Including the Collection of the late Brandreth Symonds, M.D., of Tompkinsville, Staten Island and selections from the Library of Ralph E. Samuel of New York City.

American Art Association.

AB-February 22 and 23, 1926. The Art Collections of the late
Viscount Leverhulme. Part Four: the Art Library.
The Anderson Galleries.

BC-February 24 and 25, 1926. Americana.

The Walpole Galleries

CD-February 25 and 26, 1926. Library of the late Joseph Harrison Brazier of Philadelphia, American, English and French authors, also the estate of Winfield S. Armstrong.

Stan. V. Henkels. DE-March 3 and 4, 1926. Library Sets of Standard Authors, Extra-illustrated Works, XVIth to XIXth Century First Editions, Medieval and Modern Illuminated Manuscripts, Autographs of Celebrities, etc. Including the private Library of the late Mrs. Hannah M. Standish of Pittsburg, Pa. American Art Association. EF-March 5, 1926. Objects of Art, Books, from the estate of the late Mrs. Jeannette R. Rowell of New York.

The Walpole Galleries.
FG-March 9, 1926. Americana, Books and Autographs, includ-
ing selections from the Library of the late Judge Rush R.
Sloane of Sandusky, Ohio.
American Art Association.
GH-March 9, 1926. Important Autograph Letters and Historical
Documents including Button Gwinnett's Bible, Letters of
Washington and other Presidents, Signers of the Declaration
of Independence, etc.
Stan. V. Henkels.
HI-March 18, 1926. The Charles Meeker Kozlay collection of
Bret Harte, to which are added Mr. Kozlay's collection of
first editions of modern authors, Conrad, Clemens, Kipling,
Hearn, Stevenson, etc.
American Art Association.

IJ-March 23 and 24, 1926. Library of the late Oliver Henry
Perkins of Des Moines, Iowa.
The Anderson Galleries.
JK-March 23, 1926. Desirable Books on Masons, Mormons, the
West, Slavery, Indians, Connecticut, New York, Crime, Gene-
alogy, Railroads.
The Walpole Galleries.
KL-March 25, 1926. Library of the late Walter Gilliss of New
York; selections from the Library of Frederick Rider, New
York; the private Library of J. F. Aylward, New York.
The Anderson Galleries.

LM-March 31, 1926. Art, Books, Pictures, the property of Mrs.
Hilda Doederlein, Mrs. Lawrence Greer, and estate of the
late C. F. W. Mielatz.
The Walpole Galleries.

MN-April 1, 1926. First Editions of Esteemed Nineteenth
Century Authors, inscribed copies and desirable Autographs,
including the Henry Alexander Collection of the writings
of Charles Dickens and the balance of the Charles Meeker
Kozlay collection of the writings of Bret Harte.
American Art Association.

NO-April 8 and 9, 1926. Rare Americana printed and in Manuscript, 1776 and other important books and Autographs, including the Collection of the late William Green Shillaber of Boston, Mass., also Autograph Letters and Documents written by or relating to President Andrew Jackson.

American Art Association.

OP-April 10, 1926. Americana.

C. F. Heartman.
PQ-April 12 and 13, 1926. Selections from the Libraries of
Percy A. Beach, Indianapolis, Ind.; James C. Norton, Prince-
ton, N. J.; Michael Rotkrog of New York City.; Wilbur
Macey Stone, New York City, and others.

The Anderson Galleries.
QR-April 14 and 15, 1926. Library Sets of Esteemed Authors,
the private Library of Mr. Victor Thrane of Chicago; rare
first editions of the XVIth and XVIIth centuries, Auto-
graphs and Mementos of Lafayette, etc.; Sporting Books
and Prints in Color, the Collection formed by a well-known
New York Collector.
American Art Association.

RS-April 19, 1926. The Fine Collection of Cookery Books
formed by Mrs. Claudia Quigley Murphy of New York City.
The Anderson Galleries.

ST-April 20, 1926. Private Library of the late H. C. Sturt of
Camden, N. J., containing Works on the black arts; also
the Library of the late Chas. H. Burr of Philadelphia, mostly
relating to American History.
Stan. V. Henkels.

TU-April 21 and 22, 1926. First Editions of Charles Dickens.
and W. M. Thackeray, the renowned Collection of George
Barr McCutcheon.
American Art Association.

UV-April 26, 1926. Books and Autographs from the Libraries
of Isidore Braggiotti, Brookline, Mass.; Emanuel Hertz, New
York City; the late Col. Jas. H. Manning, Albany, N. Y., and
other private collectors.
The Anderson Galleries.

VW-April 26, 1926. Library of the late Charles Henry Hart of
Philadelphia, Pa.
The Anderson Galleries.

WX-April 28 and 29, 1926. Rare First Editions of Esteemed
Authors, XVIth-XXth Century; Fine Press Books, Ashend-
ene, Beaumont, Doves, Kelmscott, Nonesuch, etc.; Bruce
Rogers Printings. Including important selections from the
Libraries of R. E. Blackshaw, Chicago and Samuel Heiman,
New York.
American Art Association.

XY-April 28 and 29, 1926. Books from the Library of the late
Richard Mansfield, New York, and other Consignments.
The Anderson Galleries.

YZ-April 29 and 30, 1926.
scripts, Hebraica, Early
the property of the late
other owners.

Fine Books, Autographs, Manu-
Printing, Bindings, rare editions.
John Davis, Hannibal, Mo. and
The Walpole Galleries.

ZA-May 3 and 4, 1926. American Historical Autographs, Letters
and Documents, Part One of the Collection of the late
Charles P. Greenough of Brookline, Mass.

The Anderson Galleries.

ZB-May 5, 1926. First Editions of Esteemed XVIIth-XXth
Century Authors, Fine Library Sets, Bruce Rogers Print-
ings, and other desirable Books and Autographs. Including
selections from the Library of Leonard Kebler of Mount
Vernon, New York and further selections from the Library
of R. E. Blackshaw of Chicago. American Art Association.

ZC-May 5, 1926. English Literature from the Library of Mr.
John Drinkwater of London, from the Library of a New
York Collector, and a few Books from the Library of Mrs.
George Gordon King of New York City.

The Anderson Galleries.

ZD-May 7, 1926. The balance of the Collection of the late
William Green Shillaber of Boston, and the Collection of
Albert McDonald of Garden City, L. I., together with other
properties. Part One: Early Printed Books, Fine Sets;
Part Two: Art Monographs, Architecture, Paintings, Illus-
trated Books, etc.
American Art Association.

ZE-May 17 and 18, 1926. The Historical Library of Dr. George
C. F. Williams of Hartford, Conn. Part One: Books relating
to the American Revolution; Part Two: Historical Auto-
graphs, Manuscripts and Documents.

The Anderson Galleries.

ZF-May 20 and 21, 1926. The splendid Elizabethan and Early
Stuart Library of Mr. John L. Clawson of Buffalo, New York.
Part One: William Alabaster-Philip Massinger.
The Anderson Galleries.

ZG-May 22, 1926.


C. F. Heartman.

ZH-May 24 and 25, 1926. The splendid Elizabethan and Early
Stuart Library of Mr. John L. Clawson of Buffalo, New
York. Part Two: Thomas May-Richard Zouch.

The Anderson Galleries.

ZI-June 1, 1926. Modern First Editions, Books on Fine Arts,
Sale Catalogues, Illustrated Books, etc.

The Walpole Galleries.

ZJ-June 3, 1926. Private Library of the late James Addams
Beaver and duplicate volumes of the Library of the Univer-
sity of Pennsylvania, embracing Americana and Civil War
Items, also State and County Histories, Lincolniana, Gene-
alogies, etc.
Stan. V. Henkels.

ZK-June 14, 1926. Dispersal Sale selected parts of the Library
and Dramatic and Associate Collections of David Belasco.
Autograph Letters, Books, Pamphlets, etc.
The Walpole Galleries.

ZL-June 29, 1926. Americana.

C. F. Heartman.

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