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like that of his whole atrabilarious countenance, was dull, sombre, and lowering; while his gait and address were equally slovenly.

› Though Goldingham had done his duty by this orphan-nephew, in educating, supporting, and giving a handsome premium to place him with Sir Godfrey, that he might cultivate the only art for which he had ever shown the smalest capacity or inclination, he had never liked him, and he therefore willingly accepted Reuben's offer to go to London in compliance with the request conveyed in the letter. Upon his arrival in the metropolis, Reuben nursed, attended, and amused the invalid with the most affectionate assiduity, giving him his medicines with his own hands, reading to him such diverting books as were best calculated to make him forget the ennui of his confinement, discoursing upon his art, and ministering so effectually to his recovery, that the grateful convalescent declared himself indebted to him a second time for his life. It was Reuben's anxious wish to convey him as soon as possible into Dorsetshire, as he was heretical enough to reckon country

air and tranquillity better restoratives than any that could be supplied from the Materia Medica, but several weeks elapsed ere his physician considered him' sufficiently recovered to undertake the journey. During this time, therefore, he remained the constant inmate of a sick room, lavishing every species of kindness upon his patient, although he longed with his whole heart for the hour that should take him once more to scenes that Helen had embellished and endeared to his memory, ere he bade a final adieu to her, to England, and perhaps to happiness. At length, it was pronounced that the patient might safely travel, when Reuben had the long-desired pleasure of revisiting Goldingham Place, of presenting Basil to his uncle, nearly re-established in his health, and not so much altered in appearance as might have been expected from the alarming nature and long duration of his illness.


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Though Adeline remained persuaded after the departure of her imagined lover to London, that he was concealed somewhere about the grounds, and continued every evening staring

out of her own window, mistaking the trunk of each tree for a man, and the whistle of every blackbird for a flute, she stood so far in awe of Sir Carroll's groom as never to revisit the housekeeper's apartment. All her vigils and listenings were, however, doomed to be disappointed. Through the servants at Goldingham Place, those infallible communicants of all things that happen, and of many that do not, in every private family, she had learnt that Mr. Reuben was gone to London to visit a sick friend, and that his return was uncertain. "Eh, par exemple!" exclaimed Adeline, indignantly: "who would go to see a sick friend when he might enjoy the society of a mistress in good health? So immediately, too, after receiving my gar. land, for there can be no doubt of his having taken it away! Ah, le volage!" And she proceeded to shower upon him all those terms of endearing abuse in which the French language is so prolific. He was 66 un aimable scélérat-un roué charmant-un fripon délicieux !" and halfa-dozen other terms of equivalent import, at the conclusion of which she heaved a woful sigh, and

went to communicate to Helen the intelligence
she had learnt of his journey to London.

On her way she encountered her mother with a letter in her hand, which she informed her was from her aunt, Lady Barbara De Valancey, inviting either of her nieces to spend two or three months with her in London during the season. Lady Trevanian stated that she had already shown it to Helen, who preferred remaining in the country, so that if Adeline chose to accept the invitation she might make immediate preparations for her departure. Nothing could possibly have been proposed to her more delightful or more apropos. She abhorred the country; she doated upon London, where she would be sure of meeting the volage, her still dear Arcadius, who was staying there for an indefinite period; and if not, there were a thousand beaux and gallants in the metropolis; and Lady Barbara gave concerts and balls, where there

were always plenty of military officers; and proEh! quel bably she would take her to Court. " bonheur ! quelle joie! que je suis contente!" she exclaimed, and forgetting the character of a forlorn deserted damsel which she had lately

been assuming, she clapped her hands, and sailed about the room, and began to practise before a mirror her most killing airs and graces, since there was at length a chance of her soon having a proper field for their display. All was now instant bustle and preparation, for whenever a new object was presented to her volatile mind, she was in a perpetual flutter of impatience until it could be attained. A grateful acceptance of the invitation was written to her aunt; clothes and jewels were hastily packed; arrangements were made for renewing her wardrobe in London; Gibson, the maid, promoted to the vacant place of Grace Wardrop, who had retired to the farm, accompanied her in the carriage, two men-servants formed the escort, and in due time she was set down at Lady Barbara's door, in Pall-mall.

Of course, she had pledged herself to keep up a regular correspondence with Helen, but as her first letters were pretty much confined to the expression of her rapture at the gaieties of dear delightful London, with a description of the different parties at which she had been, and a full, true, and particular account of the dresses

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