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before she herself had ever seen him; she was the depository of her sister's secret, the guardian of her happiness, perhaps of her character and respectability; and was it possible she could prove so base a traitress as to avail herself of that sisterly confidence for inveigling the affections of her lover? No, no, no!-she must do justice to herself-it was treason to herself to impute such odious and incredible motives to her actions and feelings-she repelled the charge which her own sensitive mind had conjured up; it was as false as it was abominable: -it was, in fact, impossible.

Her heart amplified itself with the swell of complacent virtue as she pronounced this verdict of self-acquittal, though she resolved for the future to keep a strict watch upon her feelings, to subject every emotion of her bosom to a rigorous scrutiny, and not again needlessly alarm herself, unless some more unequivocal confirmation of her suspicions should arise.

This contingency occurred much sooner than she had anticipated. Reuben becoming every day more deeply enamoured, and conscious that



his continued intimacy at the house required the sanction of some acknowledged motive, determined to wait no longer for the encourage. ment he had in vain been expecting, but to come to an immediate eclaircissement by avowing his passion. Twice had he gone over to Harpsden Hall with this intention, but the others had prevented the execution of his pur pose. On the third occasion every thing proved propitious. Lady Trevanian was confined by indisposition to her own apartment; Adeline had gone out to make some purchases; and yet while he rejoiced in the opportuneness of the moment, his heart fluttered, and he felt his courage sink within him. It was precisely the situation in which he had been so long wishing to find himself, and yet he never felt so utterly disconcerted. Attempting to conceal his agita tion by a cough, he resolved to give himself time to recover his self-possession by conversing upon indifferent subjects; when having, as he thought, acquired a sufficient degree of con


fidence, he reminded her that although his un-
cle had refunded the money with which her ge

nerous forethought had supplied him, the purse itself still remained in his own possession. He drew it from his pocket, and as he restored it to its owner, again declared the fervent gratitude with which his heart would ever be penetrated. His feelings upon this subject inspiring him with a warmth and tenderness unchecked by any apprehensions from their avowal, his eloquence flowed with a spontaneous energy that fell like grateful music upon the ear of his auditress, who again declared that she would have bestowed the same cares upon any other stranger, though she could not but feel particularly gratified at having been in any degree useful to a gentleman whom she who was so near a neighbour, and the nephew of the muchrespected Mr. Goldingham.

"You cannot diminish your claim to my gratitude," exclaimed Reuben, with emotion : "but, if you would establish it upon another basis which I would eternally recognize; if you would bestow any value upon the life you have preserved ;-forgive me, Miss Trevanian ; let me, beforehand, implore your pardon, ere I

give utterance to my presumption. I would not for worlds offend you, but my heart must be relieved; I cannot any longer support this struggle of my feelings; my happiness or misery are in your hands. Once more I entreat you to have compassion upon me, if I have dared to aspire too high, but the confession must be made. I love you, Miss Trevanian, presumptuously perhaps ;-perhaps hopelessly ;— but passionately, fondly, unalterably."

Such is the more than lightning speed of thought, that Helen, who, from his agitated manner, and the very beginning of his speech, had anticipated its conclusion, had conjured up in her mind a flitting vision of the happiness she might enjoy with one so exactly after her own heart; of the refutation that their union would afford to the insinuations Crockatt and Mrs. Chatsworth; and of the assistance that her own establishment in the neighbourhood would afford in restoring mother to society; but this beatific vision did but glance athwart her mind. She recollected the treachery, the selfishness that would be im


puted to her motives;-she recalled her duty to Adeline, and summoning all her energies to appear calm, and suppress the heaving of her bosom, she replied in a low voice, "I am grateful, Mr. Apsley, for your good opinion; flattered, not offended, by the attachment you profess; and perhaps, I should in my turn beg pardon for my freedom, when I remind you that you are young, very young, full of sensibility, and yielding, perhaps too inconsiderately, to the impressions of the moment. The passion which you now feel for me, you may perhaps at no remote period have entertained for another; you may have awakened a reciprocal tenderness in a bosom able to bestow upon you the happiness which I ought notwhich I cannot confer. If such be the fact, may you enjoy every felicity, every blessing that earth can bestow; and believe me, Sir, among the number of your well-wishers, you will not have a warmer, sincerer-" Her voice began to falter, and she stopped short, for fear of betraying her emotion, while her eyes remained fixed upon the ground, and the blood

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