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" that his ways are not as our ways, nor his thoughts as our thoughts... "
Sermons ...: To which is Prefixed a Short Account of the Life and Character ... - Page 193
by Hugh Blair, James Finlayson - 1822
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The remaining discourses, on the attributes of God, viz. His goodness [&c ...

John Tillotson (abp. of Canterbury.) - 1700 - 446 pages
...done God, we might defpair of pardon ; but it is God and not Man that we haVe to deal with ; and his ways are not as our ways, nor his thoughts as our thoughts j but as the heavens are high above the earth, fo are his ways akove our wajs, and his thoughts ahove...
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A Practical Treatise Concerning Humility: Design'd for the Furtherance and ...

John Norris - Christian life - 1707 - 440 pages
...Mifterious, as indeed it would be ftrange if they fhould not, fince 'tis God that Governs the World, whofe Ways are not as our Ways, nor his Thoughts as our Thoughts. There may well therefore be Mifteries in Providence as well as in Faith, but then the fame Humility...
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The Works of the Most Reverend Dr. John Tillotson, Volume 7

John Tillotson - Sermons, English - 1748 - 430 pages
...God, we might defpair of pardon; but il is God, and not man, that we have to deal with ; and . his ways are not as our ways, nor his thoughts as our thoughts : but as the heavens are high above the earth, fo are his ways above our ways, .and hiy thoughts above...
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Select Sermons on Some of the Most Important Points of the Christian Religion

Richard Bundy - 1750 - 418 pages
...general and public ones, furprize and confound the bufy Mind of Man, and at firft Sight fhew us, that His Ways are not as our Ways, nor His Thoughts as our Thoughts. Why He mould have deferred the Creation of Man fo long, till within the Space of Six thoufand Years;...
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The Works of the Most Reverend John Tillotson, Lord Archbishop of ..., Volume 8

John Tillotson - Sermons, English - 1757 - 488 pages
...GOD, we might defpair of pardon ;. but it is GOD, and not man, that we have to deal with : and " his ways are not " as our ways, nor his thoughts as our thoughts : " but as the heavens are high above the earth, fo " are his ways above our ways, and his thoughts...
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Sermons on Several Subjects

William Braikenridge - Sermons, English - 1764 - 378 pages
...are undoubtedly s ER M. doubtedly good reafons for it, which our ignorance cannot comprehend. For his ways are not as our ways, 'nor his thoughts as our thoughts. Again, we may obferve, that though this fpace of time allowed to man be fo very fhort, yet it is long...
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The Works in Verse and Prose, of William Shenstone ...

John Witherspoon, William Shenstone - Grace (Theology) - 1765 - 298 pages
...of the marks of human wifdom, we are naturally led to fay, " Salva" tion belongeth unto God. — His ways are not " as our ways, nor his thoughts as our thoughts." Therefore, when conviction of fin makes us feel the neceffity, and difcovers the glory of our Saviour's...
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A copious comment on Psalm lxviii [by R. Clarke].

Richard Clarke (curate of Cheshunt.) - 1770 - 330 pages
...the juflice and judgment, the wrath and vengeance of God, in which we fliall happily fmd, that his ways are not as our ways; nor his thoughts as our thoughts ; for as the heavens are higher than the earth, fo his ways are highcr than our ways, and his thoughts...
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Sermons, Volume 1

rev. George Carr - 1782 - 426 pages
...firft, requefts? The reafons of the divine adminiftration are often far above out of our fight; his •ways are not as our ways, nor his thoughts as our thoughts ; and we might therefore, and ought to acquiefce in our Saviour's declaration concerning the methods...
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Ten Sermons on the Millennium: Or, the Glory of the Latter Days; and Five ...

Thomas Taylor - 1789 - 364 pages yet—little profpecl of a divine renovation of all things. But let it be remembered, that God's ways are not as our ways, nor his thoughts as our thoughts; for, at fuch an hour as we think not, the Lord, in this fenfe, may come. He is fubduing the Great Antichrift,...
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