THE BOOK OF COMMON PRAYER, AND ADMINISTRATION OF The Sacraments; AND OTHER RITES AND CEREMONIES OF THE CHURCH, ACCORDING TO THE USE OF THE Protestant Episcopal Church, IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA; TOGETHER WITH THE PSALTER, OR PSALMS OF DAVID. PHILADELPHIΑ: PROTESTANT EPISCOPAL BOOK SOCIETY, 1224 CHESTNUT STREET. PHILADELPHIA, August 13th, 1862. I hereby certify, that this edition of the Common Prayer Book, Articles, Offices, Psalms in Metre, selected from the Psalms of David, and Hymns, has been compared with and corrected by the Standard Book, by a Presbyter duly appointed by me. And the same is permitted to be published as an edition so compared and corrected in conformity with the Canon. ALONZO POTTER, Bishop of the Protestant Episcopal Church in Pennsylvania. |