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commercial usages of society, the Law of real and personal property, the nature of civil remedies, the practice of the Common Law Courts, and the principles of pleading criminal jurisprudence will be next in order, and lastly a general view will be given of the principles of Equity Law, and the practice of the Court of Chancery.


Furnished Rooms and Board, with Coals, Candles, &c. &c.
Lectures in Divinity, Classics, Mathematics, Law, History, Philosophy

and Logic

College Fee

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£50 0 0

20 0 0 500

Each course of Law will comprise about forty Lectures, with periodical examinations-Fee each course £2 2 0. Annual College Fee £2 2 0.


In this Department a liberal education will be provided, terminating in an Academical Degree, and accompanied throughout by Collegiate discipline and control, and religious worship and instruction. The Lectures will also be open to clerks and assistants in the offices of Engineers, and Architects, and Railway establishments, after office hours. How far in these professions an improved discipline and intellectual enlargement has been needed any thoughtful and observant mind may adequately determine. The Council propose in this, as in the other cases, an enlarged education on an economical scale-a gradual initiation into professional pursuits, and an imbuing of the mind with sound religious principles. Furnished Room, Board, Attend

ance, &c.

College Fee

Classical Tutor

Mathematical Tutor..


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5 0

4 0 0

0 0

Professor of Engineering
Professor of Chemistry
French Master.....
German Master

Drawing Master

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[blocks in formation]

Students not qualified by sufficient knowledge of the Latin and Greek languages to matriculate and take their B.A. degree, may, at the end of their three years' course in this department, if they pass creditable examinations in the different subjects of their lectures, receive a certificate from Queen's College, under Seal, testifying to their collegiate residence, to their attendance on the College Lectures, and to their conduct in Statu pupillari.

Out-Students are admissible to this department.

Out-Students may attend any particular Professor's or Tutor's course.

Out-Students to pay the College fee, and the regular fees for any course which they


Out-Students, when within the College walls, to be subject to collegiate rules and discipline.

The course of study, as laid down by the for Students in Civil Engineering, embraces the principal subjects necessary in order of Council order to secure a sound knowledge of those parts of theoretical and practical mathematics and of the sciences of observation, which are requisite for the scientific engineer. Modern languages are made an essential part of the course of study: and during their whole period of residence, the students are engaged in practical surveying, levelling, and planning. They receive instruction also in crystallography, mineralogy, geology, and metallurgy and for the especial benefit of those who are likely to be engaged in excavating the mineral wealth of the country, or in the processes of converting the raw material into an article of commerce, it is provided that, at a certain period of the course of study, a more undivided attention shall be paid by such students to the processes of metallurgy.



The first Department established in the College as has been already intimated, was the Medical, but in carrying forward their great work the Council clearly apprehended that although medical science, from its own intrinsic excellence and its intimate bearing upon the good of the community, must claim a place in every University scheme, and may even legitimately form the characteristic study of any academical body, yet there was no precedent for its exclusive establishment, and but little hope that if exclusively established, it would enjoy all the advantage of that philosophical and religious enlargement which it was to confer, They aimed at a resort for general education; an academical body their great object

wherein all the faculties might be pursued; an institution wherein youths preparing for any profession might be enlightened in their sentiments by having the whole course of learning placed before them, and by associating with others more immediately dedicated to some other pursuit.

It is therefore in accordance with the soundest principle of educational science, as well as with the precedents of our ancient Universities that the Departments of Law, Engineering, Department of Arts, and chief of all of Theology, have been instituted in the College.

In the Arts Department the Council propose to offer to Parents of moderate means the advantages of a liberal education generally for any profession. Students in this Department will in the first instance be prepared for the Matriculation Examination in the University of London, and will then proceed in the course of study indicated for degrees in Arts, the whole being accompanied by Collegiate discipline and religious instruction.


Students desiring general instruction to be admissible into the Junior Department of Queen's College after they have completed an elementary School education, say about the age of sixteen; during the first year, all students to attend the same classes in Divinity, Latin, Greek, Mathematics, French, German, and Drawing; Students who are intended for the Medical profession, to receive during their second year's course of study, separate instruction in the rudiments of Chemistry, Materia Medica, Pharmacy, Botany, &c. &c. At the commencement of the third year, such of the junior Students as are duly qualified, to enter the Senior Branch of the Arts Department.


1. That the Lord Bishop of the Diocese be the Visitor.

2. That the ex-officio members of the Council of Queen's College, with the Warden do constitute a Senatus Academicus; that the said ex-officio members do appoint the Warden of this Department, and the said Senatus do appoint the Classical and Mathematical Tutors; that the Senatus do appoint, under such regulations as they shall think advisable, the Fellows; that until the appointment of such Fellows, the said Senatus do transact all the general business of the Department; that not less than five members of the Senatus, including the Warden, do form a quorum; that after the appointment of the Fellows, any number of them not exceeding twelve shall be selected for a Board of Management by the Senatus; that such Board of Management be called "The Council of the Department of General Literature."

3. That an Annual Meeting of such Council be held on the last Wednesday in August every year.

4. That the Warden be a priest of the Church of England, and the Tutors priests or deacons, and Graduates of Cambridge or Oxford, or other chartered University; that the Classical Tutor be the Senior Tutor, that such Senior Tutor be responsible for the Discipline of the College, subject to the general supervision of the Warden; that in the absence of the Senior Tutor the Mathematical Tutor do take his place and perform his duties; that both the Tutors be expected to take their meals in Hall with the Students, the Senior Tutor occupying the head of the table; that the Warden do fill the same position in the College of General Literature as the Heads of Houses in Cambridge and Oxford do with regard to their respective Colleges, excepting that the lectures on the subjects below specified be delivered by him or be more especially under his direction.

5. That the Students in the department of General Literature do attend Queen's College Chapel twice every Sunday; that the Warden, Tutors, and Students do wear their gowns in Hall, in Chapel, and at Lectures; that each Student have a room to himself; that they have a common room; that all meals be taken in Hall, except in cases of illness with an agrotat, or of absence with leave.

6. That the vacations be for three months every year-two months in the Summer (August and September), two weeks at Christmas, and two weeks at Easter.

7. That the Porter do close the College gates every night at ten o'clock, and that all Students be expected to be within gates at that hour; Students entering College at a later period of the night to be reported to the Tutor by the Porter, who shall have a book provided for that purpose.

8. That for neglect or misconduct on the part of any Student the Senior Tutor shall have the power of imposing restraint within the College walls, and literary exercises called imposition. That the Warden, in conjunction with the Classical and Mathematical Tutors, shall have the power of rustication for any period not exceeding

two months; that all cases which in the opinion of the Warden and Tutors subject a Student to dismissal or expulsion, be referred to the Council, who are to investigate and decide thereupon.

9. That the Senior Tutor have the management of the domestic arrangements of the College.

10. That the Finance Department be under the supervision of the Finance Committee, who are every term to lay a statement before the Council, and that the Council do every year appoint an Auditor.

11. That a monthly meeting be held on the first Tuesday in every month.

12. That the College be self-supporting, except as far as it may be aided by the endowment of Fellowships, Scholarships, Professorships, and Prizes, and by donations of Books, &c.

13. That an Examination on all the subjects of the Tutors' Lectures be held at the close of every term.

14. That Certificates of Merit be awarded after each examination, and that any such annual Prizes as the Friends of the Institution may offer, be decided at the termination of the Midsummer examination; that Students be expected to matriculate at the University at the end of their first year, if they have not done so previously; and that they be expected to take their Degress of B.A. or B.C.L., or such other Degrees as their standing in the University will permit, at the end of the third year.

15. That such Students as have been regular in their attendance at Chapel and Lectures, and have conducted themselves satisfactorily in statu pupillari, be eligible to be appointed Fellows on their attaining to the Degree of B.A. or B.C.L.

16. That a Commemoration-day be held once every year, in honour of the Founder Mr. William Sands Cox, and that the Members of the Council, and the Fellows and their respective friends be invited to attend.


That the Curriculum of Study do extend over three years; that the Students of each year have distinct courses of Lectures; that the subjects of study be Greek, Latin, Mathematics, Logic, the Modern Languages, History, Civil Engineering, Natural, Political, and Moral Philosophy, and more especially Christian Ethics, and the Doctrines of the Church of England; that each Student do attend four lectures every day; namely, for one hour in the morning a lecture in Greek, for another hour a lecture in Mathematics, and for one hour in the afternoon a lecture in Latin, and another hour a lecture in History, Logic, one of the above described branches of Philosophy, or Civil Engineering.

That the subjects selected have particular reference to the requirements for the Examinations of the University of London.

That the Tutors do confer with the Warden on the first day of term as to such selections, and that no deviations be afterwards made therefrom without his express permission.

That the Warden be responsible for the instruction in Christian Ethics, Church History, and the Doctrines of the Church of England.

That Drawing, French, and German be expected to be learnt during the two years when the Students are in the Junior Department: but if they have not then completed such courses of study, or require for any purpose during their residence in the College instruction in the Modern Languages, the same to be supplied at the rate of three guineas each course per annum.


That the annual College expences be according to the following scale:-
Furnished Rooms and Board, with Coals, Candles, &c. &c.
Lectures in Divinity, Classics, Mathematics, History, Philosophy, and

College Fee

£50 0 0

20 0 0

5 0 0

Medical Students may proceed to degrees in Arts in this Department, but are not allowed to attend Lectures or pass their examinations at the same time in the Medical Department.


"On the 24th of October, 1848, a Special Meeting was held of the Council of Queen's College, at which the REV. CHANCELLOR LAW, the Vice-Principal, presided; and hich, at the desire of the REV. Dr. WARNEFORD, was specially attended by the EV. VAUGHAN THOMAS. At that Meeting MR. VAUGHAN THOMAS made the ving most important observations :

eatness of the REV. Dr. WARNEFORD'S munificence in the offer he was about

to communicate to the Council, and the importance of his design, had determined him to attend this meeting, not simply to inform them of the proposed donation, but to develope his hopes and wishes upon this occasion. The REV. Dr. S. WILSON WARNEFORD, in exact conformity with all he has thought, and said, and done in the great cause, was anxious to provide for what he deemed of the utmost importance in this enlarged and extended plan of Collegiate Education. He was desirous of training up young men intended for Holy Orders in our Church, by means of a course of practical instruction upon the ministerial duties of the Pastor of a Parish. He did not mean by this provision to do anything in derogation of Biblical Literature in any one of its branches, but he thought he saw a want which should be supplied in clerical education, and that was, instruction in the Pastoral duties; for he feared that they were sometimes undertaken before they were thoroughly understood. Again, he felt it to be a duty to help parents in straitened circumstances, in their endeavour to educate their children for our Church, Queen's College, in its large and extended relations, seemed to furnish in this, as well as all other departments of teaching, not only the means of imparting a knowledge of Pastoral duties, but of doing it economically, and without such an outlay of money as was incompatible with parental prudence to advance. But in the offer about to be submitted to the Council, our ever-watchful benefactor was not unmindful of the Royal example. Her Majesty the Queen (to whose grace and favor we are indebted for our Collegiate existence-and not for that alone, but for that new and increased power of usefulness with which Her Majesty has entrusted us by a Charter of greater amplitude)-the Queen, by Royal Grant to the University of Oxford, bearing date May 3, 1842, assigned out of the Church revenues a large annual income to a Professor of Pastoral Divinity. The very course of his Lectures is set forth in the grant-they are to comprehend instruction in the Ministerial duties, in the composition and delivery of Sermons,—in reading the Services of the Church, in the history of Liturgies, in the reason and use of Rubrics, and the like. He is moreover to give professional instruction, and to make examinations of the pupils according to such scheme or schemes as may from time to lime be formed and allered by the authorities of the University. In these words and acts of the Royal care and concern for the due discharge of the Pastoral duties, Dr. WARNEFORD beheld not only the brightness of the Queen's example but the power of authority. Having long entertained the pious wish of making the senior department available for the purposes of training good and sober-minded young men, with scanty pecuniary resources, for Holy Orders, could Dr. WARNEFORD have done better than tread, at whatever distance, in the footsteps of his Sovereign? Could he, in making provision for Pastoral instruction in Queen's College, do better than follow the light of the Queen's example, and show respect to the wisdom of her Royal ordinance? There can be but one answer to these questions in a College and in a Council, created by the Queen's grace and favor, to carry out and onwards suitable courses of Collegiate Education for the adults, as well as juveniles of the Midland Counties, who are intended by their parents respectively for the various businesses of life, spiritual as well as secular. Nothing more remains than now to lay before this meeting Dr. WARNEFORD's proposition. He proposes, then, to give the sum of £2000 to Trustees for the endowment of a Professorship of Pastoral Divinity in the Queen's College, Birmingham, in order that Students who intend to be candidates for Holy Orders in our Church, may be taught the Ministerial Duties in their various branches, as also the composition and delivery of Sermons, the reading of the Church Services, the History of Liturgies, the reason and use of Rubrics, and all other matters connected with and subservient to a faithful and efficient performance of what the Church requires of her Pastors and Ministers for the edification of their flocks. sum, invested by the Trustees after the manner of former investments of our great benefactor's many former grants, will yield in the shape of rent-charge £80 per annum for the Pastoral Teacher's stipend. In conclusion, a hope may now be expressed that Dr. WARNEFORD'S example in this endowment may be followed, and the appeal made in the Paper of June 5, 1848, may produce endowment of other Professorships, Scholarships, Exhibitions, and Fellowships."


A Sub-Committee was then formed to carry out the above noble object of the philanthropic Dr. WARNEFORD, as regards the Theological Department. The Council being encouraged to hope and anticipate success from their knowledge that they possess Collegiate buildings in the Crescent, which are peculiarly eligible for the purposes of a Theological Department; they have also a good Theological Library; they have a consecrated Chapel, they have Dr. WARNEFORD'S endowments for a Chaplain, and for a Professor of Pastoral Theology, (which was afterwards augmented by Dr. WARNEFORD to the amount of £3000,) and subsequently they have received from their great benefactor £1000 towards the endowment of a Warden. The Council

also called to mind that their Junior and Senior Branches of the Arts Departinent offer remarkable facilities for the preparation of the Theological Student under the eye of the Warden. And a Senatus Academicus or governing body had been formed, consisting of the Dignitaries of the Church in Birmingham and its neighbourhood, with the Bishop at their head, and the Chief Civil Authorities of the Borough of Birmingham and County of Warwick. With these and other such singular advantages proposed by Queen's College, they trust that they will not be considered presumptuous in cherishing the fond hope that they may be instruments under Providence of drawing the attention of the Right Rev. the Bench of Bishops and the Arch-Bishops of our Church to the subject of the proposed Theological Institution in Birmingham; and that further, they may look for such pecuniary aid as may enable them soon to open this department. Without such aid, they have not yet thought themselves in a condition to proceed to the formation of a definite scheme and precise rules; but the following observations of Mr. PREBENDARY GRAY, the Warden, express generally their wishes and intentions

"The time is now near at hand, we hope, when our Collegiate plan will be completed, by bringing into operation, under Episcopal sanction, a special Theological Department for the instruction of Graduates for Holy Orders, and for the preparation of Non-Graduates recommended by the Bishop for the same object. In making the preliminary arrangements for this all important Department, the principle has been adopted to assimilate the preparation for Holy Orders hercin obtained to that which has been established and sanctioned in our ancient Universities, making only those alterations in matters of subordinate detail which the changes of times and circumstances have rendered expedient. It has been provided accordingly that all Theological Students should proceed in due course to a Degree in Arts-excepting only such cases as the Archbishops and Bishops may officially recommend for exemption. The whole Collegiate course will be directed by sound religious discipline and instruction according to the doctrines of the United Church of England and Ireland as by law established. In this course of religious instruction stated periodical examinations will be held, and the whole will be under the eye and control of the Bishop of the Diocese, as ex-officio visitor of the Department. The course, in accordance with a principle at present in operation in the College, will occupy either two years, devoted exclusively to Divinity Studies, or five years including the courses of Study in the Arts Department, according to the age and attainment of the Student on entrance, and will terminate as a general rule at the age of 23.

The great object which the Council have in view in commencing the arduous work and incurring the solemn responsibility of a Theological Department is, not to improve the preparation for Holy Orders, which they suppose in our established Universities to be as excellent as can practically be effected-nor yet merely to give a completion and perfectness to their own Institution--but to help in some measure, with the means at their command, towards supplying the great need of additional Clergymen, particularly in such populous localities as that in which the Queen's College is situated, to supply that need, so far as their resources will extend, with men duly qualified by learning and piety for so great a work, and to assist students and their parents in obtaining entrance on Holy Orders by greatly diminishing the amount of the necessary expenditure.

That this will be the case is evident from the fact that a Composition Fee of $5) Guineas will cover the whole Collegiate expenditure for five years, and the whole Collegiate expenditure for any one year will not exceed £75, and in the case of diligent and deserving students this expenditure may be further diminished by Divinity Scholarships, which we trust will be founded in the Department."

The Council of Queen's College cannot but deeply feel regarding the contempl ted arrangements in their Theological Department, the important bearing which it may have on the welfare of the Church and the community, particular to the Sons of Clergymen of straitened means, the great assistance which it may be the channel of extending to deserving Theological Students, that they have, they trust, a strong ground on which to place before the public their claims for general support.

Application to be made to WILLIAM SANDS Cox, Esq., F.R.S., Temple Res, Birmingham, for any information which may be required whether as to the Rooms, the Dietary, the Lectures, the Hospital Practice, or any other matter regarding the general system or working of the several Departments of the College.


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