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3. "He who difpoffeffes any one of his property, "which I myself, or others, have given, may he, becoming a worm, grow rotten in ordure with his fore"fathers!


4. "Riches and the life of man are as tranfient as "drops of water upon a leaf of the lotus. Learning this "truth, O man! do not attempt to deprive another of "his reputation."

The Raajaa, for the publick good, hath appointed his virtuous fon, Raajyo Paal, to the dignity of Jowbo Raajaa. He is in both lines of defcent illuftrious, and hath acquired all the knowledge of his father.


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Page 123. (1) Soogot fignifies an atheift, or follower of the tenets of Sogot, a philofopher, who is faid to have flourished at a place called Keekot, in the province of Behar, one thousand years after the commencement of the Kolee Foog, or Iron Age; of which this is the 4882d. year. He believed in vifible things only, or fuch as may be deduced from effects the cause of which is known; as from fmoke the existence of fire. He wrote many books to prove the abfurdity of the religion of the Brahmans; and fome upon aftronomy, and other fciences, all which are faid to be now in being. He further held that all our actions are attended by their own rewards and punishments in this life; and that all animals, having an equal right to existence with man, they should not be killed either for fport or food.

(2) Preetoo was the fon of Beno, and Raajaa of a place called Beetoor, near Lucknow. He flourished in the firft age of the world, and is faid to have levelled the earth; and, having prepared it for cultivation, obliged the people to live in fociety.

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(3) Sogor, the name of a Raajaa who lived in the second age at Ojoadbo, and is faid to have dug the rivers.

Page 124. (1) Shaaftra-book of divine ordinations. The word is derived from a root fignifying to command.

(2) Kedaar—a famous place, fituated to the north of Hindoftan, vifited, to this day, on account of its fuppofed fanctity.

(3) Gokornaa-a place of religious refort near Punjab.

(4) This and a few other paffages appear inconfiftent with the principles of a Soogot; to reconcile it, therefore, it should be remarked, that, as he was iffuing his orders to fubjects of a different perfuafion, it was natural for him to use a language the best calculated to strike them with awe, and bind them to a performance of his commands. The Pundit, by whofe affiftance this tranflation was made, when he was defired to explain this feeming contradiction, asked whether we did not, in our courts, fwear a Musulman upon the Koran, and a Hindoo by the waters of the Ganges, although we ourselves had not the least faith in either.

(5) Lockee-the Hindoo Goddess of fortune.

Page 125. (1) Bodheefotwo-was the fon of Soogot.

(2) Beendhyo-name of the mountains on the continent near Ceylon. (3) Komboge-now called Cambay.

(4) Kreeto Joog-the firft age of the world, fometimes called the. Suttee Foog, or age of purity.

(5) Bolee a famous giant of the first age, who is fabled to have conquered earth, heaven, and hell.

(6) Bhargob-a Brahman, who, having put to death all the princes of the earth, ufurped the government of the whole.

(7) Treetoo Joog-the fecond age, or of three parts good.

(8) Korno-a famous hero in the third age of the world, He was General to Doorjodhon, whose wars with Foodifteer are the subjects of the Mobabharat, the grand epick poem of the Hindoos.

(9) Dwapor Jong-the third age of the world.

(10) Kolee Foog-the fourth or prefent age of the world, of which 4882 years are elapsed.

(11) Sokod-weefee-an epithet of Beckromaadeetyo, a famous Raajaa. He fucceeded his brother Sokaadeetyo, whom he put to death.

(12) Dofaafyo-one of the names of Raabon, whofe wars with Raam are the fubject of a poem called the Raamayon.

(13) Luckeecool-now called Luckeepoor.

(14) Boroon-God of the ocean.

According to this account the Raajaa's dominions extended from the Cow's Mouth to Adam's Bridge in Ceylon, faid to have been built by Raam in his wars with Raabon; from Luckeepoor as far as Goozerat. (15) Mood-go-gbeeree-now called Mongueer.

Page 126. (1) Jumboodweep-according to the Hindoo geography, implies the habitable part of the earth.

(2) Sree Nogor-the ancient name of Patna.

(3) Omaatyo, prime minifter. Mohaa-kaarttaa-kreetecko, chief inveftigator of all things. Mohaa-Dondo-Nayk, chief officer of punishments. Mobaa-Protee-baar, chief keeper of the gates. Mohaa-Saamonto, generaliffimo. Mohaa-Dow-Saadhon-Saadhoneeko, chief obviator of difficulties. Mohaa-Koomaaraa-Matyo, chief instructor of children. Promaatree, keeper of the records. Sorobbongo, patrols. Raajoftaaneeyo, viceroy. Oporecko, fuperintendent. Daafaaraadheeko, inveftigator of crimes. Chow-rod-dho-roneeko, thief-catcher. Daandeeko, mace-bearer. Dondopafeeko, keeper of the inftruments of punishment. Sowl-keeko, collector of cuftoms. Gowlmeeko, commander of a small party. Kyotropo, fupervifor of cultivation. Praantopaalo, guard of the fuburbs. Kothtopaalo, commander of a fort. Kaandaarokyo, guard of the wards of the city. Todaajooktoko, chief guard of the wards. Beeneejooktoko, director of affairs. Dootopryfoneeko, chief of the fpies. Gomaa-Gomeeko, meffengers. Obbeevoromaano, fwift meffengers. Beefoypotee, governor of a city. Toropotee, fuperintendent of the rivers, Toreeko, chief of the


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(4) Sombot-implies the æra of Raajaa Beekromadeetyo. The Brahmans throughout Hindoftan keep time according to the three following epochas: The Kolyobdo from the flight of Kreefbno, or commencement of the Kolee Joog, 4882 years. The Sombot, from the death of Beekromadeetyo, 1837 years. The Sokaabdo, from the death of Raajaa Soko 1703.

(5) Slokes-ftanzas, commonly, but erroneously written Afblogues.


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