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Language, in Calcutta, in 1778, and in London in 1780. Considering this language as the sole channel of personal and epistolary communication among the Hindoos of every occupation and tribe; and considering also, that of all the oriental languages this approaches nearest to the Sanscrit in expression, structure, and character; every attempt to illustrate its principles, and facilitate its acquisition, may be regarded as an important present both to the literary and commercial world.

The reverend William Carey, a Baptist missionary of distinguished talents and piety, has, by his persevering labours, rendered important service to the Hindoo literature. At the close of the eighteenth century he had translated the whole Bible into the Bengal language, had printed his translation of the New Testament, and distributed a large edition of this portion of the sacred scriptures among the Hindoos. This zealous and unwearied missionary has also formed a Sanscrit Grammar, and has begun a Dictionary of the same language.

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The establishment of the British East India company, and the extensive commercial arrangements of that association, may be considered as bearing an important relation to the advancement of oriental literature. The exertions of this company have extended the intercourse between Europe and Asia, have led many persons of curiosity. and learning to visit that quarter of the globe, and have in various ways promoted the study of the languages and science of the east.



It is generally known that Europe is indebted to the learned men of France for almost all the know, ledge of Chinese literature of which it can boast. As early as the sixteenth century a number of French Jesuits penetrated into China, and by their learning and address conciliated the favour of the government. These missionaries were followed by others, of various characters and talents, and, in fact, a succession of them was maintained, amidst many changes of reception and treatment, until after the middle of the century under consideration. The opportunities which they enjoyed for exploring the literature and science of that empire were diligently improved. Much of the information which they acquired was transmitted, at different periods, to Europe; and though the faithfulness of their narratives has sometimes been called in question, the works compiled from their letters and journals may be considered as, on the whole, the richest sources of instruction in this department of oriental inquiry *.

Toward the close of the seventeenth century M. Couplet, one of the missionaries above mentioned,

*The missionaries have been, perhaps, too freely charged with the want of fidelity in their accounts of China. Later inquiries have shown that there is ground for this charge, at least in some instances. Still, however, these accounts are highly valuable, and abundantly worthy of perusal.

translated such of the works of Confucius, the celebrated Chinese philosopher, as have been preserved. This was considered as an important service to literature, and gave him an honourable place in the list of oriental scholars. Not long afterwards a very extensive and interesting publi cation made its appearance in France, under the title of Lettres Edifiantes et Curieuses des Missions Estrangères. The greater part of this work, which was compiled from the papers of the missionaries, and which extended to more than forty volumes, was published at an early period of the eighteenth century, and contains an ample fund of instruction concerning the literature and science of China. This was followed by the Anciennes Relations des Indes, et de la Chine, of M. Renaudot, which made an important addition to the stock of information before possessed on the subjects of which it treats. To these succeeded the great work of father du Halde, entitled a General Description of China; and a work, under nearly the same title, by the abbé Grosier, both of which are considered as publications of the first class, and as containing much instructive matter relating to the learning, arts, and general condition of the wonderful country which they describe.

The singular intricacy of the Chinese language, the difficulty of acquiring a tolerable knowledge even of its elementary principles, and the restraints which have long been imposed upon all intercourse between the learned men of Europe and of China, have prevented an acquaintance with that language from becoming more frequent in the literary world. Hence, while the philosophy, astronomy, history,


and other sciences of China have been deeply investigated, and some knowledge of them extensively diffused, during the last age, the characters and structure of the language of that country have been but little explored. A few attempts, however, were made in the period under review, and not altogether without success, to communicate to the public some information on this subject. In the beginning of the century, and nearly about the same time, Theophilus Sigifred Bayer *, before mentioned, and M. Fourmont, a learned orientalist of France, published their researches in the Chinese language. The former was one of the greatest proficients in the literature of China that the age produced; the latter also attained high eminence in the same walk of learning, and published a grammar of the Chinese language, which has received much praise. A few years afterwards M. de Guignes published the result of his inquiries respecting this language, and gave some specimens of its characters and words †. He was followed by M. Pauw, a learned Prussian, who presented to the world what he called Philosophi cal Researches concerning the Chinese, which, though they indicate the strongest prejudices, yet contain some useful information,

Theophilus Sigifred Bayer was born in Germany in 1694. He acquired great knowledge of the eastern languages, and particularly the Chinese. In 1726 he was invited to Petersburgh, and made professor of Greek and Roman antiquities. He died in 1738. His Museum Sinicum, 2 vols, 8vo, 1730, is a curious and learned work.

+ See Memoirs of the Royal Academy of Inscriptions and Belles Lettres, especially vols, xxx, xxxvi, and xxxviii,

In 1761 a very singular and curious performance made its appearance in Great Britain. This was a translation of a Chinese novel, under the title of Hau Kiou Chooan, or the Pleasing History, in four volumes. The translation had been made a number of years before, by James Wilkinson, a British merchant, who had resided for some time at Canton, where he studied the Chinese language. The editor was Dr. Thomas Percy, who accompanied the publication with extensive and learned notes, which have a tendency not only to illustrate the composition immediately connected with them, but also to throw new light on the character of Chinese literature in general *.

In 1776 was published the first volume of an extensive work on the literature, sciences, and history of China, compiled from papers communicated by French missionaries in that country. Two Chinese young men, after residing several years in France, and receiving a liberal education, returned to their own country in 1765. They carried with them a number of questions from some learned societies of France, particularly relating to the literary and philosophical condition of China, and to which answers were requested from themselves and the missionaries. The communications made in consequence of these queries were published in the work above mentioned. In these com

* It is said that the reverend Dr. Blair, the celebrated teacher of rhetoric in Edinburgh, once remarked, in conversation, that the Pleasing History contained a more authentic and interesting account of the internal state of China than all the other publications on that subject that he had ever seen.

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