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Historical and Political Science.


Neither the University nor the Editor assumes responsibility for the views of contributors.

FIRST SERIES.-Local Institutions.-1883.-$4.00.

I. An Introduction to American Institutional History. By EDWARD A. FREEMAN. 25 cents. II. The Germanic Origin of New England Towns. By H. B. ADAMS. 50 cents.

III. Local Government in Illinois. By ALBERT SHAW.-Local Government in Pennsylvania. By E. R. L. GOULD. 30 cents.

IV. Saxon Tithingmen in America. By H. B. ADAMS. 50 cents.

V. Local Government in Michigan, and the Northwest. By E. W. BEMIS. 25 cents.

VI. Parish Institutions of Maryland. By EDWARD INGLE. 40 cents.

VII. Old Maryland Manors. By JOHN HEMSLEY JOHNSON. 30 cents.

VIII. Norman Constables in America. By H. B. ADAMS. 50 cents.

IX-X. Village Communities of Cape Ann and Salem, By H. B. ADAMS. 50 cents.

XI. The Genesis of a New England State (Connecticut). By ALEXANDER JOHNSTON. 30 cents.

XII. Local Government and Free Schools in South Carolina. By B. J. RAMAGE. 40 cents.

SECOND SERIES.-Institutions and Economics.-1884.-$4.00.

I-II. Methods of Historical Study. By H. B. ADAMS. 50 cents.

III. The Past and the Present of Political Economy. By R. T. ELY. 35 cents.

IV. Samuel Adams, The Man of the Town Meeting. By JAMES K. HOSMER. 35 cents. V-VI. Taxation in the United States. By HENRY CARTER ADAMS. 50 cents.

VII. Institutional Beginnings in a Western State. By JESSE MACY. 25 cents.

VIII-IX. Indian Money as a Factor in New England Civilization. By WILLiam B. WEEDEN. 50 cents.

X. Town and County Government in the English Colonies of North America. By EDWARD CHANNING. 50 cents.

XI. Rudimentary Society among Boys. By J. HEMSLEY JOHNSON. 50 cents.

XII. Land Laws of Mining Districts. By C. H. SHINN. 50 cents.

THIRD SERIES.-Maryland, Virginia and Washington.—


I. Maryland's Influence upon Land Cessions to the United States. By H. B. ADAMS. 75 cents.

II-III. Virginia Local Institutions:-The Land System; Hundred; Parish; County Town. By E. INGLE. 75 cents.

IV. Recent American Socialism. By RICHARD T. ELY. 50 cents.

V-VI-VII. Maryland Local Institutions:-The Land System; Hundred; County; Town. By LEWIS W. WILHELM. $1.00.

VIII. The Influence of the Proprietors in Founding the State of New Jersey. By AUSTIN SCOTT. 25 cents.

XI-X. American Constitutions; The Relations of the Three Departments as Adjusted by a Century. By HORACE DAVIS. 50 cents.

XI-XII. The City of Washington. By J. A. PORTER. 50 cents.

FOURTH SERIES.-Municipal Government and

Land Tenure.-1886.-$3.50.

I. Dutch Village Communities on the Hudson River. By I. ELTING. 50 cents.
II-III. Town Government in Rhode Island. By W. E. FOSTER.-The Narragansett
Planters. By EDWARD CHANNING. 50 cents.

IV. Pennsylvania Boroughs, By WILLIAM P. HOLCOMB. 50 cents.

V. Introduction to the Constitutional and Political History of the Individual States. By J. F. JAMESON. 50 cents.

VI. The Puritan Colony at Annapolis, Maryland. By D. R. RANDALL. 50 cents.

(Continued on third page of cover.)




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