Records of the Geological Survey of India, Volume 103The Survey, 1972 - Earthquakes 1867- includes the "Annual report of the Geological survey of India". |
From inside the book
Results 1-3 of 41
Page 196
... million tonnes of copper - ore with an average of 1.3 % copper on the basis of 1 % cut - off grade for lode no . 2 and the reserves for lode no . 1 amount to 1.36 million tonnes with an average of 1.84 % copper . The total reserves ...
... million tonnes of copper - ore with an average of 1.3 % copper on the basis of 1 % cut - off grade for lode no . 2 and the reserves for lode no . 1 amount to 1.36 million tonnes with an average of 1.84 % copper . The total reserves ...
Page 290
... million tonnes has been anticipated , including 15 million tonnes in the leased area . The average grade of the in situ ore has been found to be around 65 % Fe . North Kanara district H. L. Seetharamaiah carried out preliminary study of ...
... million tonnes has been anticipated , including 15 million tonnes in the leased area . The average grade of the in situ ore has been found to be around 65 % Fe . North Kanara district H. L. Seetharamaiah carried out preliminary study of ...
Page 352
... tonnes upto a depth of another 5 m . has been inferred . A minor amount of tremolite asbestos is also reported along ... million tonnes comprising 0.733 million tonnes of sodium - base bentonite in the first four localities and ...
... tonnes upto a depth of another 5 m . has been inferred . A minor amount of tremolite asbestos is also reported along ... million tonnes comprising 0.733 million tonnes of sodium - base bentonite in the first four localities and ...
26 other sections not shown
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alignment alluvium amphibolite Andhra Pradesh Asstt bands Banerjee basalt beds Bihar block boreholes Calcutta carried chalcopyrite charnockite clay coal coalfield copper core Delhi deposits depth dips Director district Division dolerite dolomite drill holes dykes Engineering examined exploration Exploratory drilling fault Formation fossils geochemical geohydrological geological mapping Geologist Jr Geophysicist Geophysics Ghosh gneisses Gondwana granite granite-gneiss groundwater Himachal Pradesh indicated investigation Jammu Kashmir Laboratory laterite limestone logging Lucknow Madhya Pradesh magnetite Maharashtra mapped an area metal million tonnes mineralisation minerals Mining Mukherjee occurs pegmatite phosphorite phyllite pits power house Project pyrite quartz veins quartzite Rajasthan recommended Region river rock types samples collected sand sandstones Sarvashri scale schist seams sediments September 1969 shales Sharma shear Shri Singh spillway Srivastava strike length studies Survey of India taluk Tamil Nadu thickness topo-sheets trenching trending tubewells tunnel Udaipur district upto varies Vindhyan zone