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their value; for, "a good name," says Solomon, is better than riches."

Getting into debt without the certain means of paying, is the mark of a weak, inconsiderate, and dependent mind: the strong and independent mind will not degrade and let itself down so much, as to put it in the power of any one to say, it owes its pride revolts at the idea, and much more at the sound of the words.

Once in debt, your utmost industry is all uphill work, and your heart becomes disgusted with labour and exertion; but those who keep clear of debt, work with cheerfulness, energy, and hope, knowing that what they earn is for themselves, and not another. In short, the tormenting thought of being in debt disturbs your repose by night; harasses and perplexes you by day; weakens, confounds, and paralyses your mind, and probably, at last, drives you to suicide or despair.

If, therefore, ingenuous youth! your coat be patched at the elbows, or your hat rusty with age, and you have a guinea in your pocket to pay when called upon for it, your repose will be undisturbed by restless thoughts; you will walk the streets with manly confidence and pleasure of heart; you will be respected and saluted by your acquaintances; you will be esteemed and trusted by your friends; but if you are in debt, though dressed in brocade, you will slink by them with

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shame; they will shun you with studied care; and, for fear you should come to borrow of them, their doors will be shut in your teeth; you will see a bailiff in every face---a foe in every stranger. The accidental sight of a creditor will confound and make you wretched.

You may get into debt with the best intentions to pay, and, perhaps, with the means before you to do it; but these means may fail, and what, therefore, will your good intentions avail when you are arrested, and probably sent to a gaol?

A tailor's bill is considered as a venial, a necessary expence in youth; but be not imposed upon, or lulled into security by the prevalence of this idea; for though tailors may give long credit, yet they charge you in proportion to that credit, and the pay-day must come, sooner of later; when, if you are not prepared, you will find they are not more exorable and indulgent than other tradesmen.

By all means, therefore, avoid such bills, and pay as you go as much as possible; it will save you at least id of the amount. Rather than get into debt, your clothes at second hand; it will be no disgrace to you, even if known, and it will save you ten shillings in the pound.

While I am upon this subject, let me most earnestly recommend it to you, as you grow up in life, to avoid all notes, bills, and paper credit, except they are absolutely necessary in the course,


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and sanctioned by the custom, of your trade or profession. ---Never degrade yourself by entering a pawn-broker's shop, to raise money at twenty per cent. for your necessities, much less for your pleasures or amusements; stint yourself to the utmost, rather than resort to that disgraceful expedient, which nothing can apologize for or countenance but the extremity of distress, and the abandonment of ingenuous principles, and shame.

Another thing which I must warmly caution you against, is, never to attempt to buy goods to sell again at a reduced price to cover a present difficulty; rather face it boldly, and take its con


But, above all, avoid bonds and securities for others, and, as far as humanity and friendship will permit prudence to be restrained, shun the becoming bail for an arrested debtor; for it is not unusual, in the end, to be fixed with the debt and costs. I do not mean to say, that for a tried friend, on whose honour and probity you can depend, you are to decline such an undertaking of risque, but merely advise you not to be too easily and hastily persuaded to it, or to make it a frequent practice.

By engaging in bonds, notes, or securities, which it is possible you may never be able to make good, you will not only mortgage your whole credit and fortune, but your peace of mind too; you will never think of your obligations

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without terror, and, the nearer the day of paymént approaches, the more exquisite will your pangs be. In fact, as many men are dragged into ruin by these fatal incumbrances, as by a life of riot and debauchery.

I was told, some years ago, at a coffee-house, by one of the most eminent corn-factors in the city, that, at his first outset in business, so great was his anxiety when he had bills becoming due, that he could not sleep at night, and was forced to resort every evening to the following curious plan to procure rest. He placed a dozen casks, or sometimes loaded sacks, at equal distances, and for two hours exercised himself with jumping over them, till he became so fatigued that he could not fail to sleep. He maintained his credit, and is now a rich man.

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It is almost a breach of friendship for any man to ask so unreasonable a kindness as one of that jas nature, the granting of which may involve you in difficulties and perplexity, if not in total ruin. From that moment, therefore, be upon your guard, being but a poor consolation to be pitied under calamities undeserved; or to have it said of you, he was a good-natured man, and nobody's enemy but his own.

In short, as to what concerns yourself, pass through life, and live in such a manner as may challenge friendship and favour from all men ; but exert yourself with the utmost vigilance from


ever standing in need of assistance from any; for, though it is a blessed thing to give, it is a wretched thing to ask; and, besides the tyranny, capriciousness, ingratitude, and contempt, you will expose yourself to, when reduced to such expedients, you will then see human nature in such a light, as to put you out of humour with society, and make you blush that you are one of such a worthless species. In short, avoid debt and suretiship as you would poison; for, be assured, my young friend, they are the bane of happiness and peace,

SECT. 3.

Of Temperance in Pleasure, and moderating the Affections of the Mind; Frugality in Expences; and Diligence in Business.

Be temperate in all things.


IN order effectually to avoid debt, and that your honour and integrity may be permanent, your sensual indulgences must be founded on the rock of Temperance---temperance in ease,pleasure, eating, drinking, and dress. In the first place, therefore, banish sloth, and an inordinate love of ease; for active minds only are fit for employment, and none but the industrious either deserve or have any chance to thrive.

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