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evidences of faithfulness in 328-332
evils in showing favoritism toward
277, 278

John the beloved an example to

of Christ to act in His stead 122
ordination of 18, 161-163

Peter as a faithful undershepherd

recompense of labors of 355, 356
shepherds 394, 395, 514-528
showing respect for 278
solicitude of, for converts 201
spiritual-minded converts as an

evidence of faithful ministry


success of those who refuse to
exalt self 278

sympathetic and hearty support of

temptations of, to engage in self-

supporting work 356, 357
to engage in personal labor for
souls 250, 296, 363-365, 526,

to shun temporal pursuits 506
to train youth for ministry 367,

training of 17-24, 202-205
true, characteristics of 501-508
zeal and fidelity among 465, 466
See also Apostles; Ministry;

Watchmen; Workers.
Ministry, a consecrated 359-371
of apostles, glorious 593, 594
of John 546-556

of laymen, importance of 106, 107
Paul's preparation for, in Arabia


youth inspired to engage in 517
See also Ministers; Workers.
Miracles, accompanying labors of

disciples 78, 206; of Paul and
Barnabas 167-169, 177, 181,
184, 185; of Paul in Ephesus
286, 287

at Pentecost 35-46
at Melita 445, 446
at Philippi 212-218

cripple at temple gate 57-69; at
Lystra 181

deliverance, of John in Rome 570;
of Peter and John from prison

in Jerusalem 79-81; of Paul
and Silas from Philippian
dungeon 212-218; of Paul and
Barnabas at Lystra 183, 184
miraculous transformations in the
life 49; of Paul 112-122; of
John 557-567

raising of Eutychus 391; Lazarus
66; Paul 184

See also Transformation.
Missionaries, believers in Thessa-
lonica as 256

early Christians as 105-109
God's people, aggressive 109, 110,

See also Apostles; Believers; Lay
members; Workers.

Missionary charter 28
Missionary journeys, see Paul.
Missions 211-220

See also Missionaries.
Mob, against Paul in: Iconium 179;
Lystra 183-185; Philippi 213;
Thessalonica 229, 230; Cor-
inth 252-254; Ephesus 292-
295; temple courts 406-410
failure of 389, 390

in pursuit of Nero 497
See also Opposition.

Morality, see Purity.
Moses, as leader 53, 92-94

chosen counselors of 92-94

Motive power of love 547, 551, 552
Mount Zion 590, 591
Mystery of godliness 527

Mystery of iniquity 265-267, 587
See also Apostasy.

Naaman 416

Nations, history of, determined 238
knowledge of God lost and
regained by 14

Nature, book of 571, 572
Nazareth 417

Neglected classes, labors of Paul for

Nero, arrest and martyrdom of Peter
under 537

character of 462, 463, 485, 486
Paul before 492-497

salvation offered to 496

infamous conduct of 496, 497
death of 497

New Jerusalem 591, 592

See also Heaven; Tree of life.
Nicodemus 104, 105

Nurses as evangelizing agencies in
cities 158, 159

Obedience, due to God 66, 68, 69,
82, 238

life eternal through 532, 533
rewards of 315, 316

the fruit of faith and love 563
to word of God 506

See also Law of God; Loyalty.
Offerings, for support of gospel

gospel advanced by 74
liberality in 335-345

of Gentile believers to Jewish
brethren 399-402

of Philippian believers 479, 480
See also Liberality.

Onesimus, conversion of 456

as Paul's helper 456

the bearer of letter to Philemon

Onesiphorus 490, 491

Opportunities, improvement of

159, 357, 358

Opposition, against Paul in Ephesus
296, 297

against church 395
against John 568-570

gospel advanced by 178, 184, 185,
253, 463, 480, 481, 574, 575,

in Thessalonica 221-230
of Jews, in Corinth 252-254;

against gospel teachers 178,
179, 183, 184, 403-405; against
Paul at Rome 485

to uprearing of God's temple 597,

to work of disciples 29, 31, 66
untiring, against gospel 430-432
See also Jews, Persecution.
Oratory, see Eloquence.
Ordination, of disciples 18

of Paul and Barnabas 160, 161, 167
of Timothy 202, 203

See also Charge.

Organization in early church, see
Gospel order.

Overcomers 543

rewards before 588, 589

Overcoming by beholding Christ

See also Victory.

Paganism, see Heathen; Heathenism.
Pamphylia 187
Pantheism 474
Papacy 265-267

claims of, regarding Peter 194, 195
Paphos 167

Parable of vineyard 174

Pastors, see Ministers; Shepherds;

Patience 529-533

victories of 464, 465

Patmos, John an exile on 568-577
Patriarchs, as representatives of
Israel 19

presence of Holy Spirit with 53
Paul, preparation of, for service

conversion of 123, 124, 228, 246
ability and education of 98, 112,

124, 251, 252, 462
sojourn of, in Arabia 125-128
called to labor for Gentiles 126,

127, 130

labors of, in Damascus 123-125,

escape of, from Damascus 128
visit of, to Jerusalem to see Peter
128, 129

befriended by Barnabas 129
recollections of Stephen's martyr-

dom 129, 184, 214

vision of, in Jerusalem 130
escape of, from Jerusalem 130
commission of, to labor among
Gentiles 159, 163
ordination of 161-165

labors of, in Antioch 156-165, 174-

apostleship of 164, 165

departure of, on first missionary
journey 166

rebuke of Elymas the sorcerer by

preaching among the heathen at

Iconium, Lystra, and Derbe

stoning of, at Lystra 183-185

attitude of, toward observance of

ceremonial law by Gentile
Christians 188-200

firmness of 199, 200

solicitude of, for converts 201, 206,
207, 314, 367, 368, 370; for
churches 470, 471

second missionary journey of 201,


method of, in presenting gospel to
Gentiles 208, 209

vision of, at Troas 211
delivered from prison at Philippi

in Thessalonica 221-230

labors of, in Corinth 243-254
exaltation of cross by, in Corinth

epistles of, to Thessalonian be-
lievers 255-268

joy of, over faithfulness of be-

lievers 255-257, 324-334, 471,

first labors of, in Ephesus 269
visit of, to Jerusalem 269
methods of labor followed by

270-275, 303, 401-403; see also

departure of, for Macedonia 295-

toils and trials of 296, 297, 330-

332, 354, 355

mastery of, over self 314, 315
journey of, from Ephesus to Cor-
inth 323-334, 372

burden of, over Corinthian

believers 323-325

teaching of, regarding support of
gospel 335-358

as a self-supporting laborer 346-
358, 395, 396

course of, under financial difficulty

attitude of, toward ministers en-
gaging in business 366, 367
high ideals of, regarding ministry

burden of, in behalf of the Jews

epistle of, to church at Galatia

adaptation of truth by 385, 386

last journey of, to Jerusalem 389-

a prophet 393

attitude of believers at Jerusalem
toward 398, 400-403

a prisoner 399-418

meeting elders at Jerusalem 399-

arrest of, in temple 407

as a prisoner in Caesarea, under
Felix 415-418

trial of, at Caesarea 419-427
before Felix and Drusilla 422-426
sermons of, see Sermon.
before Festus 428-432

appeal of, to Caesar 430, 433, 449,
450, 485-487

before Agrippa and Bernice 433-

Christ the favorite theme of 436,


voyage to Rome and shipwreck of


approach of, to Rome 447-450
greeted on Appian Way by con-
verts 448, 449

defense of, before Jews in Rome

labors of, in Rome 450-484
visions of, molding his teachings

release of, from imprisonment at
Rome 485-488

deliverance of, from Nero 486, 487
final labors of, among churches

worn by trial and anxiety 488
accused of burning Rome 489, 490,

final arrest of 489-491

desertion of, by friends 490, 492,
493, 508

before Nero 492-497
unashamed of the gospel 500

last letter of, to Timothy 498-508
condemned to die 509-511
courage and peace of 510-513
triumphant testimony of 510, 513
vision of, at time of death 511, 512
persecution of 575

martyrdom of 509-513, 597

See also Courtesy; Plot; Saul.

Peace, legacy of, to disciples 84, 85
secret of 85

through obedience 563, 564
Pentecost 35-46

effect of, result of Christ's labors
38, 44, 45

faith confirmed at 35-38
languages spoken at 39, 40
preparation for 36, 37
results of 48, 49

See also Holy Spirit.

People of God, see Believers; Chris-

Perfection, attainment of 560-562,

Paul pressing toward 483, 484
standard of 481, 482,

See also Growth; Holiness;
Purity; Sanctification.
Perga 169, 187

Perils, before church in John's day
553, 554

spiritual, of believers 473, 474
See also Persecution; Trials.
Perjury of Ananias and Sapphira
75, 76

Persecution, extension of gospel

as result of 105, 106, 213-218
foreseen by Christ 21

in Jerusalem 70

in time of Stephen 103-105, 112-

of ancient worthies 575

of builders of God's temple 597,

of Christians 84, 85

of early Christians 219

of early disciples 595

of Paul and Silas at Philippi 213
of Peter and John 81

of Stephen 97-102

preparation of church for 528
spirit of, unchanging 576
suffered by Paul 296, 297

under Domitian 568-570; Nero

See also Jews; Opposition.
Personal labor, see House-to-house


Peter, speech of, at Pentecost 41-44

healing of cripple by 57, 58
arrest of, in temple 61

trial of 62-67

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Philosophers, attitude toward Chris-
tianity of Athenian 235-240
Philosophy 273, 473
Phoenicia, spread of gospel in 155
visit of Paul to Sidon in 440; to
Tyre in 396

woman of 19
Phrygia 207

confirmation of churches in 281
Phygellus 490

Physicians as evangelists in cities
158, 159

Luke the physician, see Luke.
Piety 306-308

personal, of disciples 594

waning of, in John's day 580, 581
See also Holiness; Obedience.
Pioneers, death of 507, 508, 580
God's use of 572-574

young men preparing to take
burdens of 507

See also Counselors.

Pisidia, Paul and Barnabas in 170-


Plan of salvation laid in sacrifice 519
See also Christ.

Pledge, baptismal 475, 476

Plot, for assassination of Paul 413-
416, 428, 430, 450

against disciples 80
Pontus 517

Poor, success of gospel among the

ministry of Dorcas to 131

saints at Jerusalem, needs of,
supplied by Gentile converts

Position 542, 543

Power, see Holy Spirit.

Praise to God for miracles of divine
grace 325-327

See also Joy; Rejoicing; Thanks-
Prayer, answered 532

for presence of Holy Spirit 50, 51,

in times of opposition to gospel 230
of church in behalf of imprisoned

Peter 144-148

of Paul with Ephesian elders 396
of Paul and Silas in Philippian

dungeon 214

power of 564

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