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August, 1847.-Temperature equable, weather pleasant, sky clear, with detached cirrus and cirro cumulus; in the evenings clouds collect to the N. and N.E., in which direction thunder was heard on two nights. S. W. wind prevalent, generally gentle, and interrupted by calms at night and in the morning; tanks dry.

September.-Weather very pleasant, sky clear, two strata of clouds constantly observed, the lower drifting along with the monsoon, the upper stationary. Rain (with one exception) in the form of scarcely perceptible showers. Thunder heard on three occasions, far to the east. S. W. blowing continuously from 2nd to 11th, wind very high, at night and in the mornings calms frequently observed; tanks dry.

October. Very rainy month, thunder observed on fourteen days, but only on two occasions did the storm pass over Puttalam. S.W. still prevalent, but interrupted by those from the N. and N.E. and also by calms, which occur almost every morning and during the night. Between the rainy days atmosphere astonishingly clear, distant objects appearing very sharply defined, false sunsets, and halos observed on several occasions; appearance of the sky in the evening very beautiful.

November.-Rain almost every day, frequently heavy; lightning observed very frequently in the evening, generally towards the south, sometimes all round; only five storms approached Puttalam ; wind variable, with frequent calms at evening, morning, and during night.

December.-A rainy month; lightning far to the south frequently observed during the evening; three storms passed near Puttalam; first ten days dull and cloudy, after that generally clear; wind variable, generally from the N. The S.W. has quite ceased; weather delightful in the intervals days.

between the rainy

January, 1818.-N.E. blowing continuously, at times strongly ; sky very clear; heavy dews at night, mornings chill, lightning occasionally observed far to the south in the evening; little rain.

February. - Wind blowing nearly continuously from the N.E., and gently, especially in the mornings, veering to the E. at night. EAR Jaff Rain fell on ten days, but only in slight showers, although the appearance of the sky about sunset was frequently very lowering; in the evening distant lightning to the south and all round observed on ten days.

March.-Wind generally blowing from the N., shifting constantly a little to the E. or W.; frequent calms in the morning, sky generally clear; only one storm passed over Puttalam, although distant lightning was observed on sixteen evenings, generally towards the N. and N.E., latterly also towards the S. and S.E.

April.-The S.W. again the prevailing wind, blowing gently in the earlier part of the month, more violently afterwards; evenings frequently threatening, and lightning observed on twenty occasions to the S.S.E., and all round; four storms approached Puttalam.

May.-S. W. monsoon blowing steadily and rather strong, sky cloudy throughout the latter part of the month, distant lightning seldom observed; three storms accompanied by violent wind visited the station.

June.-S.W. blowing continuously and strong, sky cloudy; four scarcely perceptible showers; calms.

July.-S.W. still blowing, generally rather strong, sky cloudy, calms in the morning at commencement and end of month ; in the middle of the month four boisterous days with heavy rain.

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Puttalam, August 12, 1849.

A. OSWALD Brodie.

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Heavy dew daily. Three rainy days.
Fair, with heavy dew.

Dew lighter. Four showery days and thunder.
Fair, six days thunder, five days rain. Little dew.
Mostly hazy, with one or two thunder showers.
Hazy, with three rainy days.

Six days rain and thunder. Generally hazy.
Two days rain, three thunder. Mostly hazy.
Generally hazy, with thunder.


Twelve days thunder, rain, and lightning morning.

Five days thunder.
Eleven days rainy.

Two days light showers. Mostly fine, with dew.
Five days light rain, fine, with dew.

Fair, with haze and dew A.M.

Thunder showers. Hail fell once.
Hazy, with one or two squalls of rain.
Hazy, but fair. One thunder squall.

Hazy, with thunder and rain occasionally.



Thunder seven days, rain seven days. Hazy.
Rain nine days, with some thunder. Hazy.
Rain fourteen days. Little dew.
Rain fourteen days.




1. The Royal Asiatic Society of Ceylon is instituted for the in vestigation of the History, Literature, Religion, Arts, and Natural History of Ceylon.

2. The Society shall consist of Resident, Honorary, and Corresponding Members.

3. Members residing in any part of Ceylon shall be considered Resident.

4. Persons who may contribute to the objects of the Society in a distinguished manner are to be eligible as Honorary Members.

5. Persons not resident in Colombo may upon special grounds, and with the recommendation of the Committee, be elected Corresponding Members.

6. Honorary and Corresponding Members are to be admitted to all the privileges of the Society, but are not to vote at its Meetings, or be elected to any of its offices, or take part in its private business.

7. All Members, whether Resident, Honorary, or Corresponding, shall be elected by Ballot at a General Meeting; it is required that the names be forwarded to the Secretary fully two weeks previous to their proposal, in order that he may give notice of the same to the Members of the Society.

8. No Candidate shall be elected unless he has in his favour three-fourths of the Members voting.

9. The Office Bearers of the Society shall consist of a President, Vice-President, a Secretary, a Treasurer, and Librarian, who, together with a Committee of not less than five Members, shall have the direction of the affairs of the Society, subject to the Rules and Regulations passed at General Meetings.

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