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THE BOTANICAL GARDENS, EDINBURGH. AFTER many years' residence in a country where the indigenous trees are evergreen, it is a great relief to the eye to contemplate deciduous timber trees taking their annual rest. There is an air of repose about the landscape, which is in such perfect keeping with the wintry aspect of the sky and of all things surrounding; and there is a marvellous beauty revealed as the eye traces the outline and ramifications of the branches of the Oak, the Elm, the Ash, the Birch, the Beech, the Poplar, and the Willow. Each tree has its distinguishing characteristics, and each contrasts so forcibly with its neighbour, that the youngest English rustic can point at once to the distant specimen without the least fear of mistake as to its identity. England indeed may truly be said to be the land of deciduous trees, for in no case, except the Holly and the Yew, are evergreen trees indigenous. The Scotch Fir (Pinus sylvestris), is the only exception in even Scotland, and not another Conifer is native to the soil of Great Britain. The strong contrast which its winters present to those of Australia, where all the timber trees and most of the shrubs are evergreen, may well be imagined; but to no one is the change so striking as to those who have lived much in the Australian bush, and taken a delight in the study of the natural features and the flora of that wonderful land.

A rapid railway ride on a tolerably clear day up the centre of England from south to north afforded me lately a capital

opportunity of enjoying to the fall this delightful change, and a few hours' delay in Edinburgh enabled me to take a leisurely stroll in the Botanical Gardens of that city, and to make a few mental notes of the more striking features of the place. I was unfortunate in not having the Curator's company until late in the afternoon, so that I may probably have overlooked many matters worthy of special observation. The good people of Edinburgh ought to feel a pride in this noble establishment, and to set a proper estimate upon the ability and devotion of its Curator, Mr. McNab. It would indeed be matter for regret if the inhabitants failed to fully utilise the advantages they possess for attaining that knowledge of useful plants, of botany, of vegetable physiology, and of culture which the establishment is so well adapted to impart.

Entering the garden, one is at once impressed with the vigorous health of the plants which arrest the eye. The grand collection of Hollies I have never seen approached; they are evidently great favourites with the Curator, and one's only regret in looking at these beautiful plants is that the Holly will not thrive well in any part of Australia. It is essentially a plant of cold latitudes, and in Britain have originated nearly all the fancy varieties which glorify the winter gardens of Europe. In the Edinburgh gardens the Holly has found a home perfectly congenial to its taste; the plants look "merry with health," their deep green foliage and clean burnished stems indicating the enjoyment of wanton health and vigour. As we pass along the chief entrance walk several fine examples of Silver and Golden forms of Variegated Hollies are met with, and as the visitor turns to his left a very extensive collection is planted. The most marked forms are, perhaps, the Leatherleaved, with undulating edges; the Moonshine; Hodginsii, with large glossy Laurel-like foliage; arbutifolia; the green and golden-veined Hedgehogs; the small-leaved myrtifolia, ciliata, and crassifolia of neat and compact habit; latifolia, nigrescens, and Tarago, with large Ficus-like leaves. Indeed the whole collection is worthy of notice, every member being interesting from some special quality in the foliage and habit recommending it for culture.

Passing by many fine specimens of trees and shrubs which cannot fail to impress the visitor, one's attention is attracted by the magnificent collection of Conifers, and particularly by the Piceas, Abies, Thujas, Wellingtonias, Cedars, Biotas, Junipers, and Cypress. Among Piceas, grand plants are here to be seen of Lowii, Nordmanniana, Pinsapo, robusta, nobilis, Fraserii, grandis, amabilis, and magnifica; the last-named being truly a beautiful specimen of this symmetrical section of Coniferæ. In the Abies division-a section distinguished from the Piceas by a foliage of paler green and more slim habit there are observable many forms of Abies excelsa, all partaking of its general character, but differing widely in their habit of growth. Echinaformis, inverta, elegans, monstrosa, and pygmæa, with the dwarf compact Clanbrasiliana, are examples of these departures from the normal form of Abies excelsa. Abies Hookeriana glauca, Pattoniana, and Williamsonii, all hailing from California, that paradise of Conifers, are represented by fine robust trees.

Looking from the top of the walk which runs through the pinetum, over the collection of Thujas, Biotas, Thujopsis, and Cupressus, the eye is able to take in the vast variation in colour and in the shades of the group. All have a more sombre garb at this season of the year, yet they even now afford the most pleasing and marked contrasts. Biota orientalis, B. nepalensis and dumosa, Thuja meldensis, T. antarctica, Libocedrus decurrens, and L. chilensis, the Chilian Arbor-Vitæ, are most effective specimens, varying in their hue from a glaucous green to russety purplish blue as they assume their winter coat, and changing almost monthly to various shades of green, purple, and gold. A fine specimen of Thujopsis borealis, 18 feet high and well furnished, and one of T. dolabrata, a very striking Japanese plant, are worthy of study, their singular processes which do duty as foliage rendering them very distinct from other Conifers. Among Cypresses there are some wonderfully fine Lawsonianas, a species which may be pronounced one of the finest and most useful plants for ornamental work; it stands a great range of temperature and any amount of exposure, thriving well in the cold wet north as in the warm and dry districts near the equator.

Wellingtonias from seed, and others from cuttings, doing equally well, form a conspicuous group close by, and fine specimens of the Taxodium (Sequoia) sempervirens, a plant furnishing the Californian red cedar, is perfectly hardy here.

Cryptomeria japonica and C. Lobbii, two trees exceedingly impatient of unfavourable conditions, and scarcely ever succeeding well in warmer latitudes, are thriving here. A noble collection of Junipers finds a place also, their silvery hue and close pyramidal habit marking them as plants of great use for situations where contrast with the grassy green Conifers is desired. Of this silvery glaucous habit, too, are the Cedars, Deodara being especially striking, the pendulous tips of its branches falling over with exquisite grace. Some of the specimens of this Cedar have been here carefully pruned; and though, as a rule, coniferous plants are not improved by the use of the knife, certainly in the case of the trees under notice they evince a great advance over those of the same age left to develope their natural habit. The talented Curator of these gardens (Mr. McNab) is an advocate for the judicious use of the knife, and contends that where trees are planted under artificial conditions, man is called upon to exercise something like intelligence in their treatment. Whatever may be said for or against the system, the trees in these gardens are a sufficient answer as to their culture and training.

Araucaria imbricata is a noble specimen here, and one can only wish that the Araucarias of southern latitudes would thrive equally well in the British Isles. Araucaria excelsa, A. Rulei, A. Cookii, which are but poorly represented, with Araucaria Cunninghami and Araucaria Bidwillii in the greenhouse at Edinburgh, would soon become as popular as they are with Australian gardeners. I notice here a distinction is made between the Araucarias and the Altingeas, the latter embracing the old Araucaria excelsa, A. Cunninghamii, A. Rulei, and A. Cockii. The visitor from Australia is apt to rebel against the innovation, which is, however, found to be perfectly correct and scientific, the term Araucaria being applied to the Chili and Queensland Pines-Araucaria imbricata and A. Bidwillii, the Bunya Bunya of the Australian aborigine. One cannot help regretting that the climate of Britain is unsuitable for the Norfolk Island Pine-perhaps the most graceful known plant, and for the varieties named after Cook and Rule, both differing but slightly from excelsa. But, then, fully atoning for this drawback, is the facility with which the Birch, the Beech, the Holly, the Aucuba, and the Rhododendron grow and develope their varied beauties. All these do not stand the heat of an Australian summer well, and seem perfectly at home in the cold wet climate of the north of Great Britain.

A feature in the Edinburgh gardens which appears to attract the attention of visitors is a clever arrangement of rockwork, upon which are growing innumerable succulent and other suitable plants to such positions. The black soil contrasts admirably with the quartz and granite blocks, margined by the grass sward, and the luxuriant growth of the creeping plants gives to the whole a most novel and refreshing appearance. There are some finely developed specimens of deciduous trees in the gardens, the Weeping Silver Birch, the Beech, the pendulous and other ornamental Thorns, the Pavia, Sweet Chestnut, Alnus, and Oak; but next to the Hollies and the grand collection of rare Conifers, the evergreen shrubs claim attention. The Aucubas, Portugal Laurels, Rhododendrons, and Yews are worthy of a special article in their praise. These fully reconcile one to the change from the Australian climate, where the heat and general aridity of the soil render the culture of these plants nearly impossible. Of the Quercus Ilex (Evergreen Oak), a good tree occupies the border on the right as the visitor enters, and fine plants of the Portugal Laurel, 18 feet high, are near to the Oak named. Buxus arborea, the Tree Box, a plant about 12 feet high already, is interesting, as furnishing the wood for engravers' use. Arbutus Unedo, the Strawberry Tree of the Irish lake district, is here covered with its waxy blossoms, and the Irish and other forms of Yew all vividly impress the memory with their outline.

One cannot but regret that no catalogue of the gardens is yet available. Surely such a boon would soon repay the cost, for no visitor would incur the trouble of charging his memory with the many beautiful objects here to be seen if a printed list of the plants were available at a moderate price. There are lots of speculative canny "cits" of Edinburgh who would produce the work, and be quite content with the proceeds; the printers of the place are welcome to the suggestion. The book, like the Kew catalogue, should contain not merely a dry list of hard names, but after each of the more interesting plants some few particulars as to its discovery, its use in the arts, and its natural habitat and peculiarities. Such a book

would be readily purchased by, and be a great convenience to | the apparent idea that it is the first week in April.-ALAN visitors; and, moreover, it would add greatly to the efficiency CHEALES, Brockham Vicarage, Surrey. of the gardens in an educational point of view.

In the Edinburgh gardens the visitor is struck by the health and evident robustness of the various Conifers in their cold and humid home. Having so recently seen many, though not all, of these trees growing luxuriantly in the warm dry soils and under full exposure to the warm sun of the Victorian climate, one cannot but be surprised at the great range of climate in which these hardy Conifers (for the most part natives of cold latitudes), thrive. Only, indeed, in one instance did I notice in the Edinburgh gardens that a plant had suffered from frost, and that was in the case of Picea Webbiana, a native of Nepaul. The test for this and some of the European Abies is a crucial one, for the frosts must be very severe.

I would like to have noticed at length the plants in the Palm and temperate houses, but this sketch has already extended beyond what I know to be your limits for mere gossip. On some other occasion I may have something to say upon these well-kept houses of luxuriant and healthy plants of tropical zones, and upon the systematic arrangement of plants of economic value in the outside garden. I fear I must leave unsaid my praises of the excellent museum of practical botany, my stay being too short to enable me to do more than glance at the order and completeness of the place.-W. C.


WITH regard to this Rose, I fear I am in a somewhat dis reputable minority of one. All your correspondents speak of it with unbounded admiration; and Mr. Beachey, in his late interesting and excellent articles, places La France as the second best Rose in existence. Not only as grown by me, but as I have seen it in prize stands, it has generally presented a hard closed conical centre, surrounded by a few flabby outside petals. A really well-expanded flower I have rarely seen. As to the scent which is so much vaunted, that is a mere matter of taste. To me it seems like the common old China, and not to be named with Goubault or the fragrant varieties of Rosa alba.-G. S.

["G. S.," seems surprised that La France should be considered as worthy of so much praise, and yet in the lists published in the Journal of December 19th it is classed as the sixth in order of merit, and as No. 5 among the twelve. It is true that this year has not been a favourable season, but there is no Rose so continuous in its bloom, not even excepting Gloire de Dijon; and though it is apt sometimes to have a hard conical centre, yet I have seen few more beautiful Roses than a fine well-expanded bloom of La France. The texture of the petals is perhaps not all that can be desired, but if I had to grow only twelve Roses, La France would be certainly one of the twelve. The old adage will, however, be true to the end-Quot homines, tot sententia.-C. P. P.]-[We wish our coadjutor would not make us hunt up our Terence -we found it, but shall not translate his quotation; but we will paraphrase it with the old English proverb-"Everyone has his fancy, as the old woman said when she kissed her cow."-EDS.]


WORKS.-Very much do we regret to read that the works and machinery of Mr. T. G. Messenger, Horticultural Builder, Loughborough, have been destroyed by fire. Distressing as the effects of the fire have been, it is some consolation to learn that the workmen, whose chests of tools have been sacrificed, will not suffer much through loss of time, as temporary premises have already been taken to carry on the business, and the workshops will be immediately rebuilt. The principal loss is in the very large stock of prepared woodwork ready for erection, all being painted ready for sending off. Fortunately the bulk of Mr. Messenger's dry timber was stowed in other parts of the town, and thus saved from the general


ROSES DECEIVED BY THE SEASON.-As an instance of the extreme mildness of the present season, and the perpetual character of some of the Tea Roses, may mention that we have here on Christmas-eve Rubens, Gloire de Dijon, and Safrano out in flower; Louise de Savoie, Alba Rosea, Narcisse, and Goubault in bud; and Isabella Gray just starting with smaller bloom-buds. Céline Forestier is out in leaf, under

PORTRAITS OF PLANTS, FLOWERS, AND FRUITS. BATEMANIA BURTII. Nat. ord., Orchidacea. Lin. arr., Gynandria Monogynia.-This species is a native of Costa Rica. Sepals and petals spreading, broadly elliptic ovate, fleshy, undulate, rich red brown with yellow rounded spots, and yellow bases. Lip white except the distal half, which is dull brownish purple. Claw white, with incurved setiform teeth. Column hooded, tip green, dorsally keeled. (Bot. Mag., t. 6003.) SALVIA DICHROA. Nat. ord., Labiata. Linn. arr., Diandria Monogynia.-A native of the Greater Atlas. Leaves, lower ones oblong ovate, petioled, irregular sinuate, serrate, pubescent; upper sessile, oblong elliptic. Calyx subcampanulate, twolipped in the middle, glandular pubescent; upper lip with three small teeth. Corolla, upper lip bright blue, arcuate, laterally compressed, pubescent; lower lip three-lobed; lateral lobes pale blue.-(Ibid., t. 6004.)

LILIUM CONCOLOR, var. SINICUM. Nat. ord., Liliaceæ. Linn. arr., Hexandria Monogynia.-Native of China. Leaves scattered, 2 to 4 inches long, narrowly elliptic, dark green, pubescent beneath. Flowers scarlet, with small blackish spots on the throat. Ovary green, three-grooved, with three terminal knobs ; style clavate; stigma three-lobed, red.-(1bid., t. 6005.)

UVARIA KIRKII. Nat. ord., Anonacea. Linn. arr., Polyandria Polygynia.-Native of Zanzibar. Leaves from 1 to 5 inches in length, rusty below when young, but smooth when older. Flowers 3 inches in diameter, solitary and axillary. Petals large, thin, of a pale dirty straw colour outside, suffused with verdigris-green on the lower third.—(Ibid., t. 6006.)

DENDROBIUM CRYSOCREPIS. Nat. ord., Orchidaces. Linn. arr., Gynandria Monogynia.-Native of Moulmein. Flowers golden yellow, with a deeper more orange-coloured lip. Dorsal sepals and petals concave, rounded and apiculate at the top. Lip pyriform, slipper-shaped, ventricose.-(Ibid., t. 6007.)


BOWENIA SPECTABILIS, FEM. Nat. ord., Cycadaceæ. Linn. arr. Decandria Monogynia.-Native of Tropical Australia. tuberous stem of Bowenia has the property of remaining, dormant for years and resisting all excitement to growth. Dr. Hooker remarks, "The ripe fruiting cone is very curious, and quite unlike any other Cycadeous fruits which I am acquainted with; it is about the size of a human fist, and consists of about twenty broadly ellipsoid nuts, 1 inch in long diameter, adhering in pairs to the shrivelled scales, and these to the axis in a very irregular manner, the scales having shrunk so much that the seeds are completely exposed, and point in various directions, seldom retaining their original position, which is inwards or towards the axis."—(Ibid., t. 6008.)

BOUVARDIA VREELANDII.-"This remarkably useful decorative plant has been introduced recently from the United States, and is a root-sport from Bouvardia Hogarth-the latter, a plant of hybrid origin, having been raised by the late Mr. Parsons, of Brighton, from B. longiflora crossed by B. leiantha. It is from the latter parent no doubt that it has derived its remarkably free-flowering habit. This B. Hogarth is exactly intermediate between its parents, having flowers about half the size of the white-flowered B. longiflora, and having also the free and continuous-blooming habit of B. leiantha, while the colour of the flowers is intermediate. It is one of the many examples which show the tendency to sport has reverted to the white colour of one of its parents. This -even from their roots-which is found in hybrids, since it of Greenville, Hudson Co., N.J., and has proved to be one of chaste and lovely novelty was raised by Mr. S. B. Vreeland, the finest plants we have for winter decorations, and for bouquets. Its free-blooming habit is one of its most striking about the end of May will yield a mass of bloom through the characteristics. Young plants turned out into the open ground summer, and if taken up in the autumn will continue in a doors the flowers are of a beautiful blush tint, while under warm greenhouse to flower all through the winter. Out of glass it comes a pure white. The culture of this and other kindred Bouvardias is not generally well understood. Mr. Standish's experience points out that they all, whether grown in pots or planted in the open ground, require a very rich and light soil, and in any case should have in their compost at least one-third of well-decomposed manure. In such a soil they grow freely and flower profusely. In winter the plants should be grown in houses with a night temperature of about 50°."-(Florist and Pomologist, v., p. 241.)

CLEMATIS VITICELLA RUBRA GRANDIFLORA AND MARMORATA."The immense and deserved popularity which the Clematis has obtained as a hardy flower, has resulted mainly from the success which has attended the crossing of C. lanuginosa with certain forms of C. Viticella. It is from this species that the remarkably floriferous habit of such sorts as C. Jackmanni and C. rubella has been derived; and though the varieties we now figure fall short of these latter in gorgeousness of inflorescence, they bring us not only novelty of colouring, but the same profuseness of bloom as we have just referred to. We cannot do better than quote from the new Clematis work, by Messrs. Moore and Jackman, the descriptions given of these new introductions:-C. Viticella rubra grandiflora is one of the most beautiful of the Viticella forms, and gained a first-class certificate when exhibited at South Kensington in July, 1868. The leaves are pinnately-divided, or sometimes biternate, the leaflets being sometimes entire and ovate, sometimes divided into

three segments, which fully equal the simpler leaflets in size. The flowers, which are abundant and successional, measure about 3 inches across, and are composed of from four or six sepals of a rich bright claret-crimson, with green stamens. This charming variety, which has much the habit of C. Viticella venosa, and like it is a most valuable acquisition-the profusion of blossoms and the distinctness of colour rendering it exceedingly effective-is the nearest approach to a crimson Clematis yet obtained. C. marmorata has the habit of C. Viticella venosa, and flowers both profusely and successively. The leaves are pinnatisect, the basal pinnæ being ternate. The flower-buds are drooping, and the flowers nearly the size of those of venosa, composed of four remarkably broad sepals, of a light mauve colour, marked with a three-ribbed bar, the whole surface of the flowers being speckled with white, in such a manner as to give it a veiny or marbled appearance. It is a very distinct and desirable variety.'"-(Ibid., v., p. 265.)


A FEW words upon these plants may not be considered out | parts of Ireland, where it seemed to thrive admirably, and as of place at this season, for the species here referred to must have seen the plants for several successive seasons there can

be reckoned amongst the most ornamental of all greenhouse fine-foliaged plants at this time, and the illustrations will give a very good idea of them.

The culture of these Dracænas is of the easiest kind, and anyone may undertake their management with a certainty of success; this, in conjunction with their graceful and tropical appearance, cannot but render them favourites with every lover of plants. The soil I have found suit them well is a mixture of two parts peat to one of loam, and about half a part of sharp sand. The drainage must be good, and the water supply liberal; nothing more is necessary save protection from frost and rough winds.

I have preferred retaining the name under which these plants are best known; various botanical authorities, however, have splitup the old genus Dracæna into many genera, and the plants we have now under consideration have been made a separate family under the name of Dracænopsis.

D. INDIVISA.-As the figure aptly illustrates, this is a very handsome species. As a greenhouse plant it has few equals when large, and when young it forms an elegant object either as a window plant or as an ornament to the drawing-room or hall. I may go further still, and advise my readers to plant it in sheltered situations in the open air. Do not fancy this is mere theory, for although I cannot say I have proved it in the open ground myself, I have nevertheless seen it so employed in various

be no doubt of their hardiness in that country; in England, however, I only remember having seen it out-doors in one instance, and that in Northamptonshire, where it had proved itself quite hardy, although it did not look quite so much at home as was the case with those before mentioned. Under these circumstances I would strongly urge the planting of this species in sheltered situations out of doors, where its distinct foliage will always render it a pleasant object to look upon. D. LINEATA. This is even a more noble plant and, as the illustration on the opposite page shows, its foliage is much broader, whilst the base of the leaves is deep reddish brown. As a greenhouse ornament it is unequalled, although I have never seen it planted in the open air; indeed, I believe it would not stand so well as the preceding.

D. VEITCHII.-This is probably only a variety of D. lineata. It resembles it very much, but differs principally in having the midrib in ad


MILDNESS OF THE SEASON.-The following were from the garden, unprotected, at Linton Park, near Maidstone, on the 23rd of December:-Garrya elliptica, Sweet Bay in berry,

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