33 Burning Incense. Trajan offering burn 1 110 DANIEL. 5 ing incense to Diana. From the 74 Daniel. From the Frescoes by Michael Angelo in the Sistine Chapel a 2 75 Ancient Egyptian Flutes, single and double 1 212 3 219 19 151 Alabaster Boxes "- Roman Acerræ 26 69 137 Christ in the Storm. Rembrandt 27 72 138 Roman Centurion 139 Christ Healing the Sick. West 140 Darnel (Lolium temulentum) 141 The Transfiguration. Overbeck 142 Grecian Didrachma 143 Christ and the little Children. Over beck iv 152 Christ Crucified. Guido 153 Roman Judgment-Seat. From an unique example at Wilton-house 154 Rama (Arimathæa). Forbin MARK. 155 Initial Letter 156 Peter, James, and John. Caravaggio 157 Christ curing the Blind. L. Caracci. 8 92 255 Initial Letter 1 436 1. TIMOTHY. 256 Initial Letter 1 439 257 Victors in the Olympic, Pythian, Ne mæan, and Isthmian Games. Drawn from antique Sculptures 6 445 II. TIMOTHY. 258 Initial Letter 1 446 259 The Mamertine Prison, Rome : II. JOHN. 270 Initial Letter III. JOHN. 271 Initial Letter JUDE. 272 Initial Letter REVELATIONS. 273 Initial Letter 274 Patmos. From Hilaire, in Voyage Pittoresque de la Greece' 275 General View of the Ancient Ephesus 276 Smyrna. From Macfarlane's 'Seven Apocalyptic Churches' 277 Pergamos. From Ditto 278 Thyatira. From Ditto 279 Sardis. From Ditto 250 Philadelphia. From Ditto 281 Laodicea. From Ditto 264 Hope. Reynolds 282 Death on the Pale Horse. West 6 508 |